Follow Up to Cell Towers in Los Angeles
Friday, April 03, 2015

Readers may recall my article “Cell Tower Problems to Know About” published March 28th.
Well, activists in LA have sent me the following incredible email, which I think everyone should know about insofar as, when citizens get together, positive things can happen. So, I will allow those who did all the ground work in LA speak for themselves.
First, Liz Barris, activist extraordinaire:
In an incredible show of support for human health and life, Los Angeles Police yesterday stood together with fire fighters to get LA City Council (different than LA County Board of Supervisors) in a 12-0 unanimous NO for vote against LA RICS federal cell tower roll out! We must get ALL cities and counties in the state [California] and the US to follow their lead! Precedent has been set, this is DO-ABLE! Please see 12 year veteran, ex-Fire Captain, Don Wallace's note and please forward this email.
Ex-Fire Captain Don Wallace
Sending this out to sort of closes this file but throw nothing away! I hope that the actual Council motion is the last communication required in this saga.
Thank you very much for your successful advocacy against LARics as foisted on an unaware community and unaware Firefighters by giant corporations hungry for profit and determined to avoid environmental scrutiny; abetted by Fire Chiefs lured by "our own free radio system" without a thought or care for the health and welfare of their brothers, never bothered to read the conflicting science on electromagnetic radiation and blithely encouraged the army of corporate consultants with their endorsement of this scam. Thanks to the political acumen of the City and County Firefighters and the REVOLT IN TOPANGA among the citizenry which generated the involvement of the Las Virgenes Homeowners Federation and the ensuing REVOLT IN CORNELL we were able to prevail...? It is amazing what the community and the firefighters are able to accomplish together.
Hopefully the consultants will slink away to the dark hole from whence they spawned... but vast quantities of money are involved. The key word below is "suspend" THEY'LL BE BAAAAACK!
Don - See more at: