Microwave - and other forms of electromagnetic - radiation are major (but conveniently disregarded, ignored, and overlooked) factors in many modern unexplained disease states. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph, headaches, extreme thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain, weakened immunity, allergies, heart problems, and intestinal disturbances are all symptoms found in a disease process the Russians described in the 70's as Microwave Sickness.
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Why we should all switch back to ethernet cables: Wireless internet poses serious chronic health risks

Why we should all switch back to ethernet cables: Wireless internet poses serious chronic health risks
Saturday, July 06, 2013 by: Zach C. MillerTags: wi-fi, wireless internet, health effects
(NaturalNews) While the proliferation of wireless devices has made accessing the internet more convenient and less obtrusive (no unsightly cables lying around), studies are now revealing the trade-offs that come with convenience. More specifically, the dangers that the widespread adoption of wireless technology has created in regards to our health. Simply put, most people underestimate the dangers of wireless technology to our health and well-being.
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
One of the most dangerous aspects of wireless is the "always-on" nature of it. The vast majority of people who use wireless routers set them up and never turn them off. This means that they are constantly generating a dangerous electromagnetic energy field 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This makes wireless technology a very significant chronic health risk. More troubling still is the "compounding" nature of living near neighbors using wi-fi. For example, if you look at the wireless connections available in your neighborhood in your computer's wi-fi network browsing tool, you'll see neighbor's connections. All these EMF fields are compounding all around you, so even if you turn your wireless off, your health and well-being is still being affected by neighboring signals.Health risks of wi-fi
The effects of wi-fi on health are becoming more well-known. Some of the effects are:- Sleep disturbances
- Difficulty concentrating
- Heart palpitations
- Headaches/migraines
- Persistent fatigue
- Negative thinking
- Digestive problems
- Brain fog and memory loss
- Anxiety and depression
- Chronic stress
- De-motivated
- Dizziness
People who have reported these symptoms also experienced an immediate reversal (within moments!) when disabling their wi-fi or removing themselves from an environment laden with wi-fi signals
Here are some the symptoms associated with the removal/disabling of wireless technology:
- Feeling clearer and lighter
- Feeling "uplifted" in the emotional, physical, and mental bodies
- More motivated
- Feeling happier
- Feeling more peaceful
The solution: What you can do
Clearly, the proliferation of wi-fi poses a very serious threat to health and well-being. I would also argue that our quality of life is reduced by being constantly bombarded by distorted spin energy fields (see my article which outlines energetic spin, here: http://www.naturalnews.com). It's about time we took action in our communities and talk with our friends and neighbors about the very real dangers of wireless technology. Switching back to regular wired internet and disabling wi-fi routers is a general rule of thumb. This is the first step to taking back control of our health destiny.Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Zach C. Miller was raised from an early age to believe in the power and value of healthy-conscious living. He later found in himself a talent for writing, and it only made sense to put two & two together! He has written and published articles about health & wellness and other topics on ehow.com and here on NaturalNews. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Science.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/041082_wi-fi_wireless_internet_health_effects.html#ixzz2YKVxqBgk
Cell Phone Radiation – Significantly Reduce Your Exposure In Seconds
Cell Phone Radiation – Significantly Reduce Your Exposure In Seconds
Reduce your exposure to cell phone radiation in seconds.
Yes, it is possible.
This doesn’t involve any phony EMF stickers, chips or diodes.
It relies on using technology incorporated into most cell phones.
Here’s the video that proves it:
I made the video because I wanted to show you exactly what you are exposing your body to if you don’t use airplane mode.
I also wanted to show you that using airplane mode really does work.
Seeing is believing.
What’s more for the majority of modern phones using your cell phone in airplane mode still means you can use your phones other features, things like:
- Camera
- Games
- Personal organizer
- Address book
- Alarm clock
- Calculator
- and lot’s of other Apps.
The other thing is, in most places around the world even if you don’t pay a monthly subscription you can still use your phone to call the emergency phone number (911 in the U.S.). So it can make sense having a cell phone even if you don’t have a monthly subscription plan with a Telecoms operator.
Cell phones aren’t all bad.
You need to use this technology intelligently.
Get smart about using your cell phone. For more information on safe cell phone use see my cell phone radiation protection tips.
Are Electronics Bad For Kids? Some Consequences You Might Not Have Thought About
Are Electronics Bad For Kids? Some Consequences You Might Not Have Thought About
Posted on

One of the problems that electronic devices contribute to in our homes is what’s called “electronic smog” – an invisible cloud of electromagnetic radiation that the World Health Organization (WHO) calls “one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences.”
The electrical wiring, computers, and any alternating current (AC) electrical appliances in our homes and commercial buildings create electromagnetic fields (EMF) – one component of the “smog.” The fields rapidly decrease with distance but appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers, used close to the head, can give high exposures. Electric blankets and clock radios sitting beside beds produce even higher doses because people are exposed to them for many hours while sleeping. Those high tension wires that carry electricity through many neighborhoods are also culprits.
Radio frequency (RF) fields – yet another component of the “smog” – are emitted by microwave ovens, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phone masts, and cell phones themselves, as well as by wireless “smart meters” that are being installed in many houses, and by those wireless baby monitors that supposedly give new parents such peace of mind. Among other helpful hints for safely using electronics, our article includes some advice about which kinds of baby monitors are safest, and how to use them in ways that minimize the danger to your baby. We also look at the dangers to fetuses.
The idea of this dangerous “smog” used to be derided by many people. But many governments, researchers, and medical associations are now taking it seriously as a potential health danger. The WHO says that the smog could interfere with the tiny natural electrical currents that help to drive the human body. Researchers have begun to correlate RF exposure with diseases such as cancer, neurological disease, reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. As they are with other potential health hazards, children are at greater risk than adults. One study found that a child’s growing body can absorb up to ten times more radiation than an adult’s body.
Another health issue from electronic equipment is exposure to flame retardant chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Researchers have found evidence of behavioral and cognition issues related to children’s exposure to the chemical. We’ve written about PBDEs in the past in Natural Child Magazine, but there’s an update in the July/August issue in an article entitled “Baby Steps to a Greener, Healthier Home.” We quote researchers at the University of Cincinnati who say that small children should not even touch electronic items such as TVs, mobile phones, computers, and other products. And if they, parents should be sure to wash their little ones’ hands after contact. An additional problem is that PBDEs end up in household dust and children are further exposed by crawling on the floor and putting their hands in their mouths.
Friday, July 05, 2013
City school blames mobile towers for five cancer cases
City school blames mobile towers for five cancer cases
Reetika Subramanian, Hindustan Times Mumbai, November 24, 2012
First Published: 00:50 IST(24/11/2012) | Last Updated: 00:51 IST(24/11/2012)
Sanjay, 16, a student of Happy Home and School for the Blind, Worli, was detected with brain tumour last year. His teacher, Jyoti Patil, 49, was diagnosed with breast cancer this year.
In the past two years, five people at the school have been diagnosed with cancer, and none of them have any family history.
While there is no conclusive evidence of the health impacts of mobile phone tower radiation, school authorities believe that the 10 towers around the school have caused this. The school caretaker succumbed to cancer in 2011.
"The school is more than 40 years old but is it only now that there are cancer cases, after the towers were installed a decade ago," said director Meher Banaji.
Rajan Mathews, director general, Cellular Operators Association of India, refutes this, but doctors differ.
"Continuous prolonged exposure is dangerous. Effects could range from genetic damage to malignancy," said Dr Ashish Mehta, neurosurgeon, Breach Candy Hospital.
iPads in school: a toy or a tool?
iPads in school: a toy or a tool?
Whether equipping all students with iPads is a gimmick or a great idea, one San Fernando Valley school that's using them is sold.
April 27, 2013|Steve Lopez
A good idea?
"It's magical," declared a student at Valley Academy who loves his iPad.
Maybe. But I've got lots of questions.
Like many parents, my wife and I have tried to make sure our daughter reads real books and doesn't get addicted to everything digital. And now her school district, which has laid off teachers and staff and eliminated programs because of budget problems, wants to spend several hundred million dollars on the latest electronic fad.
And LAUSD is not the only district racing into the future while struggling to fix leaky roofs and broken toilets. As Deasy argues, students are supposed to begin taking standardized tests on electronic devices in the 2014-15 school year as part of a new curriculum. And he said it would be irresponsible not to prepare students for an increasingly digital economy.
But Stanford University education professor Larry Cuban has lots of reservations.
"There is still no evidence that iPads will increase student achievement at all. It's not the hardware, it's the software, and no studies have been done on the software apps in use, so no one knows," said Cuban, who suggested the money might be better spent on training and recruiting teachers. "I've seen students with iPads and the novelty is there and the engagement is there, but it's not clear that novelty and engagement will lead to increased academic achievement."
It should be noted, as well, that people with ties to tech companies were among the major donors to a political action committee that supports Deasy-friendly school board candidates. As reported by my colleague Howard Blume, $250,000 came from the parent corporation of a company that sells tablet computers designed for schools. Another $200,000 came from a group headed by the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs.
And Deasy appears in a promotional video for Apple in which he says tablets are "phenomenally going to change the landscape of education."
Deasy told me he received no money for being in the ad and that he has no role in choosing what companies the district does business with. Regardless, he'd be better off not serving as a pitchman for any product.
Given the advent of test-taking by computer, a teacher who's a friend of mine worried that this is "another sign of how tests are taking priority … over everything," and she wondered if this is part of a plan to facilitate teacher assessment. She added: "I think the paper and pencil version of tests works just fine," and she complained that teachers haven't been consulted on whether tablets are useful teaching aids or potential distractions.
Other skeptics have raised questions about maintenance costs and equipping schools with WiFi — not to mention the tendency of kids to drop things. And there have been disputes about whether voter-approved bond money could be used for tablets.
But having said all that, what I saw at Valley Academy — the first of about a dozen schools to get iPads in a $50-million pilot program — was impressive. And the principal, Debra McIntyre-Sciarrino, had glowing reviews and noted that the iPads are great equalizers, because many students come from homes where electronic tablets are beyond the family budget.
The impact "was immediate and dramatic," she said. The tablets helped create "a dynamic learning environment" in which students and teachers were prompting each other. And the distraction feared by some teachers can be mitigated with locks that prevent students from using anything other than the assigned program.
Let it be noted that the school's Internet service crashed on the day of my visit and tech help had to be summoned. Still, I saw some impressive work. In a geometry class, students Jose Cruz and Brandon Zulueta showed me a project they had just completed. Using old-fashioned paper, they made geometric origami figures, then used an iPad program to produce a stop-animation video in which a harpoon chased a whale. The animation was used to illustrate a story they'd written about a drama on the high seas.
Their teacher, James Emley, told me that in his physics class, students used iPads to design rockets and test them in a virtual wind tunnel.
English teacher Jenn Wolfe said grades improved when students were allowed to take the iPads home rather than lug textbooks. But district officials determined that restrictions on the bond money that purchased the iPads required that they stay at school.
One of her students, Meagan Toumayn, showed me a multimedia project she did on cruelty to animals. Sarah Gonzalez showed me a digital index of her assignments, notes and reports on the classic novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." When the honors class read "Romeo and Juliet," they were able to hear audio pronunciations of British words they were unfamiliar with.
"This is not a teacher and it's not a student, either. It's a tool," Wolfe said of the tablet.
"We can't go backwards," she said. "We're preparing kids for jobs we don't even know about yet."
If for some of us the jury is still out on iPads, that's not the case at Valley Academy. I asked Wolfe's 36 students if anyone wanted to go back to doing things the old-fashioned way.
Not a single hand went up.
Protect your children from mobile phone radiation: Researcher
Protect your children from mobile phone radiation: Researcher
Saturday 29 June 2013
Last Update 29 June 2013 12:03 am
The proliferation of mobile phone-related technology has led to an explosion of its usage with people all over the world increasingly getting hooked to it. There has been a raging debate regarding the health effects of low-intensity electromagnetic field radiation generated by mobile phones both in social and scientific circles. This technology has dramatically influenced lifestyles, and literature is available both in favor as well as in contradiction.
Prof. Sultan Ayoub Meo, physician, medical educationist and scientist at College of Medicine, King Saud University in Riyadh, shared his academic research with Arab News in an exclusive interview to shed light on mobile phones and its effects on human health.
Q: How do mobile phones affect human health?
A: Mobile phones generate electro-magnetic field radiations (EMFR), through both thermal and non-thermal effects. The heating effect of GSM radiation can have an adverse impact on human beings, in that can cause some alterations in genes and proteins, which can ultimately bring about changes in physiological functions. Mobile phones are low power radio devices that can generate radio frequency radiation at frequencies in the microwave range 900-2200 MHz.
Q: Before going further, can you tell me how many users of mobile phones are there globally?
A: The number of mobile phone users worldwide has surpassed six billion which means that more than two-thirds of the people on the planet are using mobile phones. This figure will further increase to 7.2 billion by 2014. There are about 100 countries in the world where the number of cell phones are more than the country’s population figures. The countries where the number of mobile phone users are higher than their population are: Russia 155.5 percent; Italy 147 percent; Brazil 137 percent; Germany 132 percent and USA at 103 percent.
Q: What is the situation in Saudi Arabia?
A: This figure is surprisingly high, with current reports suggesting that number of mobile phones users as a percentage of the population is 168 percent. This figure is the highest in the world.
Q: Do you think mobile phones are a health hazard?
A: I must say that we cannot deny the significance and services provided by the mobile phone industry but I also strongly believe that health is more important and it cannot be compromised over anything. What I am stating is actually based on scientific literature published in highly respected science journals.
Q: Would you like to tell us about its effects on children and adults?
A: Children are more vulnerable to health hazards than adults when they are exposed to mobile phone radiation. The absorption of GSM radiation is greatest in an object about the size of a child head, because of the “head resonance” effect and the greater ease with which the radiation can penetrate into the relatively thinner skull of an infant and children.
Q: Does use of mobile phones affect brain functioning?
A: Available scientific literature states that mobile phones emit a pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field (PEMF) which can penetrate the skull, alter distinct aspects of the brain’s electrical response, affect a wide variety of brain functioning such as electrical activity, electrochemistry, permeability of the blood/brain barrier. In view of the absorption of RF radiation in the head, the major concern has been the possibility of brain tumors in general and acoustic neurinomas in particular.
Q: What are the general health hazards of mobile phones?
A: We conducted a series of studies both on animals and humans on cell phone radiation and its health hazards. Mobile phone users often complain about burning sensations or a heating around the ear, headache, tension, dizziness, fatigue, sleep disturbance and impaired hearing and vision.
Q: Is there any effect of mobile phones on reproductive system?
A: In one of our studies, we determined the reproductive hormones and morphological changes induced by mobile phone radiation and found that long-term exposure to mobile phone radiation leads to reduction in serum testosterone levels and cause hypospermatogenesis and maturation arrest in the spermatozoa in the testis of albino rats.
Call for research proposals of the PNREST (National research program for environmental and occupational health). “Radiofrequencies: exposure characterisation and study of electro-hypersensitivity”
Appeal for research project
The text of the call for research proposals presents the scope of the call and the conditions which must be fulfilled by projects. It is accompanied by a list of research items that have been identified as high-priority for potential users of this research.
Updated on 03/07/2013
Call for research proposals of the PNREST (National research program for environmental and occupational health). “Radiofrequencies: exposure characterisation and study of electro-hypersensitivity”
From 03/07/2013 to 30/08/2013
July the third, the ANSES launched a call for research proposals on the topic “Radiofrequencies: exposure characterisation and study of electro hypersensitivity”. This call is funded by the product of a tax on radiofrequency transmitters.
This call is launched within the framework of the National Research Program for Environmental and Occupational Health (PNREST). This program aims to motivate scientific communities to produce useful data at all stages of health risk assessment and thus to bring together research and scientific expertise. More specifically, the present call aims to develop new investigations on still poorly taken into account research areas, or on emerging research topics.
The 2013 selection process will therefore be divided into two stages :
- an initial selection on the basis of letters of intent,
- a second round of selection based on complete application.
The call of proposals and the research items
The text of the call for research proposals presents the scope of the call and the conditions which must be fulfilled by projects. It is accompanied by a list of research items that have been identified as high-priority for potential users of this research.
Three research areas are addressed:
- Innovative approaches to investigate electro hypersensitivity
- Metrology of electromagnetic fields
- Characterisation of exposure
Proposal submission terms
Letters of intent and complete applications must be submitted using the online submission platform which is available on the websites of ANSES : http://recherche.anses.fr
The Research and Intelligence platform for the submission of 2013 applications will be operational as of 5 July 2013.
Provisional timetable for the call
- 3 July 2013 : Opening of the call.
- 30 August 2013 midday : Date limite de dépôt des lettres d’intention.
- 6 September 2013 : Dissemination of the first selection result to project managers
- 4 October 2013 à midi : Last date to submit complete applications.
- End of November 2013 : Publication of the final selection results.
Letters of intent must be submitted online by the scientific project managers
no later than 30 août 2013, midday French time. |
For those whose letters of intent are selected, complete applications must be submitted by the scientific project managers:
APR EST RF 2013 27-31 avenue du Général Leclerc F-94701 MAISONS-ALFORT cedex |
All applications that are incomplete, received after the deadline or do not fulfil the eligibility criteria will not be evaluated.
For administrative or scientific information, please contact the CRP’s support unit:
by e-mail (by clik here) or, if needed, by telephone at +33 (0)1 56 29 18 88 or 52 86 |
- 1. 1. Before the submission of the letter of intent or of the full project, carefully read the text of the call and in particular the section « eligibility criteria » and annexes with the relevant research topics and « liste des chargeable expenses ».
- 2. 2. Submit the letter or the full project using the platform (don’t forget to click on the « soumettre » button). It is highly recommended not to wait the deadline.
To know more :
- Call for Research Proposals “Radiofrequencies: exposure characterisation and study of electro hypersensitivity (pdf)
- Modèle de lettre d'intention (in french)
- L'actualité "L'Anses lance son appel à projet de recherche "Radiofréquences : caractérisation des expositions et étude de l’électro hypersensibilité" 2013 (in french)
- http://www.anses.fr/en/content/call-research-proposals-pnrest-national-research-program-environmental-and-occupational
Support Grows for Smart Meter Opt-Out Legislation
June 21, 2013
by Clare Donegan

BOSTON: The legal right to refuse a smart meter is “fundamentally an issue of the principle of choice,” testified Rep. Tom Conroy (D) Wayland at the Telecommunications Committee hearing on Tuesday.
Smart meters wirelessly transmit granular usage data to utilities and 3rd parties, receive and implement instructions, can control thermostats and appliances plus make remote shut-off possible. 40M wireless ‘smart’ meters have been installed nationally since 2009: tens of millions more globally. Several Massachusetts towns have deployed. National Grid and NStar are conducting pilots. The Final Roadmap report is due to DPU July 3rd.
A boisterous, respectful protest took place in front of the State House prior to the standing room only hearing. Conroy testified the bill grants “consumers choice when they want to opt-out of that effort for whatever reason, and there are all sorts of different studies being done at this time about the potentially physically damaging effect of the smart meters.” Notwithstanding that “the president of the United States and the governor are behind this,” he advocated “these are people's homes. If you put yourself in the shoes of these homeowners who have sometimes been there 20, 30, 50 years - to suddenly feel like you are not safe in your own home because of something over which you had no choice - that's a terrible feeling.“ He said “There are a lot of concerned citizens out there.”
Rep. Andrea Boland (D), Maine testified “The movement to permit opt-outs nationwide is growing” and “the threat of health effects is real. The conditions vary from mild to overwhelmingly debilitating and it can stay with a person for a lifetime, once it settles in. The threat of loss of privacy is real.” She went on “the Maine Public Utilities Commission has now commenced a financial audit of the Maine system. You will find great resistance to offering opt-outs. The industry will describe all the benefits of being able to monitor individual usage from a distance and downplay the health and security risks. They will talk about savings and efficiency but you will likely find them coming back to you for rate increases as we have.” Central Maine Power, last month requested an 8% rate increase after revising ‘smart’ metering projected $25M savings to an $80 to $99M cost.
Janet Newton, EMR Policy Institute testified that FCC guidelines are not standards, which require human epidemiological studies. "Currently there are no national or international “standards” for safety levels of radiofrequency devices," she quoted De-Kun Li, MD, PhD, MPH, of Kaiser Permanente, "to claim that they meet ‘FCC’ standards gives a false impression of safety certainty compared to ‘guidelines’ which implies that a lot is ‘unknown.’”
In support of bill H. 2926, co-sponsored by Conroy, Elisa Boxer, former Maine news anchor; Phyllis Traver, Duxbury Building Biologist and Jean Lemieux, Mass. Assoc. for the Chemically Injured, citizens from the Berkshires to Brockton and anti-smart meter groups, including HaltMAsmartMeters.org spoke. Four spoke in opposition, including National Grid. The Committee is still accepting written submissions.
Clare Donegan is a member of HaltMASmartMeters.org. Email donegan.clare@gmail.com.
One-third of British children consider suicide by age 16 - report
One-third of British children consider suicide by age 16 - report

AFP Photo / Facundo Arrizabalaga

Reuters / Darren Staples
Up to one-third of children in the UK have either attempted or considered taking their own lives, according to a new report which sheds light on the ‘shocking statistics’ of suicide in the Britain.
The latest study for the brand-new mental health charity service MindFull, a sister of the BeatBullying charity, has revealed that 32 per cent of British youths have experienced suicidal thoughts.
On top of this, 29 per cent of youngsters deliberately harmed themselves, while over 12 per cent felt they were failures on an almost daily basis when they were under the age of 16.
Of the 850,000 British youngsters with diagnosable mental health problems, almost 75 per cent get no treatment due to a huge lack of support for those seeking help, according to the report.
“Too many children who try to speak out about the way they are feeling are being let down or simply ignored,” said Emma-Jane Cross, founder and chief executive of MindFull.
“It’s unacceptable that so many [young people] are having to resort to harming themselves on purpose in order to cope, or worse still are thinking about ending their own lives.”
The ‘Alone with my thoughts’ research was based on the first-hand experiences of over 2,000 British youngsters between 16 and 25 years of age.
“We are at risk of failing a generation of young people,” the report warns, calling for the “transformation in the way we address young people’s mental health.”
"Children and young people are growing up in a toxic climate, that they exist in a 24/7 online world where they never switch off, where cyberbullying, consumerism and pornography, sexting and the pressure to have the perfect body bombard them daily, where any exam grade below a C means failure and employment prospects are bleak,” director of YoungMinds policy Lucie Russell said, commenting on the launch of Mindfull.
“These shocking statistics highlight what YoungMinds has been saying for many years - that children and young people’s mental health is a vital issue that must be prioritized,” she added.
According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, there were 6,045 suicides in people aged 15 and over in the UK in 2011 - an increase of 437 people from the year before. Over 4,000 children under the age of 14 attempted to take their own lives in 2007, according to NHS figures. The figures also showed a 50 per cent increase in student suicides between 2007 and 2011.
Among the key factors for childhood depression appeared to be a growing fear of the future, permanent lack of confidence, and constant pressure from schoolwork.
Mindfull, which has received the support of Labour leader Ed Milliband and clinical psychologist Professor Tanya Byron, is offering free professional online help to 11-17 year olds who feel they cannot overcome life's ups and downs alone. The organization will work with schools across the UK to teach youths how to manage anxiety and stress.
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Your MacBook Has a Force Field. This Is What It Looks Like
Your MacBook Has a Force Field. This Is What It Looks Like
- 07.03.13
- 6:30 AM
- The painted electromagnetic field of a Macbook. Image: Luke Sturgeon and Shamik Ray
- The painted electromagnetic field of a Macbook. Image: Luke Sturgeon and Shamik Ray
- The painted electromagnetic field of a radio. Image: Luke Sturgeon and Shamik Ray
- The painted electromagnetic field of a radio. Image: Luke Sturgeon and Shamik Ray
- The painted electromagnetic field of a radio. Image: Luke Sturgeon and Shamik Ray
- The painted electromagnetic field of a radio. Image: Luke Sturgeon and Shamik Ray
- The painted electromagnetic field of a Macbook. Image: Luke Sturgeon and Shamik Ray
That laptop in front of you is hiding a beautiful secret. Radiating from its hard drive, optical drive and tiny motors is a force field of magnetic and electric charges. Called an electromagnetic field, it’s invisible to the human eye—usually. But a recent project from two designers at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design have made the invisible visible. Luke Sturgeon and Shamik Ray have created light paintings from the EMFs emitting from our everyday electronics. The result are ghoulishly pretty images showing wisps of light floating above a laptop and flowing from a radio’s speaker.
The project was part of a week-long experimental imaging workshop at CIID that asked students to visualize the invisible everyday phenomena, no digital retouching allowed. To get their images, Sturgeon and Ray holed themselves up in a pitch-black, totally silent room for three days to experiment with different visualizations and processes. They ended up creating their own Android app in Processing that would allow them draw and map EMFs. The phone, with its built-in magnetic sensors, acted as a sort of “light brush” that reacted based on the strength of the EMF being read. To capture the streak of light coming from the radio, they would slowly drag the phone over the device and wait for the long exposure image to process. “The gratification that came from capturing each exposure reflects the similar experience in dark-room photography, slowly watching each photograph develop,” Sturgeon explained. “We were surprised by the difference in magnetic strengths between objects and how strong the electromagnetic field is around hard drives and laptop computers and mobile phones, all of which we live in constant close proximity to every day.”
Though the images are beautiful, the information we can glean from them is still abstract. Sturgeon says they don’t yet have a way to quantify how strong each EMF is, though he notes that the EMF from the laptop hard drive was so strong it would stall the phone’s magnetic sensor. Ultimately, the team would like to use the research they’ve done to create a standardized method to visually monitor a device’s EMF. “We would like to define a suitable and consistent visual language that can be used to measure and compare any type of object that emits a magnetic field,” Sturgeon said.
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