Monday, June 18, 2007

EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) Affects Us All - The Effect on the Immune System

Most people mistakenly believe that - when someone tells them that they are affected by EMR - that they themselves (for some supernatural reason) are not affected by this technology. Just because someone does not harbor the severe symptoms of Electrosensitivity of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome does not mean that they are indeed not affected. People who suffer from unexplained fatigue, brain fog, memory problems, learning disabilities, concentration problems, depression, anxiety attacks, irritability, hyperactivity, insomnia, allergies, and cancers - to name a few - are more than likely affected by the growing ambient level of microwave radiation and other EMR in our environment. The only mistake here is that one (and more than likely, one's doctor) has misattributed their symptoms. To believe that oneself is indeed not affected by this technology is indeed a major and dangerous fallacy.


Electromagnetic frequencies and their effects upon the immune system


It may come as a surprise to most people, but living in an electrical grid (a house in which every wall is wired with manmade AC electricity) is a major component of most forms of environmental illness. People who are diagnosed with different forms of environmental illness, such as Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, lupus, multiple sclerosis, even cancer and AIDS, all exhibit one characteristic in common: a collapsed immune system. In part, this dysfunction of the immune system can be attributed to chronic stress from EMFs generated by our AC (alternating current) electrical system and by our microwave communication system. Once this chronic stress is removed, healing and the regeneration of the immune system can occur.

"The condition known as electrosensitivity, a heightened reaction to electrical energy, will be recognized as a physical impairment.

A report by the Health Protection Agency (HPA), states that increasing numbers of British people are suffering from this syndrome. While the total figure is not known, thousands are believed to be affected to some extent."

Since the 1940s there have been many articles and studies about EMF's and their relationship to environmental illness. Environmental illness has become a catch all phrase for chronic exposure to a mixture of environmental factors. The unspecific symptoms often times are considered stress-related problems and no treatment is offered because there is no visible biological mechanism. Many doctors at this point recommend tranquilizers, sleeping pills or a psychiatrist.

"The HPA has now reviewed all scientific literature on electrosensitivity and concluded that it is a real syndrome. The condition had previously been dismissed as psychological." Sarah-Kate Templeton, Medical Correspondent

The connection between manmade EMF exposure and chronic or unending flight or fight responses has been documented in study after study. See Blake Levitt's book, Electromagnetic Fields for a summary of the scientific research. People who have been overexposed to EMF's as children or have genetically weaker systems often suffer from chronic fatigue, trouble thinking clearly and a reduction in the body's ability to fight infection.

With today's emerging awareness of the dangers of EMF exposure on human health we are seeing more and more research. A new condition has been labeled, called Electro sensitivity or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. In October, 2004 the World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored a conference on EMF's and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. While authorities do not necessarily agree on the most common symptoms, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity consists of headaches, fatigue, stress, sleep disorders, skin conditions such as burning sensations, rashes and pain, tinnitus and other audible noises, to name a few of the symptoms.

Reducing the chronic stress on the body is vital to healing.

Radio Frequency - RF Radiation from Cell Phone and Microwave Towers

RF radiation is wide spread. It travels easily through air and is emitted from all wireless communication devices cell phone transmission towers, cell phones and cordless phones. It is the same energy waves that cook food in microwave ovens.

Cell phones and radio transmission towers constantly transmit high frequency waves. The towers emit invisible waves of 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz and vary in intensity throughout the day. We cannot see, feel or hear the waves yet they continuously surround us. These waves are called microwaves.

Microwaves are unnatural and have a very short wavelength. Because of this they create a biological risk for all of us. Exposure to high levels of microwaves can alter cell reproduction. Since our children are at the stage of rapid cell growth, the effects on them are especially concerning.

The powerful cell phone companies have promoted cell phones as being a safe means of communication. This is a topic of great controversy. A number of unbiased scientists and doctors are finding more and more evidence to contradict this statement.

Public awareness of this issue in European countries is immense. They have been aware of this problem for many years and take it seriously. Their politicians, citizens, doctors and hospitals are taking precautionary measures to reduce exposure to microwave radiation. We need to do the same in North America.

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