Friday, October 30, 2015

Electrosensibilité : l'appel de la MDPH est rejeté (Electrosensitivity: calling the MDPH is rejected)

Electrosensibilité : l'appel de la MDPH est rejeté

Résumé : Assignée à verser une Allocation adulte handicapé à une personne éléctrosensible en juillet 2015, sa MDPH avait fait appel. Il vient d'être rejeté, confirmant la " situation de handicap ". 

Par , le  

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En juillet 2015, la justice française reconnaissait l'existence d'un handicap grave dû à l'hypersensibilité aux ondes électromagnétiques, qui avait obligé Marine Richard, 39 ans, à vivre recluse dans les montagnes et à se désocialiser (article en lien ci-dessous). Un jugement du Tribunal du contentieux de l'incapacité de Toulouse confirmait, expertise médicale à l'appui, que la plaignante souffrait d'un syndrome dont « la description des signes cliniques est irréfutable ». Elle avait alors obtenu le versement de l'AAH (Allocation adulte handicapé) d'un montant de 800,65 euros par mois.
Mais la MDPH (Maison départementale des personnes handicapées) avait fait appel ; il vient d'être rejeté. Le jugement faisant état du « syndrome d'hyper sensibilité aux ondes électromagnétiques » et la déficience fonctionnelle de Marine Richard, évaluée à 85%, est donc définitivement confirmé !
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Electrosensitivity: calling the MDPH is rejected

Summary: Assigned to pay a handicapped adult allowance to a person in electro July 2015, the MDPH had appealed. It has just been rejected, confirming the "disabilities".

By  the 
Read reactions and react!
In July 2015, the French courts recognized the existence of a serious disability due to hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves, which had forced Marine Richard, 39, to live recluse in the mountains and to desocialize (article link below below). A judgment of the Dispute Tribunal's inability to Toulouse confirmed, medical expertise in support, that the complainant was suffering from a syndrome whose "description of the clinical signs is irrefutable." She then obtained the payment of AAH (adult disability allowance) in the amount of 800.65 euros per month.
But the MDPH (Departmental Centre for the Disabled) appealed; it has just been rejected. The judgment stating the "syndrome of hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves" and functional impairment of Marine Richard, estimated at 85%, is therefore definitively confirmed!
@ Afxhome / Fotolia suggest the following links:

"All rights of reproduction and representation reserved. © This article was written by Emmanuelle Dal'Secco journalist"


Comment on this article
The 28-10-2015 by sisi: 

laMDPH is not able to meet the needs of a person with disability situation of a rare lack of training of staff present a big problem! the government should honor its commitments towards people with disabilities their assigned more financial means to acquire care to their health and delighted OF adequate resources for this person has done to fight against this unjust system is already difficult enough to live with a rare disease follow a little more handicapped person it is a human being not a handkerchief q'on thrown in the trash

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