Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) Linked to NeuroEndocrine Stress Syndrome: Increased Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, & Cancer

By Donald Hillman

SUMMARY - My heart rate increased 29%, systolic blood pressure increased 10%, diastolic blood pressure increased 48%, and body temperature increased while I was sitting on the sofa with my feet in the 20 to 50 milliGauss (mG) magnetic field corona from the ground wire below the floor. I recorded 228 millivolts and 2.44 amperes (A) of electrical current passing through my body during the 35-minute exposure. Lansing Board of Water and Light utility engineers recorded voltage, 1.5 average to 8.8 A maximum current, 200% Total Harmonic Distortion, and 100-320 mG (10-32 microTesla) magnetic fields for 24-hours at the ground wire in my home. These exceeded IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) 519-1992, standards for harmonic distortion (5%), OHSA Directives for hazardous current (1.0 milliampere) and published values related to cancer.


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