Electrical Sensitivity: Interview With World Renowned Expert
“As we boarded the plane I started upchucking [violently convulsing] again and I was trying to be quiet about it – thinking that if these people only knew what I was going through.
That was horrible.
How could any scientist deny this? And what about the power companies?
The plane got ready to take off. We were airborne and I continued to have a massive upchucking episode.
When the plane got high enough up in the air, I settled down. I sat real quite and remained positive.
I couldn’t help but wonder why EMF/ES was so secretive and silenced. It’s very real and happening because I was suffering from being exposed unknowingly. I knew that if I was suffering, then there must be many others all over the world suffering as well.
I had to find a remedy.
Something just had to be done about this sickness.
I understand that society could not handle an epidemic of fear so finding remedies had to be found. I knew my body could heal. I just had to find the right ingredients.
It was time to land in Dallas, and as we descended I started to upchuck.
I was thinking the whole way, I can do this, and we are almost there.
We landed and hurried to get our luggage; then caught a taxi to take us to where we were staying. We checked into our room……..we unpacked and went to the Environmental Health Center, Dallas to see Dr. Rea.”
The above is an extract from Beth Sturdivant’s book ‘Backyard secret Exposed – A Journal of My Healing Path Back To Life’. I wrote a review of Beth’s book a couple of weeks ago which generated a lot of interest.
There’s a reason I’m sharing this extract with you.
Two reasons actually.
Why I’m Sharing This
The first one is that next Thursday I’m interviewing Beth live on air as part of my interviews series.

Dr. William J. Rea
The second reason is that I’m also interviewing world renowned expert on electrical sensitivity Dr. William J. Rea.
I’m very happy to interview Beth and Dr. Rea. Beth has a fantastic story to tell and she attributes her recovery, in part, to the treatments she received from Dr. Rea.
Beth’s symptoms were extreme and yet she was able to get her life back on track, to succeed where others are still faltering.
Why was that? Was it all down to Dr. Rea? What treatment did Dr. Rea give her?
Perhaps there’s a more fundamental question; what does Beth have that other sufferers don’t?
There’s a clue in this testimonial written by Dr. Rea, published in Beth’s book:
“After receiving good environmental treatment, this patient got dramatically better. She was able to resume function in society. Her saga shows that an individual who was very sick can recover with environmental manipulation if the individual persists like Beth Sturdivant did.”
There’s a very important word in this statement. Persists.
Persistence is something I can strongly relate to.
Electrical sensitivity is tough. It’s tough on the person who has it and it’s tough on immediate family and friends.
Most people have absolutely no idea how much strength, stamina, determination and persistence you need to ‘beat electrical sensitivity’.
Interview Double
Next Thursday, October 2nd, at 1:00 p.m. EST (10 AM PST or 5 PM GMT) I’m interviewing Dr. Rea and Beth Sturdivant. The interview will last approximately one hour.
Dr. William J. Rea, M.D. is something of a living legend.
He’s a true pioneer and currently the leading researcher and clinician in the field of environmental medicine and electrical and chemical sensitivity.
He’s director of the Environmental Health Center (EHCD) in Dallas, TX, has published nearly 200 papers and abstracts over the past 50 years and has lectured and had teaching appointments worldwide. He’s received a string of medical awards including the Special Achievement Award by Otterbein College in 1991 and the Twentieth Century Award For Achievement in 1997. He’s also written four volumes, Chemical Sensitivity 1, 2, 3, and 4, which are considered by many to be classics in the field. His books are based on the treatment at the Environmental Health Center of around 30,000 patients since 1974.
I’ve chosen the teleseminar format so that you can follow via your computer or using your telephone.
The idea is that you get to ask your questions. You can do this in 2 ways:
– before the day, by clicking here and sending me your question (if you’re not sure what time the teleseminar starts, this link has a countdown timer.)
– on the day, by putting your question directly to my guests
The replay is free but it’s only available for 24 hours after the event for those that signed up BEFORE the event.
Update: This interview has now been broadcast. You can access the MP3 download and transcript of this interview here http://www.electricsense.com/interviews-emf-experts-offer/
Please note:
– Previously the free replays were available for 72 hours. My paid subscribers wrote to me saying it was unfair that the replay should be free for so long, that’s why the replay will only be available for 24 hours.
– Places on my teleseminar are limited, particularly if you’re listening via telephone. I’m saying this because a lot of people that tried to get on my last interview with Dr. Loyd couldn’t because the line was saturated.
- See more at: http://www.electricsense.com/8792/electrical-sensitivity-interview-world-renowned-expert/#sthash.69zuWWeu.dpuf– Previously the free replays were available for 72 hours. My paid subscribers wrote to me saying it was unfair that the replay should be free for so long, that’s why the replay will only be available for 24 hours.
– Places on my teleseminar are limited, particularly if you’re listening via telephone. I’m saying this because a lot of people that tried to get on my last interview with Dr. Loyd couldn’t because the line was saturated.
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