Microwave - and other forms of electromagnetic - radiation are major (but conveniently disregarded, ignored, and overlooked) factors in many modern unexplained disease states. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph, headaches, extreme thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain, weakened immunity, allergies, heart problems, and intestinal disturbances are all symptoms found in a disease process the Russians described in the 70's as Microwave Sickness.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Appeal from Parents for Safe Technology: Stop the Crazy 5G Plan NOW!
Appeal from Parents for Safe Technology: Stop the Crazy 5G Plan NOW!
The Proposed 5G Spectrum Frontiers is a Boon for Industry but Devastating to Our Health.
As you may have already heard, July 14th is the day set for the Federal to vote on Tom Wheeler’s vision of 5G wireless in the USA. He wants to be “first out the gate.” Wheeler says, “Turning innovators loose is far preferable to expecting committees and regulators to define the future.”
Information on building grassroots resistance to smart meters and other toxic wireless technologies, community discussion and outreach materials for your community available atStopSmartMeters.org
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