Sunday, June 30, 2013

- I avoid talking on mobile phone

- I avoid talking on mobile phone

The world's most famous electric sensitive person, former Prime Minister and WHO Director Gro Harlem Brundtland, has now confirmed that she still avoids wireless networks - and preferably avoid talking on mobile phone.

Thomas Ergo
Published: June 30, 2013 3:53 p.m. Updated: June 30, 2013 9:33 p.m.

It was Health Minister Jonas Gahr Støre in an interview with Eve magazine Friday came in on his former chief of the World Health Organization (WHO), Gro Harlem Brundtland's strained relationship with cell phones and electromagnetic radiation. Brundtland made headlines around the world when she was in an interview with Dagbladet 2002 revealed that she, CEO of WHO, had introduced a ban on cell phones in his office in Geneva. She said she was sick of radiation from mobile phones and PCs, and knew if anyone in the room had a mobile on. This while the WHO's official position was that mobile phone radiation was totally harmless.

In May, the Health Minister Jonas Gahr Støre with current government policy in the field, based on an expert committee: Mobile radiation and the like are either harmful or cause health problems. It was in that context he commented on the world's most famous electric sensitive person.

"So I have not talked to her about this recently, but I now communicate with her on this, because she uses a self, said Gahr Støre, and held up his cell phone.

"So she is in a situation now that she can stay online, and it is very active.What that has meant that she has gone from not being there to be there, I should not comment. I will not iron your over it. But it is a reality for her, the way I see it. "


- Gro Harlem Brundtland has begun to use mobile phone
The world's most famous electric sensitive person, Gro Harlem Brundtland, now use mobile phones and is an active user of the Internet. It is evident from this interview with Health Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

"I note that she, as far as I can see, does not currently have problems with it. What has caused the transition of the experience for her, I'm not an expert to consider, "added Gahr Støre.

El-over-sensitivity to the doctor, the former prime minister and leader of the World Health Organization, the past decade has been used and criticized by professionals, NGOs and politicians both in Norway and internationally.

Health Minister Gahr Støre's statement provoked therefore heads.

- Avoids talking on cell phone
Eve magazine presented the Friday Gahr Støre statements Gro Harlem Brundtland, through her press adviser Jon Morland. Saturday Night Morland said that he, on behalf of Brundtland, in light of the article in Eve magazine, will come with the following clarification. It is by what Eve magazine knows her first time commenting on his relationship with electromagnetic radiation, since the interview in 2002.

She avoids using cell phone to talk, but it has occurred in a very few cases

"Gro Harlem Brundtland use daily pc fixed line in their work. Secondarily, she uses a mobile device (mobile brand name, ed.'s Note) for email.She avoids using cell phone to talk, but it has occurred in a very few cases, "writes Morland in the email to Eve magazine.

Minister: Gros version is right

Eve magazine got sun roof in Health Minister Jonas Gahr Støre for a comment to Gro Harlem Brundtland clarification.

Gros clarification is of course just the right version.

- Her clarification is of course just the right version of her experience of her use of cell phones and the Internet. I made it clear though that I have not talked to her about this in detail. So to the extent there has been any doubt about this, as she clarified it now says Gahr Støre.

- You do not think you left her as a bit far, for the benefit of government policy in the field?

- No. I think I tried to relate mainly to a question from Eve magazine.Norwegian authorities have their advice in relation to the use of mobile phones, based on the factual knowledge we can source. But as I said in the interview, there is no reason to doubt or iron over the people who think they have negative experiences, says Gahr Støre.

Grom Children and mobile
Research indicates that between 75,000 and half a million Norwegians consider themselves el-sensitive. Brundtland clarification shows that she still feel compelled to take significant modification of the use of mobile phones and the Internet. Eve magazine has repeatedly asked Gro Harlem Brundtland for an interview about her relationship with electromagnetic radiation. But the former prime minister and the WHO CEO comes rarely appear in the media, and preferably to front their efforts against global poverty and distress, which through the international organization The Elders, founded by Nelson Mandela.

But last year said Brundtland on electromagnetic hypersensitivity at a conference in Canada.


Gro: - I have been heavily criticized for scaring people
Gro Harlem Brundtland speaks out about mobile phone radiation, after ten years of silence about its electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

Where she once explained how she was el-hypersensitive. "I have been criticized for scaring people from using cell phones, because I told people the truth about my disease," she said, according to a professor who blogged about her statements. She was further quoted as saying that she was exasperated that people who believed in electrical hypersensitivity were not taken seriously.

"Should you let your children use mobile phones all day long? No! "Shall Brundtland said.
When Eve record set before her quotes for her press adviser Jon Morland, he replied only: "Without going into the matter, make a note of that Gro has never used the term electrical sensitivity"

Beyond this, he did not come with any corrections.
To struggle for power sensitive
Høie do not believe in electromagnetic hypersensitivity
-El-sensitive will make it harder
Government: Mobile radiation is dangerous

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