Peevey Farewell Love Fest Disrupted by Smart Meter Protests
Posted on December 23, 2014 by onthelevelblog
Anti- smart meter
demonstration and press conference outside the CPUC Dec. 18, 2014 photo credit:
Justin Mears
The December 18th 2014 meeting of the CPUC
(a.k.a. the utility/telecommunications industry now acting as the California
Public Utilities Commission) was the last for Mike Peevey- former SoCal Edison
CEO and “mob boss” – a man who has driven the
forced deployment of smart meters in California- and violated disability,
privacy, and safety laws repeatedly to benefit his industry clients.
photo credit Justin Mears
Outside the CPUC, on busy Van Ness Ave., mourners
in black had gathered around a coffin representing victims of the smart grid,
listening to eulogies to the lost and naming those responsible. A press
release had been issued and the media invited. The press however turned
their back on the funeral and were clustered instead around San Bruno mayor Jim
Ruane and Senator Jerry Hill, their attention on PG&E’s other, more
blatant, obvious, and sudden victims.
attends the press conference at the CPUC in SF to thank Michael Peevey and the
PUC for lots of new customers
Inside, nauseated attendees suffered
through an orchestrated Peevey-love-fest that droned on for 2 1/2 hours and
quickly discovered that the public comment period was an opportunity for the
corporate state to crow about how wonderful the man is––and how wonderful
they are.
Their gushing praise an attempt to
insulate him and thus themselves with their seedy entanglements from
future prosecution for the deaths in San Bruno and deaths and injuries from
hazardous smart meters. After all, Michael Peevey, an early architect of
the smart grid, is now facing investigation and possible prosecution by the US
Attorney’s office and California’s Attorney General.
An entire section of public seats had been
reserved for the pro-Peevey speakers and time limits were waived––as long as
you had nice things to say…
This is the same crowd who flew Peevey around the world on the utility company dime in
exchange for close access and influence with the top regulator.
Circle the wagons!
While Peevey’s praises were being sung, I
was thinking about the many families that have an empty place at the table this
Christmas because of his lax to non-existent regulatory policies. Deaths
from fireresulting from second rate equipment being
installed by second rate temp workers- it all could have been prevented.
How many are suffering in what used to be a home and what is now just a place
to tolerate?
The endless stream of people harmed by
smart meters parading to the podium in the last 5 years will certainly cloud
Peevey’s legacy. Yet, as usual the public uprising was only lightly
touched upon by the media. In fact, as Sandi Maurer of the EMF Safety Network has pointed
out, the San Jose Mercury News appears to have censored a
reporter who went into some detail about the smart meter protests at the
meeting, with large portions of the coverage having been removed from the
original online article.
The AP ran a story that incorrectly stated there was only one
person there who condemned Peevey. In reality there were
dozens. It doesn’t make you paranoid to think that these omissions are
intentional and part of a pattern. We deserve a better press.
Representatives from state government
agencies, financial beneficiaries of his policies on Wall Street, and corporate
groups like EDF and NRDC crowed at the public’s
podium about how compassionate to those less fortunate Peevey is, what a
defender of the environment—a leader on climate change!
Returning to their reserved seats, they
checked for updates on their melting-ski slope-holidays, pawing at their
wireless devices as one by one, speakers went into grim detail about the
misery, illness and suffering caused by exposure to wireless devices.
Members of the public (many of them
injured by smart meters), were forced to sit through the hours-long,
back-slapping-love-fest and thick electrosmog so that they might finally have a
chance to address the commission (strictly timed of course). Yet should they
speak over their allotted time, or bring up unacceptable subject matter they
risked being escorted out of the room by one of the armed state police,
standing by and ready to protect—should things get out of hand.
What a corrupt sour mess!
Pay for Protection: The Utility Scam and
Growing Public Revolt
Approving smart meter extortion fees and
denying ADA rights was also on the agenda that day.
In response, we carried out a coordinated
public demonstration of disgust and revulsion against Peevey’s CPUC, standing
up in the meeting and holding signs naming the crimes and reading aloud the
names of smart meter victims – including testimonies from thousands of
California residents and those who spoke at public hearings all over the state
who were ignored in the smart meter “opt out” proceeding.
While corporate patrons of Mr. Peevey were
given up to ten minutes and allowed to wax lyrical, some smart meter and
corruption critics were cut off after a few seconds- even surrounded by 3 state
police when one speaker suggested that Peevey “belongs in prison” (it may not
be far off- he is currently being investigated by the US Attorney and state
Attorney General….)
The ones really protecting
health and safety are never welcome at an agency tasked with “protecting health
and safety.”
After lunch, without any debate or
discussion apart from the usual platitudes, the commission approved a plan to
charge every California customer of an investor owned utility who uses an
analog (rather than a “smart” meter) to measure gas or electricity $75 and $10/
month ($10 and $5/ month for low income).
Those living with a bank of meters on their wall, businesses and communities as a whole would not be allowed to “opt out” at all, and even those with letters from their doctors and diagnoses of electro-hyper-sensitivity would not be permitted to retain basic utility service without paying the “opt out” charges if this decision is allowed to stand.
Those living with a bank of meters on their wall, businesses and communities as a whole would not be allowed to “opt out” at all, and even those with letters from their doctors and diagnoses of electro-hyper-sensitivity would not be permitted to retain basic utility service without paying the “opt out” charges if this decision is allowed to stand.

Today, it’s been reported that new e-mails have come to light further implicating Peevey
in smart meter related corruption and collusion with
PG&E to undermine local democracy.
This is the Stuff of Crooks
And now today- December 23rd- Gov. Jerry Brown has announced a replacement for Mike Peevey to
chair the CPUC- ex SMUD Director Michael Picker- and we do mean replacement.
Happy Holidays and a rebellious new year
to all of you!
Media Coverage of Peevey’s Coup de Grace
PG&E hands over even more emails-
EMF Safety Network
Reading of names and symptoms of smart meter victims.
The video can be seen starting at 2:26 on Video part 1, Dec 18, 2014
The video can be seen starting at 2:26 on Video part 1, Dec 18, 2014
KPFA Coverage Start at
13:16 minute mark.
“Some fireworks at the California Public Utilities
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in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, PG&E, Police, Smart
Grid. Bookmark the permalink.
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