California Assembly Bill 2788 is D-E-A-D
Just got this news. Thanks for all your help!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom Weiner
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 4:03 PM
Subject: FW: California Assembly Bill 2788 is D-E-A-D
From: Tom Weiner
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 4:03 PM
Subject: FW: California Assembly Bill 2788 is D-E-A-D
Wonderful News!
We just confirmed through 3 California Assembly sources (including one in Mr. Gatto’s office) that this afternoon Mr. Gatto killed Assembly Bill 2788. AB2788 would have deregulated wireless siting for most of California, forced local governments to lease property to wireless carriers, and other really bad stuff.
This is a major victory for local governments in this state, and all of us and the citizens that rallied to the side of local governments can feel proud that we have, for now, retained control over rights-of-way and public property.
Jonathan L. Kramer, Esq., j.d., ll.m.
Admitted in California and New Mexico
Telecom Law Firm, P.C.
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