Saturday, May 05, 2012

Dariusz Leszczynski Dishes Robert C. Kane`s Book

Hi _______,

According to Devra Davis, the reason that Kane’s book is so hard to find is, industry bought up all his books.  I was able to find a pdf copy of his book on the Internet (attached). 

I believe the reason that Charles “had to wait more than half a year before my ordered book was delivered.  First my order was canceled, then the book had disappeared from all bookshops on the Internet, even the publisher, but finally after my reclamation it came through” is that it is likely that industry continues to purchase any used copies that show up on the Internet.

I see no reason why the attached pdf copy of his book should not be circulated.  It is a bit of a pain to print out such a large book, but some may want to read it on-line.  Perhaps the Environmental Health Trust could make if available on its website?

Best regards,


From: _______
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 2:55 AM
Subject: More regarding Robert Kane

----- Original Message -----
To: _______
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: Dariusz Leszczynski on “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”

Hello  _______ ,

and yes I also had to wait more than half a year before my ordered book was delivered.
First my order was canceled, then the book had disappeared from all bookshops on the Internet, even the publisher, but finally after my reclamation it came through.

The reason why Robert C. Kane lost his case in court is not well known.

I have written that in the issue of *het bitje* October 2006.

On page 10, Bill Curry stated as expert witness in court:

Because of the differences between this test device and the design of what eventually became the early cell phones, the judge in the case ruled that this case should not be considered pertinent to any other legal cases against the cell phone industry.
One reason there have been about 10 health cases brought unsuccessfully against the cell
phone industry (over a period of years) is that the judges use a principle called the “Dauber Rule” when they decide whether to admit evidence or expert testimony into a lawsuit. This rule states that the testimony or evidence must be in accord with the prevailing view of at least half the experts in the field of testimony. If scientific journals used such a rule, innovative papers would never be accepted for publication.


checked by NIS2012

----- Original Message -----
From: _______
To: _______
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 12:23 AM
Subject: Fw: Dariusz Leszczynski on “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”

Robert Kane's book is like wine- the more years pass the more precious this book becomes, it's a must read, it has rare
info that is not available anywhere else, a real treasure. This is Robert Kane's work too:

----- Original Message -----
From:  _______  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 11:14 PM
Subject: Fwd: [Nouvel article] Dariusz Leszczynski on “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Micro-ondes Date: 4 May 2012 02:12
Subject: [Nouvel article] Dariusz Leszczynski on “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”

New post on Micro-ondes

Dariusz Leszczynski on “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”

Dariusz Leszczynski on “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”
“Michael, it is an old book that would need to be updated using present day science.”
After he wouldn't allow a link to the book, after I put it two times in a reply to his post “Childhood Cancer 2012 conference in London, UK” on his blog:
And the following comments, after his last comment he even removed the possibility to answer back to his blog!
Now what does this mean?
·         He and the mobile phone industry are pretty much afraid about the book “Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”, it had been written by a top Motorola developer, who died from brain cancer a few years ago, not until he had finished this book: Robert C. Kane – Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette (Download the book from the URL)
·         Of course his argument is nonsense, if a math book that is decades old says 1+1=2, is it wrong because it is old, of course not. The same is true fro the above book.
·         The problem, all those studies (hundreds) cited in the book had been done long before the mobile phone industry took off, thus the dangers were very well known long before the technology was ready to give it even to children!
A quote from the book (page 13):
What we learn is that a repeated insult or irritation to a particular biological area, such as a small region of the brain, can lead to irreparable damage. That is, given the existence of energy absorption "hot spots," the existence of which have been verified by numerous researchers, then each damaging exposure to radio frequency radiation provides a new opportunity that the damage will become permanent.
You'll find hundreds of studies in the book you might not have heard about?
(page 191)
The telecommunications industry would never have grown to the global force, with virtually unlimited power, that we know it to have today if it accepted the scientific research. So the industry did as has been done throughout history. The
industry developed a "belief" system. The wonderful thing about a "belief" system is that it doesn’t require any scientific findings. And any contrary findings that do develop are easily dismissed—as being unbelievable.
The book has been published 2001, but vanished quickly from the bookstores, as you can see from Dariusz Leszczynski's writting it makes those in charge still pretty nervous.
Now grab your copy, make your own mind and circulate it, the more people who read it the better.

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