Why the UN Humanitarian Summit MUST “aim high”
Please take a moment to send this around to
all your local and national news media. Please also broadcast it using
social media. All our press releases can be found at www.stopglobalwifi.org/
The direct link for this press release is http://www.stopglobalwifi.
It is very important that people be aware of
the serious humanitarian crisis that the ubiquitous presence of pulse-modulated
microwave radiation from wireless technology is precipitating. Millions
are experiencing serious biological effects related to exposure to radiation
from wireless technology. Many of those symptoms disappear quickly in the
absence of radiation from wireless technology.
Please take a moment to send this around to
all your local and national news media. Please also broadcast it using
social media. All our press releases can be found at www.stopglobalwifi.org/PressReleases.html .
The direct link for this press release is http://www.stopglobalwifi.org/documents/GUARDSPressReleaseMay2016.pdf .
It is very important that people be aware of
the serious humanitarian crisis that the ubiquitous presence of pulse-modulated
microwave radiation from wireless technology is precipitating. Millions
are experiencing serious biological effects related to exposure to radiation
from wireless technology. Many of those symptoms disappear quickly in the
absence of radiation from wireless technology.
Help us raise
awareness. The health of the world depends on it.
Thank you,
Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space
For Immediate Release:
Why the UN Humanitarian Summit MUST “aim high”
17, May
The Global Union Against Radiation
Deployment from Space (GUARDS) applauds
the recent initiative from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for a first
ever Worldwide Humanitarian Summit and his stated goal, “aiming high” to solve
a number of world crises.
Sarah Benson,
GUARDS member in Greece “hopes that this Summit will ‘aim high’ enough
to include an urgent issue affecting the entire population of the
planet – microwave emissions from space-based WiFi network infrastructure.”
Benson added, “GUARDS has, therefore, written a letter to the
Secretary-General requesting that this issue be added to the agenda of the
upcoming Humanitarian Conference.”
Starting this year,
11,000 new satellites are to be deployed by eight USA companies to facilitate
global WiFi everywhere and in particular to remote and undeveloped areas. This
will flood the entire planet with biologically active levels of pulse-modulated
microwave radiation.
GUARDS opposes
global wireless due to violations of human rights and harm to the environment
that can easily be foreseen.
connections and transmissions use pulsed-modulated
electromagnetic microwave radiation at
low intensity levels. These have been shown by multiple peer-reviewed studies
to cause serious adverse bioeffects - genetic, neurological, physiological and
psychological damage. GUARDS contends that global wireless is a violation of
the Nuremberg Code of Ethics and UN Declaration of Human Rights. Numerous
references and details about the violations are contained in the Objection to
Google, Inc.’s License Application filed by GUARDS with the U.S. Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). To date, neither Google nor the FCC has
addressed the substance of the objection.
GUARDS is very
concerned for the 100 million people who have already become radiation
sensitive and will suffer needlessly with the deployment of global wireless.
The Argentinian government has
demonstrated that this is a major issue. To that government’s credit, it
introduced a bill severely limiting public exposure to wireless radiation,
requiring hard-wired connections in hospitals and schools. Haifa, Israel just
ordered its schools to remove WiFi, and hardwire its computer system, after a
documentary exposed the suffering WiFi in schools is causing.
“There is plenty
of evidence of biological harm from WiFi’s radiofrequency radiation,” said
Ed Friedman, Chairman of Friends of Merrymeeting Bay in Maine, USA, very
concerned about wildlife as well as human health. “Anyone who says evidence
is lacking is either sadly misinformed, in denial or outright lying.”
Most global
wireless plans require substantially increasing the number of annual rocket launches
to put this vast satellite network in place and maintain it. Both common types
of rocket exhaust are detrimental to the environment. Solid rocket fuels
release ozone-destroying chemicals that wreak havoc on an already disappearing
ozone layer, and kerosene fueled rockets release black carbon which can
accelerate climate change. Therefore, increased rocket launches required
to support global wireless would accelerate climate change and global warming,
and contribute to humanitarian suffering by endangering the lives of those
living in areas such as Sudan, low-lying Pacific Islands, and Bangladesh
- creating, over time, countless environmental refugees. “Northern
populations dependent on sea and river ice are also threatened,” said
GUARDS member Marcey Kliparchuk of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
GUARDS is an
international coalition against global WiFi from space, a complex technology of
radiation and toxic chemicals endangering all life on Earth.
# # #
Sarah Benson,
Greece sairb@hotmail.com 0030-22850-25871
Ed Friedman, USA edfomb@comcast.net 207-666-3372
Marcey Kliparchuk,
Canada marcey.klip@yahoo.ca 780-760-0872
Letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon http://www.stopglobalwifi.org/documents/BanKiMoonMay2016.pdf
Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation http://www.mainecoalitiontostopsmartmeters.org/?p=1469
Argentinian Legislation https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http://www.nuevocronista.com/argentina-busca-una-ley-nacional-contra-la-contaminacion-electromagnetica/&edit-text=
Objection To Google, Inc. License Application filed with the FCC
by GUARDS https://apps.fcc.gov/els/GetAtt.html?id=170563&x=.
How We Are Killing Ourselves - Wireless Radiation http://reshet.tv/Shows/specialsreshet/vml,315/ or, for English subtitles, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpJsIWuV-PA&feature=youtu.be
Rare Earth Metals http://www.aspistrategist.org.au/the-conflict-mineral-coltan-mining-in-dr-congo-and-australia/
Rocket Exhaust Information http://www.stopglobalwifi.org/
Protecting my health and that of others by using
a hardwired computer in a low RF environment. For more information, see www.electricalpollution.com
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