Nationwide Conference Call to BLOCK a New Bil that MANDATES SMART GRID in the US...
From: Liz Barris
Hello All,
A new and VERY DANGEROUS bill has just been introduced conspicuously by a representative from PG@E territory. It is called "Smart Grid Advancement Act of 2013", HR 2685.
Your participation is requested on a nationwide conference call this Fri., July 19th, 12 noon Pacific time (3:00 Eastern time) to help stop this disastrous bill from becoming reality. Please email to receive the call in number.
Full text of the bill can be read here...
This bill MANDATES that ALL UTILITIES within the US comply with it. Meaning even utilities that currently do not have smart grid will have to convert to smart grid if this bill passes.
We believe the timely introduction of this bill may be in direct response to the current lawsuits being brought against the utilities as it has been introduced in PG@E territory, almost one month after PG@E was served with 6 cases of physical harm, directly related to smart grid and smart meters.
Passage of this bill could potentially interfere with ours and others ability to sue the utilities on this issue. That could be devastating to the public's ability to stop this horrific program. The bill would in effect, become the "Telecom Act" for smart grid. For those who do not know, the Telecom Act prohibits environmental effects from being used by citizens in a court of law to protect their own health in regards to cell towers and antenna radiation exposure. That means that people who become sick or die from their exposure to cell towers and antennas cannot take action in court. In other words the cell tower has more of a right to life than the human being. This bill could potentially mimic the Telecom Act but for smart grid and smart meters since the meters could be considered to be a part of the grid.
Here are some excerpts from the bill, compliments Red is bill language, blue is commentary by Maureen Homec.
1. Section 2 (4) defines Load-serving entity as an entity that "provides electricity directly to retail consumers with the responsibility to assure power quality and reliability, including such entities that are investor-owned, publicly owned, owned by rural electric cooperatives, or other entities." In other words: ALL ELECTRICITY PROVIDERS.
2. Section 5 (a) says "each load-serving entity, or, at the option of the State, each State with respect to load-serving entities that the State regulates, shall determine and publish peak demand reduction goals for any load-serving entities that have an applicable baseline in excess of 250 megawatts." In other words every provider has to reduce the amount of electricity provided.
3. Section 5 (c)(4) says that "...peak demand reduction goals shall provide that..." "...are realistically achievable with an aggressive effort to deploy Smart Grid"
4. Section 5 (d) says Each load-serving entity shall prepare a peak demand reduction plan through either/and "direct reduction in megawatts of peak demand through "energy efficiency measures or use of a Smart Grid. HOW ELSE CAN A UTILITY MEET THESE REDUCTION GOALS UNLESS THEY CAN FORCE IT THROUGH RATIONING AND PRICE INCREASES WITH THE SMART GRID?
5. Section 6 changes key wording in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Wording changes:
"striking ‘reduce energy consumption during the 4-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act’ and inserting ‘increase energy efficiency and to adopt Smart Grid technology and practices’."
"inserting after subparagraph (C) the following: ‘(D) purchasing and utilizing equipment that includes Smart Grid features and capability' "
"by inserting ‘and smart’ after ‘efficient’ and by inserting after ‘products’ the first place it appears ‘, including products designated as being smart appliances’."
(6) PEAK DEMAND REDUCTION- The term ‘peak demand reduction’ means the reduction in annual peak demand as compared to a previous baseline year or period, expressed in megawatts (MW), whether accomplished by--
(6) PEAK DEMAND REDUCTION- The term ‘peak demand reduction’ means the reduction in annual peak demand as compared to a previous baseline year or period, expressed in megawatts (MW), whether accomplished by--
(A) diminishing the end-use requirements for electricity; RATIONING AND PRICE INCREASES
(B) use of locally stored energy or generated electricity to meet those requirements from distributed resources on the load-serving entity’s customers’ premises and without use of high-voltage transmission; or
(C) energy savings from efficient operation of the distribution grid resulting from the use of a Smart Grid.