En Olvera un bello pueblo de Cádiz, el concejal de Medio Ambiente, Jacobo Camarero, confirmó que el Pleno del Ayuntamiento ha aprobado por unanimidad declarar a la localidad “Municipio Libre de Contaminación Electromagnética”.
Es importante recalcar que; la unanimidad es del partido Izquierda Unida, pero también han votado a favor el Partido socialista Español y el Partido Popular, ya que lo unció que ha motivado a las diferentes fuerzas políticas, es la de garantizar un entorno sano y seguro a los habitantes del pueblo.
Podemos decir abiertamente y sin temor a equivocarnos, que no existen mas registros oficiales de municipios, con este mismo tipo de decisiones. Solo se sabe que en Cartagena y varios pueblos de Murcia las federaciones de vecinos pidieron algo similar, como en muchas provincias de España, pero que al igual no han progresado.
Como ampliación de la noticia, el concejal de Medio Ambiente Jacobo Camarero expresó: “Como nuestro pueblo es pequeño, no tenemos el típico problema de los mamotretos de antenas repetidoras encima de los tejados; al contrario; el paisaje urbano de la parte alta de la población se ve adornado por una torre de hormigón con antenas instaladas y que carecen de legalidad, la cual nos hemos propuesto eliminar inmediatamente“.
Y es que este tema cada dia se pone mas candente y para no ir tan lejos; la semana pasada el diario la razón dio a conocer una noticia, en la que Una ex azafata y la directora técnica de una universidad, ambas de origen francés, viven refugiadas en una cueva en los Alpes para protegerse de los «dolores insoportables» que les producen las ondas electromagnéticas.
Town Free of Electromagnetic Radiation Unanimously Approved in Spain
In Olvera, a beautiful town of Cadiz, the
Councillor for the Environment, Jacobo Camarero, confirmed that the full City
Council unanimously approved to declare the town a "Electromagnetic
Pollution-Free Municipality".
It is important to note that this decision was taken with the unanimity of the United Left party, but that it was also voted for by the Spanish Socialist Party and the Popular Party, as the link which
harnessed and
motivated the different political forces, is to ensure a safe and healthy environment to the citizens.It is important to note that this decision was taken with the unanimity of the United Left party, but that it was also voted for by the Spanish Socialist Party and the Popular Party, as the link which
We can say openly and without fear of error, that there are no official records of municipalities, with the same kind of decision. We just know that in Cartagena and Murcia several villages in neighbouring federations called for something similar, as have many provinces of Spain, but have just not progressed.
As an extension of the news, Environment Councilman Jacobo Camarero said, "As our town is small, we do not have the typical problem of the tomes of masts on the roofs, on the contrary, the urban landscape of the upper population is adorned by a concrete tower with antennas installed which are illegal, and which we intend to remove it immediately."
And every day this issue gets more heated -- just last week, the newspaper released a story in which a former flight attendant and a former technical director of a university, both of French origin, became refugees living in a cave in the Alps to protect themselves from the "unbearable pain" produced by electromagnetic waves.