Friday, April 27, 2012

Use a broom, ditch the microwave

Use a broom, ditch the microwave

Electromagnetic radiation and your health
By Dr Jacqueline E CAMPBELL
Monday, April 23, 2012
JUST recently one of my patients complained that she was experiencing difficulty sleeping. One of the observations I made was that she was constantly being interrupted by her two cellphones. In fact, I had to ask her to turn them off so that we could proceed with the consultation. I suggested to her that her insomnia may be due to her exposure to the electromagnetic radiation from various devices and that she limit exposure to these devices. She reluctantly agreed to give my recommendations a try. A few weeks later she called: "Doc, I'm not sure if its mind over matter, but I'm sleeping better."
Electromagnetic radiation has been around since the birth of the universe; light is its most familiar form. Electromagnetic fields are invisible and present everywhere in our environment.
Environmental exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields has been steadily increasing as a result of growing electricity demand, advancing technologies and changes in social behaviour. We are all exposed to a complex mix of weak electric and magnetic fields both at home and at work, from the generation and transmission of electricity, household appliances and industrial equipment to telecommunications and broadcasting. In other words, we are literally surrounded by a soup of electro-magnetic radiation at all times. Sources of exposure include cellular phones, Blackberrys, cordless phones, wireless networking (Wi Fi),TV antennas, refrigerators, microwaves and other household appliances.
Even in the absence of external electric fields, chemical reactions in our bodies generate tiny electrical currents. For example, nerves relay signals by transmitting electric impulses; the heart is electrically active -- as demonstrated with the aid an electrocardiogram (ECG).
Referred to as "electro-smog", the danger of electromagnetic radiation is that it is mostly invisible until great damage is done. Our dependence on office and communications equipment exposes us to frequencies that can have a detrimental effect on our well-being, especially if we are run-down or if our immune system is compromised.
Any imbalance in our electromagnetic field creates a disturbance in cell structure and function, which can lead to illness in sensitive individuals.
People who are "electrically sensitive" experience a wide range of symptoms upon exposure to even low levels of electromagnetic radiation. These symptoms can range from headaches, tingling and burning sensations, "brain fog", irregular heartbeat, depression, and insomnia to life-threatening seizures and heart attacks.
Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to reduce your exposure to "electro-smog".
* Rise with the sun and go to bed early to make maximum use of daylight and avoid using artificial lighting whenever possible.
* Keep your immune system strengthened with a nutrient-rich diet, take antioxidant supplements, get plenty of restful sleep, fresh air, sunlight, and regular exercise.
* Reduce your total body burden of toxins by detoxing your body regularly.
* Wear shoes with a sole made from natural materials, walk barefoot or hug a tree -- these all may help you release excess electric and magnetic fields into the earth and ground from your body.
* Use manual household equipment, for example, use a broom or mop instead of a vacuum cleaner.
*Do not use a microwave oven; however, if you do use one, do not stand directly in front of it while it is in operation.
*Unplug electrical appliances when not in use (this also lessens electricity bills).
* Keep your bedroom free of electrical appliances, especially near your head while you sleep.
* Use landlines whenever possible. Minimise the use of cordless phones (they emit a constant electromagnetic signal even when not in use) and cellular phones. Use cellular phones with a hands-free headset.
* Keep computer use to a minimum; keep unplugged when not in use.
* Minimise your exposure to WiFi areas.
* Wear a Q-Link pendant, which employs "sympathetic resonance technology to "repair and tune your biofield". I have been wearing one since 2001.
Dr Jacqueline E Campbell is a family physician and the author of A Patient's Guide to the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.

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