Friday, May 01, 2015

Symptoms after Exposure to Smart Meter Radiation

Symptoms after Exposure to Smart Meter Radiation

From Sandi Maurer of the EMF Safety Network 

Chemical, Electromagnetic and Food Sensitivities

Chemical, Electromagnetic and Food Sensitivities

The California Medical Association Wireless Resolution

The California Medical Association Wireless Resolution

Please send the resolution below to people you know in the medical field.  

All medical groups should be adopting similar resolutions and working on figuring out what precautionary levels should look like.  Setting safety limits should not be left to engineers as has been done for the last 60+ years.  The FCC must adopt safety limits recommended by a qualified organization so medical organizations have the potential to have a huge influence - their recommendations could be the ones adopted.  Previously the only organizations involved in making recommendations were engineering organizations.  There is certainly enough information about non-thermal biological effects to set initial precautionary limits almost immediately so that public health and safety are better protected.  Then, a review of additional research can be completed every couple of years and the levels adjusted again as more data becomes available.  

In the meantime, hospitals, clinics, and medical care facilities should become wireless-free zones since they serve a population that is far more vulnerable to environmental pollution because their health is already compromised in some manner.

C4ST has been successful getting action in Canada.  "(T)he Parliamentary Health Committee (HESA) voted on Feb 24th, 2015 to support the motion from Liberal Health Critic MP Dr. Hedy Fry to host 3 days of hearings on Safety Code 6. The 10 member Health Committee is empowered to study and report on all matters relating to the mandate, management, and operation of Health Canada."  Please see to find out more and sign up to receive their updates so you can help push the committee if C4ST needs support.  It is worth visiting their website ( just so you can see the many areas in which they are making progress.  Perhaps you will be able to use their successes to spur change in your community. 

Take a moment to visit my page about why life insurance companies should really be concerned about the proliferation of wireless technology and electrically polluting technologies,  Please pass this information on to life and health insurance companies in your area.


The California Medical Association Wireless Resolution

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California Medical Association

House of Delegates Resolution Wireless Standards Reevaluation 2014


                               CMA 2014   HOD Resolutions Adopted

                                                 Resolution 107- 14

                                          Date Adopted Dec 7, 2014

Resolved 1    That CMA supports efforts to reevaluate microwave safety exposure levels associated with wireless communication devices, including consideration of adverse non-thermal biologic and health effects from non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation used in wireless communications; and be it further
Resolved 2    That CMA support efforts to implement new safety exposure limits for wireless devices to levels that do not cause human or environmental harm based on scientific research.
Wireless Communications Public Safety Standards Reevaluation
Introduced by Cindy Lee Russell, M.D. AND Ken Yew, M.D.  
Whereas there are over 6 billion active cell phones worldwide and dependence of wireless communication networks is rapidly expanding including cell phones, cell towers, wireless routers for home use, medical devices and utility smart meters; and (1)
Whereas scientists are increasingly identifying EMF from wireless devices as a new form of environmental pollution with a growing body of peer reviewed scientific evidence finding significant adverse health and biologic effects on living organisms with exposure to low levels of non-ionizing microwaves currently approved and used in wireless communication, and
Whereas peer reviewed research has demonstrated adverse biological effects of wireless EMF including single and double stranded DNA breaks, creation of reactive oxygen species, immune dysfunction, cognitive processing effects, stress protein synthesis in the brain, altered brain development, sleep and memory disturbances, ADHD, abnormal behavior, sperm dysfunction, and brain tumors; and  (2-55)
Whereas there is a long latency period of years to decades to study and identify adverse health effects such as brain cancer, neurodegenerative damage and autism; and
Whereas children’s brains are developmentally immature until adolescence, their skulls are thinner and the brain is considerably more vulnerable to toxin exposure , and (23,24)
Whereas the World Health Organization in 2011 designated wireless communications including cell phones to be a possible carcinogenic, and (63)
Whereas many scientists, researchers, public health officials and agencies conclude that wireless electromagnetic frequency (EMF) standards established by the Federal Communications Commission are outdated as they are based only on heat effects which damage to the organism and not biological effects of non –ionizing EMF microwave radiation which are scientifically demonstrated at levels hundreds of times less than current safety exposure limits and thus current standards are  inadequate to protect public health; and (49-51)(57)
Whereas the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2013 has asked for reassessment of  exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields limits and policies  that  protect children’s health and well-being  throughout their lifetimes and reflect current use patterns (58)
RESOLVED; that the CMA understands that  existing public safety limits for microwave EMF devices are outdated and inadequate to protect public health  thus endorses efforts of the Federal Communications Commission to reevaluate its safety standards to include consideration of adverse non thermal biologic and health effects from non ionizing electromagnetic radiation used in wireless communications; and be it further
RESOLVED; that the CMA supports efforts to implement microwave safety exposure limits to levels that do not cause human or environmental harm based on scientific research, and be it further
RESOLVED; that the CMA set up a task force to determine adequate precautionary recommendations for the use of cell phones and wireless devices for schools and children
References Wireless Communications Public Safety Standards Reevaluation
1)           More People Have Cell Phones Than Toilets, U.N. Study Shows. Time. March 25, 2013.
2)     Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells.  Lai H, Singh, NP Bioelectomagnetics 1995;16(3):207-10   WEB
3)     Behavioral Effects of Microwaves . Neurobehavioral Toxicology: 1980
Spring;2(1): 49-58 Sern S. WEB
4)     Microwave Radiation Absorption: Behavioral Effects.  Health Physiology: 1991
5)     Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian Brain after Exposure to Microwaves from GSM Mobile Phones.  Safford L. Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 111, Number 7, June 2003   WEB
6)     The effects of broad-band electromagnetic field exposure on mice (Mus musculus). Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. Volume 35, Issue 3, 2000.
7)     Electromagnetic Fields and DNA Damage.  Phillips J.  Pathophysiology 16 (2009) 79-88.
8)     Single- and double-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.  Lai H, Singh NP,  Int J Radiat Biol 69(4):513-521, 1996.
9)     DNA Strand Breaks in Rat Brain Cells Exposed to Low level Microwave Radiation. Behari J.
10)  Long Term Exposure to Microwave Radiation Provokes Cancer Growth:  Evidences from Radars and Mobile Communication Systems.  Kyrylenko S  . Experimental Oncology. March 2011.
11)  ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS: Conference, Hearing Call Up Cell Phone Use.  Environ Health Perspect. Nov 2009; 117(11): A486.
12)  EMF’s and DNA Effects: Potential Mechanism Elucidated-Science Selections.  Hood E. Environmental Health Perspectives, May 2004.
13)    Association between vestibular schwannomas and mobile phone use. Moon S. Tumour Biol. Jan 2014; 35(1): 581–587.
14)  Long-term use of cellular phones and brain tumors: increased risk associated with use for > or =10 years. Hardell L, Carlsberg M. Occupational Environmental Medicine 2007, Sept; 64(9):626-32
15)    Meta-analysis of long-term mobile phone use and the association with brain tumors.  Hardell L  International Journal of Oncology. May 2008 vol 32 Number 5.
16)    Cell phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma: The Need for Standardized Questionaires and access to Industry Data. Surgical Neurology. Volume 72, issue 3, pages 216-222 (Sept 2009) Yueh-Ying Han.
17)    Exposure to Wireless Phone Emissions and Serum Bets-Trace Proteins.  Hardell L. Soderqvist F. International Journal Molecular Medicine. 2010 August; 26(2):301-306.
18)  Mobile Phone Use and the Risk for Malignant Brain Tumors: A Case Control Study on Deceased Cases and Controls . Hardell L, Carlsberg M, Neuroepidemiology: 2010 June 15;35(2): 109-114.
19)  Case-control study of the association between malignant brain tumours diagnosed between 2007 and 2009 and mobile and cordless phone use.  Hardell L .  Int J Oncol.  2013 Dec;43(6):1833-45.
20)  Mobile Phones, Cordless Phones and the Risk for Brain Tumors.  Hardell L, Carlberg M. International Journal of Oncology, 2009 Jul;35(1):5-17 PMID: 19513546
21)  Oxidative damage in chemical teratogenesis.  Wells PG .  Mutat Res.  1997 Dec 12;396(1-2):65-78.
22)  Swedish review strengthens grounds for concluding that radiation from cellular and cordless phones is a probable human carcinogen. Dr. Devra Davis.   Pathophysiology.  Volume 20, issue 2,  Pages 123–129, April 2013
23)  Critical periods of vulnerability for the developing nervous system: evidence from humans and animal models. Environ Health Perspect.  Rice D.   108(suppl 3):511–533 (2000).
24)  Critical periods of vulnerability for the developing nervous system: evidence from humans and animal models. Environ Health Perspect.  Rice D.   108(suppl 3):511–533 (2000).
25)  Electromagnetic noise inhibits radiofrequency radiation-induced DNA damage and reactive oxygen species increase in human lens epithelial cells.  Yao K .  Mol Vis.  2008 May 19;14:964-9.
26)  Neuronal Death and Oxidative Stress in the Developing Brain.  Chrysanthy Ikonomidou.  ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING Volume 00, Number 0, 2011.
27)  Reactive oxygen species elevation and recovery in Drosophila bodies and ovaries following short-term and long-term exposure to DECT base EMF.  Manta AK .  Electromagn Biol Med.  2014 Jun;33(2):118-31.
28)  Protective effects of melatonin and caffeic acid phenethyl ester against retinal oxidative stress in long-term use of mobile phone: a comparative study.   Ozguner F .  Mol Cell Biochem.  2006 Jan;282(1-2):83-8.
29)  Autism-relevant social abnormalities in mice exposed perinatally to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields.
30)  Drosophila oogenesis as a bio-marker responding to EMF sources.  Margaritis LH .  Electromagn Biol Med.  2014 Sep;33(3):165-89.
31)  Exposure to 1800 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation induces oxidative DNA base damage in a mouse spermatocyte-derived cell line.   Liu C .  Toxicol Lett.  2013 Mar 27;218(1):2-9.
32)  [Metabolic changes in cells under electromagnetic radiation of mobile communication systems].  Iakimenko. IL. Ukr Biokhim Zh. 2011 Mar-Apr;83(2):20-8.
33)  Non-thermal activation of the hsp27/p38MAPK stress pathway by mobile phone radiation in human endothelial cells: molecular mechanism for cancer- and blood-brain barrier-related effects.  Leszczynski D .  Differentiation.  2002 May;70(2-3):120-9.
34)  Effect of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation on oxidative stress in rat brain and serum.  Bilgici B .  Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Mar;32(1):20-9.
35)  Behavior and memory evaluation of Wistar rats exposed to 1·8 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. Júnior LC .  Neurol Res.  2014 Sep;36(9):800-3.
36)  Effect of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiations (RF-EMR) on passive avoidance behaviour and hippocampal morphology in Wistar rats.  Narayanan SN .  Ups J Med Sci.  2010 May;115(2):91-6.
37)  Analysis of emotionality and locomotion in radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation exposed rats.  Narayanan SN . Neurol Sci.  2013 Jul;34(7):1117-24.
38)  Evaluation of oxidant stress and antioxidant defense in discrete brain regions of rats exposed to 900 MHz radiation. Bratisl Lek Listy.  2014;115(5):260-6.
39)  Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 Mhz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice.  Aldid, T.Nature.  Scientific Reports  2, Article number: 312. Feb 18, 2013.
40)  Cell phone radiation exposure on brain and associated biological systems.  Kesari KK .  Indian J Exp Biol.  2013 Mar;51(3):187-200.
41)  Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment.  Johansson O .   Pathophysiology.  2009 Aug;16(2-3):157-77. Epub 2009 Apr 23.
42)  Cell phone use and behavioural problems in young children.  Divan HA , . J Epidemiol  Community Health.  2012 Jun;66(6):524-9.
43)  Prenatal and postnatal exposure to cell phone use and behavioral problems in children.  Divan HA . Epidemiology.  2008 Jul;19(4):523-9.
44)  Maternal cell phone and cordless phone use during pregnancy and behaviour problems in 5-year-old children. Guxens M .   J Epidemiol  Community Health.  2013 May;67(5):432-8.
45)  Radio frequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from GSM (0.9/1.8GHz) mobile phones induces oxidative stress and reduces sperm motility in rats.  Mailankot M .  Clinics (Sao Paulo).  2009;64(6):561-5.
46)  Effects of the exposure to mobile phones on male reproduction: a review of the literature.  La Vignera S .  J Androl.  2012 May-Jun;33(3):350-6.
47)  Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (RF-EMW) from cellular phones on human ejaculated semen: an in vitro pilot study.  Agarwal A .  Fertil Steril.  2009 Oct;92(4):1318-25.
48)  Bioinitiative 2012.
49)  Autism and EMF/RFR?  Plausibility of a Pathophysiological Link-Part I.   Pathophysiology   Volume 20, Issue 3 , 191-209, June 2013.  Herbert M, Sage C (2013) .
50)  Autism and EMF/RFR?  Plausibility of a Pathophysiological Link-Part II.   Pathophysiology   Volume 20, Issue 3 , 211-234, June 2013.  Herbert M, Sage C (2013)
51)    BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Radiation. December 31, 2012. BioInitiative Working Group, Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter.
52)    Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations.
International Journal of Occupational Environmental Health: 16-3, Jul/Sep 2010, p263-267. Khurana V, Hardell L .
53)  Shallow Minds: How the Internet and Wi–Fi in Schools Can Affect Learning.  Cindy Lee Russell, MD. Oct 2013 issue SCCMA Bulletin.  or for full references
54)  Autism Rising Part 1. Dr. Cindy Russell. May/June SCCMA Bulletin 2014
56)  Scientific panel on electromagnetic field health risks: consensus points, recommendations, and rationales.  Fragopoulou A . Rev Environ Health.  2010 Oct-Dec;25(4):307-17.
57)  Letter American Academy of Pediatrics to FDA on  “Reassessment of Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Limits and Policies” published in the Federal Register on June 4,  2013.
58)  Wired vs Wireless in Classrooms.  Letter to Los Angeles Unified School District. Feb 2013 from Martha Herbert, Assistant Professor Pediatric Neurology,  Harvard Medical School.
59)  The precautionary principle in environmental science.  D Kriebel .  Environ Health Perspect. Sep 2001; 109(9): 871–876.
60)  Environmental Working Group Cell Phone Report
61)  WiFi in schools proven dangerous.
62)  Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones.

Protecting my health and that of others by using a hardwired computer in a low RF environment.  For more information, see

URGENT - Call for Support Re: Watkins EHS Injunction

URGENT - Call for Support Re: Watkins EHS Injunction

Please send  the Barrister representing Jodie in her EHS case in Australia any details you may have regarding successful litigation in your country against phone mast installation, where an EHS individual is  or has been involved.
If you have already responded then many thanks, Raymond has notified us that he has read all emails and will continue to do so.
with thanks
Kind regards
Sarah Dacre

Raymond J Broomhall   ABN: 19 811 830 629
Barrister at Law

Mob: 0447 725 254

Michael Kirby Chambers
49 Davey Street

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: P Nielsen <>
Date: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 8:18 AM
Subject: URGENT - Call for Support Re: Watkins EHS Injunction

Dear Reader,

The email below was received from the Barrister acting on behalf of Jodie Watkins, a Tasmanian resident with diagnosed EHS. They are opposing an NBN tower near her home based upon nuisance Tort law. This is a first, and appears to have a high chance of succeeding. The next appearance in court is this Friday. However, additional support is required to have the matter fully heard and a ruled upon.

Please read the following letter, and contact Ray directly by phone or email (see below) ASAP if you can assist as requested.

Here is a news article on their action.

There is a lot at stake. If this case succeeds, it will set a valuable precedent for all persons in similar situations.
Best regards,

Peter Nielsen

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Impact of a small cell on the RF-EMF exposure in a train

Joel's comments:  Given the prevalence of cell phone use on subways, buses, and trains, secondhand exposure to RF radiation can be significant and may pose health risks to passengers. See for example "Secondhand Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation: An Emerging Public Health Problem?"  Thus, it is important we develop strategies to minimize these exposures either through adoption of harm reduction policies or technologies.

The following study estimates the exposure of a passenger to radio frequency (RF) radiation on a train when only one cell phone is in use, both with and without a miniature mobile phone base station installed on the train.  Since the scenario under investigation involves specific mobile phone equipment and only a single user, the generalizability of the study results is rather limited.


Impact of a small cell on the RF-EMF exposure in a train

Aerts S, Plets D, Thielens A, Martens L, Joseph W. Impact of a small cell on the RF-EMF exposure in a train. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015 Feb 27;12(3):2639-52. doi: 10.3390/ijerph120302639.


The deployment of a miniature mobile-phone base station or small cell in a train car significantly ithe coverage and the capacity of a mobile network service on the train. However, the impact of the small cell on the passengers' exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is unknown. In this study, we assessed experimentally the RF-EMF exposure of a mobile-phone user who is either connected to the outdoor macrocell network or to an in-train small cell, while traveling on the train, by means of the absorbed-dose concept, which combines the base station downlink exposure with the mobile-phone uplink exposure. For Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) technology at 1800 MHz, we found that by connecting to a small cell, the brain exposure of the user could realistically be reduced by a factor 35 and the whole-body exposure by a factor 11. 
Open source paper:
... several studies on the exposure of the general public to radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) have established that public transport (bus, train, etc.) has become the dominant micro-environment in terms of RF-EMF exposure, with the largest RF-EMF strengths attributed to mobile-phone use [3-6].

... caused by ... (1) the fast movement of the train, forcing the mobile phone to repeatedly connect to a different base station (macrocell) (i.e., a handover), during which the power of the mobile device is set to its maximum [7]; (2) the metal frame of the train that behaves more or less like a Faraday cage, significantly attenuating any signal that penetrates it (hence, any mobile device inside the train is forced to radiate stronger for the transmitted signal to possess enough power to reach the base station); and (3) the large amount of people present in a small environment which is the train car, increasing the chances of mobile-phone use, and thus reinforcing the aforementioned factors.

A combined solution that would effectively eliminate the first two factors is to bring the mobile-phone base station inside the train. This can be done by deploying a small cell in the train car, a miniature Wi-Fi-like base station (with a maximum output power of about 100 mW) to which mobile-phone users can connect directly and continuously, instead of repeatedly connecting to far-off macrocell base stations.
In this study, we considered the following sources of RF-EMF: (1) the subject’s mobile phone (a near-field source); (2) the base station to which the mobile phone was connected (a far-field source), and in case of the small-cell scenario; (3) the macrocell as well, as it is still present and radiating. We did not consider, however, other macrocell base stations, mobile phones of other persons, or the small-cell-to-macrocell-connection antenna on the roof of the train (Figure 1) ...
It’s important to keep in mind that the contribution of the mobile phones of other people in the train to the far-field exposure of a person (in this study downlink and far-field exposure are interchangeable, but with the addition of other users, their uplink signals add to the subject’s far-field exposure) can be quite significant. In fact, in the study by Bolte and Eikelboom [6], this contribution was found to be more than 10 times higher (92 µW/m2) than the base stations’ contribution (7 µW/m2), and Plets et al. [20] calculated that in a train car with 15 (average) users, their uplink signals add to the (average) subject’s total exposure up to 24% of his own uplink exposure. Taking into account other users’ mobile phones, we thus find that the small cell has an increased beneficiary effect on the exposure of passengers who are light users (whose exposure is dominated by the contributions of the small cell base station and/or other passengers’ mobile phones), and a comparable effect on the exposure of heavy users (whose exposure is dominated by their own mobile phone) (with the maximum reduction unaffected), compared to a scenario without other users. Additionally, it is probable that the small cell radiates more power when more users are connected to it, as is the case with macrocell base stations. However, assuming the PSC values above are average values over the train ride, we do not have to keep account for this in our analysis.
We are confident that using two different mobile phones for our measurements does not significantly bias our exposure comparison. In this study, we attempted at a general comparison of the exposure in a macrocell and a small-cell scenario for an average GSM1800mobile-phone user on the train. In practice, there are many different types of mobile phones, and it is impossible to account for all small differences in their effective output power or the absorption of their radiation in the body and the brain.
It should further be noted that all doses were averaged over sizeable volumes: the whole body or the brain’s grey mass...

The influence of a small cell on a mobile-phone user in a train is twofold. On the one hand, its vicinity to the passengers could result in a substantially increased downlink exposure; however, this is highly dependent on its effective output power. On the other hand, for the same reason, and also due to the elimination of handovers, the transmit power of any mobile phone will be considerably lower, significantly reducing the exposure due to one’s mobile device (and those of others). Combining both exposure factors, it is found that, in a realistic one-user scenario for GSM1800, the user’s total exposure of the body can be reduced by a factor 11, and of the brain by a factor 35; while both could be maximally reduced by a factor 60.
However, whether the total human RF-EMF exposure in the train due to mobile communications is reduced by the deployment of a small cell ultimately depends on several factors, including the output power of the small cell, the number of small cells in the train (depending on how many simultaneous users have to be served), as well as the number of users in the train, and how long they use their devices. This will be the subject of future research.
--Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

News Releases:
Twitter:                 @berkeleyprc

The Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation of Different Parameters on Platelet Oxygen Metabolism - In Vitro Studies

The Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation of Different Parameters on Platelet Oxygen Metabolism - In Vitro Studies

Lewicka M, Henrykowska GA, Pacholski K, Szczęsny A, Dziedziczak-Buczyńska M, Buczyński A. The Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation of Different Parameters on Platelet Oxygen Metabolism - In Vitro Studies. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2015 Jan-Feb;24(1):31-35. doi: 10.17219/acem/38169.


BACKGROUND: Electromagnetic radiation emitted by a variety of devices, e.g. cell phones, computers and microwaves, interacts with the human body in many ways. Research studies carried out in the last few decades have not yet resolved the issue of the effect of this factor on the human body and many questions are left without an unequivocal answer. Various biological and health-related effects have not been fully recognized. Thus further studies in this area are justified.

OBJECTIVES: A comparison of changes within catalase enzymatic activity and malondialdehyde concentration arising under the influence of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by car electronics, equipment used in physiotherapy and LCD monitors.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The suspension of human blood platelets at a concentration of 1 × 109/0.001 dm 3, obtained from whole blood by manual apheresis, was the study material. Blood platelets were exposed to an electromagnetic field for 30 min in a laboratory stand designed for the reconstruction of the electromagnetic radiation generated by car electronics, physiotherapy equipment and LCD monitors. The changes in catalase activity and malondialdehyde concentration were investigated after the exposure and compared to the control values (unexposed material).

RESULTS: An increase in catalase activity and malondialdehyde concentration was observed after 30 min exposure of platelets to EMF regardless of the radiation source. The most significant changes determining the degree of oxidative stress were observed after exposure to the EMF generated by car electronics.

CONCLUSIONS: The low frequency electromagnetic fields generated by car electronics, physiotherapy equipment and LCD monitors may be a cause of oxidative stress in the human body and may lead to free radical diseases.


To expose the suspension to radiation, a special device was built in laboratory conditions, reconstructing the parameters of the electromagnetic field generated by car electronics (1 kHz, 0.5 mT), physiotherapy equipment (50 Hz, 10 mT) and LCD monitors (1 kHz, 220 V/m). When electromagnetic radiation of a low frequency is tested, the electrical and magnetic components should be investigated independently. In the presented studies on the sources of the elektromagnetic field of LCD monitors, electric component was considered, as its parameters appeared to be of significance as regards their effect on the human body. The electromagnetic field emitted by car electronics and physiotherapy equipment was characterized by the magnetic component ...

Oxidative stress reflects pro-oxidant-antioxidant imbalance. The uncontrolled increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) developing under the influence of various external factors, among others electromagnetic radiation [4], also leads to the
process of cell membrane lipid peroxidation. It is a process of oxidation of phospholipids made up of unsaturated fatty acids which leads to excessive synthesis of lipid peroxides and to the transformation of polyunsaturated fatty acids to biologically
active substances.

The end products of lipid oxidation (malondialdehyde) cause disturbances of cellular membrane structures, their depolarization and loss of integrity, and consequently cause cell death. Inhibition of the activity of many enzymes, due to the activity of aldehydes, leads, among others, to the inhibition of DNA replication, transcription, DNA strand breaks and cell death [5]. MDA reacting with biomolecules building the cellular structure demonstrates its mutagenic and cytostatic properties [6]. The amount of MDA in systemic fluid may be an indicator of the occurrence of pathological processes [7].

In the study, results were obtained indicating that the highest increase of malondialdehyde (at 77%) compared to the initial values resulted from 30-min exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by car electronics (induction 0.5 mT, frequency
1 kHz). However, the radiation emitted by physiotherapy equipment (induction 10 mT, frequency 50 Hz) also caused a great increase of malondialdehyde concentration – by 75%. The least changes were noted in the investigations concerning LCD monitors – by 25%.

Taking into account the numerous pathological implications of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress reactions and the fact that we live surrounded by electromagnetic radiation, it seems to be justified to carry out further studies in this field. The results of these experiments may be helpful in the determination of standards and principles adequate to the risks that develop after exposure to EMF and also may help in the introduction of appropriate prophylaxis.

The authors concluded that catalase enzymatic activity (antioxidant defense proteins) increases significantly after 30-min exposure of human blood platelets to the EMF emitted by car electronics, physiotherapy equipment and LCD monitors. The most significant changes were observed after exposure to radiation of induction 0.5 mT and frequency 1 kHz. The  measurement of malondialdehyde concentration (a lipid membrane peroxidation marker) demonstrated its increase in relation
to the initial values after 30-min exposure of blood platelets to the electromagnetic radiation generated by car electronics, physiotherapy equipment and LCD monitors. The most significant changes of the concentration were noticed after exposure to radiation of induction 0.5 mT and frequency 1 kHz. The conditions (electromagnetic radiation of low frequency) used in the experiment are the cause of the observed changes in the enzymatic activity of catalase and malondialdehyde concentration, which can be indirectly related to EMF radiation in some kinds of cars, physiotherapy equipment and monitors.


Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

News Releases:
Twitter:                 @berkeleyprc

Magnetoreception in the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus): influence of weak frequency-modulated radio frequency fields

Magnetoreception in the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus): influence of weak frequency-modulated radio frequency fields
Malkemper EP, Eder SH, Begall S, Phillips JB, Winklhofer M, Hart V, Burda H. Magnetoreception in the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus): influence of weak frequency-modulated radio frequency fields. Sci Rep. 2015 Apr 29;4:9917. doi: 10.1038/srep09917.


The mammalian magnetic sense is predominantly studied in species with reduced vision such as mole-rats and bats. Far less is known about surface-dwelling (epigeic) rodents with well-developed eyes. Here, we tested the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus for magnetoreception using a simple behavioural assay in which mice are allowed to build nests overnight in a visually symmetrical, circular arena. The tests were performed in the ambient magnetic field or in a field rotated by 90°. When plotted with respect to magnetic north, the nests were bimodally clustered in the northern and southern sectors, clearly indicating that the animals used magnetic cues. Additionally, mice were tested in the ambient magnetic field with a superimposed radio frequency magnetic field of the order of 100 nT. Wood mice exposed to a 0.9 to 5 MHz frequency sweep changed their preference from north-south to east-west. In contrast to birds, however, a constant frequency field tuned to the Larmor frequency (1.33 MHz) had no effect on mouse orientation. In sum, we demonstrated magnetoreception in wood mice and provide first evidence for a radical-pair mechanism in a mammal.
Open Access Paper:

ExcerptIt is widely believed that RF magnetic fields influence exclusively a radical pair mechanism, not a magnetic particle mechanism. This is certainly true for single-domain magnetite, where the inertia of the particles surrounded by the viscous cytoplasm is generally believed to hinder motion and thus transduction of oscillating fields in the radio frequency range3661. However, according to Shcherbakov & Winklhofer25, a magnetic particle mechanism based on magnetic susceptibility, such as the maghemite-superparamagnetic magnetite hybrid magnetoreceptor proposed by Fleissner et al.62 would convert the radiation into thermal agitation. As with the putative effect on a radical pair mechanism, it is not clear why such a heating effect would cause re-orientation, rather than disorientation. Importantly, however, due to the higher intensity of the Larmor frequency stimulus compared to the wideband stimulus, any heating effect would have been more pronounced for the Larmor frequency condition. Consequently, the finding of an effect of the wideband RF stimulus, but not of the higher intensity Larmor frequency stimulus, argues against a nonspecific (i.e., thermal) effect on a mechanism or process other than the radical pair mechanism.
In sum, we show that wood mice possess a magnetic sense that they use to position their nests along the NNE-SSW axis relative to the magnetic field. The NNE-SSW preference was not altered by RF fields delivered at the Larmor frequency, but was shifted by approximately 90° by a RF frequency sweep (0.9–5 MHz repeated at 1 kHz) at an intensity of only ~5% that of the Larmor frequency stimulus. The results point to the involvement of a radical pair mechanism, the first such evidence for a mammal, although further research is needed to provide a more thorough characterization of the underlying mechanism. Finally and importantly, it should be noted, that the RF magnetic fields applied here have peak intensities below the ICNIRP guidelines for general public exposure (63, i.e., Brms = 0.92 µT/f [MHz], or Bpeak = 1.30 µT/f [MHz]) considered as harmless for human health. Yet, we show that they are sufficient to affect behaviour in a mammal.
Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

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Twitter:                 @berkeleyprc

Thursday, April 30, 2015

In vitro effect of cell phone radiation on motility, DNA fragmentation and clusterin gene expression in human sperm

In vitro effect of cell phone radiation on motility, DNA fragmentation and clusterin gene expression in human sperm

Zalata A, El-Samanoudy AZ, Shaalan D, El-Baiomy Y, Mostafa T. In vitro effect of cell phone radiation on motility, DNA fragmentation and clusterin gene expression in human sperm. Int J Fertil Steril. 2015 Apr-Jun;9(1):129-36. Epub 2015 Apr 21.


BACKGROUND: Use of cellular phones emitting radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) has been increased exponentially and become a part of everyday life. This study aimed to investigate the effects of in vitro RF-EMF exposure emitted from cellular phones on sperm motility index, sperm DNA fragmentation and seminal clusterin (CLU) gene expression.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this prospective study, a total of 124 semen samples were grouped into the following main categories: i. normozoospermia (N, n=26), ii. asthenozoospermia (A, n=32), iii. asthenoteratozoospermia (AT, n=31) and iv. oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT, n=35). The same semen samples were then divided into two portions non-exposed and exposed samples to cell phone radiation for 1 hour. Before and immediately after exposure, both aliquots were subjected to different assessments for sperm motility, acrosin activity, sperm DNA fragmentation and CLU gene expression. Statistical differences were analyzed using paired t student test for comparisons between two sub-groups where p<0 .05="" as="" br="" set="" significant.="" was="">
RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in sperm motility, sperm linear velocity, sperm linearity index, and sperm acrosin activity, whereas there was a significant increase in sperm DNA fragmentation percent, CLU gene expression and CLU protein levels in the exposed semen samples to RF-EMF compared with non-exposed samples in OAT>AT>A>N groups, respectively (p<0 .05="" br="">
CONCLUSION: Cell phone emissions have a negative impact on exposed sperm motility index, sperm acrosin activity, sperm DNA fragmentation and seminal CLU gene expression, especially in OAT cases.
Open Access Paper:

Also see the following review paper:

Adams JA, Galloway TS, Mondal D, Esteves SC, Mathews M. Effect of mobile telephones on sperm quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environment International70:106-112. September 2014.


Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
Center for Family and Community Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

News Releases:
Twitter:                 @berkeleyprc

Another Utility Lie Exposed – “Smart” meters are little used for outage alerts.

Another Utility Lie Exposed – “Smart” meters are little used for outage alerts.

Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward Sedona, Arizona ~ April 29, 2015

            As part of their “smart” meter propaganda, utilities nationwide – including ones in Arizona – have promoted a myth that “smart” meters reduce their response time to outages. For example, here's a typical sampling of website hype from four Arizona utilities:

Navopache Electric Coop: “... AMI helps locate and respond to outages faster ….”

Mohave Electric Coop: “... improve system reliability through improved outage management ….”

APS: “In addition, the meters have the potential to assist APS in providing faster outage response to customers.”

SRP: “More benefits will include quicker outage restoration ….”

            Gee whiz, ain't “smart” meter technology grand?! Indeed, SRP headlined its webpage “TOMORROW'S GRID TODAY” in enormous font. 

            The reality however is what I have been telling the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) for years: Utilities still rely on customers to tell them when the power's out.

            My assertion has just been confirmed by the BRIDGE Energy Group, self-described as “the leading consulting and systems integration solutions company focused on improving utility operational performance.” 

           BRIDGE recently released their 2015 Outage & Restoration Management Survey Results Summary. Over 20,000 utility employees – executives, managers and engineers – from 90 utilities across North America were surveyed.

           81% of the surveyed utilities had installed “smart” meters, but only 16% use “smart” meters as their primary source of power failure alerts. Customer calls come first.

           Secondarily – after customer calls but well before “smart” meters – utilities rely on SCADA systems for outage alerts. SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. It is technology employed by utilities for decades and does not involve metering but operates at the transformer and substation level. 

            I brought SCADA to the ACC's attention over a year ago when I sent them the declaration of one of New England's largest utilities, Northeast Utilities. Northeast trashed “smart” meters in detail, saying there was “no rational basis” for their implementation, and that “smart” meters did not reduce outages or “modernize” the electricity grid. 

            On page 4 of Northeast's comments to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, Northeast explains:

“For example, utilizing SCADA-enabled smart switches will both reduce outages and mitigate the effects that outages have on customers. Substation monitoring, remote controls and microprocessor relays can mitigate the impact of widespread outages; manage load constraints; and help to optimize the use of assets in real time.” 
[my 2/12/14 letter to the ACC including Northeast's complete statement is here: ]

            BRIDGE's full report is here: . Slow-learners at the ACC need not fret over its 19 page length. It's mostly very large print, pictures and pie charts – so simple even a child could understand.