Innodata Isogen Databreach Fukushima Daiichi Vietnam Nuclear Power
Information is free. Expect it. ~ Anonymous
On July 5th 2012, Anonymous published 1.2 Gigabyte of internal data from IT-service company Innodata Isogen. In total there is 40 Gigabyte to be released, including communication between top management of business data provider Thomson-Reuters which has yet to be disclosed.The initial batch of leaked material mostly contains documents from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in particular regarding the development of a nuclear infrastructure in Vietnam. These files include English and Vietnamese documents, scans of diplomatic passports and complete information about key personell like the Vietnamese Vice Minister of Science and Technology and Director General of the Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety.
At this moment we decided against mirroring the entire dump to avoid overwhelming information. Instead we start by presenting selected material that we consider interesting, most notably documents from IAEA and The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commision(NRC) about the 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This material is not necessarily classified but nonetheless interesting. We plan to publish all relevant material from the Innodata dump related to Fukushima Daiichi as collected information since it is unknown whether all of this information has already been disclosed to the public or will remain publically accessible. Check back on this site for new documents, the latest entry will be on top.
Fukushima Daiichi
- Chairman Takashi Imai, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.: As March 11 Nears
- IAEA Draft: Environmental Issues in New Nuclear Power Programmes.
- IEAA Draft: Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety
- NSC: Organization of Nuclear Safety Commission
- NRC: Lessons Learned from Japan's March 11 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami (SECY-11-0137)
- NRC: Staff Assessment and Prioritization in SECY-11-0137
- NRC: ACRS Recommendations
- NRC: Order modifying Licenses for external vents
- NRC: Order modifying Licenses for hardened containment vents
- NRC: Order modifying Licenses for Fuel Pool Instrumentation
- NRC: Six-Month Status Update on other charter activities
- NRC: Request for Information about Fukushima Daiichi incident
- IAEA: Handbook on Nuclear
warlaw: Implementing Legislation
- IAEA: Developing Nuclear Power Structure in Vietnam (Project VIE4015)
- IAEA: National Training Workshop (Project VIE4015)
- Scan of a Vietnamese Diplomatic Passport (for the Lulz)
- Hello, Deputy Director of the Vietnamese Nuclear Power Department
- Hello, Vice Minister of the Vietnamese Ministry for Science and Technology
In this section you will find the raw files that were obtained from InnoData. WARNING! This data is provided as-is from Innodata which means that it has not been checked for malware. Since we found torrent files among the files it is not unreasable to assume that some files are not clean. However, so far we have not detected any malware in any files but we recommend that you open these files in a sandboxed environment. for Excel and Word files, use a viewer instead of Excel/Word.- Innodata PDF files (zip format, 745 files, 534 MB)
- Innodata image files (zip format, 474 files, 175 MB)
- Innodata text files (zip format, 345 files, 29 MB)
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