Thursday, October 31, 2013

Electro-hypersensitivity is just like an allergy

Electro-hypersensitivity is just like an allergy

Christel Martin / The Star
October 31, 2013 12:00 AM

Nanaimo - Re. 'Forced to leave town' (Oct. 24).
I, too, am electro-hyper-sensitive and share some of the symptoms that Benita Schluschen describes.
Tinnitus, foggy brain, sudden dizziness, headaches, nausea, clogged sinuses are facts of life for me and have been since 1997, when I was mercury poisoned.
When I'm in an 'EMR-clean' environment, I feel good and tinnitus becomes quieter. Let me walk under a wifi router and my scalp itches, sinuses thicken and brain fogs within moments. Leave me there and I become nauseated, and dizzy shortly afterwards.
Blurred vision rarely goes away now and driving past cell towers can be challenging if my passenger has an active cell phone: which car am I following? Is that a double or triple line? Turn off the phone and my vision clears. Scary at 80 km/h. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt says "electrosensitive" is a misnomer: everyone experiences the same blood-cell changes within seconds of exposure to microwave radiation. Most people either don't feel it or aren't aware of what they're feeling.
Dr. Klinghardt says those who do are "electro-allergic," some worse than others.
Allergies can be deadly - think nuts or penicillin. You could say the canaries who died after inhaling methane gas were allergic to methane, but so were the men who stayed in the coal mine a few seconds too long.
We might be canaries but you're all in the coal mine with us.
Christel Martin
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