DNA Communicates via Electromagnetic Spectrum
In a most astonishing study conducted by Dr. Luc Montagnier, DNA is shown to communicate through frequencies in the low (LF)and very low(VLF) range of the EM spectrum. The ability for DNA to transfer information, thereby causing nucleotides to arrange in identical structure as the ‘control’ DNA sample in a separate test tube is confirmed. This property of DNA was previously unknown to science.
“The Coming Revolution in Wave Biology: An Interview with Dr. Luc Montagnier”
“Some bacterial and viral DNA sequences have been found to induce low frequency electromagnetic waves in high aqueous dilutions. This phenomenon appears to be triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency. We discuss this phenomenon in the framework of quantum field theory. A scheme able to account for the observations is proposed. The reported phenomenon could allow to develop highly sensitive detection systems for chronic bacterial and viral infections.”
“Evidence has been accumulated on the influence of electromagnetic (em) fields on living organisms. The frequencies of the involved em fields cover different intervals corresponding to the different scales present in the organisms. In the present paper, by referring to recently published experimental results [1, 2, 3], we discuss the appearance of a new property of DNA correlated with the induction of extremely low frequency (ELF) em fields. These fields can be induced by suitable procedures in water dilutions which become able to propagate the information contained in the DNA of the original organisms to other ones.”
“The list of diseases in which EMS have been found (such as Alzheimer, Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, various neuropathies, chronic Lyme syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis) indicate clearly that their presence is not limited to diseases known to be of infectious origin: The fact that EMS have been found in diseases not known to be of infectious origin is intriguing, and leads us to seek bacterial or viral factors in these diseases.”
“Montagnier result was the creation of another DNA out of pure water. His team’s series of experiments lack counter experimentation by other teams, but their conclusions would lead us to think of resonance induction as a phenomenon not only confined to acoustic reign.
We can follow from the top image a Montagnier team’s sketch of a sample experiment: two test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of bacterial DNA diluted in water at -6 (in fact defined as “-6”), the other contained just pure water ( defined as “water”) , both were surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz through a solenoid.
Eighteen hours later, after DNA amplification using a polymerase chain reaction, as if by magic the DNA was detectable in the test tube containing pure water.
The original DNA sample (-6) had to be diluted many times over for the experiment to work, which might explain why the phenomenon has not been detected before.”
Additionally, it should be noted that DNA exhibits properties of fractal antenna; with the ability to both send and receive information at varying frequencies.