Sunday, October 30, 2011

Health hazard

Health hazard

Re: "Unholy ruckus over cellphone tower," Oct. 16.

Most of the objections to building a cellphone tower at Grace Lutheran Church mentioned in the article are esthetic.

Much more critical is the health impact. For people suffering the effects of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) sensitivity, fibromyalgia and other medical conditions, the proximity of a powerful cell tower can be devastating to physical and mental health and can make it unsafe to live in the neighbourhood. Research is also raising concern about the effects EMF may have on children. The risks are deemed to outweigh any financial benefits.

Increasing reliance on cell towers (the article states that another 100 towers are expected to be built this year) is increasing danger to Calgarians' health, which is surely an inhuman cost.

K. Ann Hambridge, Calgary


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