Congratulations to Angie Anderson and the Durango Smart Meter Opt-Out group for packing the house at their showing of Josh Del Sol’s second edition of “Take Back Your Power.” You can You-tube the film for a couple of bucks if you missed it… I wouldn’t miss it. The public is coming unglued as the industry coverup regarding wireless radiation and Smart Meters unravels… and many of them sicken and quit sleeping quickly after the little square digital devices replace those cross-eyed 5 clock dials no one could ever read on their user friendly analog ones… the ones they grew up with.
If your power bill has taken an unexplained hike in the past one to three years, find out the date of the Not-So-Smart Meter’s installation and start shoveling. You can watch the meter explosions and fires for yourself on the film… Josh is getting damned good with that camera, and has lots of help.

Fire from the smart meter melted part of a window screen (at right). Firefighters told the homeowner that her house would have been more damaged if the meter had been installed on a wood wall instead of one made from brick. Image courtesy of Shirley Bayliff.
La Plata Electric Association may very well be headed toward national fame and profile… probably this year. Also making his public debut at the filming was Private Investigator Wayne Alexander… hired by the Pagosa Springs Opt Out Group (Pagosa got their “Smart Frying” meters only last summer) to investigate the pile of mysterious government funding paper trails, collapsed corporations and the like, that LPEA launched to receive government Stimulus Funds. Unanswered questions, mis-answered questions, refusals, denials and abuses surrounding their meter rollout… despite the truckloads of information (medical as well as irritated) warning them not to… which, of course, they also refused to read.
We are rapidly entering (many insist we’re there) the time where management/ownership which refuses to access, credence and respect professional documentation of the toxicology and morbidity stemming from Wireless Radiation create a career terminating situation for themself. When their construence removes the rights of any employee or customer or neighbor to make their own determinations for health and safety (whether or not they happen to agree with those concerns) … this is indeed a classic, prosecutable and despicable criminal offense. Now we proceed to enforce those rights… certainly not to pay for their abuse as a condition of the monthly power bill.
If you have hard evidence and fact regarding LPEA abuses, denials, false claims of safety and discrepancies… email Wayne: My hunch, having fought several long and bloody power company wars before… this one is going to be an epic. I like epics… we always win.
What was heartening was the public turnout and outrage around the film…thirst for accurate information. As we all realize, there isn’t (and never has been) a safe level of wireless radiation. Having a meter with not just one, but two cell phones in it sizzling 24/7 on your baby’s crib room outside wall is a no brainer. Gone fixes that one.
I’ve written so many medical documentation/ resource guide letters to Durango/ Pagosa media in the last two years… I won’t bore you with another list you can never get to. You can email and I’ll fill you up if you missed them. Keep you out of the bars (sorry bar owners). But things got easier, and deeper, with the recent publication of Electronic Silent Spring by Katie Singer (Electrosensitive/ Santa Fe). Everything I’d send you is in this book… and tons more. Have it by your bed… not the iPhone. Unbelievable anyone could get this panorama between two covers…despite the impairment. She did it… we need to get her here at Maria’s or the Library this spring… and of course, she hits the Smart Meter fiasco and what’s behind it hard. Regionally, similar Smart Meter removal mandates are forming in Aspen, Carbondale, Redstone, Paonia, Gunnison, Rico, Ridgway, Ouray, Moab, Dolores… email and I’ll connect you.
In a lifestyle that leaves you non-voluntarily swimming in it (Wireless Radiation) anything you do to dump any of it is a help. By now you all know not to buy into the industry debunking and coverup. That filming was hardly a room full of psychosomatic whackos… not hardly. Del Sol’s pictures of the power company employees in bullet proof vests and flack helmets going over single mother’s locked back fence gates and breaking through the back door to instalL a meter over protests are pretty damned hard evidence to refute. The film clip of Obama saying… rather stuttering…”under my plan, electrical power prices will skyrocket” pretty much says it all.
I live off grid on recaptured (not Smart Grid and not Renewable) power. Your world… go for it… while you can.
PS… You own your power company in La Plata and Archuleta Counties. it’s an REA. You vote, their heads rolL… things change… could be for the better. That depends on what you do… right now.
Gary Duncan
Moab, Utah