A documentary on cell phones and the potential negative health effects
I’m Kevin Kunze the director of Reconnect, a documentary on the potential negative health effects from cell phone radiation, the proposed policies regarding safer use, and the mainstream media’s portrayal of the issue.
I’ve been working on this film for nearly two years interviewing doctors, politicians, cancer patients, and representatives from the cell phone industry. Although we’re nearly finished with the film there is still a lot that needs to be done, including: filming additional b-roll, motion graphics, composing an original score, color correction, sound mixing, licensing footage, submitting to film festivals, and creating an interactive website. Take a minute to watch our trailer and see how far we've come.
Although, we‘ve had several offers from different companies that want to buy our footage, they’ve always come with unusual exceptions such as we want to make this film but not about cancer. In order to maintain the documentary’s integrity and independent funding, we’re asking for your help.
In return, we’re doing something no other documentary has done before. We’re giving you complete access to all of our unedited interviews filmed for the movie. These interviews include the co-founder of Apple, experts from the World Health Organization, National Cancer Institute, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Environmental Working Group, and much more. Each day of our Kickstarter campaign we’ll upload a new full length video so check back to follow our progress. The interviews can be found at the bottom of this page.
Watch an exclusive clip from the credits of Reconnect featuring an array of interviewees' colorful commentary and advice on the long-term health effects from cell phone radiation. This sequence includes: Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, Dr. Jonathan Samet from the National Cancer Institute, and numerous other experts.
But this film can’t just talk about the urgency of the problem, it needs to move people and inspire them to take action. Globally, there are 6 billion cell phones in use right now - yet there has been very little research about the long-term health effects of this technology on our brains and bodies. But the independent research that has been done tell us we need to be more precautious about cell phone radiation.
Our goal is to capture the public’s attention while delivering a powerful message about what the science is showing us and what we can do to use our cell phones safer. Although our ambitions and ideas have grown working on this documentary, we need your help in order to complete this film. We’re trying to raise $25,000. This is the minimum amount of money for us be able to complete the film. Many in the film industry have suggested that we set a high goal such as $50,000 or $100,000 in order to make the film as professionally executed as possible. While we hope to raise more than our goal, we realize that unless we raise the full amount we won’t get a penny.
Please make a pledge. Any amount helps whether only a dollar or two, your contribution will help us to finish the film and to shed a light on this issue and the need for more research on cancer and its causes. Thank you very much for your time and support. If you pledge any amount to our project you will get a gift in return. Our rewards vary based on the price of the pledge but some of the prizes include a Reconnect t-shirt, a limited edition poster, and a private screening package.

Each day we'll release a new full length video interview from the film. So check back to see the latest updates.
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