Friday, August 09, 2019

IEEE: 5G Base Stations Expected to Use Roughly 3X as Much Power As 4G Base Stations and More Are Needed to Cover Same Area. That Ain’t Eco-Friendly!

Concerned about your carbon footprint and everybody else’s?
Research has proven that exposure to 5G can cause excessive sweating and excessively sweating people are surely going to crank up the A/C which means increased energy usage.  Research has also proven that 5G makes phones and modems overheat and users are being encouraged to crank up their A/C to remedy this which also means increased energy usage.
Now IEEE has announced that a 5G base station is generally expected to consume roughly 3X times as much power as a 4G base station:
A 5G base station is generally expected to consume roughly three times as much power as a 4G base station. And more 5G base stations are needed to cover the same area.
So there’s that too.

As for the bees and other insects, they’re just plain screwed if 5G continues to be installed worldwide.  Of course, in the long run, we all will be no matter how consistently and earnestly we try to reduce our carbon footprints in other ways.

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