Eileen O´Connor´s Story
United Kingdom
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Eileen O´Connor Created: 1 Nov 2006 Updated: 1 Nov 2006 Viewed: 1578 time(s)
I have no doubt in my mind either that I am a victim to long term exposure to radiation from a phone mast. Almost five years ago I developed breast cancer at the age of 38 with no history of breast cancer in my family and living a healthy life style.

EMF Discussion Group at the Health Protection Agency for Radiation Protection (HPA - RPD) on 2nd March 2006
Created: 1 Nov 2006
October, 2006
Mobile Phone/Mast Radiation

I attended the first meeting for the EMF Discussion Group at the Health Protection Agency for Radiation Protection (HPA - RPD) on 2nd March 2006; the meeting was chaired by Sir William Stewart and included key people from the HPA, Department of Health, Mobile Operators Association (MOA) and representatives from campaign groups. It was a positive meeting and hopefully the first of many. Sir William has invited the EMF Discussion Group to provide a forum to consider health concerns related to exposure to EMFs and provide an input to EMF advice from the HPA.
Discussion needs to be followed up with action and I along with fellow members of the group are committed on behalf of EHS people, cancer patients and the many other people suffering with problems related to emfs to see this through to the end. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sir William Stewart for opening up an important and urgent debate.
You will be pleased to know that the record note of the March 2nd meeting is now posted on the HPA web site. The second meeting is due to take place in October 2006.
The address is given below:
ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection) is reviewing its safety Guidelines for exposure to EMR - April 2006.
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission, (FCC's) exposure guidelines are considered protective of effects arising from a thermal mechanism but not from all possible mechanisms. Therefore, the generalisation by many that the guidelines protect human beings from harm by any or all mechanisms is not justified" Norbert Hankin, Key EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) scientist USA.
Dr.George. 'Carlo Carroll &Graff 2001'. Safe levels of exposure to all forms of radiation have been lowered continuously since the 1920s. They seem to get it wrong every time! From; Cell Phones Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age.
The UK has allowed the highest output of radiation in the world. The UK recently adopted lower levels of radiation by accepting guidelines set by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection 'ICNIRP'. However, the ICNIRP standard does not offer any form of protection other than from the heating effects of microwave radiation. In other words ICNIRP only protects your body from properties of high levels of elevated temperatures. A very substantial body of peer reviewed science clearly shows many biological changes have already happened.
The Government and Health Protection Agency Radiation Protection (HPA RPD) -formerly known as the NRPB now admit that magnetic fields at the power levels of 0.4 microtesla doubles the risk of contracting leukaemia, whilst other European Countries have brought down their power levels to 1 or 2 microtesla, the UK remain 100 times higher.
See Telegraph news report: Pylon cancer fears put £7bn blight on house prices.
Other countries such as Taiwan and Vietnam are now taking measures to protect the public from EMF exposures.
Electromagnetic radiation issues mean large costs for mobile-telecom carriers in Taiwan. Yinxuan Wang, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DigiTimes.com [Thursday 16 March 2006] According to TTIDA statistics, about 2,700 of 49,000 existing base stations around Taiwan were under protest and nearly 900 were finally demolished in 2005. The operators spent a total of more than (US$30.8 million) in dealing with such issues. This year, the total cost incurred is likely to rise to (US$61.7 million), the operators estimate.
Protective shielding to go up near high-voltage power lines
Some 2,099 households in central Vietnam are to be protected from dangerous electromagnetic fields emanating from a high-voltage power line with shielding technology, said Power Company No 2. The shields are to be set up to protect homes in line with Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) practice by end of March through central Vietnam, beginning in Gia Lai province and running north to Quang Binh province.
Leukemia, lymphoma and cancer of the nervous system are diseases that can be caused in children exposed to the powerful electromagnetic waves without protection.
The shield system is considered the most effective measure to combat the waves and effectively protect anyone that spends excessive periods of time near high-voltage power lines. Reported by Quang Thang - Translated by Thanh Tuan
A report on electronic smog by Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor writing for the UK Independent news paper 7th May 2006. It states the curse of the mobile phone age: around your home there are countless gadgets whose electrical fields, scientists now warn, are linked to depression, miscarriage and cancer. Please go to enclosed website link for more information.
Reporter Nic Flemings article in the Telegraph 4/11/2005 reported Dr Jill Meara of the UK Health Protection Agency as saying people who think they suffer from electro-sensitivity should consider keeping their distance from electrical appliances. This was the advice from the Health Protection Agency following the Irvine report:
It is not good enough telling the estimated 2 million EHS people suffering to keep their distance from electric devices. What do you do if you have a phone mast next to your home? How do you keep away from that?
What sort of society are we living in when only certain people are allowed to earn a living, consigning the rest to live out their lives in pain, enforced poverty and isolation? By encouraging the proliferation of wireless devices, society has created an invisible under-class who are denied the opportunities available to everyone else. ES victims are often unable to use their talents and capabilities to earn a living through denial of access to transport and places most people take for granted. With other forms of disability, society has taken the view that such a situation is unacceptable and as legislated to ensure equal access and equal opportunity.
It is unacceptable to say "keep your distance from electrical appliances" or "Get over it, take a pain killer" then you could travel to work and be employed in our WiFi office surrounded by cordless and mobile phones". Why should EHS people in the UK be any different to the recognised EHS people in Sweden?
We want prevention and protection, we need to be treated with respect and honestly represented by the people in power we deserve nothing less.
The UK Government has taken over £22 billion in the selling of the licences to the mobile phone industry. They put £3.5 million back into research along with £3.5 million from the Mobile Phone Industry. Further support was announced on November, 04 for research on three additional studies for the MTHR programme. While we welcome further research, we are concerned that it lacks true independence and would prefer the funding to go to an independent group of scientists.
Other countries medical professions recognise that some people are sensitive to non-ionising radiation. Sweden now has a medical register of 285,000 and California 700,000. We believe these figures are underestimated, since many people are not aware that their symptoms are connected to a condition known as electro-sensitivity or hypersensitivity (EHS) people. However, if the same figures apply to the UK this could indicate over 2.1 million people are knowingly or unknowingly affected to environmental fields (EMF).
Sir William Stewart, head of the UK's Health Protection Agency (HPA), has called for the precautionary principle to be invoked, especially where children are concerned, as they will absorb a higher dose of radiation and for a longer period of time.
We are now seeing evidence of cancer clusters appearing in radiation from phone masts after long-term exposure, throughout the UK. There appears to be a cancer epidemic across Europe with younger people developing this deadly disease.
The Naila Study, Germany (November 2004) – This study, conducted over 10 years was released by The Federal Agency for Radiation Protection, Germany. Medical doctors compiled case histories since 1994 – 2004, looking at heightened risk of taking ill with malignant tumours. They discovered a threefold increase after five years exposure to microwave radiation from a mobile phone mast transmitter for up to 400 metres distance, compared to those patients living further away.
A study carried out by Ronni Wolf MD and Danny Wolf MD, Kaplan Medical Centre, Israel (April 2004) discovered a fourfold increase in cancer within 350 metres after long-term exposure to microwave radiation from a mobile phone mast and a tenfold increase specifically among women, compared to patients living away from the masts.
Six other short-term mobile phone mast studies have also found significant health effects such as headaches, dizziness, depression, fatigue, sleep disorder, difficulty in concentration and cardiovascular problems:
1)H-P Hutter, H Moshammer, P Wallner and M Kundi
Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in subjects living near mobile phone base stations: Conclusion: Despite very low exposure to HF-EMF, effects on wellbeing and performance cannot be ruled out, as shown by recently obtained experimental results; however, mechanisms of action at these low levels are unknown.
2) Santini et al (Paris) [Pathologie Biologie (Paris)] 2002
3) Netherlands Ministries of Economic Affairs, Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment and Health Welfare and Sport. (TNO) 2003
4)The Microwave Syndrome – Further Aspect of a Spanish Study – Oberfeld Gerd. Press International Conference in Kos (Greece), 2004
5) Austrian scientists Dr Gerd Oberfeld send out a press release 1 May 2005 with this report:
'A study in Austria examined radiation from a mobile phone mast at a distance of 80 metres; EEG tests of 12 electro-sensitive people proved significant changes in the electrical currents of the brains. Volunteers for the test reported symptoms like buzzing in the head, palpitations of the heart, un-wellness, light headedness, anxiety, breathlessness, respiratory problems, nervousness, agitation, headache, tinnitus, heat sensation and depression.
6)Bamberg, Germany 26-April, 2005
Dr C Waldmann-Selsam, Dr U. Säeger,
Bamberg, Oberfranken evaluated the medical complaints of 356 people who have had long-term [radiation] exposure in their homes from pulsed high frequency magnetic fields (from mobile phone base stations, from cord-less DECT telephones, amongst others).
People suffer from one, several or many of the following symptoms:
Sleep disturbances, tiredness, disturbance in concentration, forgetfulness, problem with finding words, depressive mood, ear noises, sudden loss of hearing, hearing loss, giddiness, nose bleeds, visual disturbances, frequent infections, sinusitis, joint and limb pains, nerve and soft tissue pains, feeling of numbness, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure episodes, hormonal disturbances, night-time sweats, nausea:
Open letter to German Prime Minister following from the Bamberger study http://www.tetrawatch.net/links/links.php?id=stoiberlet
If you compare the results of the "Bamberger Appell" study to "The Microwave Syndrome – Further Aspects of a Spanish Study Oberfeld & Navarro 2004". Both studies seem to show the same symptoms being reported at the same level of powerflux density.
Campaign groups have also been working with retired physicist Dr John Walker. Six studies now show an increase in serious illness appearing in radiation from masts after long-term exposure. I would suggest that the threefold increase found in the Naila study up to 400m and the fourfold increase found in the Israel study will be much higher. These figures will be diluted; they will have taken in the whole area within the 350/400m range. Dr John Walker's research clearly shows the clusters of illness appear in radiation at exposures of around 1.5v/m, which is below the guidelines significantly permitting around 40 to 50 v/m (varying according to microwave frequency). . We believe the increase will be approx 10 to 12 per cent within concentrated areas see examples at
This situation demands proper and full investigation.
The hamlet of Wishaw is a prime example:
Five ladies developed breast cancer
One case of prostrate cancer
One bladder cancer
One lung cancer
Three cases of pre-cancer cervical cells
One motor neurone disease age 51, who also had massive tumour removed from the top of his spine.
People have developed benign lumps
Three cases of severe skin rashes
Many villagers suffering with sleep problems, headaches, dizziness and low immune system problems.
Horse with blood problems, continuous treatment needed by the vet.
Out of the eighteen houses surrounding the mast at up to a range of 500 metres, 77% of the tiny hamlet had health related illness believed to be as a result of radiation from the mast. The out break of illness occurred in 2001 after seven years of exposure to the radiation emitted by the T-Mobile mast. We are now in contact/communication with many people who are suffering from this form of radiation throughout the UK and Europe.
One other important fact is that since the Wishaw Mast vanished on November 2003, many of the residents are reporting a restored feeling of well-being. The residents are reporting improvement in their sleep patterns and increased energy levels. The headaches and dizzy symptoms have disappeared. We have recently seen a baby boom with three babies born in the village, one of the ladies had previously had treatment for pre-cancer cervical cells, another had previously suffered a miscarriage. We have also seen a return of wildlife in the area and the horse has since recovered and is now strong and healthy and no longer needs treatment. Finally a tree has blossomed for the first time in 10 years in line with the mast.
Many animal studies have shown biological effects. The most recent study White Stork Ciconia ciconia by Alfonso Balmori Valladolid, Spain is published in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 24: 109-119, 2005.]
Behavioural observations of white stork nesting sites up to 300 metres were carried out. Productivity and behavioural observations were made. The results have shown microwaves are interfering with reproduction which is comparable with other lab studies.
Loscher and Kas of Universities of Hannover Veterinary School and University of the German Army in Munich 1998.
A study funded by the Bavarian State Government in Germany following reported adverse health effects in dairy cattle after a Telecoms Mast had been erected. There was a significant drop in the milk yield of that herd of cattle and Extraordinary Behaviour Disorders in some of the cows related to the microwave transmissions from that Mast. When the cattle were moved away from its vicinity after a period the milk yield and the behaviour of that herd was totally restored to normal. However, when the cattle were returned to the mast environment their symptoms returned.
Animal studies are of great importance as biological effects cannot be put down to psychological effects.
Microwaves seem to also be interfering with human reproduction according to a recent paper by Dr Imre Fejes of the obstetrics and gynaecology department at the University of Szeged in Hungary who concludes: "The prolonged use of cell phones may have a negative effect on sperm production and male fertility that deteriorates both concentration and motility." See news report:
The effects of EMR are being felt by wildlife and the environment as a whole, Birds, bees, worms, trees are all being affected. We need to fight for not only the future of mankind but for the future of the whole environment.
Vienna physicians are displaying information posters in doctor's surgeries. They state radiation from mobile phones is far from being harmless as they have been told by the cell phone companies. They have therefore, in order to act responsibly, the Chamber of Doctors in Vienna, Austria, has decided to inform people about potential medical risks.
Medical Doctors are also campaigning for precaution.
Finland: Helsinki Appeal 2005
The Helsinki Appeal 2005 from EMF Team Finland calls on the European Parliament to act promptly for the adoption of the new safety standard in the European Union. Physicians and researchers, feel great concern about the Precautionary Principle not being sufficiently applied to electromagnetic fields. They want the standards recommended by ICNIRP to be rejected, because recent scientific studies report various disturbances caused by mobile phone and other RF radiation. They also appeal to the European Community to take prompt measures for solving the refunding of the REFLEX project, which showed evidence of genotoxic effects of mobile phone radiation and should be continued:
The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association believes that a sub-group of the population are particularly sensitive to exposure to different types of electro-magnetic radiation. The safe levels currently advised for exposure to this non-ionising radiation are based solely on its thermal effects. However, it is clear that this radiation also has non-thermal effects, which need to be taken into consideration when setting these safe levels. The electro-sensitivity experienced by some people results in a variety of distressing symptoms which must also be taken into account when setting safe levels for exposure to non-ionising radiation and when planning the siting of masts and transmitters.
Catania Resolution September 13-14, 2002, 16 world leading scientists at the International Conference State of the Research on Electromagnetic Fields, Scientific and Legal Issues, by ISPESL*, the University of Vienna, and the City of Catania, held in Catania (Italy) on September, 2002, Thirty GPs in Liverpool
It was reported in the Liverpool Echo on November 2003 "bad medicine". A group of thirty, hospital doctors and consultants have signed a petition over the installation of a mast which they believe is a risk to health.
Freiburger Appeal
In October 2002 a team of German medical doctors started the Freiburger Appeal. After seeing a dramatic rise in severe and chronic diseases, they have noted a clear temporal and spatial correlation between disease and exposure to microwave radiation. The appeal has since been signed by thousands of doctors.
My oncologist and breast cancer surgeon supplied me with a letter on 9th December 2003 stating that "we agree that there is some scientific evidence that suggests microwaves can damage cells but as yet there is no direct evidence that this is a problem in humans. We would agree that this issue needs to be raised at the highest level and funding released to support the debate and independent research to get a definitive answer."
Furthermore, the Russians, Chinese and many other parts of Europe are rejecting ICNIRP standards and are concerned about the biological effects. The Ministry of Chinese Health revealed that in the last ten years studies on radiation similar to that emitted by the mobile phone industry have shown a majority of results are showing biological effects. Out of 154 studies, 88 or 57% have shown biological effects such as cancer, genetic molecular and cellular changes, electro physiology effects, behaviour changes etc. in a survey by Dr Henry Lai, Washington University, Seattle 2003. It said that the amount of evidence for biological effects and the characteristics of these are so alarming, that all efforts should be dedicated to find a way to minimize these effects.
China held an International Conference September 2005 in order to discuss and establish Asian Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ACNIRP). Research scientists have found that relatively low-level of RF (radio-frequency) radiation can lead to DNA breaks.
The REFLEX report also highlights RF-induced DNA breaks. The REFLEX project was set up to investigate the effects of low-levels of RF radiation on cellular systems; cost of approximately $3 million. The work was carried out by 12 research groups in seven European countries. Yet again it was shown RF radiation could increase the number of DNA breaks in exposed cells and could also activate a stress response – the production of heat shock proteins.
It was clear chromosome damage could be seen in the cell exposed to mobile phone radiation over 24 hour's exposure at SAR level 1.3W/kg, ICNIRP/WHO level = 2W/kg, similar chromosome damage can be seen in the cell exposed to irradiation equal to 1600 chest x-rays.
You can view an image of the comet-assay cell damage on Dr Gerd Oberfeld's Westminster Presentation on www.radiationresearch.org
Full report visit: http://www.verum-foundation.de/www2004/html/pdf/euprojekte01/REFLEX_Final%20Report_Part%201.pdf
The Daily Mail reported a 25% increase in young people being hit by mouth cancer on 25/9/05. The British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) said risk factors are normally caused by smoking and drinking, however none of these are common risks in younger people. The figure is forecast to rise sharply in the next ten years, with people in their twenties and thirties increasingly vulnerable. (Daily Mail Report 10/11/03).
I am concerned that radiation from phones will intensify around the mouth if children or adults are wearing braces or have fillings, metal intensifies radiation. See statement: http://www.chemistryquestion.com/English/Questions/ChemistryInDailyLife/23c_microwave_metal.html . This is an area that needs urgent attention!!!
Also enclosed recent BBC report on 50% increase in cancer in teenagers as reported byTim Eden - from Manchester's Christie hospital http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4366606.stm
I have taken this fight to Westminster, visited Director Generals in Brussels along with fellow trustee Mike Bell and scientists Dr Oberfeld and Professor Olle Johansson. I have given evidence to Birmingham and Liverpool City Council, met with Merseyside Fire Authority along side Dr Gerard Hyland and given presentations to 100's of packed meetings throughout the UK.
I attended a meeting with Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt on 6th January 2006 along with fellow trustee for the EM-Radiation Research Trust, Brian Stein. We presented her with a huge file of research/information for the Department of Health to consider. I summed up the meeting by quoting a paragraph taken from evidence provided by Robert O. Becker, M.D. in evidence given to Birmingham City Council Scrutiny Committee, quote:
Dr Robert O. Becker – twice nominated for the Nobel Prize
"I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale, than warming, and the increase in chemical elements in the environment.''
Overall background radiation is excessive not least because we have eleven national infrastructures, four GSM operators, five 3G, one TETRA and shortly the Network Rail GSM. No other utilities duplicate their infrastructures, yet maintain competition. Further, the mobile phone operators have gone far beyond being a utility, into hi-tech mass marketing of entertainment and business services.
The phone industry are un-elected officials who forcefully and undemocratically ignore the wishes and concerns of local communities.
For the sake of us all especially our children, non-ionising radiation is a high priority for public health. Mobile phone networks should use the lowest possible exposure values, exclusion zones for masts from schools and homes should be brought in based on current empirical evidence. A huge education programme should be launched providing public information, encouraging the use of mobile phones for emergency use only.
Mrs Eileen O'Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust – www.radiationresearch.org
Founder – SCRAM (Seriously Concerned Residents Against Masts) www.scram.uk.com
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.
- Elie Wiesel
It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.
- Earl Warren
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
- Buckminster Fuller
I am almost scared to say that I am now almost five years clear of this terrible disease Created: 1 Nov 2006
Read the following paragraph by Dr Robert O. Becker, M.D. he was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for his research into EMF's.
"I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale, than warming, and the increase in chemical elements in the environment.''
I have no doubt in my mind either that I am a victim to long term exposure to radiation from a phone mast. Almost five years ago I developed breast cancer the age of 38 with no history of breast cancer in my family and living a healthy life style.
In a recent report on 21/9/2006 the head of cancer registry in Berlin, Roland Stabenow informed the residents of Steinbach-Hallenberg in a recent conference, that there is an increase of 7 fold in breast cancer in their area (an area with cellular antennas). He emphasized that this is not a proof that the increase is linked to the antennas. He also talked about the causes of breast cancer. The attention to the place was drawn after a map was prepared by the residents and the cancer cases are near the antennas.
I am almost scared to say that I am now almost five years clear of this terrible disease and it had an enormous impact on my life and the lives of my family. It has been a long hard battle not only against breast cancer, but also against the insensitive siting of the T-Mobile phone mast which was 100 metres from my home. I now live in a cancer cluster which is one of many we have since discovered around phone masts after long term exposure. Thankfully the T-Mobile mast was torn down on 5th November 2003, go to the following link for more information: http://icbirmingham.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/0100localnews/content_objectid=13895464_method=full_siteid=50002_headline=-Villagers-blaming-phone-mast-for-cancer-cases-name_page.html
I have continued to campaign 24/7 and am now at the highest level. I am now a member of the EMF Discussion Group which is chaired by Sir William Stewart, Chairman for the Health Protection Agency for the UK; please see enclosed details which include a link to minutes of our first meeting in March.
Our next meeting is on 16th October, 2006 at the Health Protection Agency in London. I have received an invitation to give a presentation to the group on mobile phone masts and health concerns. We are also discussing EMFs and the effects on melatonin and breast cancer. There have been concerns that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) might increase the risk of breast cancer.
There is evidence in abundance in support of the hypothesis that EMFs affects melatonin levels and the risk of breast cancer. There is a desperate need for INDEPENDENT funding for scientists to carry out this important work.
Please read the following critique of the HPA-RPD Melatonin Report, by Professor Dennis Henshaw, Bristol University published on 2nd March 2006
People can take measures to help avoid EMFs by using mobile phones for emergency calls only.
Stop using DECT phones, replace them with a fixed land line phones and also avoid wireless communication until a safer technology becomes available. But what do you do if there is a mast next to your home or wireless communication in your school or work place, how do you keep away from that?
If only I'd known about the research in connection with EMF's, I might have realised that it is not a good idea to live 100 metres from a 22.5 metre phone mast. Out of our tiny hamlet in Wishaw four other ladies developed breast cancer at the same time out of the 18 houses around surrounding the mast and one man died of motor neurone disease. I had been living next to the mast for over seven years before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. If only I had been told about the dangers, I might have realised that the years of suffering with sleep problems, headaches, vertigo, skin rashes, heart palpitations and low white blood cells had all been connected to radiation from the phone mast. This is a condition now known as electro sensitivity (EHS) I now realise that I am electro-sensitive mainly to microwave frequencies from phone masts and DECT phones. Don't be left using the words 'If only'! Isn't it better to be safe today rather than sorry tomorrow?
I have since campaigned constantly visiting the UK Parliament and have met many MPs, including Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt and Solicitor General Mike O'Brien. Our Prime Minister Tony Blair has refused to meet with me despite many requests from a number of MPs. He was quoted in the Birmingham Evening Mail as saying "he was more concerned about the damages to business and industry", could this have anything to do with the £22.5 billion pounds they took selling the licences to the phone industry?
I have given evidence at many Inquires in the UK and have visited the European Parliament in Brussels with Professor Olle Johansson and Dr Gerd Oberfeld.
A UK Ex-Government Military Scientist Barrie Trower, trained spies in microwave warfare and has given out the following statement:
"This Government, some of the Government Scientists and this Industry will be responsible for more deaths in peace time than any terrorist group in the world ever!"
I have enclosed a short 8 minute film which is worth watching, just click on the flag and wait a few minutes for it to download, it will give you an idea of the campaign in the UK. It has now been translated into French, German and Spanish.
Thank you to French – "Next up" Campaign Group for translating the enclosed film into other languages for people around the world to view. The film was produced by a group of media students from the University of Central England and captures the phone mast campaign in the UK.
Version DEUTSCHE und/and ENGLISH
Kind Regards
Eileen O'Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust
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