I was reading about the production of Free Radicals and about how, in particular, a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), called Singlet Oxygen is produced:
We mentioned above that some of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) were not actually free radicals. That is the case for singlet oxygen, 1O2, which although not a free radical, behaves like one, and is extremely injurious to cells in the body.
One way in which singlet oxygen is generated is by the action of sunlight, particularly the ultraviolet part, whereby it breaks the bonds of normal diatomic oxygen, O2. Normal oxygen is generally very stable. However, when sunlight strikes the skin, any diatomic oxygen that is present may be broken down into singlet oxygen. (The Miracle of Antioxidants, 2002, pp. 44-45, McCleod & White)
Now, I was thinking that
"Well, if ultraviolet rays which only hit the skin can cause the production of the ROS Singlet Oxygen within the body, then what about microwaves which pass right through the body?"
So I decided to do a search and found that microwave discarges are indeed used for this specific purpose - the creation of Singlet Oxygen. Now, if this can happen outside the body then there should be no reason why it also cannot happen inside the body in producing this "extremely-injurious-to-cells" ROS. Microwave exposure has been shown to induce a depletion of a number of the body's antioxidants: SuperOxide Dismutase (S.O.D.), Glutathione, and CoEnzyme Q10, and this might just explain - in part - why.
J Phys Chem A. 2007 Apr 26;111(16):3010-5. Epub 2007 Apr 4.
Quenching of I(2P1/2) by O3 and O(3P).
Azyazov VN, Antonov IO, Heaven MC.
Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA.
Oxygen-iodine lasers that utilize electrical or microwave discharges to produce singlet oxygen are currently being developed. The discharge generators differ from conventional chemical singlet oxygen generators in that they produce significant amounts of atomic oxygen. Post-discharge chemistry includes channels that lead to the formation of ozone. Consequently, removal of I(2P1/2) by O atoms and O3 may impact the efficiency of discharge driven iodine lasers. In the present study, we have measured the rate constants for quenching of I(2P1/2) by O(3P) atoms and O3 using pulsed laser photolysis techniques. The rate constant for quenching by O3, (1.8 +/- 0.4) x 10(-12) cm3 s-1, was found to be a factor of 5 smaller than the literature value. The rate constant for quenching by O(3P) was (1.2 +/- 0.2) x 10(-11) cm3 s-1.
PMID: 17407271 [PubMed]
Now, the following studies show very clearly how dangerous the ROS Singlet Oxygen truly is - in that it can halt biological activity of a cell by causing DNA breaks:
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1989 Mar 1;1007(2):151-7.
Singlet molecular oxygen causes loss of biological activity in plasmid and bacteriophage DNA and induces single-strand breaks.
Di Mascio P, Wefers H, Do-Thi HP, Lafleur MV, Sies H.
Institut für Physiologische Chemie I, Universität Düsseldorf, F.R.G.
Damage of plasmid and bacteriophage DNA inflicted by singlet molecular oxygen (1O2) includes loss of the biological activity measured as transforming capacity in E. coli and single-strand break formation. Three different sources of 1O2 were employed: (i) photosensitization with Rose bengal immobilized on a glass plate physically separated from the solution; (ii) thermal decomposition of the water-soluble endoperoxide 3,3'-(1,4-naphthylidene) dipropionate (NDPO2); and (iii) microwave discharge. Loss of transforming activity was documented after exposing bacteriophage M13 DNA to 1O2 generated by photosensitization employing immobilized Rose bengal, and with bacteriophage luminal diameter X174 DNA, using the thermodissociable endoperoxide (NDPO2) as a source of 1O2. These findings are in agreement with experiments in which plasmid DNA pBR322 was exposed to a gas stream of 1O2 generated by microwave discharge. The effects of 1O2 quenchers and of 2H2O indicate 1O2 to be the species responsible. Strand-break formation in pBR322 and luminal diameter X174, measured as an increase of the open circular form at the expense of the closed circular supercoiled form, was observed without alkaline treatment after exposing the DNA to 1O2, using either agarose gel electrophoresis or sucrose gradient separation. The effect of quenchers and 2H2O indicate the involvement of 1O2 in DNA damage. We conclude that singlet oxygen can cause loss of biological activity and DNA strand breakage.
PMID: 2920171 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
FEBS Lett. 1987 Jan 19;211(1):49-52.
Loss of transforming activity of plasmid DNA (pBR322) in E. coli caused by singlet molecular oxygen.
Wefers H, Schulte-Frohlinde D, Sies H.
Plasmid DNA pBR322 in aqueous solution was exposed to singlet molecular oxygen (1O2) generated by microwave discharge. DNA damage was detected as loss of transforming activity of pBR322 in E. coli (CMK) dependent on the time of exposure. DNA damage was effectively decreased by singlet-oxygen quenchers such as sodium azide and methionine. Replacement of water in the incubation buffer by D2O led to an increase in DNA damage. 9,10-Bis(2-ethylene)anthracene disulfate was used as a chemical trap for 1O2 quantitation by HPLC analysis of the endoperoxide formed.
PMID: 3026841 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Now, the next study also indicates the protective effects of both quenchers and antioxidants carotenoids and tocopherols:
Mutat Res. 1992 Sep;275(3-6):367-75.
Singlet oxygen induced DNA damage.
Sies H, Menck CF.
Institut für Physiologische Chemie I, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
Singlet oxygen generated by photoexcitation and by chemiexcitation selectively reacts with the guanine moiety in nucleosides (kq + kr about 5 x 10(6) M-1s-1) and in DNA. The oxidation products include 8-oxo-7-hydro-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG; also called 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine) and 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine (FapyGua). Singlet oxygen also causes alkali-labile sites and single-strand breaks in DNA. The biological consequences include a loss of transforming activity as studied with plasmids and bacteriophage DNA, and mutagenicity and genotoxicity. Employing shuttle vectors, it was shown that double-stranded vectors carrying singlet oxygen induced lesions seem to be processed in mammalian cells by DNA repair mechanisms efficient in preserving the biological activity of the plasmid but highly mutagenic in mammalian cells. Biological protection against singlet oxygen is afforded by quenchers, notably carotenoids and tocopherols. Major repair occurs by excision of the oxidized deoxyguanosine moieties by the Fpg protein, preventing mismatch of 8-oxodG with dA, which would generate G:C to T:A transversions.
PMID: 1383777 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
This final study shows that 50 Hz Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields can induce both cell proliferation and DNA damage. It also indicates the production of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), a hallmarker of oxidative damage, and one believed to proceed through a singlet-oxygen-involvment mechanism.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2005 Mar 22;1743(1-2):120-9. Links
50-Hz extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields enhance cell proliferation and DNA damage: possible involvement of a redox mechanism.
Wolf FI, Torsello A, Tedesco B, Fasanella S, Boninsegna A, D'Ascenzo M, Grassi C, Azzena GB, Cittadini A.
Institute of General Pathology and Giovanni XXIII Cancer Research Center, L.go F. Vito, 1-00168 Rome, Italy. fwolf@rm.unicatt.it
HL-60 leukemia cells, Rat-1 fibroblasts and WI-38 diploid fibroblasts were exposed for 24-72 h to 0.5-1.0-mT 50-Hz extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF). This treatment induced a dose-dependent increase in the proliferation rate of all cell types, namely about 30% increase of cell proliferation after 72-h exposure to 1.0 mT. This was accompanied by increased percentage of cells in the S-phase after 12- and 48-h exposure. The ability of ELF-EMF to induce DNA damage was also investigated by measuring DNA strand breaks. A dose-dependent increase in DNA damage was observed in all cell lines, with two peaks occurring at 24 and 72 h. A similar pattern of DNA damage was observed by measuring formation of 8-OHdG adducts. The effects of ELF-EMF on cell proliferation and DNA damage were prevented by pretreatment of cells with an antioxidant like alpha-tocopherol, suggesting that redox reactions were involved. Accordingly, Rat-1 fibroblasts that had been exposed to ELF-EMF for 3 or 24 h exhibited a significant increase in dichlorofluorescein-detectable reactive oxygen species, which was blunted by alpha-tocopherol pretreatment. Cells exposed to ELF-EMF and examined as early as 6 h after treatment initiation also exhibited modifications of NF kappa B-related proteins (p65-p50 and I kappa B alpha), which were suggestive of increased formation of p65-p50 or p65-p65 active forms, a process usually attributed to redox reactions. These results suggest that ELF-EMF influence proliferation and DNA damage in both normal and tumor cells through the action of free radical species. This information may be of value for appraising the pathophysiologic consequences of an exposure to ELF-EMF.
PMID: 15777847 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Microwave - and other forms of electromagnetic - radiation are major (but conveniently disregarded, ignored, and overlooked) factors in many modern unexplained disease states. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph, headaches, extreme thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain, weakened immunity, allergies, heart problems, and intestinal disturbances are all symptoms found in a disease process the Russians described in the 70's as Microwave Sickness.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Office ‘smog’ risk to health
From The Sunday Times
July 15, 2007
Office ‘smog’ risk to health
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor
THE electronic “smog” generated by computers, printers and other office equipment may be exposing workers to raised levels of pollutants and bacteria, a study has found.
The research, by Imperial College London, examined whether there was any substance to complaints by office workers who report headaches and other health problems after spending long periods working with electronic equipment.
Such claims are often dismissed by employers but the research suggests these electric fields can cause harm.
There has long been concern over the possible impact of electric fields. Last year the Oxford Childhood Cancer Research Group reported that children living within 200 metres of high-voltage power lines had a 69% higher risk of leukaemia than those living 600 metres or more away The possibility that similar effects might occur with the far lower voltages of domestic and office appliances has also been winning acceptance.
In the Imperial College study Keith Jamieson, who led the research, mapped the fields in a typical office.
“Electric fields have a powerful effect on the air. That is why the backs of computers get covered in dust,” he said. “The same thing happens to people’s skin and lungs. It increases the toxic load that the body has to deal with and raises the risk of contamination and infection.”
July 15, 2007
Office ‘smog’ risk to health
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor
THE electronic “smog” generated by computers, printers and other office equipment may be exposing workers to raised levels of pollutants and bacteria, a study has found.
The research, by Imperial College London, examined whether there was any substance to complaints by office workers who report headaches and other health problems after spending long periods working with electronic equipment.
Such claims are often dismissed by employers but the research suggests these electric fields can cause harm.
There has long been concern over the possible impact of electric fields. Last year the Oxford Childhood Cancer Research Group reported that children living within 200 metres of high-voltage power lines had a 69% higher risk of leukaemia than those living 600 metres or more away The possibility that similar effects might occur with the far lower voltages of domestic and office appliances has also been winning acceptance.
In the Imperial College study Keith Jamieson, who led the research, mapped the fields in a typical office.
“Electric fields have a powerful effect on the air. That is why the backs of computers get covered in dust,” he said. “The same thing happens to people’s skin and lungs. It increases the toxic load that the body has to deal with and raises the risk of contamination and infection.”
Kent County Bans Mobile Masts Due To Radiation Fears
Local council bans mobile masts
Kent County Council has banned all mobile phone masts from its properties because of fears about radiation omissions, and is believed to be the first council to be working towards a complete ban within its boundaries.
Antony Savvas, Network News, Network IT Week 31 Jan 2001
Kent County Council (KCC) has banned all mobile phone masts from its properties because of fears about radiation omissions, and is believed to be the first council to be working towards a complete ban within its boundaries.
KCC said it took the decision following the publication of last year's Stewart report into the possible health risks posed by mobile masts and mobile phones. Council leader Sandy Bruce-Lockhart said: "We take very seriously the findings of the Stewart report [which] called for a 'precautionary approach'."
The council has demanded that mobile operators request planning permission for all masts, even though existing planning law dictates that they only have to request permission if a mast is taller than 15m.
As the landlord of council property, KCC said it is entitled to turn down all requests and is appealing to school governors to do the same where they have jurisdiction.
It is also asking district councils within its boundary to turn down requests where they have jurisdiction, and is seeking the support of private landlords.
Many cash-strapped councils have already allowed masts on their property and are locked into contracts, but KCC's response to the new masts could be replicated up and down the country, posing serious problems for the mobile industry as it seeks to build completely new third-generation networks.
Another weapon set to be used against the mobile companies is the Human Rights Act. Solicitors acting for those opposed to masts claim the Act allows councils to turn down planning applications for masts, even though there is no scientific evidence linking the masts to human health risks.
Social Security staff in east London recently threatened industrial action over the location of masts on their building, and the plan was subsequently shelved.
First published in Network News
Kent County Council has banned all mobile phone masts from its properties because of fears about radiation omissions, and is believed to be the first council to be working towards a complete ban within its boundaries.
Antony Savvas, Network News, Network IT Week 31 Jan 2001
Kent County Council (KCC) has banned all mobile phone masts from its properties because of fears about radiation omissions, and is believed to be the first council to be working towards a complete ban within its boundaries.
KCC said it took the decision following the publication of last year's Stewart report into the possible health risks posed by mobile masts and mobile phones. Council leader Sandy Bruce-Lockhart said: "We take very seriously the findings of the Stewart report [which] called for a 'precautionary approach'."
The council has demanded that mobile operators request planning permission for all masts, even though existing planning law dictates that they only have to request permission if a mast is taller than 15m.
As the landlord of council property, KCC said it is entitled to turn down all requests and is appealing to school governors to do the same where they have jurisdiction.
It is also asking district councils within its boundary to turn down requests where they have jurisdiction, and is seeking the support of private landlords.
Many cash-strapped councils have already allowed masts on their property and are locked into contracts, but KCC's response to the new masts could be replicated up and down the country, posing serious problems for the mobile industry as it seeks to build completely new third-generation networks.
Another weapon set to be used against the mobile companies is the Human Rights Act. Solicitors acting for those opposed to masts claim the Act allows councils to turn down planning applications for masts, even though there is no scientific evidence linking the masts to human health risks.
Social Security staff in east London recently threatened industrial action over the location of masts on their building, and the plan was subsequently shelved.
First published in Network News
Mobile Phones Are Dumbing Down The Population
The Telegraph
By Ben Quinn
Last Updated: 1:16am BST 15/07/2007
Telegraph technology blogs
An over reliance on technology is leading to a dumbing down of the nation’s brain power, according a study published today.
How could I ever live without you?
In a society flooded with mobile phones, Blackberry devices and computers of various shapes and sizes, a quarter of all Britons do not know their own landline number while as little as a third can recall more than three birthdays of their immediate family.
The research reveals that the average citizen has to remember five passwords, five pin numbers, two number plates, three security ID numbers and three bank account numbers just to get through day to day life.
Six out of ten people claimed that they suffer from “information overload,” stating that they need to write these numbers down in order to remember them.
However, more than half of the 3000 people surveyed admitted to using the same password across all accounts, leaving them at risk of potentially severe security breaches.
Professor Ian Robertson, a neuropsychology expert based at Trinity College Dublin who carried out the study, said: “People have more to remember these days, and they are relying on technology for their memory.
“But the less you use of your memory, the poorer it becomes. This may be reflected in the survey findings which show that the over 50s who grew up committing more to memory report better performance in many areas than those under 30 who are heavily reliant on technology to act as their day to day aide memoir.”
Professor Roberston, who oversaw the research to mark the launch of Puzzler Brain Trainer Magazine, said that a series of five simple exercises a day can help to increase memory capacity.
Other results of the two month study indicated that the majority (58 per cent) of the population wrongly believes that they are incapable of remembering the myriad of numbers and codes which they use in everyday life.
As many as a third of those surveyed under the age of 30 were unable to recall their home telephone number without resorting to their mobile phones or to notes.
When it came to remembering important dates such as the birthdays of close family relatives, 87 per cent of those over the age of 50 could remember the details, compared with 40 per cent of those under the age of 30.
Men came off worse than women. Only 55 per cent of men could remember their wedding anniversary, compared to 90 per cent of women.
The Telegraph
By Ben Quinn
Last Updated: 1:16am BST 15/07/2007
Telegraph technology blogs
An over reliance on technology is leading to a dumbing down of the nation’s brain power, according a study published today.

In a society flooded with mobile phones, Blackberry devices and computers of various shapes and sizes, a quarter of all Britons do not know their own landline number while as little as a third can recall more than three birthdays of their immediate family.
The research reveals that the average citizen has to remember five passwords, five pin numbers, two number plates, three security ID numbers and three bank account numbers just to get through day to day life.
Six out of ten people claimed that they suffer from “information overload,” stating that they need to write these numbers down in order to remember them.
However, more than half of the 3000 people surveyed admitted to using the same password across all accounts, leaving them at risk of potentially severe security breaches.
Professor Ian Robertson, a neuropsychology expert based at Trinity College Dublin who carried out the study, said: “People have more to remember these days, and they are relying on technology for their memory.
“But the less you use of your memory, the poorer it becomes. This may be reflected in the survey findings which show that the over 50s who grew up committing more to memory report better performance in many areas than those under 30 who are heavily reliant on technology to act as their day to day aide memoir.”
Professor Roberston, who oversaw the research to mark the launch of Puzzler Brain Trainer Magazine, said that a series of five simple exercises a day can help to increase memory capacity.
Other results of the two month study indicated that the majority (58 per cent) of the population wrongly believes that they are incapable of remembering the myriad of numbers and codes which they use in everyday life.
As many as a third of those surveyed under the age of 30 were unable to recall their home telephone number without resorting to their mobile phones or to notes.
When it came to remembering important dates such as the birthdays of close family relatives, 87 per cent of those over the age of 50 could remember the details, compared with 40 per cent of those under the age of 30.
Men came off worse than women. Only 55 per cent of men could remember their wedding anniversary, compared to 90 per cent of women.
GUINEA PIGS "R" US website now online
Are you and your children guinea pigs?
GUINEA PIGS "R" US website now online
CHECK IT OUT -- Are you and your children guinea pigs???
Guinea pigs are adorable little animals. They can live relatively healthy lives between 5 and 8 years in "safe environmental conditions." Much of a guinea pig's biology is identical to that of a human.
The term "guinea pig" applies to humans in circumstances whereby they are exposed to toxic substances and/or unhealthy environmental situations that lead to health problems particularly when government and industry know that health effects may occur as result of chronic, prolonged exposures and knowledge in regard to possible harm is not shared with the people/public.
My family's story is long -- two grandsons with rare immune deficiencies who suffered for years with asthma, sinus and ear infections -- my husband has Alzheimers -- I have Type II diabetes --cumulatively, our family's list of health problems is 3 pages long!!!
We live only 50 ft. from two high voltage powerlines -- one 69kv transmission line and one 230kv transmission line plus local powerline of about 8kv. We provided daycare for our sick grandsons. Over many years, I have measured EMF's (electromagnetic fields) from about 2.0 milligauss to as high as 8.0 milligauss in our front entry and masterbedroom.
When our grandsons were diagnosed with "hypogammaglobulinemia" -- a description which means "low immune" -- there is no name for their 'disease' AND we were asked if children had died in our family PLUS being informed they may develop Leukemia, Lymphoma, stomach or colon cancers, we stopped caring for them in our home. The boys were deficient in IgG subclasses 1 and 3. We were also told that those particular deficiencies were not seen in children under age 10 whereas the boys were sick from infancy. I have research that indicates chronic, prolonged exposure to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) appears to be related to "aging."
As I said, the story is long, so I will just say that I later learned both boys were sleeping adjacent to "powerwalls" (walls opposite electric meters) in their respective homes. Bottom line: they were moved out of waterbeds and provided new beds with standard mattresses which were then placed against different walls in their bedrooms. Overall IgG testing confirmed significant improvement -- one boy was up 100 points and the other 204 points within five months of the bed changes!!!
Due to knowledge I acquired over many years that includes deliberate "minimizing of studies," "withholding of information," plus more on the part of government and industry, I decided to place a cage with pet guinea pigs against the "powerwall" in our own home -- the "exact spot" where our daughter (she has several rare and unusual health problems) slept from the age of five to about 18 years of age.
The whole story about the guinea pigs is very involved and long. They developed "asthma" soon after exposure and CBC's (complete blood counts including differentials) yielded results such as "hypersegmented neutrophils" (slowed DNA synthesis), neutropenia and lymphocytosis!!!! The symptoms confirmed their bone marrow had been affected and their blood tests indicated "pre-leukemic changes." I have a whole lot more very important information regarding those tests and necropsies but, for the sake of brevity, will add only that some four years later, I have one remaining guinea pig whose blood has improved to normal levels after being moved to the basement where milligauss readings have been in the range of 3.5mg to 4.5 mg lately. I do not advocate that those levels are "safe," however...........
The "1994 Minnesota Herd Study" (cows) by Dr. Duane Dahlberg, et al, found that cows subjected to various conditions frequently referred to as "stray voltage" developed neutropenia and lymphocytosis that was described as possibly "precancerous blood changes." While I was not aware of the "cow study" until after researching lab reports of CBC's from my guinea pigs, I also discovered "after-the-fact" that Dr. Andrew Marino of Louisiana State University had done a study on guinea pigs with identical results as that of the "cow study" and my guinea pig studies.
In addition to findings by the 1999 EMF RAPID Report that there is a connection between Leukemia in children and low levels of EMR (they also refer to "a weaker connection to adults and Leukemia in the workplace), the 2002 California EMF Report finds connections between brain cancer, Leukemia, Lou Gehrig's Disease and miscarriage to levels as low as 4.0 milligauss. There are ongoing studies particularly throughout the world while the U.S. Government continues to "keep the lid on the most important information!!!!"
I have a copy of a flyer that is no longer available from the American Cancer Society as well as a booklet put out by power companies themselves that recommends caution regarding chronic EMR exposure plus important information to share regarding personal contacts (they have given permission to use the information and/or their names) that is very, very important!!! Anyone who is experiencing any health effect whatsoever (from just poor sleep all the way to cancer) that might possibly be related to chronic electrical exposures should contact me for additional information.
I am compiling data that will soon be convincing enough to compel the Minnesota Environmental Health Department to take specific action in regard to informing the public of possible concerns regarding chronic EMR exposure. Because of the facts that exist regarding my family as well as my guinea pig studies, it is important to gather similar information and/or for those who are concerned, to "sort out" just which particular exposure might be the actual cause of health problems in question.
While I am "not an expert," I am nevertheless willing to help you decide whether or not you have a reason to be concerned and if so, am asking for your help in order to help others -- the providing of information and follow-up when you and/or your family find certain health problems disappear ......or continue, whichever the case may be. If it is determined that the high voltage powerlines rather than an electrical problem in the bedroom might be the cause of health problems, I can recommend steps to take as well as provide access to websites with more information, etc. Doctors are not researchers and they are not being told they should be advising their patients to be aware of certain circumstances re EMR that may be harmful.
Recently I was advised that the City of Andover (Minnesota) has five new Leukemia cases. The informant was concerned about the "corridor of high voltage powerlines" that run parallel to each other down Hanson Boulevard. Someone else told me there are two cases of Leukemia (in Andover) that are not close to those powerlines. It is vital that this information be presented to the Minnesota Department of Environmental Health in a certain way and NOT by individuals acting alone on behalf of their families!!!! That is what has allowed this situation to continue -- each person is told "sorry, but not enough evidence, etc........."
Best wishes for good health for you and your family!!!
Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com
GUINEA PIGS "R" US website now online
CHECK IT OUT -- Are you and your children guinea pigs???
Guinea pigs are adorable little animals. They can live relatively healthy lives between 5 and 8 years in "safe environmental conditions." Much of a guinea pig's biology is identical to that of a human.
The term "guinea pig" applies to humans in circumstances whereby they are exposed to toxic substances and/or unhealthy environmental situations that lead to health problems particularly when government and industry know that health effects may occur as result of chronic, prolonged exposures and knowledge in regard to possible harm is not shared with the people/public.
My family's story is long -- two grandsons with rare immune deficiencies who suffered for years with asthma, sinus and ear infections -- my husband has Alzheimers -- I have Type II diabetes --cumulatively, our family's list of health problems is 3 pages long!!!
We live only 50 ft. from two high voltage powerlines -- one 69kv transmission line and one 230kv transmission line plus local powerline of about 8kv. We provided daycare for our sick grandsons. Over many years, I have measured EMF's (electromagnetic fields) from about 2.0 milligauss to as high as 8.0 milligauss in our front entry and masterbedroom.
When our grandsons were diagnosed with "hypogammaglobulinemia" -- a description which means "low immune" -- there is no name for their 'disease' AND we were asked if children had died in our family PLUS being informed they may develop Leukemia, Lymphoma, stomach or colon cancers, we stopped caring for them in our home. The boys were deficient in IgG subclasses 1 and 3. We were also told that those particular deficiencies were not seen in children under age 10 whereas the boys were sick from infancy. I have research that indicates chronic, prolonged exposure to EMR (electromagnetic radiation) appears to be related to "aging."
As I said, the story is long, so I will just say that I later learned both boys were sleeping adjacent to "powerwalls" (walls opposite electric meters) in their respective homes. Bottom line: they were moved out of waterbeds and provided new beds with standard mattresses which were then placed against different walls in their bedrooms. Overall IgG testing confirmed significant improvement -- one boy was up 100 points and the other 204 points within five months of the bed changes!!!
Due to knowledge I acquired over many years that includes deliberate "minimizing of studies," "withholding of information," plus more on the part of government and industry, I decided to place a cage with pet guinea pigs against the "powerwall" in our own home -- the "exact spot" where our daughter (she has several rare and unusual health problems) slept from the age of five to about 18 years of age.
The whole story about the guinea pigs is very involved and long. They developed "asthma" soon after exposure and CBC's (complete blood counts including differentials) yielded results such as "hypersegmented neutrophils" (slowed DNA synthesis), neutropenia and lymphocytosis!!!! The symptoms confirmed their bone marrow had been affected and their blood tests indicated "pre-leukemic changes." I have a whole lot more very important information regarding those tests and necropsies but, for the sake of brevity, will add only that some four years later, I have one remaining guinea pig whose blood has improved to normal levels after being moved to the basement where milligauss readings have been in the range of 3.5mg to 4.5 mg lately. I do not advocate that those levels are "safe," however...........
The "1994 Minnesota Herd Study" (cows) by Dr. Duane Dahlberg, et al, found that cows subjected to various conditions frequently referred to as "stray voltage" developed neutropenia and lymphocytosis that was described as possibly "precancerous blood changes." While I was not aware of the "cow study" until after researching lab reports of CBC's from my guinea pigs, I also discovered "after-the-fact" that Dr. Andrew Marino of Louisiana State University had done a study on guinea pigs with identical results as that of the "cow study" and my guinea pig studies.
In addition to findings by the 1999 EMF RAPID Report that there is a connection between Leukemia in children and low levels of EMR (they also refer to "a weaker connection to adults and Leukemia in the workplace), the 2002 California EMF Report finds connections between brain cancer, Leukemia, Lou Gehrig's Disease and miscarriage to levels as low as 4.0 milligauss. There are ongoing studies particularly throughout the world while the U.S. Government continues to "keep the lid on the most important information!!!!"
I have a copy of a flyer that is no longer available from the American Cancer Society as well as a booklet put out by power companies themselves that recommends caution regarding chronic EMR exposure plus important information to share regarding personal contacts (they have given permission to use the information and/or their names) that is very, very important!!! Anyone who is experiencing any health effect whatsoever (from just poor sleep all the way to cancer) that might possibly be related to chronic electrical exposures should contact me for additional information.
I am compiling data that will soon be convincing enough to compel the Minnesota Environmental Health Department to take specific action in regard to informing the public of possible concerns regarding chronic EMR exposure. Because of the facts that exist regarding my family as well as my guinea pig studies, it is important to gather similar information and/or for those who are concerned, to "sort out" just which particular exposure might be the actual cause of health problems in question.
While I am "not an expert," I am nevertheless willing to help you decide whether or not you have a reason to be concerned and if so, am asking for your help in order to help others -- the providing of information and follow-up when you and/or your family find certain health problems disappear ......or continue, whichever the case may be. If it is determined that the high voltage powerlines rather than an electrical problem in the bedroom might be the cause of health problems, I can recommend steps to take as well as provide access to websites with more information, etc. Doctors are not researchers and they are not being told they should be advising their patients to be aware of certain circumstances re EMR that may be harmful.
Recently I was advised that the City of Andover (Minnesota) has five new Leukemia cases. The informant was concerned about the "corridor of high voltage powerlines" that run parallel to each other down Hanson Boulevard. Someone else told me there are two cases of Leukemia (in Andover) that are not close to those powerlines. It is vital that this information be presented to the Minnesota Department of Environmental Health in a certain way and NOT by individuals acting alone on behalf of their families!!!! That is what has allowed this situation to continue -- each person is told "sorry, but not enough evidence, etc........."
Best wishes for good health for you and your family!!!
Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com
ear infections,
guinea pig,
health effects,
immune deficiencies,
sinus infections
Activist's blog battles phone giants
Thursday July 19, 2007
By Rachel Lamb
A CAMPAIGNER is using the internet to wage war on communications giants hoping to install new mobile phone masts in the town.
Colin Buchanan has set up a blog crammed with newspaper articles and the latest scientific research into health risks associated with living near the masts.
The 52-year-old music teacher hopes his site – nomoremasts.blogspot.com – will help fuel a campaign to halt plans to erect phone masts in two busy residential areas of the town.
He said: “We need a moratorium on all new masts as well as reviews of all existing masts.
“This is the biggest health issue we have ever faced. Phone masts aren’t pretty, but even less pretty when you realise they are quite likely to have serious health implications if you live near one.”
Colin claims that mobile phone companies rely on out of date studies to back up claims that masts are safe and choose to ignore important research into possible health problems associated with the structures.
His website features studies from around the world which have raised serious concerns over the safety of phone masts.
He said: “I want to get a campaign going in Helensburgh that is similar to the ones being spearheaded down south. I’m trying to bring together people who are worried about this and are keen to do something about it.
“There is a whole narrative that’s been built up alleging that the masts are safe but it is based on research from 1998.
“It is wrong to claim there is no hard evidence of the dangers. There have been at least 12 scientific studies focusing on this since 2002 and all of them have shown serious health problems arising.
“The government and the mobile phone operators seem determined to cover up this evidence.”
O2 is currently in talks with Helensburgh Golf Club about installing a mast on their land – just a stone’s throw from Colin’s home in Machrie Drive.
T-Mobile is also seeking planning permission to erect a 3G phone mast at Helensburgh Bowling Club.
A spokeswoman for O2 said: “In the past five years, the mobile phone health issue has been subject to no less than 30 scientific reviews carried out within the UK and overseas.
“In all cases, these reviews have come to similar conclusions that there have been no adverse health consequences established from exposure to RF fields at levels below the international guidelines.
“After taking guidance from expert and regulatory bodies in the field, O2 is completely satisfied that mobile base stations operating within the existing guidelines are safe and do not pose a health risk to members of the public.”
A spokesperson for T-Mobile said: “T-Mobile does not seek to minimise any potential health effects currently being studied and we have no influence over international bodies such as the WHO and ICNIRP which peer-review all the worldwide scientific studies
“The overwhelming international scientific consensus is that radio waves, at power levels beneath agreed international levels, do not cause adverse health effects.
“This scientific view is represented in the advice of the Health Protection Agency here in the UK and is the underlying principle of the planning regime for mobile phone masts in Scotland.”
By Rachel Lamb
A CAMPAIGNER is using the internet to wage war on communications giants hoping to install new mobile phone masts in the town.
Colin Buchanan has set up a blog crammed with newspaper articles and the latest scientific research into health risks associated with living near the masts.
The 52-year-old music teacher hopes his site – nomoremasts.blogspot.com – will help fuel a campaign to halt plans to erect phone masts in two busy residential areas of the town.
He said: “We need a moratorium on all new masts as well as reviews of all existing masts.
“This is the biggest health issue we have ever faced. Phone masts aren’t pretty, but even less pretty when you realise they are quite likely to have serious health implications if you live near one.”
Colin claims that mobile phone companies rely on out of date studies to back up claims that masts are safe and choose to ignore important research into possible health problems associated with the structures.
His website features studies from around the world which have raised serious concerns over the safety of phone masts.
He said: “I want to get a campaign going in Helensburgh that is similar to the ones being spearheaded down south. I’m trying to bring together people who are worried about this and are keen to do something about it.
“There is a whole narrative that’s been built up alleging that the masts are safe but it is based on research from 1998.
“It is wrong to claim there is no hard evidence of the dangers. There have been at least 12 scientific studies focusing on this since 2002 and all of them have shown serious health problems arising.
“The government and the mobile phone operators seem determined to cover up this evidence.”
O2 is currently in talks with Helensburgh Golf Club about installing a mast on their land – just a stone’s throw from Colin’s home in Machrie Drive.
T-Mobile is also seeking planning permission to erect a 3G phone mast at Helensburgh Bowling Club.
A spokeswoman for O2 said: “In the past five years, the mobile phone health issue has been subject to no less than 30 scientific reviews carried out within the UK and overseas.
“In all cases, these reviews have come to similar conclusions that there have been no adverse health consequences established from exposure to RF fields at levels below the international guidelines.
“After taking guidance from expert and regulatory bodies in the field, O2 is completely satisfied that mobile base stations operating within the existing guidelines are safe and do not pose a health risk to members of the public.”
A spokesperson for T-Mobile said: “T-Mobile does not seek to minimise any potential health effects currently being studied and we have no influence over international bodies such as the WHO and ICNIRP which peer-review all the worldwide scientific studies
“The overwhelming international scientific consensus is that radio waves, at power levels beneath agreed international levels, do not cause adverse health effects.
“This scientific view is represented in the advice of the Health Protection Agency here in the UK and is the underlying principle of the planning regime for mobile phone masts in Scotland.”
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Poster Issued by the Vienna Medical Association Defies Cell Phone Industry

Radiation of cellular telephones is not danger free, as the cellular companies claim at present.
Therefore, the Doctors Chamber of Vienna has taken a responsible decision to make the public aware of the possibility of negative influences of cellular radiation, from a medical point of view.
• In principle, telephone calls should be as few and as brief as possible. It is recommended that children and youth abstain from conducting cellular telephone calls!
• The cellular telephone should not be held near the head while sending out the call!
• Cellular telephones should not be used in vehicles (cars, buses, trains) – the radiation there is higher!
• While sending SMS messages the cellular telephone should be held as far away as possible from the body!
• During a cellular telephone conversation a distance of several meters should be kept from other people – the radiation is harmful to them as well!
• No on-line games (GPRS) should be played on the cellular telephone!
• Wired speaker telephones are dubious – the wire conducts the radiation!
• LAN or UMTS wireless speaker telephones create a high radiation load!
• Cellular telephones should not be kept in trousers pockets – the radiation may harm masculine fertility!
• Cellular telephones should be turned off during the night and, they should be kept away from the sleeping area!
A-1010 Wien, Weihburggasse 10-12.
Grafik: PBK Ideenreich Werbeagentur GmbH.
TEL + 43-1-51501-0
My View: Look Wifi in the Eye
My View: Look Wifi in the Eye
Posted on: Tuesday, 16 January 2007, 09:01 CST
While opposing sides have been vocally warring over one cell tower in Chimay and one in Madrid, the city of Santa Fe is quietly preparing to authorize hundreds of new towers and antennas for a citywide wireless Internet (WiFi) network. Amazingly, in Santa Fe, there has been virtually no publicity and no significant discussion of risks versus benefits.
According to Thomas Williams, director of the city's Information Technology and Telecommunications Dept., both the Siemens Corporation and Lucent Technologies have approached his department with plans for implementing ubiquitous WiFi here. He expects to issue a Request for Proposals shortly.
As was the case with pesticides 45 years ago, citizens are often ahead of the government in recognizing environmental hazards. In the United States the EMR Network, the Cellular Phone Task Force and the Council on Wireless Technology Impacts are leading the way on this emerging issue.
In some other countries, the public outcry is much louder and bans are already in place. For example, Lakehead University, a Canadian university known for its medical school and its Advanced Technology Centre, has banned WiFi for health reasons. The Toronto Board of Health is studying the issue before deciding whether to approve a citywide network. In Salzburg, Austria the Public Health Department has advised schools and kindergartens not to use wireless computers or cordless phones. In Frankfurt, Germany the Schools Department prohibits the use of wireless computers in schools. The Vienna Medical Association has issued a warning: "Children under 16 years of age should not use cell phones Only use the Internet with a cable connection." The Austrian Medical Association has issued another: "Electromagnetic fields and radiation is a matter of dose - - and it accumulates over the years, as present studies show us. Therefore children should categorically not use mobile phones."
The London Times reported on November 20, 2006, that some schools in England and Wales have dismantled wireless networks because of their reported effects on children's and teachers' health. And on December 11, 2006, the Times, in its Health section, published a long investigative report titled "Wi-Fi: Should we be worried?"
Why aren't such discussions taking place in The New York Times, or The New Mexican? It's not because scientists aren't reporting a problem. Many eminent scientists have joined a worldwide chorus sounding a growing alarm. And it's not because Americans aren't trying to make themselves heard on the issue. In my files are thousands of reports from individuals made dizzy, nauseous and homeless by wireless technology. They report all the classic symptoms of microwave sickness: Memory loss, inability to concentrate, headaches, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, depression, muscle and joint pains, heart palpitations, unstable blood pressure, eye pains, worsening allergies, ringing in the ears, nosebleeds, and skin rashes. These reports are no different from those shared by my colleagues in Canada, England, Austria, Germany, Japan and Australia.
We have abundant evidence that the blanket of radiation in which wireless technology envelops us is responsible for the spectacular increase in many diseases in the last decade.
It is time for some solid investigative reporting on this issue in this country. And it is time for The City Different to live up to its name and, instead of rolling over for ubiquitous WiFi like New York, San Francisco, Rio Rancho and Sandoval County, to assemble a panel of experts on the biological effects of non-ionizing radiation to examine the science, make recommendations to the City Council and testify at a public hearing. Santa Fe, if it does this, will find plenty of reason to say no to this plan.
Arthur Firstenberg is the director of the Cellular Phone Task Force and a resident of Santa Fe.
He can be contacted at 505-471- 0129.
(c) 2007 The Santa Fe New Mexican. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.
Source: The Santa Fe New Mexican
Posted on: Tuesday, 16 January 2007, 09:01 CST
While opposing sides have been vocally warring over one cell tower in Chimay and one in Madrid, the city of Santa Fe is quietly preparing to authorize hundreds of new towers and antennas for a citywide wireless Internet (WiFi) network. Amazingly, in Santa Fe, there has been virtually no publicity and no significant discussion of risks versus benefits.
According to Thomas Williams, director of the city's Information Technology and Telecommunications Dept., both the Siemens Corporation and Lucent Technologies have approached his department with plans for implementing ubiquitous WiFi here. He expects to issue a Request for Proposals shortly.
As was the case with pesticides 45 years ago, citizens are often ahead of the government in recognizing environmental hazards. In the United States the EMR Network, the Cellular Phone Task Force and the Council on Wireless Technology Impacts are leading the way on this emerging issue.
In some other countries, the public outcry is much louder and bans are already in place. For example, Lakehead University, a Canadian university known for its medical school and its Advanced Technology Centre, has banned WiFi for health reasons. The Toronto Board of Health is studying the issue before deciding whether to approve a citywide network. In Salzburg, Austria the Public Health Department has advised schools and kindergartens not to use wireless computers or cordless phones. In Frankfurt, Germany the Schools Department prohibits the use of wireless computers in schools. The Vienna Medical Association has issued a warning: "Children under 16 years of age should not use cell phones Only use the Internet with a cable connection." The Austrian Medical Association has issued another: "Electromagnetic fields and radiation is a matter of dose - - and it accumulates over the years, as present studies show us. Therefore children should categorically not use mobile phones."
The London Times reported on November 20, 2006, that some schools in England and Wales have dismantled wireless networks because of their reported effects on children's and teachers' health. And on December 11, 2006, the Times, in its Health section, published a long investigative report titled "Wi-Fi: Should we be worried?"
Why aren't such discussions taking place in The New York Times, or The New Mexican? It's not because scientists aren't reporting a problem. Many eminent scientists have joined a worldwide chorus sounding a growing alarm. And it's not because Americans aren't trying to make themselves heard on the issue. In my files are thousands of reports from individuals made dizzy, nauseous and homeless by wireless technology. They report all the classic symptoms of microwave sickness: Memory loss, inability to concentrate, headaches, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, depression, muscle and joint pains, heart palpitations, unstable blood pressure, eye pains, worsening allergies, ringing in the ears, nosebleeds, and skin rashes. These reports are no different from those shared by my colleagues in Canada, England, Austria, Germany, Japan and Australia.
We have abundant evidence that the blanket of radiation in which wireless technology envelops us is responsible for the spectacular increase in many diseases in the last decade.
It is time for some solid investigative reporting on this issue in this country. And it is time for The City Different to live up to its name and, instead of rolling over for ubiquitous WiFi like New York, San Francisco, Rio Rancho and Sandoval County, to assemble a panel of experts on the biological effects of non-ionizing radiation to examine the science, make recommendations to the City Council and testify at a public hearing. Santa Fe, if it does this, will find plenty of reason to say no to this plan.
Arthur Firstenberg is the director of the Cellular Phone Task Force and a resident of Santa Fe.
He can be contacted at 505-471- 0129.
(c) 2007 The Santa Fe New Mexican. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.
Source: The Santa Fe New Mexican
The Vienna Medical Association Issues Clear Warnings About Dangers of Cell Phones
Medical Doctors in Vienna concerned about health hazards of cell phones
Physicians around the world are speaking out about the effects of cell phones and electromagnetic frequencies. I found something several days ago that stunned me, not so much because it was such a strong, definitive statement about the harmful effects of cell phones, but because it was a very graphic poster created by Medical Doctors from Vienna, Austria that they post in the waiting rooms and hallways of hospitals.
This poster was created in the fall of 2005 — and I found it only after a through search on the Internet at few days ago. Now, if these doctors knew enough to create this poster in late 2005, how is it that we are still “waiting” for THE DEFINITIVE ANSWER about the danger of cell phones before we take action?
Take a look at this poster. Print out some copies and share them. Let’s start talking to our own Doctors about this — do they know anything about the harmful effects of EMF and cell phones? Have they done any research about it? Do they know what Doctors and Scientists around the world are saying and doing about this issue?
We don’t have to have all the answers; we don’t even have to be 100% certain to raise these questions. What we do need to know is whether anyone has proven with absolutely certainty that cell phones are safe. The answer is no.
This is the brief article I found about the Poster the Medical Doctors from Vienna created in late 2005:
After the first results of the REFLEX study came out last summer 2005, the Association of Medical Doctors from Vienna (Austria) (Ärtztekammer aus Wien www.aekwien.at) joined the British Medical Association and issued a warning that children under the age of 16 should not be using cell phones. And in fall 2005, the Medical Doctors from Vienna even went a step further and wrote up “10 Medical Rules for Cell Phone Use” for everybody, not just children. The poster, which was sent out to all members of the association, also recommends against the use of cell phones in waiting rooms.
To view or print the poster on The Ten Medical Rules Relating to Cell Phones, click here:
Physicians around the world are speaking out about the effects of cell phones and electromagnetic frequencies. I found something several days ago that stunned me, not so much because it was such a strong, definitive statement about the harmful effects of cell phones, but because it was a very graphic poster created by Medical Doctors from Vienna, Austria that they post in the waiting rooms and hallways of hospitals.
This poster was created in the fall of 2005 — and I found it only after a through search on the Internet at few days ago. Now, if these doctors knew enough to create this poster in late 2005, how is it that we are still “waiting” for THE DEFINITIVE ANSWER about the danger of cell phones before we take action?
Take a look at this poster. Print out some copies and share them. Let’s start talking to our own Doctors about this — do they know anything about the harmful effects of EMF and cell phones? Have they done any research about it? Do they know what Doctors and Scientists around the world are saying and doing about this issue?
We don’t have to have all the answers; we don’t even have to be 100% certain to raise these questions. What we do need to know is whether anyone has proven with absolutely certainty that cell phones are safe. The answer is no.
This is the brief article I found about the Poster the Medical Doctors from Vienna created in late 2005:
After the first results of the REFLEX study came out last summer 2005, the Association of Medical Doctors from Vienna (Austria) (Ärtztekammer aus Wien www.aekwien.at) joined the British Medical Association and issued a warning that children under the age of 16 should not be using cell phones. And in fall 2005, the Medical Doctors from Vienna even went a step further and wrote up “10 Medical Rules for Cell Phone Use” for everybody, not just children. The poster, which was sent out to all members of the association, also recommends against the use of cell phones in waiting rooms.
To view or print the poster on The Ten Medical Rules Relating to Cell Phones, click here:
One in Forty Now Believed to Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue No Longer Seen as ‘Yuppie Flu’
Published: July 17, 2007
For decades, people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome have struggled to convince doctors, employers, friends and even family members that they were not imagining their debilitating symptoms. Skeptics called the illness “yuppie flu” and “shirker syndrome.”

Donna Flowers, who became ill with chronic fatigue syndrome several years ago after a bout of mononucleosis, working out in her home in Los Gatos, Calif., while taking care of her twins.
Photo by Heidi Schumann for The New York Times
But the syndrome is now finally gaining some official respect. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which in 1999 acknowledged that it had diverted millions of dollars allocated by Congress for chronic fatigue syndrome research to other programs, has released studies that linked the condition to genetic mutations and abnormalities in gene expression involved in key physiological processes. The centers have also sponsored a $6 million public awareness campaign about the illness. And last month, the C.D.C. released survey data suggesting that the prevalence of the syndrome is far higher than previously thought, although these findings have stirred controversy among patients and scientists. Some scientists and many patients remain highly critical of the C.D.C.’s record on chronic fatigue syndrome, or C.F.S. But nearly everyone now agrees that the syndrome is real.
“People with C.F.S. are as sick and as functionally impaired as someone with AIDS, with breast cancer, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,” said Dr. William Reeves, the lead expert on the illness at the C.D.C., who helped expose the centers’ misuse of chronic fatigue financing.
Chronic fatigue syndrome was first identified as a distinct entity in the 1980s. (A virtually identical illness had been identified in Britain three decades earlier and called myalgic encephalomyelitis.) The illness causes overwhelming fatigue, sleep disorders and other severe symptoms and afflicts more women than men. No consistent biomarkers have been identified and no treatments have been approved for addressing the underlying causes, although some medications provide symptomatic relief.
Patients say the word “fatigue” does not begin to describe their condition. Donna Flowers of Los Gatos, Calif., a physical therapist and former professional figure skater, said the profound exhaustion was unlike anything she had ever experienced.
“I slept for 12 to 14 hours a day but still felt sleep-deprived,” said Ms. Flowers, 51, who fell ill several years ago after a bout of mononucleosis. “I had what we call ‘brain fog.’ I couldn’t think straight, and I could barely read. I couldn’t get the energy to go out of the door. I thought I was doomed. I wanted to die.”
Studies have shown that people with the syndrome experience abnormalities in the central and autonomic nervous systems, the immune system, cognitive functions, the stress response pathways and other major biological functions. Researchers believe the illness will ultimately prove to have multiple causes, including genetic predisposition and exposure to microbial agents, toxins and other physical and emotional traumas. Studies have linked the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome with an acute bout of Lyme disease, Q fever, Ross River virus, parvovirus, mononucleosis and other infectious diseases.
“It’s unlikely that this big cluster of people who fit the symptoms all have the same triggers,” said Kimberly McCleary, president of the Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of America, the advocacy group in charge of the C.D.C.-sponsored awareness campaign. “You’re looking not just at apples and oranges but pineapples, hot dogs and skateboards, too.”
Under the most widely used case definition, a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome requires six months of unexplained fatigue as well as four of eight other persistent symptoms: impaired memory and concentration, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns and post-exercise malaise.
The broadness of the definition has led to varying estimates of the syndrome’s prevalence. Based on previous surveys, the C.D.C. has estimated that more than a million Americans have the illness.
Last month, however, the disease control centers reported that a randomized telephone survey in Georgia, using a less restrictive methodology to identify cases, found that about 1 in 40 adults ages 18 to 59 met the diagnostic criteria — an estimate 6 to 10 times higher than previously reported rates.
However, many patients and researchers fear that the expanded prevalence rate could complicate the search for consistent findings across patient cohorts. These critics say the new figures are greatly inflated and include many people who are likely to be suffering not from chronic fatigue syndrome but from psychiatric illnesses.
“There are many, many conditions that are psychological in nature that share symptoms with this illness but do not share much of the underlying biology,” said John Herd, 55, a former medical illustrator and a C.F.S. patient for two decades.
Researchers and patient advocates have faulted other aspects of the C.D.C.’s research. Dr. Jonathan Kerr, a microbiologist and chronic fatigue expert at St. George’s University of London, said the C.D.C.’s gene expression findings last year were “rather meaningless” because they were not confirmed through more advanced laboratory techniques. Kristin Loomis, executive director of the HHV-6 Foundation, a research advocacy group for a form of herpes virus that has been linked to C.F.S., said studying subsets of patients with similar profiles was more likely to generate useful findings than Dr. Reeves’s population-based approach.
Dr. Reeves responded that understanding of the disease and of some newer research technologies is still in its infancy, so methodological disagreements were to be expected. He defended the population-based approach as necessary for obtaining a broad picture and replicable results. “To me, this is the usual scientific dialogue,” he said.
Dr. Jose G. Montoya, a Stanford infectious disease specialist pursuing the kind of research favored by Ms. Loomis, caused a buzz last December when he reported remarkable improvement in 9 out of 12 patients given a powerful antiviral medication, valganciclovir. Dr. Montoya has just begun a randomized controlled trial of the drug, which is approved for other uses.
Dr. Montoya said some cases of the syndrome were caused when an acute infection set off a recurrence of latent infections of Epstein Barr virus and HHV-6, two pathogens that most people are exposed to in childhood. Ms. Flowers, the former figure skater, had high levels of antibodies to both viruses and was one of Dr. Montoya’s initial C.F.S. patients.
Six months after starting treatment, Ms. Flowers said, she was able to go snowboarding and take yoga and ballet classes. “Now I pace myself, but I’m probably 75 percent of normal,” she said.
Many patients point to another problem with chronic fatigue syndrome: the name itself, which they say trivializes their condition and has discouraged researchers, drug companies and government agencies from taking it seriously. Many patients prefer the older British term, myalgic encephalomyelitis, which means “muscle pain with inflammation of the brain and spinal chord,” or a more generic term, myalgic encephalopathy.
“You can change people’s attributions of the seriousness of the illness if you have a more medical-sounding name,” said Dr. Leonard Jason, a professor of community psychology at DePaul University in Chicago.
Published: July 17, 2007
For decades, people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome have struggled to convince doctors, employers, friends and even family members that they were not imagining their debilitating symptoms. Skeptics called the illness “yuppie flu” and “shirker syndrome.”

Donna Flowers, who became ill with chronic fatigue syndrome several years ago after a bout of mononucleosis, working out in her home in Los Gatos, Calif., while taking care of her twins.
Photo by Heidi Schumann for The New York Times
But the syndrome is now finally gaining some official respect. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which in 1999 acknowledged that it had diverted millions of dollars allocated by Congress for chronic fatigue syndrome research to other programs, has released studies that linked the condition to genetic mutations and abnormalities in gene expression involved in key physiological processes. The centers have also sponsored a $6 million public awareness campaign about the illness. And last month, the C.D.C. released survey data suggesting that the prevalence of the syndrome is far higher than previously thought, although these findings have stirred controversy among patients and scientists. Some scientists and many patients remain highly critical of the C.D.C.’s record on chronic fatigue syndrome, or C.F.S. But nearly everyone now agrees that the syndrome is real.
“People with C.F.S. are as sick and as functionally impaired as someone with AIDS, with breast cancer, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,” said Dr. William Reeves, the lead expert on the illness at the C.D.C., who helped expose the centers’ misuse of chronic fatigue financing.
Chronic fatigue syndrome was first identified as a distinct entity in the 1980s. (A virtually identical illness had been identified in Britain three decades earlier and called myalgic encephalomyelitis.) The illness causes overwhelming fatigue, sleep disorders and other severe symptoms and afflicts more women than men. No consistent biomarkers have been identified and no treatments have been approved for addressing the underlying causes, although some medications provide symptomatic relief.
Patients say the word “fatigue” does not begin to describe their condition. Donna Flowers of Los Gatos, Calif., a physical therapist and former professional figure skater, said the profound exhaustion was unlike anything she had ever experienced.
“I slept for 12 to 14 hours a day but still felt sleep-deprived,” said Ms. Flowers, 51, who fell ill several years ago after a bout of mononucleosis. “I had what we call ‘brain fog.’ I couldn’t think straight, and I could barely read. I couldn’t get the energy to go out of the door. I thought I was doomed. I wanted to die.”
Studies have shown that people with the syndrome experience abnormalities in the central and autonomic nervous systems, the immune system, cognitive functions, the stress response pathways and other major biological functions. Researchers believe the illness will ultimately prove to have multiple causes, including genetic predisposition and exposure to microbial agents, toxins and other physical and emotional traumas. Studies have linked the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome with an acute bout of Lyme disease, Q fever, Ross River virus, parvovirus, mononucleosis and other infectious diseases.
“It’s unlikely that this big cluster of people who fit the symptoms all have the same triggers,” said Kimberly McCleary, president of the Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of America, the advocacy group in charge of the C.D.C.-sponsored awareness campaign. “You’re looking not just at apples and oranges but pineapples, hot dogs and skateboards, too.”
Under the most widely used case definition, a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome requires six months of unexplained fatigue as well as four of eight other persistent symptoms: impaired memory and concentration, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, disturbed sleeping patterns and post-exercise malaise.
The broadness of the definition has led to varying estimates of the syndrome’s prevalence. Based on previous surveys, the C.D.C. has estimated that more than a million Americans have the illness.
Last month, however, the disease control centers reported that a randomized telephone survey in Georgia, using a less restrictive methodology to identify cases, found that about 1 in 40 adults ages 18 to 59 met the diagnostic criteria — an estimate 6 to 10 times higher than previously reported rates.
However, many patients and researchers fear that the expanded prevalence rate could complicate the search for consistent findings across patient cohorts. These critics say the new figures are greatly inflated and include many people who are likely to be suffering not from chronic fatigue syndrome but from psychiatric illnesses.
“There are many, many conditions that are psychological in nature that share symptoms with this illness but do not share much of the underlying biology,” said John Herd, 55, a former medical illustrator and a C.F.S. patient for two decades.
Researchers and patient advocates have faulted other aspects of the C.D.C.’s research. Dr. Jonathan Kerr, a microbiologist and chronic fatigue expert at St. George’s University of London, said the C.D.C.’s gene expression findings last year were “rather meaningless” because they were not confirmed through more advanced laboratory techniques. Kristin Loomis, executive director of the HHV-6 Foundation, a research advocacy group for a form of herpes virus that has been linked to C.F.S., said studying subsets of patients with similar profiles was more likely to generate useful findings than Dr. Reeves’s population-based approach.
Dr. Reeves responded that understanding of the disease and of some newer research technologies is still in its infancy, so methodological disagreements were to be expected. He defended the population-based approach as necessary for obtaining a broad picture and replicable results. “To me, this is the usual scientific dialogue,” he said.
Dr. Jose G. Montoya, a Stanford infectious disease specialist pursuing the kind of research favored by Ms. Loomis, caused a buzz last December when he reported remarkable improvement in 9 out of 12 patients given a powerful antiviral medication, valganciclovir. Dr. Montoya has just begun a randomized controlled trial of the drug, which is approved for other uses.
Dr. Montoya said some cases of the syndrome were caused when an acute infection set off a recurrence of latent infections of Epstein Barr virus and HHV-6, two pathogens that most people are exposed to in childhood. Ms. Flowers, the former figure skater, had high levels of antibodies to both viruses and was one of Dr. Montoya’s initial C.F.S. patients.
Six months after starting treatment, Ms. Flowers said, she was able to go snowboarding and take yoga and ballet classes. “Now I pace myself, but I’m probably 75 percent of normal,” she said.
Many patients point to another problem with chronic fatigue syndrome: the name itself, which they say trivializes their condition and has discouraged researchers, drug companies and government agencies from taking it seriously. Many patients prefer the older British term, myalgic encephalomyelitis, which means “muscle pain with inflammation of the brain and spinal chord,” or a more generic term, myalgic encephalopathy.
“You can change people’s attributions of the seriousness of the illness if you have a more medical-sounding name,” said Dr. Leonard Jason, a professor of community psychology at DePaul University in Chicago.
Men hooked on mobile phones may suffer a 40 per cent drop in fertility
October 24, 2006
Radiation is the likely cause, reports our correspondent from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
By Mark Henderson
MEN who are heavy users of mobile phones have significantly lower sperm counts than those who are not, according to research that suggests radiation from handsets could be damaging male fertility.
Both the quantity and quality of a man’s sperm decline as his daily mobile phone use increases, a study of 361 infertility patients in the United States indicates.
The greatest effects were seen among very heavy users who talked on a mobile phone for more than four hours a day. They produced about 40 per cent less sperm than men who never used a mobile phone at all. Smaller falls in sperm count were also found among those who used the phones less frequently.
The findings, from a team led by Ashok Agarwal, of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, could indicate that the electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phone handsets are interfering with sperm production.
Previous studies have shown that close and heavy exposure to this form of radiation damages sperm in the laboratory, though an effect has never been demonstrated convincingly outside this environment.
Other researchers, however, cautioned that the study showed only an association between mobile phone use and sperm counts, but established no causal link. It was more likely that heavy phone use was linked to another factor, such as stress or obesity, which was responsible for the effect, they said.
“The findings seem pretty robust, but I can only assume that mobile phone use is a surrogate for something else,” said Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield. “If you are holding it up to your head to speak a lot, it makes no sense it is having a direct effect on your testes.
“Maybe people who use a phone for four hours a day spend more time sitting in cars, which could mean there’s a heat issue. It could be they are more stressed, or more sedentary and sit about eating junk food getting fat. Those seem to be better explanations than a phone causing the damage at such a great distance.”
Dr Agarwal, who presented the results yesterday at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference in New Orleans, said that they were worrying because of the wide extent of mobile phone use. “Almost a billion people are using cell phones and the number is growing in many countries at 20 to 30 per cent a year,” Dr Agarwal said.
“People use mobile phones without thinking twice what the consequences may be. It is just like using a toothbrush but mobiles could be having a devastating effect on fertility. It still has to be proved, but it could have a huge impact because mobiles are so much part of our lives.”
In the study, 361 men whose sperm was being analysed before fertility treatment were asked about their mobile phone use, and split into four groups: those who never used a phone, those who used a phone for less than two hours, two to four hours, and more than four hours a day.
Median sperm counts were measured at 85.89 million per millilitre for non-users, 69.03 million for the second group, 58.87 million for the third and 50.30 million for the fourth. Sperm motility, or swimming ability, also fell as phone use increased, as did other measures of quality.
“The main finding was that on all four parameters — sperm count, motility, viability and morphology — there were significant differences between the groups,” Dr Agarwal said. “The greater the use of cell phones, the greater the decrease in these four parameters. That was very clear and very significant.”
The results are similar to a previous study by researchers at the University of Szeged, in Hungary, which suggested a 30 per cent reduction in sperm count among men who kept a mobile phone on standby in their trouser pockets. The research, however, failed to control for lifestyle.
Such controls are important because sperm production is sensitive to a number of factors, including obesity and heat: lorry drivers and travelling salesmen, for example, tend to have low sperm counts because the long hours that they spend sitting increases the temperature of their testes.
Dr Agarwal said that if the effect was caused by mobile phones, several explanations were possible. Studies have shown that electromagnetic fields can damage Leydig cells in the testes, and mobile phones are also known to cause a heating effect on tissue that may be hazardous to sperm. Both phenomena occur over short distances, so holding a phone to the head while speaking should not be dangerous.
Radiation is the likely cause, reports our correspondent from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
By Mark Henderson

Both the quantity and quality of a man’s sperm decline as his daily mobile phone use increases, a study of 361 infertility patients in the United States indicates.
The greatest effects were seen among very heavy users who talked on a mobile phone for more than four hours a day. They produced about 40 per cent less sperm than men who never used a mobile phone at all. Smaller falls in sperm count were also found among those who used the phones less frequently.
The findings, from a team led by Ashok Agarwal, of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, could indicate that the electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phone handsets are interfering with sperm production.
Previous studies have shown that close and heavy exposure to this form of radiation damages sperm in the laboratory, though an effect has never been demonstrated convincingly outside this environment.
Other researchers, however, cautioned that the study showed only an association between mobile phone use and sperm counts, but established no causal link. It was more likely that heavy phone use was linked to another factor, such as stress or obesity, which was responsible for the effect, they said.
“The findings seem pretty robust, but I can only assume that mobile phone use is a surrogate for something else,” said Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield. “If you are holding it up to your head to speak a lot, it makes no sense it is having a direct effect on your testes.
“Maybe people who use a phone for four hours a day spend more time sitting in cars, which could mean there’s a heat issue. It could be they are more stressed, or more sedentary and sit about eating junk food getting fat. Those seem to be better explanations than a phone causing the damage at such a great distance.”
Dr Agarwal, who presented the results yesterday at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference in New Orleans, said that they were worrying because of the wide extent of mobile phone use. “Almost a billion people are using cell phones and the number is growing in many countries at 20 to 30 per cent a year,” Dr Agarwal said.
“People use mobile phones without thinking twice what the consequences may be. It is just like using a toothbrush but mobiles could be having a devastating effect on fertility. It still has to be proved, but it could have a huge impact because mobiles are so much part of our lives.”
In the study, 361 men whose sperm was being analysed before fertility treatment were asked about their mobile phone use, and split into four groups: those who never used a phone, those who used a phone for less than two hours, two to four hours, and more than four hours a day.
Median sperm counts were measured at 85.89 million per millilitre for non-users, 69.03 million for the second group, 58.87 million for the third and 50.30 million for the fourth. Sperm motility, or swimming ability, also fell as phone use increased, as did other measures of quality.
“The main finding was that on all four parameters — sperm count, motility, viability and morphology — there were significant differences between the groups,” Dr Agarwal said. “The greater the use of cell phones, the greater the decrease in these four parameters. That was very clear and very significant.”
The results are similar to a previous study by researchers at the University of Szeged, in Hungary, which suggested a 30 per cent reduction in sperm count among men who kept a mobile phone on standby in their trouser pockets. The research, however, failed to control for lifestyle.
Such controls are important because sperm production is sensitive to a number of factors, including obesity and heat: lorry drivers and travelling salesmen, for example, tend to have low sperm counts because the long hours that they spend sitting increases the temperature of their testes.
Dr Agarwal said that if the effect was caused by mobile phones, several explanations were possible. Studies have shown that electromagnetic fields can damage Leydig cells in the testes, and mobile phones are also known to cause a heating effect on tissue that may be hazardous to sperm. Both phenomena occur over short distances, so holding a phone to the head while speaking should not be dangerous.
Mobiles have Aussies hooked
By Sam Wallis
Posted Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:13am AEST
Updated Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:19am AEST
Research suggests mobile phone addiction could be the new psychological disorder of the 21st century. (AAP: Julian Smith)
An estimated 94 per cent of Australians own a mobile phone, and for some, it is their most treasured gadget.
The mobile phone boom has fascinated sociologists who for years have been warning of the potential of mobile phones to change the way we interact.
Now there is evidence that mobile phones have thousands of Australians hooked.
Research presented at the 2007 Mobile Media Conference by Shari Walsh, from the Queensland University of Technology, suggests mobile phone addiction could be the new psychological disorder of the 21st century.
She has conducted focus groups and surveyed about 500 mobile phone users, finding the length of time a person spends on the phone does not necessarily mean they are addicted to it.
"It all depends on whether or not they have negative outcomes, so whether they have a distress when they're unable to use their phone, whether there are times that they should be doing something else like driving for instance, but have such a strong conviction to use their phone that they'll actually use the phone while driving, even though they know they shouldn't," she said.
Ms Walsh says people do not get addicted to phones, it is more likely they get addicted to being connected to other people.
"The question is really whether young people particularly are addicted to being connected to other people all the time, so do they need this constant sense of connection with other people or are they actually addicted to a mobile phone," she said.
"At the moment, I don't think we know the answer to that."
'Almost an amputation'
Clinical psychologist and family therapist Andrew Fuller has a keen interest in the mobile phone addiction phenomenon.
"Many of the young people that I work with would - it would almost be an amputation being without their mobile phones, it's remarkable," he said.
Mr Fuller says mobile phone addiction also contributes to depression.
"Mobile phone usage alters sleep patterns... it lessens the time between falling asleep and the onset of the first dream," he said.
"We're not quite sure really exactly what this means, except to say that we only see that pattern of sleep in one other population, and that's depressed in-patients."
It is not just the addicts themselves who are affected by their mobile phone addiction. Mr Fuller says mobiles reduce the amount of face to face contact people have, which leads to less meaningful relationships.
"We see a lessening in sympathy and trust and empathy - the things that basically bind together, if you like, a civilised society," he said.
Ms Walsh says, like gambling or drug addicts, problem mobile users can easily lose track of their costs.
That means teenagers are finding themselves in debt before they finish school.
"The difficulty is that if people are addicted to the phone or to being connected and they can't turn it off, they're not able to give themselves the quiet time we all need and that's to me when it would become a problem," she said.
By Sam Wallis
Posted Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:13am AEST
Updated Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:19am AEST

An estimated 94 per cent of Australians own a mobile phone, and for some, it is their most treasured gadget.
The mobile phone boom has fascinated sociologists who for years have been warning of the potential of mobile phones to change the way we interact.
Now there is evidence that mobile phones have thousands of Australians hooked.
Research presented at the 2007 Mobile Media Conference by Shari Walsh, from the Queensland University of Technology, suggests mobile phone addiction could be the new psychological disorder of the 21st century.
She has conducted focus groups and surveyed about 500 mobile phone users, finding the length of time a person spends on the phone does not necessarily mean they are addicted to it.
"It all depends on whether or not they have negative outcomes, so whether they have a distress when they're unable to use their phone, whether there are times that they should be doing something else like driving for instance, but have such a strong conviction to use their phone that they'll actually use the phone while driving, even though they know they shouldn't," she said.
Ms Walsh says people do not get addicted to phones, it is more likely they get addicted to being connected to other people.
"The question is really whether young people particularly are addicted to being connected to other people all the time, so do they need this constant sense of connection with other people or are they actually addicted to a mobile phone," she said.
"At the moment, I don't think we know the answer to that."
'Almost an amputation'
Clinical psychologist and family therapist Andrew Fuller has a keen interest in the mobile phone addiction phenomenon.
"Many of the young people that I work with would - it would almost be an amputation being without their mobile phones, it's remarkable," he said.
Mr Fuller says mobile phone addiction also contributes to depression.
"Mobile phone usage alters sleep patterns... it lessens the time between falling asleep and the onset of the first dream," he said.
"We're not quite sure really exactly what this means, except to say that we only see that pattern of sleep in one other population, and that's depressed in-patients."
It is not just the addicts themselves who are affected by their mobile phone addiction. Mr Fuller says mobiles reduce the amount of face to face contact people have, which leads to less meaningful relationships.
"We see a lessening in sympathy and trust and empathy - the things that basically bind together, if you like, a civilised society," he said.
Ms Walsh says, like gambling or drug addicts, problem mobile users can easily lose track of their costs.
That means teenagers are finding themselves in debt before they finish school.
"The difficulty is that if people are addicted to the phone or to being connected and they can't turn it off, they're not able to give themselves the quiet time we all need and that's to me when it would become a problem," she said.
A Psychological Defense Against Suffering and Feelings of Powerlessness
The following logic applied so beautifully in Dr. Rosenthal's article can also be applied to the EMR problem. What we don't need are people who have learned to be helpless, mindless, selfish, stupid, and hence support the dysfunctional status quo; but rather people who are critical thinkers and who will act deliberately in becoming Change Agents to create a better future for us and our children.
A Psychological Defense Against Suffering and Feelings of Powerlessness
War and Dissociation
When Tina Turner sang, "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken," we all knew what she meant. In a world filled with pain, nature provides a defence against suffering called dissociation.
Experiences that are too horrible to be integrated into our understanding of the world are split off from conscious awareness. Dissociation provides a mental escape when there is no physical escape.
Dissociation separates contradictory experiences to avoid internal conflict, making it possible to love our own children and support wars that kill other people's children; to want freedom and support wars that deny others their freedom. To feel outrage at being robbed and support wars that rob the people of other lands.
Dissociation mentally disconnects us from intolerable experiences. When thinking brings pain, dissociation helps people to move through life without thinking; we shut out the world or imagine it to be much safer than it really is. By numbing fear, anger and pain, dissociation creates a false sense of safety, reducing our motivation to remove the dangers that threaten us.
Severe dissociation numbs compassion and empathy, making it possible for people to do cruel and monstrous things that they would never do in a non-dissociated state.
An unthinkable war
The barbarism of the Iraq war is creating mass dissociation in Iraq and America. Iraqis are going out of their minds with suffering. So are their tormentors, the American soldiers who are themselves tormented by what they have seen and done.
Ordinary Americans must also dissociate in order to live "normal" lives while a horrific war looms menacingly in the background. Such dissociation provides temporary comfort, while allowing the war to continue.
The media encourage mass dissociation, presenting sanitized coverage of the war and sedating commentary that drips with lies. "Doublespeak" promotes dissociation to make the unacceptable acceptable. Invasion is defense; civilian deaths are collateral damage; a freedom fighter is a terrorist working for us; and a terrorist is a freedom fighter working for them.
Politicians revel in doublespeak. On Independence Day, President Bush equated the U.S. war to dominate Iraq with America's fight against British domination. Such upside-down distortions encourage people to dissociate from the fact that their government is conducting mass murder in their name.
Dissociation in the face of terrible injustice is mistakenly perceived as a lack of caring instead of what it really is: a psychological defense against feeling powerless.
Polls consistently show that Americans are very concerned about the war, and most want it to end. Yet, they see no way forward. The Democrats consistently betray the anti-war movement, and liberal leaders of the social movements tail the Democrats. The recent vote to bring most American combat troops home next April is just another sham.
All troops must come home now, combat and occupation forces, because Iraq belongs to the Iraqis. Delaying the pullout only compounds the misery and provides politicians with enough time to change their minds.
While the powers-that-be promote war as necessary for peace, prosperity and security, peace never comes, only the wealthy prosper and life becomes increasingly insecure. The ordinary American, the American soldier and the people they are supposed to hate, all are victimized by the rich and powerful who feed off their suffering.
Americans don't need to care more about the war. They need an uncompromising anti-war movement that can organize them into a force powerful enough to end it.
Dr. Susan Rosenthal has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years and has written many articles on the relationship between health and human relationships. She is also the author of Striking Flint: Genora (Johnson) Dollinger Remembers the 1936-1937 General Motors Sit-Down Strike (1996) and Market Madness and Mental Illness: The Crisis in Mental Health Care (1999) and Power and Powerlessness. She is a member of the National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981. She can be reached through her web site www.powerandpowerlessnes.com or by author@powerandpowerlessness.com
A Psychological Defense Against Suffering and Feelings of Powerlessness
War and Dissociation
When Tina Turner sang, "Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken," we all knew what she meant. In a world filled with pain, nature provides a defence against suffering called dissociation.
Experiences that are too horrible to be integrated into our understanding of the world are split off from conscious awareness. Dissociation provides a mental escape when there is no physical escape.
Dissociation separates contradictory experiences to avoid internal conflict, making it possible to love our own children and support wars that kill other people's children; to want freedom and support wars that deny others their freedom. To feel outrage at being robbed and support wars that rob the people of other lands.
Dissociation mentally disconnects us from intolerable experiences. When thinking brings pain, dissociation helps people to move through life without thinking; we shut out the world or imagine it to be much safer than it really is. By numbing fear, anger and pain, dissociation creates a false sense of safety, reducing our motivation to remove the dangers that threaten us.
Severe dissociation numbs compassion and empathy, making it possible for people to do cruel and monstrous things that they would never do in a non-dissociated state.
An unthinkable war
The barbarism of the Iraq war is creating mass dissociation in Iraq and America. Iraqis are going out of their minds with suffering. So are their tormentors, the American soldiers who are themselves tormented by what they have seen and done.
Ordinary Americans must also dissociate in order to live "normal" lives while a horrific war looms menacingly in the background. Such dissociation provides temporary comfort, while allowing the war to continue.
The media encourage mass dissociation, presenting sanitized coverage of the war and sedating commentary that drips with lies. "Doublespeak" promotes dissociation to make the unacceptable acceptable. Invasion is defense; civilian deaths are collateral damage; a freedom fighter is a terrorist working for us; and a terrorist is a freedom fighter working for them.
Politicians revel in doublespeak. On Independence Day, President Bush equated the U.S. war to dominate Iraq with America's fight against British domination. Such upside-down distortions encourage people to dissociate from the fact that their government is conducting mass murder in their name.
Dissociation in the face of terrible injustice is mistakenly perceived as a lack of caring instead of what it really is: a psychological defense against feeling powerless.
Polls consistently show that Americans are very concerned about the war, and most want it to end. Yet, they see no way forward. The Democrats consistently betray the anti-war movement, and liberal leaders of the social movements tail the Democrats. The recent vote to bring most American combat troops home next April is just another sham.
All troops must come home now, combat and occupation forces, because Iraq belongs to the Iraqis. Delaying the pullout only compounds the misery and provides politicians with enough time to change their minds.
While the powers-that-be promote war as necessary for peace, prosperity and security, peace never comes, only the wealthy prosper and life becomes increasingly insecure. The ordinary American, the American soldier and the people they are supposed to hate, all are victimized by the rich and powerful who feed off their suffering.
Americans don't need to care more about the war. They need an uncompromising anti-war movement that can organize them into a force powerful enough to end it.
Dr. Susan Rosenthal has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years and has written many articles on the relationship between health and human relationships. She is also the author of Striking Flint: Genora (Johnson) Dollinger Remembers the 1936-1937 General Motors Sit-Down Strike (1996) and Market Madness and Mental Illness: The Crisis in Mental Health Care (1999) and Power and Powerlessness. She is a member of the National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981. She can be reached through her web site www.powerandpowerlessnes.com or by author@powerandpowerlessness.com
Monday, July 16, 2007
Ohita District Court: An Elementary School Girl’s Testimony Moves Court Audience
Ohita District Court: An Elementary School Girl’s Testimony Moves Court Audience
On 25th July 2002, a fifth hearing was held in the Ohita District Court House and a eleven-year-old elementary school girl took the stand. Her fiery testimony against NTT DoCoMo - coming from a child - had a profound affect on the audience. Since it was during the Japanese summer holiday season, the large Ohita District Courtroom was filled to the brim with 35 children and 80 adults, many of whom were the children's parents:
What I want to say to this court is that I believe ‘health’ to be very important. And ‘to live’ is also very important. These two precious things may be lost due to exposure to microwave radiation. I can not allow this being exposed to health-damaging microwaves. I have to tell you what I really want to say here in this court. That is why, I decided to take this stand. I feel my future may depend on this trial. I also feel that it is not only my own, but also many other children’s future are depending on the outcome of this trial. If microwaves are dangerous enough to cause leukemia and cancer... then it really feels like the end of the world for us children.
Fortunately, some adults in our area have helped us to understand the dangers of microwave radiation and have given us this chance to bring this issue to court. I can not forgive NTT DoCoMo's (Kyushu Branch) for its lies and the violence it has enacted against us. I myself felt like I had to do something. So I decided to express my opinions here in this courtroom.
First, I would like to talk about Haruki. Many children live in this area. We are working hard to fulfill our future dreams. Please imagine how you would feel if you worked hard from your childfood just to become sick with leukemia or cancer because you were exposed to microwaves from a nearby cell phone tower?
Just the idea that microwaves are harmful was enough to make me scared. If microwaves are harmful, then I might have to hear bad news about a friend who got leukemia once we were grown up. Who would be happy to know such news of one’s friend? No one. Who would be happy to attend to a friend’s funeral? And what if that person were still young? We have to realize that such a sad story might actually happen on us and the children who are yet to be born.
Furthermore, NTT’s response to cell tower erection is irrational. They do not take into account the results of any scientific experiments and just tell us it's ‘safe.’ The best excuse for them is that the exposure level is only one three thousandths of the government standard. However, from my point of view, they rely on a very lax standard determined by the government. And I know that the government standard is way too lax to protect our lives. Who can accept such standards? Is it safe enough to protect our health, dreams, and future? Who are you if you do not question such a lax standard?
Yes, I understand that NTT DoCOMo Kyusyu is pleased to receive money for R&D on how to market cell phones to youngsters. Yet, NTT seems to have no interest in safety studies.
Then, I realized one more important fact. We, the children in this area, are the test animals for NTT. I feel that NTT is making a real experiment by exposing us to microwave radiation. However, I can not sacrifice my life for such dirty dealings.
We have a dream and a strong will to live. We are the children who need to create a future society. We are not the test animals for business people who are crazy to earn money. Our life will never be for their interests.
Furthermore, I can see right through NTT’s irrational behavior. I believe that normal people want to avoid something that is dangerous or likely to be dangerous. They would not want to accept something that is clearly dangerous. On the other hand, NTT offers us something dangerous so they can earn money. They are earning money so they can allow microwaves to be emitted from the tower. Isn’t that strange?
I believe NTT has no right to put cell towers in our midst that may deprive us of our lives. NTT is an irresponsible company that uses the government standard as a lame excuse.
On 25th July 2002, a fifth hearing was held in the Ohita District Court House and a eleven-year-old elementary school girl took the stand. Her fiery testimony against NTT DoCoMo - coming from a child - had a profound affect on the audience. Since it was during the Japanese summer holiday season, the large Ohita District Courtroom was filled to the brim with 35 children and 80 adults, many of whom were the children's parents:
What I want to say to this court is that I believe ‘health’ to be very important. And ‘to live’ is also very important. These two precious things may be lost due to exposure to microwave radiation. I can not allow this being exposed to health-damaging microwaves. I have to tell you what I really want to say here in this court. That is why, I decided to take this stand. I feel my future may depend on this trial. I also feel that it is not only my own, but also many other children’s future are depending on the outcome of this trial. If microwaves are dangerous enough to cause leukemia and cancer... then it really feels like the end of the world for us children.
Fortunately, some adults in our area have helped us to understand the dangers of microwave radiation and have given us this chance to bring this issue to court. I can not forgive NTT DoCoMo's (Kyushu Branch) for its lies and the violence it has enacted against us. I myself felt like I had to do something. So I decided to express my opinions here in this courtroom.
First, I would like to talk about Haruki. Many children live in this area. We are working hard to fulfill our future dreams. Please imagine how you would feel if you worked hard from your childfood just to become sick with leukemia or cancer because you were exposed to microwaves from a nearby cell phone tower?
Just the idea that microwaves are harmful was enough to make me scared. If microwaves are harmful, then I might have to hear bad news about a friend who got leukemia once we were grown up. Who would be happy to know such news of one’s friend? No one. Who would be happy to attend to a friend’s funeral? And what if that person were still young? We have to realize that such a sad story might actually happen on us and the children who are yet to be born.
Furthermore, NTT’s response to cell tower erection is irrational. They do not take into account the results of any scientific experiments and just tell us it's ‘safe.’ The best excuse for them is that the exposure level is only one three thousandths of the government standard. However, from my point of view, they rely on a very lax standard determined by the government. And I know that the government standard is way too lax to protect our lives. Who can accept such standards? Is it safe enough to protect our health, dreams, and future? Who are you if you do not question such a lax standard?
Yes, I understand that NTT DoCOMo Kyusyu is pleased to receive money for R&D on how to market cell phones to youngsters. Yet, NTT seems to have no interest in safety studies.
Then, I realized one more important fact. We, the children in this area, are the test animals for NTT. I feel that NTT is making a real experiment by exposing us to microwave radiation. However, I can not sacrifice my life for such dirty dealings.
We have a dream and a strong will to live. We are the children who need to create a future society. We are not the test animals for business people who are crazy to earn money. Our life will never be for their interests.
Furthermore, I can see right through NTT’s irrational behavior. I believe that normal people want to avoid something that is dangerous or likely to be dangerous. They would not want to accept something that is clearly dangerous. On the other hand, NTT offers us something dangerous so they can earn money. They are earning money so they can allow microwaves to be emitted from the tower. Isn’t that strange?
I believe NTT has no right to put cell towers in our midst that may deprive us of our lives. NTT is an irresponsible company that uses the government standard as a lame excuse.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Study Shows Glial Cells Affected By Cell Phone Radiation
Glial cells, commonly called neuroglia or simply glia (greek for "glue"), are non-neuronal cells that provide support and nutrition, maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and participate in signal transmission in the nervous system. In the human brain, glia are estimated to outnumber neurons by about 10 to 1.[1]
Glial cells provide support and protection for neurons, the other main type of cell in the central nervous system. They are thus known as the "glue" of the nervous system. The four main functions of glial cells are to surround neurons and hold them in place, to supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons, to insulate one neuron from another, and to destroy pathogens and remove dead neurons.
Toxicology. 2007 May 26; [Epub ahead of print]
Effect of an acute 900MHz GSM exposure on glia in the rat brain: A time-dependent study.
Brillaud E, Piotrowski A, de Seze R.
INERIS, Unité de Toxicologie Expérimentale, Parc Technologique ALATA, BP no. 2, 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte, France.
Because of the increasing use of mobile phones, the possible risks of radio frequency electromagnetic fields adverse effects on the human brain has to be evaluated. In this work we measured GFAP expression, to evaluate glial evolution 2, 3, 6 and 10 days after a single GSM exposure (15min, brain averaged SAR=6W/kg, 900MHz signal) in the rat brain. A statistically significant increase of GFAP stained surface area was observed 2 days after exposure in the frontal cortex and the caudate putamen. A smaller statistically significant increase was noted 3 days after exposure in the same areas and in the cerebellum cortex. Our results confirm the Mausset-Bonnefont et al. study [Mausset-Bonnefont, A.L., Hirbec, H., Bonnefont, X., Privat, A., Vignon, J., de Seze, R., 2004. Acute exposure to GSM 900MHz electromagnetic fields induces glial reactivity and biochemical modifications in the rat brain. Neurobiol. Dis. 17, 445-454], showing the existence of glial reactivity after a 15min GSM acute exposure at a brain averaged SAR of 6W/kg. We conclude to a temporary effect, probably due to a hypertrophy of glial cells, with a temporal and a spatial modulation of the effect. Whether this effect could be harmful remains to be studied.
PMID: 17624651 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Glial cells provide support and protection for neurons, the other main type of cell in the central nervous system. They are thus known as the "glue" of the nervous system. The four main functions of glial cells are to surround neurons and hold them in place, to supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons, to insulate one neuron from another, and to destroy pathogens and remove dead neurons.
Toxicology. 2007 May 26; [Epub ahead of print]
Effect of an acute 900MHz GSM exposure on glia in the rat brain: A time-dependent study.
Brillaud E, Piotrowski A, de Seze R.
INERIS, Unité de Toxicologie Expérimentale, Parc Technologique ALATA, BP no. 2, 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte, France.
Because of the increasing use of mobile phones, the possible risks of radio frequency electromagnetic fields adverse effects on the human brain has to be evaluated. In this work we measured GFAP expression, to evaluate glial evolution 2, 3, 6 and 10 days after a single GSM exposure (15min, brain averaged SAR=6W/kg, 900MHz signal) in the rat brain. A statistically significant increase of GFAP stained surface area was observed 2 days after exposure in the frontal cortex and the caudate putamen. A smaller statistically significant increase was noted 3 days after exposure in the same areas and in the cerebellum cortex. Our results confirm the Mausset-Bonnefont et al. study [Mausset-Bonnefont, A.L., Hirbec, H., Bonnefont, X., Privat, A., Vignon, J., de Seze, R., 2004. Acute exposure to GSM 900MHz electromagnetic fields induces glial reactivity and biochemical modifications in the rat brain. Neurobiol. Dis. 17, 445-454], showing the existence of glial reactivity after a 15min GSM acute exposure at a brain averaged SAR of 6W/kg. We conclude to a temporary effect, probably due to a hypertrophy of glial cells, with a temporal and a spatial modulation of the effect. Whether this effect could be harmful remains to be studied.
PMID: 17624651 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Study Warns of Cell Phone Effect on Sperm
These results suggest that carrying cell phones near reproductive organs could negatively affect male fertility.
1: Fertil Steril. 2007 Jul 10; [Epub ahead of print]
Effects of cellular phone emissions on sperm motility in rats.
Yan JG, Agresti M, Bruce T, Yan YH, Granlund A, Matloub HS.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of cellular phone emissions on rat sperm cells. DESIGN: Classic experimental. SETTING: Animal research laboratory.
SUBJECTS: Sixteen 3-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 250-300 g.
INTERVENTION(S): Rats in the experimental group were exposed to two 3-hour periods of daily cellular phone emissions for 18 weeks; sperm samples were then collected for evaluation.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Evaluation of sperm motility, sperm cell morphology, total sperm cell number, and mRNA levels for two cell surface adhesion proteins.
RESULT(S): Rats exposed to 6 hours of daily cellular phone emissions for 18 weeks exhibited a significantly higher incidence of sperm cell death than control group rats through chi-squared analysis. In addition, abnormal clumping of sperm cells was present in rats exposed to cellular phone emissions and was not present in control group rats.
CONCLUSION(S): These results suggest that carrying cell phones near reproductive organs could negatively affect male fertility.
PMID: 17628553 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
1: Fertil Steril. 2007 Jul 10; [Epub ahead of print]
Effects of cellular phone emissions on sperm motility in rats.
Yan JG, Agresti M, Bruce T, Yan YH, Granlund A, Matloub HS.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of cellular phone emissions on rat sperm cells. DESIGN: Classic experimental. SETTING: Animal research laboratory.
SUBJECTS: Sixteen 3-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 250-300 g.
INTERVENTION(S): Rats in the experimental group were exposed to two 3-hour periods of daily cellular phone emissions for 18 weeks; sperm samples were then collected for evaluation.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Evaluation of sperm motility, sperm cell morphology, total sperm cell number, and mRNA levels for two cell surface adhesion proteins.
RESULT(S): Rats exposed to 6 hours of daily cellular phone emissions for 18 weeks exhibited a significantly higher incidence of sperm cell death than control group rats through chi-squared analysis. In addition, abnormal clumping of sperm cells was present in rats exposed to cellular phone emissions and was not present in control group rats.
CONCLUSION(S): These results suggest that carrying cell phones near reproductive organs could negatively affect male fertility.
PMID: 17628553 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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