27.5-28.35 GHz Spectrum
5G Trials May Very Well Already Be Happening Now in Palo Alto
5G Trials May Very Well Already Be Happening Now in Palo Alto
I just spent about 3.5 hours in Palo Alto doing measurements for a client in the vicinity of several of these 5G Antennas, followed by a drive through downtown Palo Alto, and am still feeling sick as a dog 6 hours later: nausea that will not go way. Other symptoms include pressure in the head and massive brain fog.
We had been led to believe that 5G was not hear yet, but new information says that they are already trialling 5G in Palo Alto.
paul doyon
“Ericsson is asking the FCC for permission to use 27.5-28.35 GHz spectrum so that it can conduct tests using a 5G base station, but it’s asking that confidential treatment be given to details of what’s being studied and the antenna parameters.
The company seeks an 11-month license to do the tests but wants authorization by Feb. 28 in time to conduct a demo at the Verizon Board of Governors meeting, according to the application, which lists the station location in Palo Alto, California.”
“A limited and trial rollout of 5G is expected later in 2017.”
“Case in point, Verizon Wireless is currently working with the city of Palo Alto, Calif., to install 92 small cells, 80 on wooden utility poles owned by the city, and 12 on metal street lights, according to a project description received by the city on Jan. 30. Verizon contemplates three configurations, all containing one antenna, three radios and one disconnect. The variations are in whether the battery back up is located on the pole, on the ground next to the pole, or not needed at all.”
Palo Alto 4G Small Cells: An Extreme Health Hazard
19 “Small Cell” 4G Antennas with Faux-Mailbox Power Supplies in Palo Alto, CA
The following is a link to the planning documents for a high-density 4G Distributed Antenna System (DAS) in Palo Alto: 19 so-called “small Cell” antennas installed in high-density fashion in a 3 block x 6 block area. These antennas and their faux-maibox power supply cabinets were deployed on Palo Alto sidewalks by Crown Castle on behalf of Verizon. Construction was completed and the antennas were powered-on in November, 2016.
On 4/21/17, we completed measurements of Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) on the sidewalks beneath and near these DAS antennas using a professionally-certified RF/MW radiation meter. The results show that these antennas are forcibly exposing Palo Alto residents, workers and visitors to hazardous levels of RF/MW radiation 24/7/365. Our RF/MW radiation measurements, unbelievably, are the only actual RF/MW radiation measurements ever completed for this project.
Credit: All RF/MW radiation and EMF precision instruments and metering services provided by Eric Windheim, Certified BBEC, EMRS, and owner of Windheim EMF Solutions. The Gigahertz Solutions HF-59B documentation specifies how to properly meter and report the high crest factor signals with needle-like, microsecond bursts of power used in the 4G/LTE signals (with OFDM/OFDMA modulation) that are emitted by these “Small Cell” antennas in downtown Palo Alto.
DOSE or total exposure over time, is the relevant concept to any physician evaluating exposure to a toxic agent or to any toxicology study, including the $25-million, 16-year 2016 National Toxicology Program Study on Carcinognenesis of RF/MW radiation. Dr. Ronald L. Melnick, the lead designer of the NTP study stated on 6/1/16:
Risk is determined from both the dosimetry, which is the absorbed power [multiplied by] time [of exposure], versus the tumor response . . . because of the large number of [exposed human] users worldwide, even a small increase in risk at exposure propensities that may be close to what humans experience, could result in a large number of people developing a RF-radiation-induced tumor with long-term exposure.
When they wrote the 1996 Telecommunications Act, the Wireless industry lobbyists conveniently left out of the FCC RF/MW radiation exposure guidelines any concept of total exposure over time. These lobbyists and FCC regulators wrote into law fraudulent, scientifically-unsound, RF/MW exposure guidelines based on a rate of exposure, not based on the total exposure over time: this obvious trick is considered utter nonsense by competent physicians or PhD biologists, working in the field.
The Wireless industry lobbyists based their RF/MW radiation exposure guideline on a false and scientifically-unsound assumption that living organisms can dissipate the biological effects of RF/MW radiation exposures. Substantial scientific evidence (over 25,000 studies since the 1920’s) have proven immediate and direct short-term biological damages from RF/MW radiation exposures at levels far below what we measured on Palo Alto sidewalks on 4/21/17. There are also long-term biological damages caused by these levels of RF/MW radiation.
- Immediate direct hazards from RF/MW radiation exposures: adverse effects on blood, brain, heart, hormone, sleep and neurological functions, including tinnitus, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, heart palpitations and suppression of melatonin. Melatonin is a critically-important hormone needed to fight cancer and maintain circadian rhythms. All of this has been established in tens of thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies and these adverse bio-effects are seen at RF/MW radiation levels far below the scientifically discredited FCC RF/MW radiation guidelines. (BioInitiative 2012,PowerWatch Study List, EMF Scientists Appeal)
- Long-term hazards from RF/MW radiation exposures: early dementia and deadly cancers of the brain, heart, breast, colon and testicles. (IARC Monograph 102, Lennart Hardell’s Additional Work after 2011, 2016 NTP Study on Carcinogenesis of RF/MW radiation exposures.
DOSE is explained by these excellent Dr. Karl Maret videos: https://vimeo.com/132039697 and https://vimeo.com/87023780 . DOSE is also shown and explained here.
Here are the relevant biologically-based RF Microwave Exposure guidelines:
No Hazard | Slight Hazard | Severe Hazard | Extreme Hazard |
less than 0.1 µW/m² | 0.1 µW/m² to 10 µW/m² | 10 µW/m² to 1000 µW/m² | greater than 1000 µW/m² |
Measuring peak, not average, levels of RF/MW radiation is critical to fully understand the hazards created by the RF/MW radiation levels that are now present on the downtown Palo Alto sidewalks. RF/MW radiation of 720,000 µW/m² to 1,230,000 µW/m² isEXTREMELY HAZARDOUS.
Note: µW/m² means microwatt (or 1/1,00,000th of a Watt) per square meter:
- Peak RF/MW radiation levels higher than 10 µW/m² is a severe hazard.
- Peak RF/MW radiation levels higher than 1,000 µW/m² is an extreme hazard.
Downtown Palo Alto: a Tony Mix of Retail and Residential Units Near Stanford University
by Crown Castle, contains electrical supply equipment that powers the pole-mounted antennas.
Site P09m2: Bryant/Hamilton Streets, across from City Hall
blocks the sidewalk, while the antenna array pollutes the homes and businesses along Bryant St..
faux-mailbox power supply exposes people to strong magnetic fields.
to spray RF/MW radiation into the homes/businesses on Bryant Street.
because the “mailbox” lacks warning signs, anyone could lean up against this cabinet in the public right of way.
Site P13m: Lytton Avenue/Emerson St. at The Bus Stop
Site P04m: Ramona Street/University Avenue
impede pedestrian traffic in public right of way.
Site P05m: Florence Street/University Avenue
Site P19m: Hamilton/Emerson Streets at Yoga Source
Site P15m: Lytton Ave./Bryant Street, Across from Cogswell Plaza
a public park with tables/benches and a grassy area for kids to play.
Site P01m: High Street/University Avenue
This antenna is much too close to these 2nd story windows.
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