Ladies and Gentlemen,
Stephen Clarke, a protester against wi-fi in the classroom, is in receipt of his medical notes as a prelude to his psychiatric tribunal on Tuesday.
“I couldn’t believe that a human being could write something like that about another human being after only knowing them no more than five hours - and I’m being generous at that,” said Clarke.
The notes were prepared by his Consultant Psychiatrist Dr. Ann McDonnell at the Mater Psychiatric Unit, Belfast during Clarke’s three-month incarceration during which he was refused permission to attend a court hearing because the doctor claimed he was too ill. Clarke was given the notes by his lawyer, Paul McCann of Madden & Finucane Solicitors in preparation for his hearing on Tuesday.
“This is the most condemning thing I’ve ever read in my life,” claimed Clarke still keeping his Irish sense of irony. “Reading the report,” he added, “I would even condemn myself.”
Clarke noted that the doctor picked up on every comment and “twisted it”. As an example he noted that she recorded him ”reading the Bible and the Koran and praying but not following any particular religion.”
Clarke’s greatest objection, however, is Dr. McDonnell’s observation that Clarke is “a severe risk to himself and others.” By contrast, Clarke reported that nursing staff rolled their eyes when he read the report. “You’re the nicest, most placid person in here,” one nurse reportedly told him.
The Irish in Britain Representation Group (IBRG) have taken up Clarke’s case. “Stephen Clarke, will have been incarcerated, against his will, for 101 day on the 16 Sep 2014,” observed Patrick Cullinane. Tim Fleming noted, “Having attended a CCHR UK conference at Ealing West London yesterday we discussed Stephen Clarke's case and was assured by their CEO and MD they would give us their full support also the GMB. NW will be closely tracking this case. I record Dr.Thomas Szasz’, MD, (Professor of Psychiatary Emeritus) statement ;
"If some doctors harm- torture rather than treat, murder the soul rather than minister the body - that is in part because society, through the state asks them, and pays them, to do so.”
Writing from Sweden, Sharon Ingram, a fellow native of Co. Tyrone, said, “As it stands, they are violating the EU council and Parliament Resolutions on wireless technology. Do they even know of the EU resolutions on microwave technology or the WHO 2B classification of microwaves, or the fact that in Sweden the Swedish Board of Health has confirmed electrohypersensitivity an official disability, or that microwaves are so strong that hospitals use them to repair bone fractures, or that microwaves were used to control protestors at Greenham Common and (according to Barrie Trower) .... Catholics? Not knowing any of this would indicate they are incompetent and in no position to judge anyone who objects to microwaves.”
“I don't know Stephen Clarke, but it doesn’t surprise me that these kind of atrocities are going on. I hope international pressure will release him,” commented Danish Psychologist Eva Theilgaard Jacobsen.
Regarding the following updates, it is relevant that a Class Action suit about the danges of Smart Meters is to be filed in Oklahoma. Also note, The Tetra signal is being blamed for locking drivers out of their cars in the U.K. This phenomenon has also occurred in Ireland. “In a similar way, high power radar pulses from the Fylingdales military base trigger the immobilizing devices of many makes of cars and motorcycles.”
Martin Weatherall’s W.E.E.P. News warns people to avoid Penticton, British Columbia because free wi-fi will soon be available in the town’s core. For residents of Lucan, Co. Dublin it is too late. The South Dublin County Council decided to offer the inhabitants free wi-fi in 2013 “to improve retail opportunities for local businesses, shoppers and visitors to the area”
Kind regards,
John Weigel