Governments - Protect Our Children!
In case readers didn’t already know this, here are some facts that every school board - No, every community on earth – should know about cell towers (and wireless technology in general). School boards need to realize that the radiation emitted by cell towers is similar to that emitted by cell phones and Wi-Fi routers all of which even the corrupt WHO (World Health Organization) finally classified a Category 2B ("Possible") human carcinogen in 2011. Readers might be surprised to learn that the biggest single donors to the WHO are: 1) Bill and Melinda Gates, and 2) the USA! [1] Knowing this should help people view skeptically if not cynically any pronouncements from the WHO. Related items are below:
Russia – has a 2,000 METER ‘no-man’s land’ around cell towers, within which no one is allowed to live or work! [2]
In 1993, Butler, Pennsylvania – their progressive town council ruled that a protection distance of 610 metres (2,000 feet) should exist between antennas and buildings such as schools and apartments. [2] in 1995, then U.S. President Bill Clinton signed a Memorandum stating that cell towers should not be placed on schools or near residential neighborhoods! [3]
France - a) banned Wi-Fi in kindergartens in 2015! In middle schools, Wi-Fi must be turned off when not in use.
b) France’s Senate is pressing for ban of cell phones and Wi-Fi in primary & middle schools! c) Libraries impose moratorium on Wi-Fi due to illnesses experienced; d) Town of Herouville-Saint-Clair – removes Wi-Fi from all schools, imposes Precautionary Principle!
United Kingdom - Chief Medical Officers strongly recommend that children younger than 16 should NOT use cell phones!
Taiwan - It is illegal for children under two (2) to use wireless technology! Parents can be fined! Parents have to ensure children under 18 use electronic products for a “reasonable length of time.”
European Parliament - In 2008 urged tighter safety standards for cell phones and all wireless technology (DECT phones, Wi-Fi routers, etc.) Russia – It’s Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCIRP) issued a Press Release in 2008, entitled: “Children and Mobile Phones: The Health of Following Generations is at Risk!” It said children under 18 should not use cell phones!
India – Ministry of Telecommunications said children under 16 should not use cell phones!
Israel – Ministry of Health. Recommends youth to limit use of cell phones; don’t use them in enclosed spaces; use wired ear pieces.
Finland – Government urges children to limit use of cell phones as long-term effects are not yet known.
ICEMS – International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety (one of the most respected group of international esteemed scientists from various countries) Says industry is wrong in saying there is no evidence that all wireless is dangerous. Urges people of all ages, but especially children, to limit use of cell phones and other wireless technologies.
United Kingdom - Education Professionals Union (Voice) (formerly the Professional Association of Teachers) - Calls for moratorium on new Wi-Fi installations in schools and withdrawal of existing Wi-Fi networks.
Association of Teachers and Lecturers – in 2009 called for a suspension of existing Wi-Fi networks as they were concerned by scientific reports linking wi-fi with impaired concentration, loss of short-term memory, chromosome damage and increased incidence of cancer!
Scotland - over 50% of councils in Scotland are now operating precautionary policies to prevent masts from being sited near schools, hospitals and residential areas.
Germany - a) Germany’s Health Protection Agency urged removal of cordless phones; use cabled communications instead of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. b) Frankfurt City and Bavarian Parliament - recommend against Wi-Fi in schools;
c) The Teachers’ Union for Education and Knowledge told its members to resist roll-out of Wi-Fi on safety grounds.
Salzburg, Austria – Public Health Department warned that Wi-Fi should not be installed in schools or nurseries.
Austria – Austrian Medical Association is lobbying against deployment of Wi-Fi in schools.
Belgium – Banned children’s cell phones. Cell phones must now bear label showing relative radiation emitted.
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Jerry Flynn
5181 Gainsberg Road
Bowser, B.C., V0R 1G0
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