Levels of Man-made Artificial Radio-frequency in Comparison to Natural Background Levels: A Compilation of Comments
Hi Everyone,
I would like to thank everyone who
has taken the time to reply with such valuable information on this issue. It is
very much appreciated.
I have compiled and listed the
comments in chronological order in which, for the most part, they were
received. I am also attaching documents that I received from some people along
with the comments.
I would like to suggest that we draft
a statement with regards to this on which we all can agree so that when we
present this information to the public, it is clear and accurate, and we are on
the same page with regards to this.
I also welcome further discussion on
this topic.
I will post this to this short list
now and later on post it to my greater list. (Note: If you have not signed up
for the EMF Refugee AWeber account, please do so that you can continue
receiving EMR updates, as I will no longer be using gmail to send out my
mailings [since they have started spamming my mailings]. If you have not
received an invitation, let me know, and I will send you one.)
Kind regards,
Paul Doyon
EMF Refugee
Electromagnetic Safe Planet
On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 8:13 PM, EMF
Refugee <emfrefugee@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Can someone tell me how many times
the natural level of EMF we now have with man-made artificial EMF? I have heard
a number of different numbers over the years and I would like to get the most
accurate estimate at present with regards to this.
Paul Doyon
EMF Refugee
Electromagnetic Safe Planet (ESP)
On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 6:08 PM,
Andrew Michrowski <paceincnet@gmail.com > wrote:
Here is what we have reported in
2005, based on the backdrop of the research by E. Tell of the US EPA:
Whole Life Expo
2005 Toronto, November 27, 2005
New problems with
Michrowski, Ph.D.
Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc
100 Bronson Avenue, Suite 1001 OTTAWA,
Ontario K1R 6G8 (613) 236-6265;
fax: 235-5876
The level of typical exposure to
cellphone-related emissions has more than doubled for most Canadians in the
last 5 years. This exposure has interacted with vaccines, common drugs and may
be responsible for the genetic variations of Asian flu and E Coli distribution.
Although sensitivity and absorption of these emissions is not the same for all,
children are more vulnerable then adults. What can soon happen on a large scale
in Canada has already occurred in Japan where MDs specialize in pathologies
related from cellphone emission exposure, with limited success.
In our growing dependence on wireless
telecommunication systems, we increasingly find ourselves absorbing electric
and magnetic wave emissions from these microwave systems. Although the human
species has evolved amidst a broad band of these same frequencies that
originate from throughout the universe, in
the last few decades, human exposure to artificial, repetitive signals has
risen dramatically – by more than a trillion times. We can even
compare the average United States exposure to radiofrequency and microwave
fields in 1980 (0.005 microWatt/cm2) with that of 1999
(1.0 microWatt/cm2) we note a 200-fold increase, according
to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. We
can only expect further quantum leaps in exposure as the plans of investors,
the military and other government agencies materialize: to have every dwelling,
school, office and store in the world become a microwave transmitter for
wireless computers and related linkages, and to have transceivers implanted
within our bodies as guardian “digital angels”.
To wit: about a trillion times less
than 0.005 microWatt/cm2.
Andrew Michrowski
The Planetary Association for Clean
Energy, Inc.
OTTAWA, Ontario K1R 6G8
Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 8:38 AM, Andrew Michrowski <paceincnet@gmail.com > wrote:
The symbol for micro, appeared wrongly in the copy: so it should
have read: 1 microWatt per centimetre square. [Corrected above. paul]
Andrew Michrowski
Please explain to all the others.
Remember: this refers only to the radio-frequency microwave
bands that were know in those days: radio & TV stations, emergency, radar,
walkie-talkies and the near 10 GigaHertz transcontinental communication systems
+ military bands also around 10 GHz and above.
That does not include the power-frequency upwards.
On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 9:50 PM,
Carlos Sosa <karlkropotkin@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Paul,
Please take a look at Erica's
Please take a look at Olle
Johansson's estimate included in Full Signal Documentary, between minutes
3 and 4:
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 12:59 AM, EMF Refugee <emfrefugee@gmail.com>
According to Video:
Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD at the Commonwealth Club of CA, June 22, 2015 (hd) it
is now as high as a Quintillion. And Olle Johansson stated that it was 1
million billion (or a Quadrillion) times in the movie Full Signal in 2010.
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 2:41 AM, Stop
Smart Meters! UK <mike@stopsmartmeters.org.uk > wrote:
Hi all,
I understand that
ICNIRP is just under 1 quintillion times higher than background (1018 or
1 million million million) based on an avg. level of background radiation of
0.000,000,000,010 µW/m² (which I have seen referenced several times) and ICNIRP
allowances of 9,000,000 µW/m².
When you compare the two using an
example of physical distances (which most people can then visualise), it is
shocking. I have attached three slides which I use to illustrate it.
If the level of background radiation
we evolved with were to be the equivalent length of a standard piano
keyboard (1.5m), then the amount of radiation allowed to enter your
brain using ICNIRP standards (and from each individual wireless device
you own) would be the equivalent distance of 4.5m trips to the
Sun and back.
As we know, less protected body parts
will receive even higher exposures than this — and so will children.
Best wishes,
PS - please feel free to set me
straight if these numbers are wrong.
Stop Smart Meters! UK
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 7:23 AM, Olle
Johansson <Olle.Johansson@ki.se > wrote:
Dear Paul,
It is frequency-dependent (and also
note: the artificial waves are soooo (!) different compared to natural signals
when it comes to other physical characteristics, like polarization, pulsation,
modulation, etc., so they are exactly just that: artificial).
For 1,800 MHz the
difference compared to natural background is in the order of
a quadrillion-to-a-quintillion - 1,000,000,000,000,000 -
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 - times (cf. ICNIRP and IEEE/FCC guidelines). Just be aware of that for many
other frequencies the difference is much, much larger, and when compared
correctly, may even out to an infinite (∞) times difference. I do hope
that evolution has been so smart to automatically protect us against all these
human inventions!
There is only one hygienic safety value ever proposed (based on
the 1,800 MHz analogy):
0.000001-0.00000000001 µW/m2 – this is the
natural background during normal cosmic activities; proposed by Olle Johansson,
Karolinska Institutet 1997, as a genuine hygienic safety value.
Always keep this in mind. I know some
people try to steal the attention from this fact, but never be fooled by that.
I proposed this; no one can deny it. And now I propose it again for safety -
and as my opinion.
With my very best regards
Yours sincerely
(Olle Johansson, associate professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 10:07
AM, <wmaes@aol.com> wrote:
Dear Paul!
I wrote in my books and lectures
(translated from German into English, do my best...): "The legally
limits for the technical pulsed mobile communication microwaves are billion to
quadrillion times higher than the the natural, not pulsed microwaves. The
sensitive natural microwaves manage many live processes. A telephone call with
a cellular phone, smartphone, cordless phone... reaches or goes beyond legally
And never forget: It is not only the
dose of radiation, the field strength. Technical microwaves are pulsed and/or
otherwise modulated, natural microwaves are not. A big difference concerning
the biological effect.
Best from Wolfgang Maes.
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 12:58 PM,
Alasdair Philips <aphilips@gn.apc.org> wrote:
is complex and varies a lot with frequency and with modulation types.
is a graph from a Poster presentation that Graham and I prepared for a cancer
conference in 2012.
took a lot of work to gather the information. I would welcome feedback about
that the units are as for light spectra – power flux density per Hz.
total power in any bandwidth (e.g. 200 kHz) you need to sum the area under that
part of the graph.
way to do this is to take an average level
may freely reproduce and/or circulate it “as-it-is” i.e. with no edits, please.
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Roger
Morgan <roger@morgan5010.freeserve.co.uk > wrote:
So from this knowledge and
information that has been collated from a credible source, and I'm no great
mathematician, at this rate of transmission and frequency when will we start to
see significant cancer and mutation cases within the local human population?
i.e. 5 cases per 100, 000 50 cases 100, 000 or 500 cases per 100, 000
Kind regards
Roger Morgan
i.e. 5 cases per 100, 000 50 cases 100, 000 or 500 cases per 100, 000
Kind regards
Roger Morgan
On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Velma
Lyrae <velmalyrae@hotmail.co.uk > wrote:
Hello Paul
I see you already have some answers
from the Experts - but as I had spent time finding this thought I'd send it.
Here is a great chart - shows the
different estimations
However, the document about Schumann Resonance makes it clear it is not just about levels but about the
modulation of the frequencies
We now exist in a sea of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, never before seen in human history. The levels of artificial electromagnetic radiation have reportedly reached a quintillion (1018) times higher than the natural background levels.
This had been reported in the Guardian so if it's good enough for them......
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 9:20 PM,
Evelyn Savarin <evsavarin@yahoo.com> wrote:
I am a bit concerned by the figures
that are being thrown around. I would seriously suggest whoever are making wild
statements as to how strong the radiation that is now in the air should
seriously acquire a good RF meter, Gigahertz solutions is not bad.
I think, in circumstances where you are right on top of a cell tower or have a
cell phone to your ear that is where you will experience 1 millwatt/cm2.
Otherwise, general ambient air in a hot spots like cities full of WIFI and
antennas, smart meters etc. you really don't get much above 1 microwatt/cm2 or
.001mw/cm2. Radiation drops off tremendously when you get even a couple of feet
from a generating wireless device. But because of the intensely complex pulsing
patterns of wireless signals, its that which gives us problems even at
these lower intensites.
But you need to be reminded that
Nanowatt or .00001mw/cm2 to .0001mw/cm2 is insanely problematic with these
wireless pulsing pattern that vary from device to device, and that it was
assumed before man created wireless background was in the order of
.00000000001mw/cm2. Thats considered to be in the fehrenwatt category and one
that Bau biology seems to subscribe to . It kind of makes sense to me.
Radiation levels don't increase just
because the number of wireless devices is greater. What I think happens and
this just my conjecture it fills in the empty pockets of space with more
complex pulses which may feel like the intensity could be greater. Think of it
as being at bottom of a waterfall where water is falling at a certain rate and
pressure. Then lets add another same volume of waterand pressure coming
from another direction. Does that make it stronger or more encompassing
to the body.
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"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it
will hate those that speak it." - George Orwell
"The Autonomic system is affected by microwaves of the
centimeter wave length band. These waves affect circulation, respiration,
temperature control, water balance, albumin and sugar concentration in the
cerebro-spinal fluid, hydrogen ion concentration, EEG, GSR, sleep, conscious
awareness, etc." - W. Bergman (The Effect of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System)
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