NYC Panel on Cell Phone & Wireless Risks 11/15: “How to Protect Ourselves and Growing Children from Electromagnetic Fields”
NOVEMBER 15, 2013 06:45 AM EST
The NY Open Center will offer a public program on cell phone and wireless risks on Friday, November 15th from 7-10 p.m. (www.opencenter.org
Martin Blank, PhD, Columbia University, expert in DNA effects from electromagnetic fields to address NY Open Center audience. (Photo: Business Wire)
The panel, “How to Protect Ourselves and Growing Children from Electromagnetic Fields”, will take a multidisciplinary, solution-oriented look at this important new public health issue with leading scientific, clinical and remediation experts.
Attendees will learn how to create electromagnetically clean home environments—and about the little understood effects of microwave radiation on adults, as well as onchildren, fetuses and fertility.
Registration via the NY Open Center: Members: $50/Nonmembers: $60. Tel. 212.219.2527.
Martin Blank, PhD, Special Lecturer and Retired Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University; expert in DNA effect of EMFs; and author of the upcoming book “Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation and What You Can Do About It”.
Stephen Sinatra, MD, Board Certified Cardiologist and author of twelve books on health, including co-author of “Earthing—Perhaps the Most Important Health Discovery Ever?” which has been licensed for publication in 16 languages.
Larry Gust, Electrical Engineer, MBA, BBEC, leading Building Biologist Environmental Consultant and green building expert; President, International Institute for Building-Biology™ and Ecology, a training institute focused on green living and green building.
Camilla Rees, MBA, leading U.S. health and environmental activist; founder, and Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook); co-author of “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution”.
This multi-disciplinary team will educate on the wireless radiation science, which dates back many decades; the health conditions, including many cancers, linked to the radiation; the politics, including propaganda that the risks are unknown; and, importantly, what families can do to protect their health—including their DNA—by creating electromagnetically clean environments and bedrooms.
Register at:
Please contact the NY Open Center for press passes: 212.219-2527
Media Contact: Emily Roberson or 610-707-1602
Background information about risks to children from electromagnetic fields:
Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available:
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