Friday, May, 30, 2014 - 10:10:04 AM

Stratford mayoral candidate Martin Weatherall
Dangers of wireless radiation still focus for mayoral candidate
Jeff Heuchert
Environmental activist Martin Weatherall is making another run for mayor so he can begin to tackle what he considers the greatest danger facing residents in the City of Stratford: wireless microwave radiation.
In a press release delivered to local media earlier this week announcing his candidacy, Weatherall takes aim at Mayor Dan Mathieson, council, and Festival Hydro for the installation of hydro smart meters and a city-wide WiFi network, both of which he claims emit a strong radiation that can cause serious adverse health effects like heart problems, disturbed sleep, headaches, and seizures.
In the city’s quest to be named Intelligent Community “their efforts have probably done more to harm the city, endanger all its inhabitants and risk the future viability of Stratford than ever before,” he added.
A former Toronto police officer, Weatherall had just moved to Stratford the year before when he ran unsuccessfully against Mathieson in the 2010 municipal election. He received just over 20 per cent support, garnering 2,061 votes compared to Mathieson’s 7,857.
Weatherall said the strong radiation emitted by WiFi technology like that in Stratford has been classed by the World Health Organization as a possible carcinogen, and independent studies indicate wireless radiation is probably a powerful carcinogen, responsible for brain, mouth, and ear tumors and different types of cancers. Illnesses caused by wireless radiation are likely to overburden and endanger the local health care system if nothing is done to change the city’s practices, he added.
If elected mayor, Weatherall said he will arrange an education program so residents are aware of the dangers of wireless radiation and told how they can make their homes and businesses safer. He would also remove all WiFi devices from city streets and buildings and work with the utility to find ways to make smart meters safer and emit less radiation.
He said Stratford has failed to warn citizens of the serious dangers of wireless radiation, leading to further exposure from devices like cellphones.
“Many families think that they are safe, when in reality they are placing their families’ health in serious long-term danger because of false information and the lack of a credible warning,” he added.
Weatherall’s press release focuses entirely on the one issue. When reached by the Gazette to discuss more details about his campaign, he said he won’t be giving an interview until closer to the election.
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