Take Action: Support "The Cellphone Right to Know Act"
Please ACTIVELY Support "The Cellphone Right to Know Act" (HR 6358)
It is absolutely critical that all Americans actively support “The Cellphone Right to Know Act”
Why should EVERYONE support "The Cellphone Right to Know Act"?
"The Cellphone Right to Know Act" requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set RF safety limits that ensure everyone (fetuses, pregnant women, children, the elderly, and everyone else) is not harmed by their daily use of and exposure to wireless devices. Not one of us is only exposed to radiation from wireless devices 6 minutes a day and most of us are not 6ft 185lb males. Tissue heating is not the most dangerous effect of radiation from wireless devices. Radiation from wireless devices (pulsed modulated microwave radiation) causes DNA breakages, cancer, metabolic changes, alters enzyme function, impairs the immune system, alters blood sugar - usually raising it, causes headaches, impairs melatonin secretion, etc. (see www.magdahavas.com , www .electricalpollution.com , www .emrpolicy.org)
At this time, there are no biologically-based safety limits for exposure to radiation from wireless devices. At this time, the safety limits with which wireless devices comply merely ensure that your wireless device will not heat your tissue (cook you) more than 1 degree celsius in less than six minutes, but only if you're a 6 ft 185 lb male.
"The Cellphone Right to Know Act" will require the EPA to establish biologically-based safety limits within two years to protect the general public.
Hopefully it is now clear why EVERYONE, with or without radiofrequency sickness, large and small, sick or healthy, should support "The Cellphone Right to Know Act".
Implementation of the regulations mandated by "The Cellphone Right to Know Act" will ensure all wireless devices are safe for everyday use.
How can you support The Cellphone Right to Know Act?
1) Pass this email on widely and link to the webpage (http://www. electricalpollution.com/ CellphoneRightToKnowAct.html) on your social networks and websites.
2) Let the President know how important "The Cellphone Right to Know Act" is to you!
- A.) Sign the White House Petition at http://wh.gov/Kq5H
Time is of the essence! We must get 25,000 signatures in 30 days (by November 2, 2012) to get a response from the White House! Help us spread the word and meet the goal. The petition will not be searchable until 150 signatures are gathered. Be among the first to sign so it becomes searchable and makes their list of top petitions.
Signing the petition is a two part process. You have to create a user account to sign the petition which requires a verification email. However, the actual personal information required to sign the online petition is less than that to sign a paper copy. Only email address (must be unique to each person), first and last name, city, state, and zip code are required. Click log out after you finish signing the petition.
B.) Write the President a letter (see sample letter below): http://www.whitehouse.
3) Let your congresspeople know how important “The Cellphone Right to Know Act” (HR6358) is to you. Call and/or write in support. Use the links below to find your Congresspeople. Please contact both of your state's Senators, as both represent everyone in the state, as well as your own Representative. A sample letter is below. Please add a brief personal touch - perhaps you can briefly relate a part of your own personal experience or concern.
Going to listening sessions and small campaign events can be a very effective way of getting information directly to politicians. Bring a brief written piece along to give the politician - then they hear it twice - once directly from you and once from your letter.
The “Cellphone Right to Know Act” can be found at http://thomas.loc.gov/home/ gpoxmlc112/h6358_ih.xml or a pdf at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/ pkg/BILLS-112hr6358ih/pdf/ BILLS-112hr6358ih.pdf
House members can still sign on as co-sponsors. Ask your Representative to do so.
There is no Senate version at this time. Ask your Senator to sponsor one.
Please contact the EMR Policy Institute at JNewton@emrpolicy.org with the responses you get from your lawmakers so we can plan accordingly.
4) Write "Letters to the Editor" to your local paper to make others aware of "The Cellphone Right to Know Act" and the need for immediate passage.
5) Use the leaflet and flyer to raise awareness. They can be found at http://www. electricalpollution.com/ CellphoneRightToKnowAct.html
6) Request organizations that you are a member of to actively support "The Cellphone Right to Know Act".
Sample Letter to Congresspeople
*Your name
*Your Address
Dear ****,
Please co-sponsor and actively support "The Cellphone Right to Know Act".
It is a travesty that the USA has no relevant safety limits for exposure to radiation from wireless devices. Radiation from wireless devices (pulsed modulated microwave radiation) causes DNA breakages, cancer, metabolic changes, alters enzyme function, impairs the immune system, alters blood sugar - usually raising it, causes headaches, impairs melatonin secretion, etc. Radiofrequency radiation, including that from wireless devices, was designated a class 2B possible human carcinogen in May 2011 by IARC of the World Health Organization in spite of incredible industry pressure. Wireless devices have proliferated to the extent that there is nowhere to go to avoid exposure, yet we have no biologically-based safety limits to protect anyone. Our existing safety limits only protect a 6ft 185lb male from tissue heating during a 6 minute exposure.
Please read the Report on Possible Impacts of Communication Towers on Wildlife Including Birds and Bees, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India which calls for a precautionary approach due to the evidence of potential harm to humans and wildlife. Its recommendations include revisiting safety limits and tightening siting regulations - even to the extent of removing problematic towers (http://www.moef.nic.in/ downloads/public-information/ final_mobile_towers_report.pdf ). In fact, on September 1, 2012 India dropped its maximum transmission limits to one tenth of their previous limits, which had already been lower than U.S. permissible transmission limits, and placed a moratorium on installation of antennas within 1 km of each other. India continues work on a more final rule. Switzerland, France, Germany, Russia, Israel and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) are all warning against unnecessary exposure to wireless signals and recommend preferential use of wired technology. The Israeli Minister of Health is calling for a ban on WiFi in schools. France has already done so. Most of these countries already have more restrictive safety limits than the USA does.
Our own government agencies have found our existing regulation to be deficient for protecting the population from biological effects of exposure to radiation from wireless devices. They support requiring development of biologically-based population-protective safety limits. Experts at both EPA http://www.emrpolicy.org/ litigation/case_law/docs/epa_ to_fcc_3nov_93.pdf and http://www.emrpolicy.org/ litigation/case_law/docs/ exhibit_a.pdf and National Academy of Sciences http://www.nap.edu/ catalog.php?record_id=12036 have made it clear that the existing FCC guidelines do NOT PROTECT the population - children, pregnant women women, the elderly, and men - from BIOLOGICAL effects and harm caused by radiation from wireless devices.
Please co-sponsor and actively support "The Cellphone Right to Know Act."
*Insert your name
Provisions of "The Cellphone Right to Know Act"
- Requires the EPA to establish new maximum exposure levels within 2 years and re-visit it every two years thereafter in light of new research.
"(A) MAXIMUM EXPOSURE LEVEL GOAL.—A maximum exposure level goal established under paragraph (1) shall be set at the level—
(i) at which no known or anticipated adverse human biological effects occur; and
(ii) which allows an adequate margin of safety."
"(ii) SPECIFICATION.—In deriving the maximum exposure levels and maximum exposure level goals, the Administrator may not rely on any human behavior modification, including an expectation of holding the mobile communication device a specified distance away from the head or body."
- Requires the FCC to adopt and enforce the safety limits developed by the EPA
- Establishes a radiofrequency research program to fund research into biological effects and mechanisms
- Requires access to telecom data by researchers
- Requires labeling on wireless devices and their outside packaging of specific parameters, including the existing maximum wireless radiation safety limits and the radiation levels emitted by the device.
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