Pregnant women: Are cell phones and laptops safe to use?
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 by: Lloyd BurrellLearn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035528_cell_phones_laptops_pregnant_women.html#ixzz1uuUISO7L
(NaturalNews) In today's society of hustle and bustle, being pregnant rarely gives opportunity for letting up or taking a break. Many women, whether they are working or are stay-at-home moms, engage in the use of cell phones and laptop computers more and more. Does this pose more of risk for the mother-to-be and her unborn baby than anyone else? Considering how thetwo individuals are affected and the recent information coming forth from research studies, the answer is emphatically: yes!
Cell phone usage
A connection has been made between the use of cell phones during pregnancy and hyperactivity in children.Mice were used to show that exposure to radiofrequency from cell phones manifests in:
• Hyperactivity
• Impaired memory
Approximately 5 percent of school-aged children suffer from the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). What are the concerns here?
Children with ADHD exhibit:
• Lower grades
• The inability to abide by the rules
A study published in March of this year from the combined efforts of Yale University and Yale University School of Medicine discovered a link between exposing the fetus to cell phone usage and behavioral issues in the resulting child. And this doesn't affect just children. Long-term neurological, as well as physiological problems, carry over into the adult years.
Senior author Hugh S. Taylor, reports, "This is the first experimental evidence that fetal exposure to radiofrequency radiation from cellular telephones does in fact affect adult behavior."
Due to the increased usage of cell phones for things other than just taking calls, i.e., listening to music and waking up in the morning, there is more exposure to radiofrequency radiation exposure than ever before. The mice used in the studies were observed at different levels of exposure, 800-1900 Mhz-rated radiofrequency radiation, in addition to different lengths of exposure. Side effects increased as radiation levels and usage increased.
How can mother and baby be protected?
Recommendations include:• Text, don't talk. When you press send, hold the cell phone as far away from your body as possible.
• Use an air tube type headset or speaker phone.
• If you do have to make calls with your cell phone, keep them short.
• Only make calls when a strong signal is available. When the phone has to work harder to connect, it emits more radiation.
• Use a corded phone whenever possible.
Laptop usage
What about the use of laptop computers when pregnant?A recent Italian study from Siena shows the danger of using laptops when pregnant. The researchers measured the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produced by five well-known brands of laptops and approximated the amount of currents in the body.
These currents measured much higher than the recent values and recommendations set forth for computer monitors magnetic field emissions by the Swedish Board for Technical Accreditation and the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees.
As with cell phone usage, the effects of EMFs from laptops increase with higher exposure. This exposure is considered a risk factor for developing tumors in the blood. The laptop itself is not the only concern. The power supply is responsible for generating currents much higher than is recommended to avoid health complications.
Keeping mother and baby safe means:
• Not charging the laptop while in use.
• Keeping as much space between the laptop and body as possible.
In a world full of technology that makes our lives easier and more efficient, it's sometimes easy to forget the problems that come along with the advantages of talking on a mobile phone and using a portable computer. Regardless of the convenience and time saved, nothing is more important or of a higher priority than our children and their safety.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Lloyd Burrell has spent the last 10 years researching the effects of EMFs on health, after becoming electrically sensitive in 2002. He now offers advice and strategies on healthy living in our electromagnetic world. Download his free EMF Health Report and subscribe to his newsletter by visiting hisEMF protection website. You can also follow him onFacebookandTwitter.
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/035528_cell_phones_laptops_pregnant_women.html#ixzz1uuTqskVQ