Saturday, July 05, 2014

WiFi — An invisible but ubiquitous threat to the species

WiFi — An invisible but ubiquitous threat to the species

WiFi — An invisible but ubiquitous threat to the future of the species

by  Jim Fetzer

“Of the microwave-exposed women, 47.7% had miscarriages prior to the 7th week of pregnancy….”–Professor John R. Goldsmith, International Consultant / Advisor for Radio-Frequency Communication, Epidemiology and Communications Sciences Advisor to the WHO

Barrie TrowerToday I conducted one of the most disturbing radio interviews of my life as host of “The Real Deal”, with a British physicist and electronic warfare expert, Barrie Trower.
By the time he had finished his service in the military, Barrie had acquired a great deal of expertise in the microwave field and he extended his research to common electronic systems, including cell phones, iPods, computer games and microwave ovens.
He was appalled to discover that microwave radiation is ubiquitous and extremely hazardous, especially to pregnant women and young children.  The risks are so great that the use of WiFi, which is enormously popular, can lead to permanent genetic damage to your children and your children’s children. Here is his personal warning in his own words:
“In the very early 1960’s I trained with the government microwave warfare establishment. I looked at all aspects of microwave warfare and when I finished my time in the military, because I had a lot of expertise in the microwave field, I was asked if I would carry on with this research. We are in a new Cold War and this is why countries are developing this. And this is why all the microwave transmitters are going up everywhere because somebody, if they wanted to, could use them for other effects. The system is up and running.
Years ago our government said to our scientists when it comes to microwaves you will only talk about things to do with heat, and that is it. So they won’t even discuss anything else. They will deny anything that doesn’t have anything to do with heat. They even deny all their 40 years of research leading up to this, although they’ve said that this can cause cancer and all the damage, they say no it can’t. We’re only looking at heat and heat is all that matters. So for the last 40 years the English government has been lying to the people. And the American, the Canadian, the Australian, they have been lying. They have been lying to protect industry, to protect their profits, to protect themselves from lawsuits.
So they are really just liars and it is provable, sanctioned by the World Health Organization, without a shadow of a doubt. It is the same people that sit on the ICNAP certificate, sit on our government health protection agencies, sit on the World Health Organization . . . . it is the same people. There are probably no more than 20 of them. But, yes, they are going to, in my opinion, commit the worst genocide this planet has ever known, not just people, but animals and plants. They are probably going to cause more destruction than a global war, and in several hundred years time, people will look back, whoever survives, and look at what we tried to do to stop them.”

Wi-Fi, microwaves and the consequences for our health

Those most powerfully affected are pregnant women, children, women generally, the elderly, men and (least of all) the physically fit. Some persons appear to be invulnerable to exposure, but a significant percentage–from 47.7% to 57.7%–appear to be especially vulnerable, even from most of us might have regarded as low doses that represent minimal risk. The situation, however, turns out to be quite the opposite.
The human female is born with 400,000 follicles of which approximately 400 will eventually mature into eggs with the potential to be fertilized by sperm to produce a zygote, which will develop into an embryo and then into a fetus and, under favorable conditions, will result in a live birth. During the first 4-6 weeks of a woman’s pregnancy, the embryo is most vulnerable, especially because the woman may be unaware that she is pregnant and take no precautions.

Simple Explanation

Risks from Wi-Fi exposure

As Trower has explained, because the brain tissue and bone marrow of children have different electrical conductivity properties than do adults, a child’s absorption of microwave radiation can be ten times higher than an adult’s. Even low frequency exposure to microwave radiation can be extremely damaging and induce oxidative and nitrosative forms of stress, which can cause irreversible mitochondrial (genetic) damage that will be manifest in miscarriages, stillborns and birth defects.
Risks from WiFi exposure
The effects are cumulative across generations, where studies by the World Health Organization have established that women exposed to low level dosage of microwave irradiation (below thermal level, where it is felt as heat) had a 47.7% rate of miscarriages prior to the 7th week of gestation. The level of exposure in this case was five microwatts per centimeter squared, which is below what most school girls will receive in a classroom of wi-fi transmitters from the age of approximately five years upward, whose effects can include cancer, memory loss and birth defects.

Why the situation is so desperate

Mitochondrial DNA is ten times more susceptible to oxidative and nitrosative “stress” than the DNA of the cell nucleus. But these effects are transmitted to each successive female generation and, whether these ten-fold increases merge to become 57.7% or are additional and thus equal to 67.7% does not make a significant difference. The consequence is to roughly halve the birth of normal children with each generation, which represents a catastrophe-in-the-making for the species.
During our interview, I explained to Barrie that I thought the prospects for remedying this situation are bleak because (1) the American public is scientifically illiterate, (2) we love the convenience of cell phones, iPods and other electronic devices and (3) the corporations that produce them are going to do everything in their power to maintain their profit margins. I therefore encourage everyone to consider his appeal for the help of the American public by sharing this study (from which I have quoted here):
Barrie Trower's appeal for help
Not the least disconcerting aspect of this situation is that, not only was all of this known and documented long before wi-fi was ever put in front of children, but the dangerous biological effects were concealed (as they are to this day) from the general public, in order to protect the industry’s profits:
The World Health Organization’s ‘International Symposium’ Research Agreement No. 05- 609-04 ‘Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation’ emphasizes in its 350 pages: Biological effects, health and excess mortality from artificial irradiation of Radio Frequency Microwaves. Section 28 deals with problems concerning Reproductive Function.
This document was classed as ‘Top Secret’ and its contents withheld by WHO and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection).
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.
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Friday, July 04, 2014

British research: Cell phones in a trouser pocket impairs sperm quality

British research: Cell phones in a trouser pocket impairs sperm quality

Trouser pockets are not the place to keep cell phones, if one wishes sperm to remain vital, Science Direct reports.
A recent study by the University of Exeter states that cell phones may have an adverse effect on the quality of sperm.
British researchers studied sperm samples from 1,492 men, which were gathered at fertility clinics and research centres.
The quality of the semen was evaluated by measuring the number, mobility and frequency of the sperm.
Men who kept their cell phones in their trouser pockets experienced a decrease of 8 per cent in the mobility of their sperm. The semen's vitality dropped by 9 per cent.
According to researchers the deterioration of sperm correlates with how long a man keeps the phone in the pocket of his trousers, and how much electromagnetic radiation the phone transmits.
The study also indicated that up to 14 per cent of couples in countries with a high standard of living experience difficulties in conceiving. In many countries it has also been noted that the quality of men's sperm has plunged in an unexplainable way.
"When taking into account how common the use of cell phones in these countries is, it is necessary to study its possible effects on sperm quality", researchers state.
Katri Kallionpää - HS
Annika Rautakoura - HT
Image: Kimmo Taskinen / HS

Des voitures vertes dangereuses? (Dangerous green cars?)

Des voitures vertes dangereuses?

 | 4 juillet 2014 0 Commentaires
Sabine Karsenti préfère jouer de prudence avec la santé de ses fils, dont Luka.
Sabine Karsenti préfère jouer de prudence avec la santé de ses fils, dont Luka.
Grande écologiste, Sabine Karsenti et son mari ont pourtant vendu leurs deux voitures dites « vertes », desPrius hybrides fabriquées par Toyota. C’est que la comédienne a découvert qu’elles émettaient des niveaux de champs magnétiques de 60 Hz inquiétants sur la banquette arrière où elle installait ses deux jeunes garçons. Les mesures atteignaient jusqu’à 40 milligauss (mG) − équivalant à 4 microteslas (μT) ou 4 000 nanoteslas (nT) −, soit dix fois le seuil de 4 mG associé à un dédoublement du risque de leucémie infantile dans de nombreuses études épidémiologiques. En 2001, ces études ont incité le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC), qui relève de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), à classer ces champs magnétiques de « peut-être cancérogènes ». Dans une maison, il est rare de mesurer des champs de plus de 10 mG, sauf à l’entrée électrique et sous les planchers radiants d’ancienne génération, à simple conducteur.
« C’est inacceptable et honteux que les fabricants se ferment les yeux à ce sujet, dénonce Sabine Karsenti, porte-parole de la foire Projet Écosphère depuis plusieurs années. Est-ce qu’ils attendent qu’il y ait des cas de leucémie infantile directement liés à une exposition régulière aux champs émis par leurs voitures et que des actions en recours collectif soient intentées? En tout cas, il n’est pas question que mes enfants servent de cobayes! »
À l’OMS, sur la base de quelque 25 000 articles scientifiques parus sur les effets des rayonnements dits non ionisants depuis 30 ans, on se fait à la fois rassurant et flou. « S’appuyant sur un examen approfondi de la littérature scientifique, l’OMS a conclu que les données actuelles ne confirment en aucun cas l’existence d’effets sanitaires résultant d’une exposition à des champs électromagnétiques [CEM] de faible intensité. Toutefois, notre connaissance des effets biologiques de ces champs comporte encore certaines lacunes et la recherche doit se poursuivre pour les combler. »
Chez Toyota Canada, on est plus catégorique. En réponse à un propriétaire d’hybride inquiet qui réside à Le Gardeur, Denis Deschenes, le fabricant lui écrivait en 2010 que « ces champs ne posent aucun risque pour la santé humaine ». S. Sandifor, consultante au centre d’interaction à la clientèle de Toyota Canada, soulignait dans cette lettre que l’on mesure des champs magnétiques dans tous les types de véhicules et qu’ils n’excèdent jamais les limites de 1 000 mG recommandées par les directives de l’International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Or, ces directives sont dépassées depuis longtemps et l’ICNIRP est un organisme biaisé dont sont membres des chercheurs financés ou embauchés par l’industrie de l’électricité et des télécommunications, affirme la journaliste suédoise Mona Nilsson. Une étude récente signée par Ying Li et le professeur Paul Héroux, directeur du programme de médecine du travail à la Faculté de médecine de l’Université McGill, opine dans le même sens. « Un champ magnétique de 20 nanoteslas suffit pour provoquer des pertes de chromosomes, c’est un niveau 5 000 fois inférieur à la directive de l’ICNIRP, selon le physicien. Nos données démontrent que les pertes de chromosomes rendent les cancers plus malins et expliquent des hausses des taux de cancer. »
Cette semaine, un autre expert en effets sanitaires de l’électrosmog réclamait que les autos hybrides et électriques soient redessinées pour réduire leurs niveaux de radiations électromagnétiques et les risques possibles de cancer qui y sont associés. Considérant le classement du CIRC de 2001, « le principe de précaution dicte que nous devons concevoir des produits de consommation qui minimisent l’exposition des consommateurs aux CEM. Ceci s’applique particulièrement aux voitures hybrides et électriques, puisque les conducteurs et passagers passent un temps considérable dans ces véhicules et les risques pour la santé augmentent avec la durée d’exposition », écrivait Joel Moskowitz, directeur du Centre de santé familiale et communautaire, à l’École de santé publique de l’Université de la Californie, à Berkeley.
Les chercheurs indépendants disent qu’il ne faut pas paniquer ni se mettre la tête dans le sable. « Ce serait une erreur de sauter aux conclusions concernant les dangers des CEM dans les hybrides, mais aussi de rejeter purement et simplement cette préoccupation, déclarait dans le New York Times en 2008 Jim Kliesch, un ingénieur principal pour le programme de véhicules propres à l’Union of Concerned Scientists. Des recherches additionnelles permettraient d’améliorer notre compréhension de la question. »
Pour l’Ontarien Daryl McMahon, qui est hypersensible aux CEM, cette situation est malheureuse. « L’industrie du pétrole se fait un plaisir de critiquer les véhicules hybrides électriques parce qu’ils sont trop silencieux, ce qui peut provoquer des accidents. En mettant l’accent sur leurs émissions électromagnétiques, elle ignore complètement la pollution de l’air, du sol et de l’eau ainsi que le bruit et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre associés à la consommation d’essence. »
La bonne nouvelle, c’est que certains fabricants ont découvert comment réduire les champs magnétiques dans leurs voitures à des niveaux aussi bas, voire plus bas que ceux mesurés dans certains véhicules à essence.
C’est ce qu’a révélé l’enquête que nous avons commandée à un expert en pollution électromagnétique, Andrew Michrowski, directeur de la Société planétaire pour l’assainissement de l’énergieAbonnez-vous pour lire notre dossier ou si vous êtes déjà abonné cliquez ici pour le lire après vous être connecté 
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Dangerous green cars? 

André Fauteux | 4 July 2014 | 0 Comments 
Sabine Karsenti prefer to play it safe with the health of his son, whom Luka. 
Sabine Karsenti prefer to play it safe with the health of his son, whom Luka. 
Great environmentalist, Sabine Karsenti and her husband have yet sold their two "green" cars, hybrid desPrius manufactured by Toyota. Is that the actress has found that they emit levels of 60 Hz magnetic fields disturbing the backseat where she settled her two young boys. Measures amounted to 40 milligauss (mG) - equivalent to 4 microtesla (microT) or 4000 nanoteslas (nT) - ten times the threshold of 4 mG associated with a doubling of risk of childhood leukemia in many epidemiological studies . In 2001, these studies led the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization (WHO) to classify these magnetic fields as "possibly carcinogenic." In a house, it is rare to measure fields more than 10 mG, except to the electrical input and under the old radiant floors generation single conductor. 

"This is unacceptable and shameful that manufacturers turn a blind eye to this, denounces Sabine Karsenti, spokesman for the Project Ecosphere Fair for several years. Do they expect that there are cases of childhood leukemia directly related to regular exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by their cars and that class actions are brought? In any case, there is no question that my children used as guinea pigs! "

At WHO, based on some 25,000 scientific articles published on the effects of so-called non-ionizing radiation for 30 years, it is both reassuring and blur. "Based on a thorough review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that current evidence does not confirm if the existence of any health consequences from exposure to electromagnetic fields [EMF] low intensity. However, our knowledge of the biological effects of these fields are still some flaws and research is needed to fill them. "

Toyota Canada, is more categorical. In response to an uneasy hybrid owner who resides in Le Gardeur, Denis Deschenes, the manufacturer wrote to him in 2010 that "these fields pose no risk to human health." S. Sandifor consultant at the center of customer interaction Toyota Canada, noted in the letter that magnetic fields are measured in all types of vehicles and they never exceed the limits of 1,000 mG recommended by the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). 

However, these guidelines are long outdated and ICNIRP is a biased organization whose members are researchers funded or employed by the Electricity and Telecommunications, says Swedish journalist Mona Nilsson. A recent study signed by Ying Li and Professor Paul Héroux, Program Director of Occupational Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University, opines in the same direction. "A magnetic field of 20 nanoteslas enough to cause loss of chromosomes, it is a level 5,000 times lower than the ICNIRP guideline, according to the physicist. Our data demonstrate that the loss of chromosomes make the most malignant cancers and explain increases in cancer rates. "

This week, another expert on the health effects of electrosmog claimed that hybrid and electric cars are redesigned to reduce their levels of electromagnetic radiation and possible cancer risks associated. Considering the IARC classification of 2001, 'the precautionary principle dictates that we must develop consumer products that minimize consumer exposure to EMF. This particularly applies to hybrid and electric cars, as drivers and passengers spend considerable time in these vehicles and health risks increase with duration of exposure, "wrote Joel Moskowitz, director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the School of Public health, University of California, Berkeley. 

Independent researchers say it should not panic or put your head in the sand. "It would be a mistake to jump to conclusions about the hazards of EMF in hybrid, but also simply dismiss this concern, stated in the New York Times in 2008 Jim Kliesch, a senior engineer for the clean vehicles program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Additional research is needed to improve our understanding of the issue. "

For Ontarians Daryl McMahon, who is hypersensitive to EMF, this is unfortunate. "The oil industry is happy to criticize hybrid electric vehicles because they are too quiet, which can cause accidents. Emphasizing their electromagnetic emissions, it completely ignores the pollution of air, soil and water as well as noise and emissions of greenhouse gases associated with fuel consumption. "

The good news is that some manufacturers have discovered how to reduce magnetic fields in their cars at such low levels, or even lower than those measured in some gasoline vehicles. 

This was revealed survey we commissioned an expert in electromagnetic pollution, Michrowski Andrew, Director of Planetary Association for Clean Energy. Subscribe to read our record or if you are already a subscriber, click here to read it after you login / myaccount 

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Measures in electro vehicles: surprises and disappointments (reserved) 
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Keywords: cancer, featured, hybrid, prius, electric vehicle 
Category: Electrosmog

Telstra warning customers to avoid electromagnetic energy

Telstra warning customers to avoid electromagnetic energy

Smart meters generate strong feelings — how will they be received in Bermuda?

Smart meters generate strong feelings — how will they be received in Bermuda?

  • Strong feelings: Demonstrators protest against smart meters in the US
    Strong feelings: Demonstrators protest against smart meters in the US

The electricity utility could face a surge of opposition to controversial plans to install smart meter units in every Bermuda home — if experience elsewhere is anything to go by.
Smart meter installations are one of the first things that Belco plans to transition Bermuda’s electricity generation from being powered by diesel oil to liquefied natural gas.
Faced with recent faulty readings from existing meters, Belco believes that installing new technology meters would solve many problems.
They are following in the footsteps of other jurisdictions which have already installed the units, or advanced a plan to do so — but not without finding the issue to be a live wire.
In fact, the controversy over the use of these devices has already electrified communities across the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK.
And one California anti-smart meter campaigner, after reading about the Belco plans in an online story from The Royal Gazette, has questioned the Bermuda move.
Joshua Hart of Stop Smart Meters! in California told us: “The question is, with all the evidence of harm from other smart meter deployments around the world, why is Bermuda rushing forward with a risky, expensive scheme whose benefits have not been demonstrated by utility and smart grid firms?”
Mr Hart has worked in the energy industry, as a transportation planner, environmental advocate, and freelance journalist.
He said: “Here are some important points to consider:
“1) There is no independent evidence that smart meters actually reduce energy consumption. There is significant evidence that when the running costs, manufacturing costs, and replacement costs are considered, smart meters actually consume more power than they save. ( & virtualBrandChannel=0)
“2) While we support local renewable energy development, such as solar thermal water heaters and solar photovoltaic, the first thing that needs to happen is a focus on energy efficiency. So-called ‘smart’ meters benefit the utility in several ways, but take away the rights of the consumer to be safe from radiation that the WHO classifies as a possible cancer causing agent, be free from privacy invasions, home fires, and to be billed for energy in an accurate, transparent way.”
A Belco statement in response to our queries yesterday said: “Internationally, there are vocal supporters and opponents to smart meters and smart metering programs. Smart meters have been widely deployed in many jurisdictions.
“In order to be successful, smart metering should be thoughtfully rolled out with agreed-to objectives that take into account consumer interests and the value of the programme to consumers and the utility.
“These considerations will be important as Belco formulates a recommendation for Bermuda.”
Belco is not alone in defending the use of smart meters. The American Cancer Society’s website says: “Because smart meter antennas typically are located outside the home, people are much farther away from the source of RF waves than with personal cell phones, cordless phones, or Wi-Fi routers. “In addition, walls between the person and the smart meter’s antenna further reduce the amount of RF energy exposure. For these reasons, the exposure to RF energy from smart meters is estimated to be much less than the typical exposure people receive through cell phones, cordless phones, and/or home Wi-Fi routers.”
Stop Smart Meters! (UK) is an independent, not-for-profit voice calling for an immediate halt and reversal of the UK’s Smart Meter programme.
They say: “Our campaign aims to raise awareness about Smart Meters so that people can become informed about Smart Meters and take necessary and appropriate action to resist them. This is a very long way indeed from what Big Energy and Big Utility are trying to do.”
They quote Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD PhD on their website: “The ‘Smart’ Meter is #1 in terms of devastation to our nervous system ... [the radiation] permanently destroys and alters the manufacture of brain proteins ... meaning that it completely changes the human organism — permanently.”
They are not alone. There is a surprising number of anti smart meter web sites online, reflecting a wide cross-section of communities.
Florida Against Smart Meters website lists these fears as follows:
“Smart Meters operate wirelessly by pulsing radio frequencies every few seconds, 24-hours per day. They cannot be turned off. This RF is the type of radiation produced by cell phones and microwaves. The utility providers openly admit that this is the same technology, but at a much lower level. However, they omit that you will not only be affected by the device operating at your house, but you will be within range of all of your neighbours Smart Meters. The more neighbours you have increases your exposure to the device radiation.
“Across the country people are experiencing heath problems from Smart Meters. Many people have sensitivity to electronic radiation and will suffer ringing in the ears (tinnitus), sleep disruption, headaches, nausea, heart palpitations, skin cancers and fatigue. There are numerous studies that link cancer to exposure of RF radiation. Not to mention that these devices can interfere with pace makers and other medical equipment inside of the home.
“Most people are aware of the health risks posed by cell phones and microwaves and these devices are not generally run 24 hours per day. As a consumer you have the right to not use these devices, however you do not have the option with Smart Meters. Tests have been performed to prove that Smart Meter radiation is penetrating the exterior walls and can be found at constant and persistent levels within the interior of the home.
“Smart Meters will be measuring your electricity usage multiple times per hour and wirelessly sending this information back to your utility provider. This information will allow the study of your usage and can reveal much about your personal habits and daily routine. Such examples include:
— What time you get up in the morning.
— How long you are at work and when you get home.
— If there is activity in the middle of the night.
— When you are absent from home for prolonged periods (such as a vacation).
“Your activity will be chartable and possibly even predictable over time. You will be able to review this information on FPL or JEA’s website, but they will be storing this information in their database and many other people will have access to the records. There has been no indication or assurance (such as a contractual agreement with the utility company) that this data is completely private and confidential.
“The utility provider could sell information collected about you to third parties, such as advertisers and the government. Even if your identity is kept anonymous, do you feel comfortable knowing that your personal habits and routine are being watched and documented permanently?
“There have been numerous incidents of fires involving Smart Meters due to their construction and faulty installation.
“Consumers are reporting increases in their monthly utility bill rather than a savings after the installation of a Smart Meter. Since electricity consumption is being monitored in real time instead of once per month, the utility company can regulate and ration electricity usage. This has been documented in many areas of the country.
“There are proposals for appliances in the near future to include corresponding technology. They will be able to remit data wirelessly to the utility company about the type of appliance and its usage inside your home.”

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Telstra warning on how to reduce exposure to electromagnetic energy freaks out customers

Telstra warning on how to reduce exposure to electromagnetic energy freaks out customers

JULY 03, 2014 4:16PM

Telstra sent a text message alerting customers about how to reduce their risk of exposure

Telstra sent a text message alerting customers about how to reduce their risk of exposure to electromagnetic energy yesterday. Source: News Limited
TELSTRA alarmed some of its customers yesterday when it sent a message pointing out ways people can reduce their exposure to mobile phone radiation.
Australia’s largest telco texted its customers about 5.30pm with a “reminder msg” recommending they visit the Telstra website for information on “electromagnetic energy and tips to reduce exposure”.
A screengrab of the message.
A screengrab of the message. Source: NewsComAu
The website quotes advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO) about how to “reduce mobile phone exposure”. It recommends owners:
1. Use hands-free devices to keep mobile phones away from the head and body during phone calls
2. Limit the number and length of calls
3. Use the phone in areas of good reception to reduce exposure as the phone will transmit at reduced power.
Some customers took to Facebook to express their alarm over the message and discuss fears about links between mobile phone use and brain cancer.
So, should we be worried?
The Cancer Council’s position on the topic is that there is no compelling scientific evidence that mobile phone use increases the risk of brain cancer.
The World Health Organisation published a fact sheet on mobile phones and health in 2011 that came to a similar conclusion.
“A large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use,” the fact sheet states.
The organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer found radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted from mobiles was “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, but, as the
Experts say there is no concrete evidence of a link between mobile phone use and cancer.
Experts say there is no concrete evidence of a link between mobile phone use and cancer. Source: News Limited
Cancer Council noted, the research was not rigorous enough to rule out other potential explanations for this findings, such as chance.
Professor Bernard Stewart from the Cancer Council told that there was no proof of a causal link between mobile phones and cancer, unlike tobacco smoking “where the risk is both definitive and great”.
“There’s a case for saying that compared to other known causes of cancer, there is a very, very, very small risk if there’s a risk at all,” he said.
Despite the small risk, Prof Stewart echoed calls from the World Health Organisation for more research into the field.
“The call for research is not trivial or facile; it is a recognition that there is an inference of risk for heavy users and we have never looked at mobile phone usage over multiple decades,” he said.
Prof Stewart said the danger with consumers’ preoccupation with links between mobile phones and cancer was that it could divert attention from more crucial health messages that were based on concrete evidence.
Prof Stewart said the key health messages from the Cancer Council to avoid cancer risk were to stop smoking, to not drink alcohol daily, to avoid obesity and avoid unnecessary exposure to the sun.
Telstra says it is proactive with its safety messages.
Telstra says it is proactive with its safety messages. Source: News Limited
Telstra spokesman Steven Carey said the company proactively communicated an electromagnetic energy mobile safety message to all its mobile customers.
“These messages are sent to customers on a rolling basis. New customers receive the SMS within 14 days of activation and annually thereafter, while existing customers receive the annual SMS in April or August each year,” he said.
Mr Carey said Telstra drew on the expertise of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency and the WHO for assessments of health and safety impacts.
“The WHO and other public health authorities advise that there is no substantiated scientific evidence that radiofrequency technologies that operate within national and international safety standards, including mobile phones and base stations, cause health effects,” he said.
“We want all our customers to have up-to-date and relevant information about using mobile phones. This includes offering information on all matters of mobile phone safety.”
But that didn’t stop Telstra customers asking if perhaps the provider knew something they didn’t. “This has just added a whole new level of stress to my phone addiction,” posted one user to Facebook. “This frightens me!” posted another.