Even NBC is covering this story. So if they are spraying a compound that contains both barium and aluminum (which are both byproducts of Nuclear Power Plants) then can we also expect people inhaling these toxic metals to also perhaps become sensitive to EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) from cell phones, cell phone masts, WiFi, and so on?
Microwave - and other forms of electromagnetic - radiation are major (but conveniently disregarded, ignored, and overlooked) factors in many modern unexplained disease states. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph, headaches, extreme thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain, weakened immunity, allergies, heart problems, and intestinal disturbances are all symptoms found in a disease process the Russians described in the 70's as Microwave Sickness.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
"Simplicity in a Complex World"
"Simplicity in a Complex World"
by Sri Yukteswar
If anyone tries to tell you "I am a teacher. I will lead you because I am so complex. I have so many complex ideas. I am so far more intellectual than you. I have so much complicated things to show you" and you say "You are not my leader because you will lead me into craziness. And what I want to be led into is peace." And many will be fooled because in an age where there is a lot of complicated complex advanced technologies you admire the people that have a lot of knowledge - that can figure things out. You admire the people that seem to have a lot of information and they will easily fool you because they will lead you to the path of craziness. And they will do it because then they can have power. This is not a Master. A Master will never lead you to complexity. A Master will always take you to truth and truth will always be simple. And how will you know if it is simple truth? Simply you are in peace. That is peaceful - simple truth. Sounds maybe like this is very obvious. And you wonder why is he telling us such an obvious thing? Because you don`t realize how easily you are fooled. Even in your own lives. Leading your own selves into craziness.The more I do, the more important I must be. The more I have, the more powerful I will be. Leading your own selves to craziness - away from simplicity. You think this is obvious, but this is the kind of truth lost in an age like this. This is the kind of truth that will get buried. Something so simple, so obvious will be not honored. People will start looking for the person who can speak the most languages - the most computer languages - the most complicated things. Even if they don`t understand what they are saying, they will think "ah, they are important." You will do this in your own lives as well and then one day you will remember, the simple day, the simple conversation where a simple teacher said "Truth set you to peace and not to craziness." Hm! So we are in very complex times. That`s alright. There are billions of people. That`s alright. Where you look will determine whether you have chaos or peace. How you live will determine if you have chaos or peace. That`s all. And you will look for teachers who have something new to say. You will say "I heard this channel lives down the road a piece. Talks about DNA, colors changing forms. Sounds good because it is very complicated. Something I haven`t heard before!" Be careful. Why?
Because if truth is truth it is because it has existed since the beginning of time.
by Sri Yukteswar
If anyone tries to tell you "I am a teacher. I will lead you because I am so complex. I have so many complex ideas. I am so far more intellectual than you. I have so much complicated things to show you" and you say "You are not my leader because you will lead me into craziness. And what I want to be led into is peace." And many will be fooled because in an age where there is a lot of complicated complex advanced technologies you admire the people that have a lot of knowledge - that can figure things out. You admire the people that seem to have a lot of information and they will easily fool you because they will lead you to the path of craziness. And they will do it because then they can have power. This is not a Master. A Master will never lead you to complexity. A Master will always take you to truth and truth will always be simple. And how will you know if it is simple truth? Simply you are in peace. That is peaceful - simple truth. Sounds maybe like this is very obvious. And you wonder why is he telling us such an obvious thing? Because you don`t realize how easily you are fooled. Even in your own lives. Leading your own selves into craziness.The more I do, the more important I must be. The more I have, the more powerful I will be. Leading your own selves to craziness - away from simplicity. You think this is obvious, but this is the kind of truth lost in an age like this. This is the kind of truth that will get buried. Something so simple, so obvious will be not honored. People will start looking for the person who can speak the most languages - the most computer languages - the most complicated things. Even if they don`t understand what they are saying, they will think "ah, they are important." You will do this in your own lives as well and then one day you will remember, the simple day, the simple conversation where a simple teacher said "Truth set you to peace and not to craziness." Hm! So we are in very complex times. That`s alright. There are billions of people. That`s alright. Where you look will determine whether you have chaos or peace. How you live will determine if you have chaos or peace. That`s all. And you will look for teachers who have something new to say. You will say "I heard this channel lives down the road a piece. Talks about DNA, colors changing forms. Sounds good because it is very complicated. Something I haven`t heard before!" Be careful. Why?
Because if truth is truth it is because it has existed since the beginning of time.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Leprechauns Knock Down Mast: Eileen O'Conner Will Not Be Silenced
rinter Friendly version:
Online version:
Friday, November 03, 2006
Mobile mast protester who will not be silenced
RIGHT now there are over 50million mobile phones in use in
this country — that’s coming close to one per head in our
59million population. Over the years our love affair with
this new technology has ensured that the mobile phone
manufacturers release ever more sophisticated models every
couple of months.
At first there was the brick phone with a non-colour screen
which literally weighed the same as a house brick.
Nowadays they come with vivid screens, cameras, music
players and radios.
They’re a way of life. But then again so was smoking not
so long ago. And like cigarettes there’s an increasing
number of people who are pin-pointing mobile phones as a
health hazard. It’s not just the phone itself — but the
masts that are needed to carry the signals.
Mobile phones at present have short transmission ranges —
so in order to ensure a signal, masts have to be erected at
fairly frequent locations. Today there are 35,000 of these
masts across Britain and the number is growing.
But increasing numbers of individuals and groups are doing
battle with both the government and mobile phone operators
over the siting of new masts and the possible radiation
damage being emitted from them.
The quiet community of Wishaw in Sutton Coldfield in the
West Midlands just near the Warwickshire border may at
first seem an unlikely setting for what was a long-term
battle with one mobile phone giant — but it was here that
one woman’s campaign against the industry was won with the
help of some Irish courage.
It is not just in this country or Ireland that the name of
Eileen O’Connor is now well-known in the campaign. Her
ongoing objections to the siting of these masts have
encouraged other protests across the globe.
The story starts at Eileen’s home in Wishaw when a 74-foot
high TMobile mast was erected 12 years ago on a patch of
land some 300 yards at the rear of the house she shares
with husband Paul and their teenage children George and
That mast is no more — but it took one of the most
vigorous campaigns in this country before it came down one
November night.
At first the presence of a mobile phone mast at the rear of
their new home did not seem too important — Paul and
Eileen were too busy renovating their home and bringing up
their two children to take much notice of the multi-finned
22-metre high structure.
But a few years later Eileen began to feel unwell with
constant headaches, loss of sleep and unexplained rashes
all over her body. Also of concern to her was the fact that
George began to have unexplained nose bleeds and Grace
suffered nightmares.
Friends and neighbours in and around Wishaw also began to
notice health problems.
The house too seemed full of electrostatic which could be
felt in the bedroom when touching the metal bed frames.
In 2001 Eileen discovered a lump in one of her breasts. A
visit to her GP resulted in an assurance that the lump was
only a small cyst.
But a few weeks later the lump had doubled in size and was
soon diagnosed as cancer. There followed six months of both
chemo and radiotherapy before a major operation.
Today Eileen is still receiving treatment although the
prognosis is that for the moment the cancer is in
But Eileen is convinced the cause of her illness as well as
the unexplained medical conditions suffered by her family
and neighbours related to the siting of the mobile phone
She began to research all the known facts relating to
mobile phone mast radiation transmissions — and despite
all the assurances issued by the mobile phone operators and
government Eileen was still convinced the mast was to
With the help and support of her friend and neighbour Lynn
Insley Eileen began to document the various illnesses in
and around Wishaw.
Among those living in 18 houses within a 500 yard radius of
the mast there were 20 cases of serious illness including
cancers of the breast, prostrate, bladder and lung.
One man had Motor Neurone disease and many of the people
affected were only in their 30s and 40s.
With so many of her neighbours attending hospital for
treatment at the same time as she was Eileen decided to set
up SCRAM — Sutton Coldfield Residents Against Masts.
Calls to T-Mobile resulted in Eileen being told emissions
from the mast were well below government guidelines.
But their answer failed to convince the campaigners — who
enlisted national media and lobbied MPs Mike O’Brien,
Patricia Hewitt, David Davies and John Ryan to take up
their case.
The move worked. In November 2003 something or somebody
pulled the mast from its base and left it lying on its
Eileen said: “When I went to see what had happened I cried
with delight.
“Even to this day nobody in Wishaw seems to know how the
mast came down.”
Naturally the phone company wanted their broken mast back
— but they hadn’t bargained with the Siege of Wishaw.
Residents surrounded the downed mast with a posse of
volunteers and camped on the site 24 hours a day determined
there would be no mast replacement.
The stand-off lasted for almost 18 months until finally the
mast owners admitted defeat.
But with victory secured Eileen and her friends refused to
let the matter rest.
Today Eileen’s time is spent dealing with similar
worldwide protests.
Her most recent involvement was when she was invited to
speak at the Health Protection Agency in London where she
presented her case for the health issues surrounding mobile
phone masts.
Most pressing to her is trying to stop the siting of the
masts near schools.
She said: “We will not stop the huge increase in mobile
phone use but what we are all about is where these masts
are sited. They should not be near schools.
“Wales has taken the lead with a recent vote at the
National Assembly to the principle of full planning consent
for mobile masts.
“This leaves England very much isolated as the only part
of Britain where full planning consent for phone masts is
not required.” Eileen is also turning her attention to
Ireland — one of the heaviest users of mobile phones.
There Dubliner Con Colbert is waging his own battle over
mobile phone masts — claiming he is suffering ill-health
from transmissions from a transmitter on top of a garda
Mr Colbert also claims other people are suffering from a
wide range of symptoms including burning of the skin and
sleep disorders. He is just one of an increasing number of
people now lobbying the Da´il for more data on mobile
phone mast emissions.
In Ballygawley in Co. Tyrone villagers still talk about the
150-foot high phone mast which was cut down some years
back. It was thought that the death of a local man in his
early 50s from cancer precipitated the revolt against the
At the time local SDLP councillor Anthony McGonnell was
quoted as saying: “There have been a number of other
people in that area who have cancer and obviously local
people are very concerned that this epidemic is being
caused by the presence of the mast.”
For Eileen this is an international issue — and she points
to research in Germany and Russia which has backed her
case. But she believes the amount of money the British
Government receives from the mobile industry in taxes and
levies means there is a reluctance to tackle the issue.
She said: “Right now the British Government receives some
£10billion a year in revenue from the mobile phone
“Emergency government funds should be released — starting
with at least £50million in order to deal with translation
of German and Russian research, an education programme,
media campaign and funding to independent scientists to
carry out further research.”
Despite all the statistics on safety handed out by the
government and mobile phone operators Eileen still remains
convinced long term exposure to phone mast emissions can
cause serious health issues — and so the campaign will go
Eileen said: “There’s an election coming up and if
politicians do not take note then the campaign we have had
here in Wishaw will be a drop in the ocean compared with
what we will plan.”
And does Eileen really know who pulled the mast down in
Wishaw? “Do you believe in Leprachauns?” she smiles.
Online version:
Friday, November 03, 2006
Mobile mast protester who will not be silenced
RIGHT now there are over 50million mobile phones in use in
this country — that’s coming close to one per head in our
59million population. Over the years our love affair with
this new technology has ensured that the mobile phone
manufacturers release ever more sophisticated models every
couple of months.
At first there was the brick phone with a non-colour screen
which literally weighed the same as a house brick.
Nowadays they come with vivid screens, cameras, music
players and radios.
They’re a way of life. But then again so was smoking not
so long ago. And like cigarettes there’s an increasing
number of people who are pin-pointing mobile phones as a
health hazard. It’s not just the phone itself — but the
masts that are needed to carry the signals.
Mobile phones at present have short transmission ranges —
so in order to ensure a signal, masts have to be erected at
fairly frequent locations. Today there are 35,000 of these
masts across Britain and the number is growing.
But increasing numbers of individuals and groups are doing
battle with both the government and mobile phone operators
over the siting of new masts and the possible radiation
damage being emitted from them.
The quiet community of Wishaw in Sutton Coldfield in the
West Midlands just near the Warwickshire border may at
first seem an unlikely setting for what was a long-term
battle with one mobile phone giant — but it was here that
one woman’s campaign against the industry was won with the
help of some Irish courage.
It is not just in this country or Ireland that the name of
Eileen O’Connor is now well-known in the campaign. Her
ongoing objections to the siting of these masts have
encouraged other protests across the globe.
The story starts at Eileen’s home in Wishaw when a 74-foot
high TMobile mast was erected 12 years ago on a patch of
land some 300 yards at the rear of the house she shares
with husband Paul and their teenage children George and
That mast is no more — but it took one of the most
vigorous campaigns in this country before it came down one
November night.
At first the presence of a mobile phone mast at the rear of
their new home did not seem too important — Paul and
Eileen were too busy renovating their home and bringing up
their two children to take much notice of the multi-finned
22-metre high structure.
But a few years later Eileen began to feel unwell with
constant headaches, loss of sleep and unexplained rashes
all over her body. Also of concern to her was the fact that
George began to have unexplained nose bleeds and Grace
suffered nightmares.
Friends and neighbours in and around Wishaw also began to
notice health problems.
The house too seemed full of electrostatic which could be
felt in the bedroom when touching the metal bed frames.
In 2001 Eileen discovered a lump in one of her breasts. A
visit to her GP resulted in an assurance that the lump was
only a small cyst.
But a few weeks later the lump had doubled in size and was
soon diagnosed as cancer. There followed six months of both
chemo and radiotherapy before a major operation.
Today Eileen is still receiving treatment although the
prognosis is that for the moment the cancer is in
But Eileen is convinced the cause of her illness as well as
the unexplained medical conditions suffered by her family
and neighbours related to the siting of the mobile phone
She began to research all the known facts relating to
mobile phone mast radiation transmissions — and despite
all the assurances issued by the mobile phone operators and
government Eileen was still convinced the mast was to
With the help and support of her friend and neighbour Lynn
Insley Eileen began to document the various illnesses in
and around Wishaw.
Among those living in 18 houses within a 500 yard radius of
the mast there were 20 cases of serious illness including
cancers of the breast, prostrate, bladder and lung.
One man had Motor Neurone disease and many of the people
affected were only in their 30s and 40s.
With so many of her neighbours attending hospital for
treatment at the same time as she was Eileen decided to set
up SCRAM — Sutton Coldfield Residents Against Masts.
Calls to T-Mobile resulted in Eileen being told emissions
from the mast were well below government guidelines.
But their answer failed to convince the campaigners — who
enlisted national media and lobbied MPs Mike O’Brien,
Patricia Hewitt, David Davies and John Ryan to take up
their case.
The move worked. In November 2003 something or somebody
pulled the mast from its base and left it lying on its
Eileen said: “When I went to see what had happened I cried
with delight.
“Even to this day nobody in Wishaw seems to know how the
mast came down.”
Naturally the phone company wanted their broken mast back
— but they hadn’t bargained with the Siege of Wishaw.
Residents surrounded the downed mast with a posse of
volunteers and camped on the site 24 hours a day determined
there would be no mast replacement.
The stand-off lasted for almost 18 months until finally the
mast owners admitted defeat.
But with victory secured Eileen and her friends refused to
let the matter rest.
Today Eileen’s time is spent dealing with similar
worldwide protests.
Her most recent involvement was when she was invited to
speak at the Health Protection Agency in London where she
presented her case for the health issues surrounding mobile
phone masts.
Most pressing to her is trying to stop the siting of the
masts near schools.
She said: “We will not stop the huge increase in mobile
phone use but what we are all about is where these masts
are sited. They should not be near schools.
“Wales has taken the lead with a recent vote at the
National Assembly to the principle of full planning consent
for mobile masts.
“This leaves England very much isolated as the only part
of Britain where full planning consent for phone masts is
not required.” Eileen is also turning her attention to
Ireland — one of the heaviest users of mobile phones.
There Dubliner Con Colbert is waging his own battle over
mobile phone masts — claiming he is suffering ill-health
from transmissions from a transmitter on top of a garda
Mr Colbert also claims other people are suffering from a
wide range of symptoms including burning of the skin and
sleep disorders. He is just one of an increasing number of
people now lobbying the Da´il for more data on mobile
phone mast emissions.
In Ballygawley in Co. Tyrone villagers still talk about the
150-foot high phone mast which was cut down some years
back. It was thought that the death of a local man in his
early 50s from cancer precipitated the revolt against the
At the time local SDLP councillor Anthony McGonnell was
quoted as saying: “There have been a number of other
people in that area who have cancer and obviously local
people are very concerned that this epidemic is being
caused by the presence of the mast.”
For Eileen this is an international issue — and she points
to research in Germany and Russia which has backed her
case. But she believes the amount of money the British
Government receives from the mobile industry in taxes and
levies means there is a reluctance to tackle the issue.
She said: “Right now the British Government receives some
£10billion a year in revenue from the mobile phone
“Emergency government funds should be released — starting
with at least £50million in order to deal with translation
of German and Russian research, an education programme,
media campaign and funding to independent scientists to
carry out further research.”
Despite all the statistics on safety handed out by the
government and mobile phone operators Eileen still remains
convinced long term exposure to phone mast emissions can
cause serious health issues — and so the campaign will go
Eileen said: “There’s an election coming up and if
politicians do not take note then the campaign we have had
here in Wishaw will be a drop in the ocean compared with
what we will plan.”
And does Eileen really know who pulled the mast down in
Wishaw? “Do you believe in Leprachauns?” she smiles.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
The Politics of Science
The following last chapter in Robert O. Becker's book, The Body Electric" should give some insight into the politics of science. How and why some researchers and their research gets funded while others don't. Maybe, it will explain why many researchers in CFS continue to bark up the wrong tree and will not dare delve into truth of the matter - into the Big Lie - since this might very well cut their funding, ruin their reputations, and even end their careers.
Postscript: Political Science
An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the growing generation is familiarized with the idea from the beginning.
-Max Planck
Dispassionate philosopher inquiring into nature from the sheer love of knowledge, single-minded alchemist puttering about a secluded basement in search of elixers to benefit all humanity - these ideals no longer fit for most scientists. Even the stereotype of Faust dreaming of demonic power is outdated, for most scientists today are overspecialized and anonymous - although science as a whole is somewhat Mephistophelian in its disregard or the effects of its knowledge. It's a ponderous beast, making enormous changes in the way we live but agonizingly slow to change its own habits and viewpoints when they become outmoded.
The public's conception of the scientist remains closest to its image of the philosopher - cold and logical, making decisions solely on the basis of facts, unswayed by emotion. The lay person's most common fear about scientists is that they lack human feelings. During my twenty-five years of research I've found this to be untrue yet no cause for confort. I've occasionally seen our species' nobler impulses among them, but I've also found that scientists as a group are at least as subject to human failings as people in other walks of life.
It has been like this throughout the history of science. Many, perhaps even most, of its practitioners have been greedy, power-hungry, prestige-seeking, dogmatic, pompous asses, not above political chicanery and outright lying, cheating, and stealing. Examples abound right from the start. Sir Francis Bacon, who in 1620 formulated the experimental method on which all technical progress since then has been founded, not only forgot to mention his considerable debt to William Gilbert but apparently plagiarized some of his predecessor's work while publicly belittling it. In a similar way Emil Du Bois-Reymond based his own electrical theory of nerve impulse on Carlo Matteucci's work, then tried to ridicule his mentor and take full credit.
Many a genius has been destroyed by people of lesser talent defending the status quo. Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician who practiced in Vienna during the mid-nineteenth century, demanded that his hospital colleagues and subordinates wash their hands, especially when moving from autopsies and sick wards to the charity childbirth ward he directed. When the incidence of puerperal fever and resultant death declined dramatically to well below that of the rich women's childbirth ward, proving the importance of cleanliness even before Pasteur, Semmelweis was fired and vilified. His livelihood gone, he committed suicide soon afterward.
The principle figure who for decades upheld the creed that dedifferentiation was impossible was Paul Weiss, who dominated biology saying the things his peers wanted to hear. Weiss was wrong, but along the way he managed to cut short a number of careers.
For many years the American Medical Association scorned the idea of vitamin-deficiency diseases and called teh EEG electronic quackery. Even today that august body contends that nutrition is basically irrelevant to health. As the late-eighteenth-century Italian experimenter Abbe Alberto Fortis observed in a letter chiding Spallanzani for his closed-minded stance on dowsing, "... derision will never help in the development of true knowledge."
In the past, these character flaws couldn't wholly prevent the recognition of scientific truths. Both sides of a controversy would fight with equal vehemence, and the one with better evidence would usually win sooner or later. In the last four decades, however, changes in the structure of scientific institutions have produced a situation so heavily weighted in favor of the establishment that it impedes progress in healthcare and prevents truly new ideas from getting a fair hearing in almost all circumstances. The present system is in effect a dogmatic religion with a self-perpetuating priesthood dedicated only to preserving the current orthodoxies. The system awards the sycophant and punishes the visionary to a degree unparalleled in the four-hundred-year history of modern science.
This situation has come about because research is now so expensive that only governments and multinational corporations can pay for it. The funds are dispensed by agencies staffed and run by bureaucrats who aren't scientists themselves. As the system developed after World War 2, the question naturally arose as to how these scientifically ignorant officials were to choose among competing grant applications. The logical solution was to set up panels of scientists to evaluate requests in their fields and then advise the bureaucrats.
This method is based on the naive assumption that scientists really are more impartial than other people, so the result could have been predicted decades ago. In general, projects that propose a search for evidence in support of new ideas aren't funded. Most review committees approve nothing that would challenge the findings their members made when they were struggling young researchers who created the current theories, whereas projects which ponder to these elder egos receive lavish support. Eventually, those who play the game beome the new members of the peer group, and thus the system perpetuates itself. As Erwin Chargaff has remarked, "This continual turning off and on of the financial faucets produces Pavlovian effects," and most research becomes mere water treading aimed at getting paid rather than finding anything new. The intuitive "lunatic twinge," the urge to test a hunch, which is the source of all scientific breakthroughs, is systematically excluded.
There has even been a scientific study documenting how choices made by the peer review system depend almost entirely on whether the experts are sympathetic or hostile to the hypothesis being suggested. True to form, the National Academy of Sciences, which sponsored the investigation, suppressed its results for two years.
Membership on even a few review boards soon establishes one's status in the "old boys' club" and leads to other benefits. Manuscripts submitted to scientific journals are reviewed for validity in the same way as grant requests. And who is better qualified to judge an article than those same eminant experts with their laurels to guard? Publication is accepted as evidence that an experiment has some basic value, and without it the work sinks without a ripple. The circle is thus closed, and the revolutionary, from whose ideas all new scientific concepts come, is on the outside. Donald Goodwin, chairman of psychiatry at the University of kansas and an innovative researcher on alcoholism, has even put it in the form of exasperation: "If it's trivial, you can probably study it. If it's important, you probably can't."
Another unforeseen abuse has arisen, which has lowered the quality of training in medical schools. As the peer review system developed, academic institutions saw a golden opportunity. If the government wanted all this research done, why shouldn't it help the schools with their overhead, such as housing, utilities, bookeeping and ultimately the salaries of the researchers, who were part of the faculty? The influx of money corroded academic values. The idea arose that the best teacher was the best researcher, and the best researcher was the one who pulled down the biggest grants. A medical school became primarily a kennel of researchers and only secondary a place to teach future physicians. To survive in academia, you have to get funded and then get published. The epidemic of fraudalent reports - and I believe only a small percentage of the actual fakery has been discovered - is eloquent testimony of the pressure to make a name in the lab.
There remain today few places for those whose talents lie in teaching and clinical work. Many people who don't care about research are forced to do it anyway. As a result, medical journals and teaching staffs are both drowning in mediocrity.
Finally, we must add to these factors the buying of science by the military. To call it a form of prostitution is an insult to the oldest profession. Nearly two-thirds fo the 47-billion 1984 research budget was for military work, and in the field of bioelectricity the proportion was even higher. While military sponsors often allow more technical innovation than others, their employees must keep their mouths shut about environmental hazards and other moral issues that link science to the broader concerns of civilization. In the long run, even the growth of pure knowledge (if there is such a thing) can't flourish behind this chain link fence.
If someone does start a heretical project, there are several ways to limit this threat. Grants are limited, usually for a period of one or two years. Then the experimenter must reapply. Every application is a volumous document filled with fine-print forms and meaningless bureaucratic jargon, requiring many days of data compilation and "creative wriiting." Some researchers may simply get tired of them and quit. In any case, they must run the same gauntlet of peers each time. The simplest way to nip a challenge in the bud is to turn off the money or keep the reports out of major journals by means of anonymous value judgements from review committees. You can always find something wrong with a proposal or manuscript, no matter how well written or scientifically impeccable it may be.
Determined rebels use guerrilla tactics. There are so many funding agencies that the left hand often knoweth not what the right hand doeth. A proposal may get by an obscure panel whose members aren't yet aware of the danger. The snowstorms of paper churned out by the research establishment have required the founding of many new journals in each subspecialty. Some of these will accept papers that would automatically be rejected by the big ones. In addition, there's an art to writing a grant proposal that falls within accepted guidelines without specifying exactly what the researchers intend to do.
If these methods succeed in prolonging the apostasy, the establishment generally exerts pressure through the schools. Successful academics are almost always true believers who are happy to curry favor by helping to deny tenure to "questionable" investigators or by harassing them in a number of ways. For example, in 1950 Gordon A. Atwater was fired as chairman of the American Museum of Natural History astronomy department and curator of the Hayden Planetarium for publicly suggesting that Immanuel Velikovsky's ideas should receive a fair hearing. That same year Velikovsky's first book, Worlds in Collision, was renounced by his publisher (MacMillan) even though it was a best seller, because a group of influential astronomers led by Harvard's Harlow Shapley threatened to boycott the textbook department that accounted for two thirds of the company's sales. No matter what one may think of Velikovsky's conclusions, that kind of backstairs persuasion is not science.
As the conflict escalates, the muzzled freethinker often goes directly to the public to spread the pernicious doctrines. At this point, the gloves come off. Already a lightning rod for the wrath of the Olympian peers, the would-be Prometheus writhes under attacks on his or her honesty, scientific competence, and personal habits. The pigeons of Zeus cover the new ideas with their droppings and conduct rigged experiments to disprove them. In extreme cases, government agencies staffed and advised by the establishment begin legal harrassment, such as the trial and imprisonment that ended the career and life of Wilhelm Reich.
Sometime during or after the battle, it generally becomes obvious that the iconoclast was right. The counterattack then shifts toward historical revision. Establishment members publish papers claiming the new ideas for themselves and omitting all references to the true originator. The heretic's name is remembered only in connection with a condescending catchphrase, while his or her own research programs, if any remain, are defunded and the staff dispersed. The facts of the case eventually emerge, but only at an immense toll on the innovator's time and energy.
To those who haven't tried to run a lab, these may seem like harsh words, unbelievable, even paranoid. Nevertheless, these tactics are commonplace, and I've had personal experience with each and every one of them.
I got a taste of the real world in my very first foray into research. After World War 2, I continued my education on the GI Bill, but those benefits expired in 1947. I'd just married a fellow student named Lilian, who had caught my eye during our first orientation lecture, and I needed a summer job to help pay expenses and set up housekeeping. I was lucky enough to get work as a lab assistant in the NYU School of Medicine's surgical research department.
I worked with Co Tui, who was evaluating a recently published method for separating individual amino acids from proteins as a step toward concentrating foods for shipment to the starving. Dr. Cok, a tiny man whose black, spiky hair seemed to broadcast enthusiasm, inspired me enormously. He was a brilliant researcher and a good friend. With him I helped develop the assay technique and began to use it to study changes in body proteins after surgery.
I was writing my first scientific paper when I walked to work one morning and found our laboratory on the sidewalk - all our equipment, notes, and materials in a junk pile. I was told neither of us worked there anymore; we were welcome to salvage anything we wanted from the heap.
The head secretary told me what happened. This was during a big fund drive to build the present NYU Medical Center. One of the society surgeons had lined up a million-dollar donation from one of his patients and would see that it got into the fund, if he could choose a new professor of experimental surgery - now. As fast as that, Co Tui and his people were out. I vowed to Lilian: "Whatever i do in medicine, I'm going to stay out of research."
I'm happy that I wasn't able to keep my promise. The research itself was worth it all. Moreover, I don't want to give the impression that I and my associates were alone against the world. Just when hope seemed lost, there was always a crucial person, like Carlyle Jacobson or the research director's secretary to help us out. However, right from my first proposal to measure the current of injury in salamanders, I found that research would mean a constant battle, and not only with administrators.
Before I began, I had to solve a technical problems with the electrodes. Even two wires of the same metal had little chemical differences, which gave rise to small electrical currents that could be misinterpreted as coming from the animal. Also, the slightest pressure on the animal's skin produced currents. No one understood why, but there they were. I found descriptions in the older literature of silver electrodes with a layer of silver chloride applied to them, which were reported to obviate the false interelectrode currents. I made some, tested them, and then fitted them with a short length of soft cotton wick, which got rid of the pressure artifact. When I wrote up my results, I briefly described the electrodes. Afterward I received a call from a prominent neurophysiologist who wanted to visit the lab. "Very nice," I thought. "Here's some recognition already." He was particularly interested in how the electrodes were made and used. Some months later, dammed if I didn't find a paper by my visitor in one of the high-class journals, describing this new and excellent electrode he'd devised for measuring direct-current potentials.
A couple of years later, while Charlie Bachman and I were looking for the PN junction diode in bone, I was asked to give a talk on bone electronics at a meeting in New York City. The audience included engineers, physicists, physicians, and biologists. It was hard to talk to such a diverse group. The engineers and physicists knew all about the electronics but nothing about bone, the biologists knew all about the bone but nothing about electronics, and the physicians were only interested in therapeutic applications. At any rate, I reviewed some bone structure for the physicists and some electronics for the biologists, and then went on to describe my experiments with Andy Bassett on bone piezoelectricity.
I probably should have sat down at that point, but I thought it would be nice to talk about our present work. The rectifier concept was tremendously exciting to me, and I thought wwe might get some useful suggestions from the audience, so I described the experiments showing that collagen and apatite were semiconductors, and discussed the implications. After each talk, a short time was set aside for questions and comments, generally polite and dignified. However, as soon as I finished, a well-known orthopedic researcher literally ran up to the audience microphone and blurted out, "I have never heard such a collection of inadequate data and misconceptions. It is an insult to this audience. Dr. Becker has not presented satisfactory evidence for any semiconducting property in bone. The best that can be said is that this material may be a semi-insulator."
Semiconductors are so named because their properties place them between conductors and insulators, so you could very well call them semi-insulators; the meaning would be the same. My opponent was playing a crude game. Where saying these derogatory things about me, he was actually agreeing with my conclusion, merely using a different term.
This man's antagonism had begun a couple of years before. When Andy Bassett and I had finished our work on the piezoelectric effect in bone, we wrote it up, submitted it to a scientific journal, and got it accepted. Unbeknownst to us, this fellow had been working on the same thing, but hadn't gotten as far in his experiments as we. Somehow he learned of our work and its impending publication. He called Andy, asking us to delay our report until he was ready to publish his own data. Andy called me to talk it over. What counts in the scientific literature is priority; he was asking us to surrender it. There was no ethical basis for his request, and I would never have thought of asking him to delay had the situation been reversed. I said, "Not on your life." Our paper was published, and we'd acquired a "friend" for life.
Now there he was at the microphone trying to scuttle my presentation with a little ambiguous double-talk. I thought, "He must be doing the same work as we are again. If he wins this encounter, I'll have trouble getting my data published, and he'll have a clear field for his." Instead of defending the data, I explained that semi-insulator and semiconductor were one and the same. I said I was surprised he didn't know that, but appreciated his approval of my data! Someone else in the audience stood up in support of my position, and the crisis was past. The lab isn't the only place a scientist has to stay alert.
In 1964, soon after the National Institutes of Health approved the grant for our continuing work on bone, I received the VA's William S. Middleton Award for outstanding research. That's a funny story in itself. The award is given by the VA's Central Office (VACO), whose members had already decided on me, but candidates must be nominated by regional officers, and the local powers were determined I shouldn't get it. Eventually, VACO had to order them to nominate me.
The award put me on a salary from Washington instead of Syracuse, and due to the pressure from VACO I was soon designated the local chief of research, replacing the man who signed all the papers at once. I was determined to put the reseach house in order, and I instituted a number of reforms, such as public disclosure of the funding allocations, and productivity requirements, no matter how prominent an investigator might be. Many of the reforms have been adopted throughout the VA system. They didn't make me popular, however. Over the next several years there was continuous pressure from the medical school to allocate VA research funds for people I felt were of little value to the VA program itself; thus the money would have constituted a grant to the school. I knew that if I didn't deliver I would eventually be removed from my position as chief of research. In that case, I would go back on a local clinical salary and my research program would again be in jeopardy. Therefore, at the beginning of 1972 I applied for the position of medical investigator in the VA research system, a post in which I would be able to devote up to three fourths of my time to research. I was accepted. The job was to begin a few months later; in the meantime I continued as chief of research.
Apparently, my new appointment escaped the notice of my local opponents. I'd accepted several invitations to speak at universities in the South and combined them all into a week's trip. I left the office a day early to prepare my materials and pack. While I was still home, my secretary called. She was crying, and said she'd just gotten a memo firing me as chief or research and putting me to work as a general-duty medical officer in the admitting office. This not only would have closed our lab, but also would have kept me from practicing orthopedic surgery.
I was a nice maneuver but, fortunately for me, it wasn't legal. As medical investigator, I could be fired only by Washington, and the local chief of staff soon got a letter from VACO ordering him to reinstate me.
Soon I began to get on some "enemies lists" at the natinal level too. In December 1974 I got word that our basic NIH grant (the one on bone) hadn't been renewed. No reasons were given. This was highly irregular, since applicants normally got the "pink sheets" with at least the primary reviewer's comments, so they could find out what they'd done wrong. Instead I was told I could write to the executive secretary for a "summary" of the deliberations.
The summary was half a page of double-spaced typing. It said my proposal had been lacking in clarity and direction, and that the experimental procedures hadn't been spelled out in enough detail. The main problem seemed to be that I was planning to do more than the reviewer thought I could do with the money I was requesting. In addition, my report on the perineural cell research with Bruce Baker was criticized as "data poor." The statement concluded: "On the other hand, there are some areas which appear to be worthy of support and are reasonably well described, e.g., bone growth studies, regenerative growth, and electrical field effects."
I was, to say the least, puzzled. The subjects "worthy of support" were precisely the main ones we were working on. It didn't make any sense until I reflected that this was just after I'd helped write the first Sanguine report and had begun to testify about power line dangers before the New York Public Service Commission. Perhaps the Navy was pressuring the NIH to shut me up.
If someone at the federal level was trying to lock me out as early as 1974, he forgot to watch all the entrances, for my proposal of that year on acupuncture was approved. I'd originally tacked this on to the main NIH application, where is was criticized as inappropriate. I merely sent it off to a different study section, which funded it. After a year we had the positive results described in Chapter 13, and I presented them at an NIH acupuncture conference in Bethesda, Maryland. Ours was the only study going at the problem from a strictly scientific point of view, that is, proceeding from a testible hypothesis, as opposed to the empirical approach of actually putting the needles in and trying to decide if they worked. To the NIH's basic question - is the system of points and lines real? - our program was the only one giving an unequivocal answer: yes.
Nevertheless, when the grant came up for approval in 1976, it, too, was cut off. The stated reasons were that we hadn't published enough and that the electrical system that we found didn't have any relation to acupuncture. The first was obviously untrue - we'd published three papers, had two more in press, and had submitted six others - and the second was obvious pettifogging. How could anyone know what was related to acupuncture before the research had been done? I happened to know the chairman of the NIH acupuncture study section, so I wrote him a letter. He said he was surprised, because the group itself had been pleased with our report. By then it was obvious that something was up.
As of October 1976 we would have no more NIH support. As the money dwindled, we juggled budgets and shaved expensese to cover out costs, and with the help of Dave Murray, who was now chairman of the orthopedic surgery department at the medical school, we kept the laboratory intact and enormously productive. We actually published more research than when we hadn't been under fire.
Early in that same year, however, my appointment as medical investigator had expired, and I had to reapply. Word came back that my application had been "deferred," that is, it had been rejected, but I had the option of reapplying immediately. In her accompanying letter, the director of the VA's Medical Research Service wrote, "While your past record and strong letters of support [the peer reveiws of my application] were considered favorable, the broad research proposal with sketchy detail of technique and methodology was not considered approvable." Now, the instructions for medical investigator applications clearly stated that I was to spell out past accomplishments and indicate future directions only in broad outline. Instead, the director was applying the criteria for first-time grant applications just entering research. She invited me to resubmit the proposal in the other format. But that would not have helped. Even if the second application was approved, the money would arrive six months after the lab had been closed and we had gone our separate ways.
There was another strange thing about the rejection. By that time all federal granting agencies had to provide the actual reports (with names deleted) of the peers who had done the reviewing. Three out of the four were long, detailed, well-thought-out documents in the standard critique format; they'd been neatly retyped, single spaced, on "reviewers's report" forms with an elite typewriter. One was absolutely lavish in its praise, saying that the VA was fortunate to have me and that the proposed work would undoubtedly make great contributions to medicine. Another was almost as laudatory.
One name had inadvertently been left on one page of the third review. It was the name of a prominent orthopedic researcher with whom I had disagreed for years about commercialization of bone-healing devices. Since our mutual disregard was well known in the orthopedic service, I feel it was indefensible for the director to aks him to review my application in the first place. Perhaps she expected a more damaging critique from him. He did complain that the proposal was insufficiently detailed. However, his appraisal was quite fair and even said my proposed work was of "fundamental importance to the field of growth and healing." It obviously led up to a recommendation for approval, but the last sentence of that paragraph had been deleted.
The last review was half a page of vague objections, typed double-spaced on a pica machine with no semblance of the standard format. There was a revealing mistake ("corrective" tissue instead of connective tissue) that showed the writer had glanced at my proposal for cues but really didn't know what it was about. Strangest of all was the phrasing of thisw pseudoreview: "[Becker's proposal] is broad and sweeping in scope and contains little documentation for technique and methodology. However, in view of his past record and strong letters of support, a decision should be deferred..." The director had used it almost word for word in her letter.
She certainly had no motive for such conduct herself. I'd met her briefly a few years before. In 1966 she'd been appointed chief of research at the Buffalo VA Medical Center and had visited Syracuse to see how I'd organized the program there. Our conversation was pleasant but quite innocuous.
Postscript: Political Science
An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the growing generation is familiarized with the idea from the beginning.
-Max Planck
Dispassionate philosopher inquiring into nature from the sheer love of knowledge, single-minded alchemist puttering about a secluded basement in search of elixers to benefit all humanity - these ideals no longer fit for most scientists. Even the stereotype of Faust dreaming of demonic power is outdated, for most scientists today are overspecialized and anonymous - although science as a whole is somewhat Mephistophelian in its disregard or the effects of its knowledge. It's a ponderous beast, making enormous changes in the way we live but agonizingly slow to change its own habits and viewpoints when they become outmoded.
The public's conception of the scientist remains closest to its image of the philosopher - cold and logical, making decisions solely on the basis of facts, unswayed by emotion. The lay person's most common fear about scientists is that they lack human feelings. During my twenty-five years of research I've found this to be untrue yet no cause for confort. I've occasionally seen our species' nobler impulses among them, but I've also found that scientists as a group are at least as subject to human failings as people in other walks of life.
It has been like this throughout the history of science. Many, perhaps even most, of its practitioners have been greedy, power-hungry, prestige-seeking, dogmatic, pompous asses, not above political chicanery and outright lying, cheating, and stealing. Examples abound right from the start. Sir Francis Bacon, who in 1620 formulated the experimental method on which all technical progress since then has been founded, not only forgot to mention his considerable debt to William Gilbert but apparently plagiarized some of his predecessor's work while publicly belittling it. In a similar way Emil Du Bois-Reymond based his own electrical theory of nerve impulse on Carlo Matteucci's work, then tried to ridicule his mentor and take full credit.
Many a genius has been destroyed by people of lesser talent defending the status quo. Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician who practiced in Vienna during the mid-nineteenth century, demanded that his hospital colleagues and subordinates wash their hands, especially when moving from autopsies and sick wards to the charity childbirth ward he directed. When the incidence of puerperal fever and resultant death declined dramatically to well below that of the rich women's childbirth ward, proving the importance of cleanliness even before Pasteur, Semmelweis was fired and vilified. His livelihood gone, he committed suicide soon afterward.
The principle figure who for decades upheld the creed that dedifferentiation was impossible was Paul Weiss, who dominated biology saying the things his peers wanted to hear. Weiss was wrong, but along the way he managed to cut short a number of careers.
For many years the American Medical Association scorned the idea of vitamin-deficiency diseases and called teh EEG electronic quackery. Even today that august body contends that nutrition is basically irrelevant to health. As the late-eighteenth-century Italian experimenter Abbe Alberto Fortis observed in a letter chiding Spallanzani for his closed-minded stance on dowsing, "... derision will never help in the development of true knowledge."
In the past, these character flaws couldn't wholly prevent the recognition of scientific truths. Both sides of a controversy would fight with equal vehemence, and the one with better evidence would usually win sooner or later. In the last four decades, however, changes in the structure of scientific institutions have produced a situation so heavily weighted in favor of the establishment that it impedes progress in healthcare and prevents truly new ideas from getting a fair hearing in almost all circumstances. The present system is in effect a dogmatic religion with a self-perpetuating priesthood dedicated only to preserving the current orthodoxies. The system awards the sycophant and punishes the visionary to a degree unparalleled in the four-hundred-year history of modern science.
This situation has come about because research is now so expensive that only governments and multinational corporations can pay for it. The funds are dispensed by agencies staffed and run by bureaucrats who aren't scientists themselves. As the system developed after World War 2, the question naturally arose as to how these scientifically ignorant officials were to choose among competing grant applications. The logical solution was to set up panels of scientists to evaluate requests in their fields and then advise the bureaucrats.
This method is based on the naive assumption that scientists really are more impartial than other people, so the result could have been predicted decades ago. In general, projects that propose a search for evidence in support of new ideas aren't funded. Most review committees approve nothing that would challenge the findings their members made when they were struggling young researchers who created the current theories, whereas projects which ponder to these elder egos receive lavish support. Eventually, those who play the game beome the new members of the peer group, and thus the system perpetuates itself. As Erwin Chargaff has remarked, "This continual turning off and on of the financial faucets produces Pavlovian effects," and most research becomes mere water treading aimed at getting paid rather than finding anything new. The intuitive "lunatic twinge," the urge to test a hunch, which is the source of all scientific breakthroughs, is systematically excluded.
There has even been a scientific study documenting how choices made by the peer review system depend almost entirely on whether the experts are sympathetic or hostile to the hypothesis being suggested. True to form, the National Academy of Sciences, which sponsored the investigation, suppressed its results for two years.
Membership on even a few review boards soon establishes one's status in the "old boys' club" and leads to other benefits. Manuscripts submitted to scientific journals are reviewed for validity in the same way as grant requests. And who is better qualified to judge an article than those same eminant experts with their laurels to guard? Publication is accepted as evidence that an experiment has some basic value, and without it the work sinks without a ripple. The circle is thus closed, and the revolutionary, from whose ideas all new scientific concepts come, is on the outside. Donald Goodwin, chairman of psychiatry at the University of kansas and an innovative researcher on alcoholism, has even put it in the form of exasperation: "If it's trivial, you can probably study it. If it's important, you probably can't."
Another unforeseen abuse has arisen, which has lowered the quality of training in medical schools. As the peer review system developed, academic institutions saw a golden opportunity. If the government wanted all this research done, why shouldn't it help the schools with their overhead, such as housing, utilities, bookeeping and ultimately the salaries of the researchers, who were part of the faculty? The influx of money corroded academic values. The idea arose that the best teacher was the best researcher, and the best researcher was the one who pulled down the biggest grants. A medical school became primarily a kennel of researchers and only secondary a place to teach future physicians. To survive in academia, you have to get funded and then get published. The epidemic of fraudalent reports - and I believe only a small percentage of the actual fakery has been discovered - is eloquent testimony of the pressure to make a name in the lab.
There remain today few places for those whose talents lie in teaching and clinical work. Many people who don't care about research are forced to do it anyway. As a result, medical journals and teaching staffs are both drowning in mediocrity.
Finally, we must add to these factors the buying of science by the military. To call it a form of prostitution is an insult to the oldest profession. Nearly two-thirds fo the 47-billion 1984 research budget was for military work, and in the field of bioelectricity the proportion was even higher. While military sponsors often allow more technical innovation than others, their employees must keep their mouths shut about environmental hazards and other moral issues that link science to the broader concerns of civilization. In the long run, even the growth of pure knowledge (if there is such a thing) can't flourish behind this chain link fence.
If someone does start a heretical project, there are several ways to limit this threat. Grants are limited, usually for a period of one or two years. Then the experimenter must reapply. Every application is a volumous document filled with fine-print forms and meaningless bureaucratic jargon, requiring many days of data compilation and "creative wriiting." Some researchers may simply get tired of them and quit. In any case, they must run the same gauntlet of peers each time. The simplest way to nip a challenge in the bud is to turn off the money or keep the reports out of major journals by means of anonymous value judgements from review committees. You can always find something wrong with a proposal or manuscript, no matter how well written or scientifically impeccable it may be.
Determined rebels use guerrilla tactics. There are so many funding agencies that the left hand often knoweth not what the right hand doeth. A proposal may get by an obscure panel whose members aren't yet aware of the danger. The snowstorms of paper churned out by the research establishment have required the founding of many new journals in each subspecialty. Some of these will accept papers that would automatically be rejected by the big ones. In addition, there's an art to writing a grant proposal that falls within accepted guidelines without specifying exactly what the researchers intend to do.
If these methods succeed in prolonging the apostasy, the establishment generally exerts pressure through the schools. Successful academics are almost always true believers who are happy to curry favor by helping to deny tenure to "questionable" investigators or by harassing them in a number of ways. For example, in 1950 Gordon A. Atwater was fired as chairman of the American Museum of Natural History astronomy department and curator of the Hayden Planetarium for publicly suggesting that Immanuel Velikovsky's ideas should receive a fair hearing. That same year Velikovsky's first book, Worlds in Collision, was renounced by his publisher (MacMillan) even though it was a best seller, because a group of influential astronomers led by Harvard's Harlow Shapley threatened to boycott the textbook department that accounted for two thirds of the company's sales. No matter what one may think of Velikovsky's conclusions, that kind of backstairs persuasion is not science.
As the conflict escalates, the muzzled freethinker often goes directly to the public to spread the pernicious doctrines. At this point, the gloves come off. Already a lightning rod for the wrath of the Olympian peers, the would-be Prometheus writhes under attacks on his or her honesty, scientific competence, and personal habits. The pigeons of Zeus cover the new ideas with their droppings and conduct rigged experiments to disprove them. In extreme cases, government agencies staffed and advised by the establishment begin legal harrassment, such as the trial and imprisonment that ended the career and life of Wilhelm Reich.
Sometime during or after the battle, it generally becomes obvious that the iconoclast was right. The counterattack then shifts toward historical revision. Establishment members publish papers claiming the new ideas for themselves and omitting all references to the true originator. The heretic's name is remembered only in connection with a condescending catchphrase, while his or her own research programs, if any remain, are defunded and the staff dispersed. The facts of the case eventually emerge, but only at an immense toll on the innovator's time and energy.
To those who haven't tried to run a lab, these may seem like harsh words, unbelievable, even paranoid. Nevertheless, these tactics are commonplace, and I've had personal experience with each and every one of them.
I got a taste of the real world in my very first foray into research. After World War 2, I continued my education on the GI Bill, but those benefits expired in 1947. I'd just married a fellow student named Lilian, who had caught my eye during our first orientation lecture, and I needed a summer job to help pay expenses and set up housekeeping. I was lucky enough to get work as a lab assistant in the NYU School of Medicine's surgical research department.
I worked with Co Tui, who was evaluating a recently published method for separating individual amino acids from proteins as a step toward concentrating foods for shipment to the starving. Dr. Cok, a tiny man whose black, spiky hair seemed to broadcast enthusiasm, inspired me enormously. He was a brilliant researcher and a good friend. With him I helped develop the assay technique and began to use it to study changes in body proteins after surgery.
I was writing my first scientific paper when I walked to work one morning and found our laboratory on the sidewalk - all our equipment, notes, and materials in a junk pile. I was told neither of us worked there anymore; we were welcome to salvage anything we wanted from the heap.
The head secretary told me what happened. This was during a big fund drive to build the present NYU Medical Center. One of the society surgeons had lined up a million-dollar donation from one of his patients and would see that it got into the fund, if he could choose a new professor of experimental surgery - now. As fast as that, Co Tui and his people were out. I vowed to Lilian: "Whatever i do in medicine, I'm going to stay out of research."
I'm happy that I wasn't able to keep my promise. The research itself was worth it all. Moreover, I don't want to give the impression that I and my associates were alone against the world. Just when hope seemed lost, there was always a crucial person, like Carlyle Jacobson or the research director's secretary to help us out. However, right from my first proposal to measure the current of injury in salamanders, I found that research would mean a constant battle, and not only with administrators.
Before I began, I had to solve a technical problems with the electrodes. Even two wires of the same metal had little chemical differences, which gave rise to small electrical currents that could be misinterpreted as coming from the animal. Also, the slightest pressure on the animal's skin produced currents. No one understood why, but there they were. I found descriptions in the older literature of silver electrodes with a layer of silver chloride applied to them, which were reported to obviate the false interelectrode currents. I made some, tested them, and then fitted them with a short length of soft cotton wick, which got rid of the pressure artifact. When I wrote up my results, I briefly described the electrodes. Afterward I received a call from a prominent neurophysiologist who wanted to visit the lab. "Very nice," I thought. "Here's some recognition already." He was particularly interested in how the electrodes were made and used. Some months later, dammed if I didn't find a paper by my visitor in one of the high-class journals, describing this new and excellent electrode he'd devised for measuring direct-current potentials.
A couple of years later, while Charlie Bachman and I were looking for the PN junction diode in bone, I was asked to give a talk on bone electronics at a meeting in New York City. The audience included engineers, physicists, physicians, and biologists. It was hard to talk to such a diverse group. The engineers and physicists knew all about the electronics but nothing about bone, the biologists knew all about the bone but nothing about electronics, and the physicians were only interested in therapeutic applications. At any rate, I reviewed some bone structure for the physicists and some electronics for the biologists, and then went on to describe my experiments with Andy Bassett on bone piezoelectricity.
I probably should have sat down at that point, but I thought it would be nice to talk about our present work. The rectifier concept was tremendously exciting to me, and I thought wwe might get some useful suggestions from the audience, so I described the experiments showing that collagen and apatite were semiconductors, and discussed the implications. After each talk, a short time was set aside for questions and comments, generally polite and dignified. However, as soon as I finished, a well-known orthopedic researcher literally ran up to the audience microphone and blurted out, "I have never heard such a collection of inadequate data and misconceptions. It is an insult to this audience. Dr. Becker has not presented satisfactory evidence for any semiconducting property in bone. The best that can be said is that this material may be a semi-insulator."
Semiconductors are so named because their properties place them between conductors and insulators, so you could very well call them semi-insulators; the meaning would be the same. My opponent was playing a crude game. Where saying these derogatory things about me, he was actually agreeing with my conclusion, merely using a different term.
This man's antagonism had begun a couple of years before. When Andy Bassett and I had finished our work on the piezoelectric effect in bone, we wrote it up, submitted it to a scientific journal, and got it accepted. Unbeknownst to us, this fellow had been working on the same thing, but hadn't gotten as far in his experiments as we. Somehow he learned of our work and its impending publication. He called Andy, asking us to delay our report until he was ready to publish his own data. Andy called me to talk it over. What counts in the scientific literature is priority; he was asking us to surrender it. There was no ethical basis for his request, and I would never have thought of asking him to delay had the situation been reversed. I said, "Not on your life." Our paper was published, and we'd acquired a "friend" for life.
Now there he was at the microphone trying to scuttle my presentation with a little ambiguous double-talk. I thought, "He must be doing the same work as we are again. If he wins this encounter, I'll have trouble getting my data published, and he'll have a clear field for his." Instead of defending the data, I explained that semi-insulator and semiconductor were one and the same. I said I was surprised he didn't know that, but appreciated his approval of my data! Someone else in the audience stood up in support of my position, and the crisis was past. The lab isn't the only place a scientist has to stay alert.
In 1964, soon after the National Institutes of Health approved the grant for our continuing work on bone, I received the VA's William S. Middleton Award for outstanding research. That's a funny story in itself. The award is given by the VA's Central Office (VACO), whose members had already decided on me, but candidates must be nominated by regional officers, and the local powers were determined I shouldn't get it. Eventually, VACO had to order them to nominate me.
The award put me on a salary from Washington instead of Syracuse, and due to the pressure from VACO I was soon designated the local chief of research, replacing the man who signed all the papers at once. I was determined to put the reseach house in order, and I instituted a number of reforms, such as public disclosure of the funding allocations, and productivity requirements, no matter how prominent an investigator might be. Many of the reforms have been adopted throughout the VA system. They didn't make me popular, however. Over the next several years there was continuous pressure from the medical school to allocate VA research funds for people I felt were of little value to the VA program itself; thus the money would have constituted a grant to the school. I knew that if I didn't deliver I would eventually be removed from my position as chief of research. In that case, I would go back on a local clinical salary and my research program would again be in jeopardy. Therefore, at the beginning of 1972 I applied for the position of medical investigator in the VA research system, a post in which I would be able to devote up to three fourths of my time to research. I was accepted. The job was to begin a few months later; in the meantime I continued as chief of research.
Apparently, my new appointment escaped the notice of my local opponents. I'd accepted several invitations to speak at universities in the South and combined them all into a week's trip. I left the office a day early to prepare my materials and pack. While I was still home, my secretary called. She was crying, and said she'd just gotten a memo firing me as chief or research and putting me to work as a general-duty medical officer in the admitting office. This not only would have closed our lab, but also would have kept me from practicing orthopedic surgery.
I was a nice maneuver but, fortunately for me, it wasn't legal. As medical investigator, I could be fired only by Washington, and the local chief of staff soon got a letter from VACO ordering him to reinstate me.
Soon I began to get on some "enemies lists" at the natinal level too. In December 1974 I got word that our basic NIH grant (the one on bone) hadn't been renewed. No reasons were given. This was highly irregular, since applicants normally got the "pink sheets" with at least the primary reviewer's comments, so they could find out what they'd done wrong. Instead I was told I could write to the executive secretary for a "summary" of the deliberations.
The summary was half a page of double-spaced typing. It said my proposal had been lacking in clarity and direction, and that the experimental procedures hadn't been spelled out in enough detail. The main problem seemed to be that I was planning to do more than the reviewer thought I could do with the money I was requesting. In addition, my report on the perineural cell research with Bruce Baker was criticized as "data poor." The statement concluded: "On the other hand, there are some areas which appear to be worthy of support and are reasonably well described, e.g., bone growth studies, regenerative growth, and electrical field effects."
I was, to say the least, puzzled. The subjects "worthy of support" were precisely the main ones we were working on. It didn't make any sense until I reflected that this was just after I'd helped write the first Sanguine report and had begun to testify about power line dangers before the New York Public Service Commission. Perhaps the Navy was pressuring the NIH to shut me up.
If someone at the federal level was trying to lock me out as early as 1974, he forgot to watch all the entrances, for my proposal of that year on acupuncture was approved. I'd originally tacked this on to the main NIH application, where is was criticized as inappropriate. I merely sent it off to a different study section, which funded it. After a year we had the positive results described in Chapter 13, and I presented them at an NIH acupuncture conference in Bethesda, Maryland. Ours was the only study going at the problem from a strictly scientific point of view, that is, proceeding from a testible hypothesis, as opposed to the empirical approach of actually putting the needles in and trying to decide if they worked. To the NIH's basic question - is the system of points and lines real? - our program was the only one giving an unequivocal answer: yes.
Nevertheless, when the grant came up for approval in 1976, it, too, was cut off. The stated reasons were that we hadn't published enough and that the electrical system that we found didn't have any relation to acupuncture. The first was obviously untrue - we'd published three papers, had two more in press, and had submitted six others - and the second was obvious pettifogging. How could anyone know what was related to acupuncture before the research had been done? I happened to know the chairman of the NIH acupuncture study section, so I wrote him a letter. He said he was surprised, because the group itself had been pleased with our report. By then it was obvious that something was up.
As of October 1976 we would have no more NIH support. As the money dwindled, we juggled budgets and shaved expensese to cover out costs, and with the help of Dave Murray, who was now chairman of the orthopedic surgery department at the medical school, we kept the laboratory intact and enormously productive. We actually published more research than when we hadn't been under fire.
Early in that same year, however, my appointment as medical investigator had expired, and I had to reapply. Word came back that my application had been "deferred," that is, it had been rejected, but I had the option of reapplying immediately. In her accompanying letter, the director of the VA's Medical Research Service wrote, "While your past record and strong letters of support [the peer reveiws of my application] were considered favorable, the broad research proposal with sketchy detail of technique and methodology was not considered approvable." Now, the instructions for medical investigator applications clearly stated that I was to spell out past accomplishments and indicate future directions only in broad outline. Instead, the director was applying the criteria for first-time grant applications just entering research. She invited me to resubmit the proposal in the other format. But that would not have helped. Even if the second application was approved, the money would arrive six months after the lab had been closed and we had gone our separate ways.
There was another strange thing about the rejection. By that time all federal granting agencies had to provide the actual reports (with names deleted) of the peers who had done the reviewing. Three out of the four were long, detailed, well-thought-out documents in the standard critique format; they'd been neatly retyped, single spaced, on "reviewers's report" forms with an elite typewriter. One was absolutely lavish in its praise, saying that the VA was fortunate to have me and that the proposed work would undoubtedly make great contributions to medicine. Another was almost as laudatory.
One name had inadvertently been left on one page of the third review. It was the name of a prominent orthopedic researcher with whom I had disagreed for years about commercialization of bone-healing devices. Since our mutual disregard was well known in the orthopedic service, I feel it was indefensible for the director to aks him to review my application in the first place. Perhaps she expected a more damaging critique from him. He did complain that the proposal was insufficiently detailed. However, his appraisal was quite fair and even said my proposed work was of "fundamental importance to the field of growth and healing." It obviously led up to a recommendation for approval, but the last sentence of that paragraph had been deleted.
The last review was half a page of vague objections, typed double-spaced on a pica machine with no semblance of the standard format. There was a revealing mistake ("corrective" tissue instead of connective tissue) that showed the writer had glanced at my proposal for cues but really didn't know what it was about. Strangest of all was the phrasing of thisw pseudoreview: "[Becker's proposal] is broad and sweeping in scope and contains little documentation for technique and methodology. However, in view of his past record and strong letters of support, a decision should be deferred..." The director had used it almost word for word in her letter.
She certainly had no motive for such conduct herself. I'd met her briefly a few years before. In 1966 she'd been appointed chief of research at the Buffalo VA Medical Center and had visited Syracuse to see how I'd organized the program there. Our conversation was pleasant but quite innocuous.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Good question? Mr. Emoto of Japan has found that the crystaline shapes of water change when exposed to words, music, and other vibrations. When water is exposed to microwave radiation "it produces an ugly ring that looks similar to the structure
we've found for the word, 'satan'." < http://www.randypeyser.com/emoto.htm > For some pictures see
< http://www.hado.net/water_crystals2.html > and note the difference between "Angel" and "Demon." Here are some more interesting pictures of water crystals < http://www.quantumru.com/articles/article/2937830/42820.htm >.
The first commercial cellular phone network needed 666 channels to orignally work. The numbe is a bit creepy, eh!
"Despite this incredible demand it took cellular 37 years to go commercial from the mobile phone's introduction. But the FCC's regulatory foot dragging slowed cellular as well. Until the 1980s they never made enough channels available; as late as 1978 the Bell System, the Independents, and the non-wireline carriers divided just 54 channels nationwide. [O'Brien] That compares to the 666 channels the first AMPS systems needed to work. Let's back up. In mobile telephony a channel is a pair of frequencies. One frequency to transmit on and one to receive. It makes up a circuit or a complete communication path."
And I found the following on the net - it looks like it is something only money can buy. BTW, isn't Qutar the country from which America launched it's evil - or was it (oh come on) a holy - war.
""""World's most expensive mobile number is 666 6666
Beastly number auctioned for charity
By John Oates
Published Tuesday 23rd May 2006 15:19 GMT
The world's most expensive phone number was auctioned for charity yesterday in Qatar.
The number, 666 6666, sold for 10m Qatari riyals or £1.5m.
The previous record holder was Chinese number 8888 8888, which sold for £270,000. The Cantonese word for eight sounds very similar to the word for rich. It was bought by Sichuan Airlines. The auction started at a million riyals and interest quickly narrowed from eight bidders to just two, according to Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA). The auction was organised by national telco Qtel, which has run two previous auctions and plans to run another in September. More details here. We tried phoning Qtel for more details, but they'd all gone home because it was 6pm... Having seven sixes as your mobile number might seem devilish to some, but interpretations vary. A brief dip into the weird world of numerology shows 666 is seen as holy in Judaism because it represents six directions - up, down, north, south, east and west. Others equate it with the Arabic word "ellah" meaning God.On a techy note, the first Apple Computer sold for $666.66, the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is w - so www. shows how evil the internet is. And finally, Viagra has a molecular weight of 666.7g/mol. More nuttiness here. ®"""" < http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/05/23/mobile_number_sold/ >
Well, I definitely think that they are evil for many other reasons - the main being greed, the second being stupidity. After all, if my estimates are right - a lot of people are getting sick - and a lot more will get sick - from this evil radiation while a lot of other people are trying to squash the truth and the truth tellers because they are getting evily and filthily rich. It's evil to only care about your profit at the expense of the world's children who will have to suffer the fact that they cannot even enjoy their childhoods because their brains are being fried by the microwaves- just so stupid people can use their stupid cell phones and evil and greedy people can make lots of money and in turn sell their souls to the devil
we've found for the word, 'satan'." < http://www.randypeyser.com/emoto.htm > For some pictures see
< http://www.hado.net/water_crystals2.html > and note the difference between "Angel" and "Demon." Here are some more interesting pictures of water crystals < http://www.quantumru.com/articles/article/2937830/42820.htm >.
The first commercial cellular phone network needed 666 channels to orignally work. The numbe is a bit creepy, eh!
"Despite this incredible demand it took cellular 37 years to go commercial from the mobile phone's introduction. But the FCC's regulatory foot dragging slowed cellular as well. Until the 1980s they never made enough channels available; as late as 1978 the Bell System, the Independents, and the non-wireline carriers divided just 54 channels nationwide. [O'Brien] That compares to the 666 channels the first AMPS systems needed to work. Let's back up. In mobile telephony a channel is a pair of frequencies. One frequency to transmit on and one to receive. It makes up a circuit or a complete communication path."
And I found the following on the net - it looks like it is something only money can buy. BTW, isn't Qutar the country from which America launched it's evil - or was it (oh come on) a holy - war.
""""World's most expensive mobile number is 666 6666
Beastly number auctioned for charity
By John Oates
Published Tuesday 23rd May 2006 15:19 GMT
The world's most expensive phone number was auctioned for charity yesterday in Qatar.
The number, 666 6666, sold for 10m Qatari riyals or £1.5m.
The previous record holder was Chinese number 8888 8888, which sold for £270,000. The Cantonese word for eight sounds very similar to the word for rich. It was bought by Sichuan Airlines. The auction started at a million riyals and interest quickly narrowed from eight bidders to just two, according to Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA). The auction was organised by national telco Qtel, which has run two previous auctions and plans to run another in September. More details here. We tried phoning Qtel for more details, but they'd all gone home because it was 6pm... Having seven sixes as your mobile number might seem devilish to some, but interpretations vary. A brief dip into the weird world of numerology shows 666 is seen as holy in Judaism because it represents six directions - up, down, north, south, east and west. Others equate it with the Arabic word "ellah" meaning God.On a techy note, the first Apple Computer sold for $666.66, the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is w - so www. shows how evil the internet is. And finally, Viagra has a molecular weight of 666.7g/mol. More nuttiness here. ®"""" < http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/05/23/mobile_number_sold/ >
Well, I definitely think that they are evil for many other reasons - the main being greed, the second being stupidity. After all, if my estimates are right - a lot of people are getting sick - and a lot more will get sick - from this evil radiation while a lot of other people are trying to squash the truth and the truth tellers because they are getting evily and filthily rich. It's evil to only care about your profit at the expense of the world's children who will have to suffer the fact that they cannot even enjoy their childhoods because their brains are being fried by the microwaves- just so stupid people can use their stupid cell phones and evil and greedy people can make lots of money and in turn sell their souls to the devil
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Stronger Pathogens or Weaker Immune Systems?
In 1985, Dr. Robert Becker, a renowned researcher and expert on the
effects of EMFs on the body, was probably more than right when he
wrote in his book, "The Body Electric":
"The admittedly sketchy evidence to date suggests that our
electropollution is presenting us, and perhaps all animals, with a
double challenge: weaker immune systems and stronger diseases. We
shouldn't be surprised, then, at an onslaught of "new" ailments,
beginning about 1950 and accelerating toward the future. In several
cases, new maladies have recently been described as coming from
pathogens that previously weren't capable of inducing disease, and
this, too shouldn't surprise us. Among the newcomers are:
• Reye'e syndrome. First described in 1963, this condition begins
with severe vomiting as a child is recovering from the flu or chicken
pox. It then progresses to lethargy, personality changes,
convulsions, coma, and death. The mortality rate, initially very
high, has now been reduced to about 10 percent, but the incidence has
increased greatly.
• Lyme Disease. A virus disease carried by certain insects, it
produces severe arthritis in humans. It's one of several similar
illnesses that have appeared only recently.
• Legionnaires Disease. This is a pneumonia caused by a common soil
bacterium that has found a second home in air-conditioning systems.
The organism caused us no recognized problems before the initial
outbreak in 1976.
• AIDS. Autoimmune deficiency syndrome is a condition in which the
body's immune system fails completely and its owner often dies. The
patient is unable to resist common, otherwise harmless bacteria and
viruses, and can no longer suppress the seeds of cancer that reside
in all of us. At present, some sort of virus is suspected as the
precipitating cause.
• Herpes Genitalis. This disease isn't new, but its prevalence and
severity have increased tremendously in one decade. Sexual
permissiveness generally takes the blame, but a decline in
immunocompetence may be more important.
Certainly, there are additional factors that may be contributing to
the rise of these and other illnesses. Chemical pollution and the
prevalence of junk food are two of the most obvious. However, these
diseases, as well as cancer, birth defects, and other growth problems
described below, are on the increase throughout the industrialized
world. So are some of the major psychological diseases, such as
depression and compulsive uses of all types of drugs, from caffiene,
nicotine, and alcohol to prescription tranquilizers and the illegal
euphoriants. Although, heart-attack death rates have declined in the
last five years (for no known reason), they're still far higher than
before World War 2. These diseases exist at more or less the same
rates in countries whose chemical toxicity, eating habits, and styles
of life are widely divergent. However, the massive use of
electromagnetic energy is a common denominator uniting all of the
developed nations. In particular, the entire North American
continent, Western Europe, and Japan generate such strong 50- and 60-
hertz fields that they can be sensed by satellites in space. The
populations of these areas are continously bombarded by these ELF
fields." pp.294-295
effects of EMFs on the body, was probably more than right when he
wrote in his book, "The Body Electric":
"The admittedly sketchy evidence to date suggests that our
electropollution is presenting us, and perhaps all animals, with a
double challenge: weaker immune systems and stronger diseases. We
shouldn't be surprised, then, at an onslaught of "new" ailments,
beginning about 1950 and accelerating toward the future. In several
cases, new maladies have recently been described as coming from
pathogens that previously weren't capable of inducing disease, and
this, too shouldn't surprise us. Among the newcomers are:
• Reye'e syndrome. First described in 1963, this condition begins
with severe vomiting as a child is recovering from the flu or chicken
pox. It then progresses to lethargy, personality changes,
convulsions, coma, and death. The mortality rate, initially very
high, has now been reduced to about 10 percent, but the incidence has
increased greatly.
• Lyme Disease. A virus disease carried by certain insects, it
produces severe arthritis in humans. It's one of several similar
illnesses that have appeared only recently.
• Legionnaires Disease. This is a pneumonia caused by a common soil
bacterium that has found a second home in air-conditioning systems.
The organism caused us no recognized problems before the initial
outbreak in 1976.
• AIDS. Autoimmune deficiency syndrome is a condition in which the
body's immune system fails completely and its owner often dies. The
patient is unable to resist common, otherwise harmless bacteria and
viruses, and can no longer suppress the seeds of cancer that reside
in all of us. At present, some sort of virus is suspected as the
precipitating cause.
• Herpes Genitalis. This disease isn't new, but its prevalence and
severity have increased tremendously in one decade. Sexual
permissiveness generally takes the blame, but a decline in
immunocompetence may be more important.
Certainly, there are additional factors that may be contributing to
the rise of these and other illnesses. Chemical pollution and the
prevalence of junk food are two of the most obvious. However, these
diseases, as well as cancer, birth defects, and other growth problems
described below, are on the increase throughout the industrialized
world. So are some of the major psychological diseases, such as
depression and compulsive uses of all types of drugs, from caffiene,
nicotine, and alcohol to prescription tranquilizers and the illegal
euphoriants. Although, heart-attack death rates have declined in the
last five years (for no known reason), they're still far higher than
before World War 2. These diseases exist at more or less the same
rates in countries whose chemical toxicity, eating habits, and styles
of life are widely divergent. However, the massive use of
electromagnetic energy is a common denominator uniting all of the
developed nations. In particular, the entire North American
continent, Western Europe, and Japan generate such strong 50- and 60-
hertz fields that they can be sensed by satellites in space. The
populations of these areas are continously bombarded by these ELF
fields." pp.294-295
Saturday, July 15, 2006
5-HP, Serotonin, and Anxiety in CFS
"_5-HT contents change in peripheral blood of workers exposed to microwave and high frequency radiation
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 1989 Jul; 23(4):207-10
The 5-HT contents of in the whole blood were inversely proportional to the power density of microwave and high frequency groups. The incidence of neurasthenic syndrome, unsymmetical skin temperature in both limbs and hypotension was higher in the microwave and high frequency radiation groups that that in the control group. The incidence of bradycardia and some abnormal items of electrocardiagraph in the microwave group was obviously greater.
Note decreased 5-HT levels are associated with decreased serotonin levels and are an indicator of inflammation. 5-HT is the direct source in the body of serotonin. Decreased levels of serotonin are associated with depression or anxiety regardless of the illness that they are associated with, that is decreased serotonin levels are associated with cancer and depression, depression and rheumatic illness, depression and neurological disease, depression and infectious disease._"
From "Would You Stick Your Head In A Microwave Oven?" By Gerald Goldberg
I don't know if there is anything else that would explain the symptoms of anxiety that affect people with CFS. But I am sure some out there will offer alternative explanations. [Of course, depression can be a result of just being sick - but this I would postulate works in conjunction with a decrease in 5-HT and hence seratonin in the brain.] The unexplained anxiety that I felt when I was sick was strongest at peak cell phone usage times here in Japan.
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 1989 Jul; 23(4):207-10
The 5-HT contents of in the whole blood were inversely proportional to the power density of microwave and high frequency groups. The incidence of neurasthenic syndrome, unsymmetical skin temperature in both limbs and hypotension was higher in the microwave and high frequency radiation groups that that in the control group. The incidence of bradycardia and some abnormal items of electrocardiagraph in the microwave group was obviously greater.
Note decreased 5-HT levels are associated with decreased serotonin levels and are an indicator of inflammation. 5-HT is the direct source in the body of serotonin. Decreased levels of serotonin are associated with depression or anxiety regardless of the illness that they are associated with, that is decreased serotonin levels are associated with cancer and depression, depression and rheumatic illness, depression and neurological disease, depression and infectious disease._"
From "Would You Stick Your Head In A Microwave Oven?" By Gerald Goldberg
I don't know if there is anything else that would explain the symptoms of anxiety that affect people with CFS. But I am sure some out there will offer alternative explanations. [Of course, depression can be a result of just being sick - but this I would postulate works in conjunction with a decrease in 5-HT and hence seratonin in the brain.] The unexplained anxiety that I felt when I was sick was strongest at peak cell phone usage times here in Japan.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I have been getting acupuncture treatments for the severe allergic reaction I had from eating AjinoFuckinMoto's chemical poison flavoring. I had developed a horrible ithcy rash all over my body. Anyway, it's been two weeks since then and the acupuncture seems to be working quite well. I am impressed and so are my acupuncturists. I decided to give a few acupuncture places a try. Acupuncture seems to be very cheap here in Japan - I am paying about $15 US per treatment and each treatment is about one hour. Because of this I have also been introduced to a Japanese form of acupuncture which is called Ryodoraku. It is quite interesting and I hope to be able to bring my body into balance with these treatments. Every practitioner (I've seen three so far) seems to do things quite different from the others and I believe that it is all working. Unfortunately, because of the added electrosmog from digital broadcasting I am feeling quite electrosensitive especially when I go out since our apartment is somewhat shielded. Also, I am seriously thinking about trying NAET (Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Technique) - (see http://www.naet.com/subscribers/index.html) to get rid of my allergies for once and for all. Then hopefully I can get on with my life and take care of the other problems, the number one of which is finding a place in this world where I can live with my wife and son away from this debilitating electrosmog.
Today, my wife and I went to speak to the PTA at an elementary school about this problem. I spoke about my personal experience and then my wife, Chihiro, spoke covering most of the bases regarding the hidden dangers of this horrible technology.
On another note, one of our favorite restaurants had changed hands when I came back from our trip and went there. It is a Nepali/Indian restaurant. I ran into the owner on the street the other day and he told me that he had suddenly become sick and couldn't work so they had to sell their restaurants. I had told him before that his cell phone would make him sick but he seems to think rather that someone put an evil spell on him. Oh well! I guess some people can not think beyond certain limitations. What can you do? It is one of the problems with the world we live in. People are just too simple minded.
Anyway, that's all for now. Over and out.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
MICROWAVING IRAQ: July 9th, 2006

“ Pacifying” Rays Pose New Hazards To Iraqis
By William Thomas 01/24/05 ( World Exclusive )
Desperate to improve images of civilian carnage, US commanders are using portable electromagnetic-frequency weapons in Fallujah and other “hot spots” in the Sunni Triangle to pacify restive neighborhoods with invisible EM radiation. “Active Denial” antenna arrays mounted on Humvees are also being deployed to panic and disperse hostile crowds by flash-burning exposed flesh with microwaves. But unintended side effects from the hidden rooftop transmitters are reportedly triggering violent attacks by exposed insurgents—while leading to AWOL rates of up to 15% among US forces disoriented by these same weapons, as well as the electromagnetic emanations from high-power radars, radios and “jammers”.
On the rooftop of a shrapnel-pocked building in the ruins of Fallujah, a team of GI’s stealthily sets up a gray plastic dome about two-feet in diameter. Keeping well back from the sight lines of the street and nearby buildings, they plug the cable connectors on the side of the “popper” into a power unit. The grunts have no clue what the device does. They are just following orders.
“ Most of the worker-bees that are placing these do not even know what is inside the ‘domes’, just that they were told where to place them by Intel weenies with usually no nametag,” reports my source, a very well informed combat veteran I will call “Hank”.
“ Intel” stands for “intelligence” officers who target the most restive neighborhoods in a country gripped by anarchy and chaos. The lack of nametags indicates membership in a spooky “alphabet agency”, either within or outside the military chain of command. Similar “black: teams removed “Made In The USA” chemical weapons from Iraqi trenches after Desert Storm. [Bringing The War Home by William Thomas]
The grunts call the plastic devices “poppers” or “domes”. Once activated, each hidden transmitter emits a widening circle of invisible energy capable of passing through metal, concrete and human skulls up to half a mile away. “They are saturating the area with ULF, VLF and UHF freqs,” Hanks says, with equipment derived from US Navy undersea sonar and communications.
But its not being used to locate and talk to submarines under Baghdad.
After powering up the unit, the grunts quickly exit the area. It is their commanders’ fervent hope that any male survivors enraged by brutal American bombardments that damaged virtually every building in this once thriving “City of Mosques”, displacing a quarter-million residents while murdering thousands of children, women and elders in their homes—will lose all incentive for further resistance and revenge.
A dedicated former soldier, whose experiences during and after Desert Storm are chronicled in my book, Bringing The War Home, Hank stays in close touch with his unit serving “in theater” in Iraq. When I asked how many “poppers” are being used to irradiate Iraqi neighborhoods, he checked and got back to me. There are “at least 25 of these that have been deployed to theater, and used. Some have conked out and been removed, so I do not know how many are currently active and broadcasting.”
As a patriotic American, Hank believes that wars must be fought by the rules he was taught and the principles his country stands for. Like many Desert Storm veterans, he would like to get his hands on retired General Norman Schwartzkopf, who covered up combat log reports of confirmed chemical weapons exposures during that 1990-‘91 conflict. Veterans say Schwartzkopf’s “treason”—to use their word—was largely responsible for more than the officially admitted 12,000 deaths, and 200,000 Gulf War Illness casualties among returning GIs. [Bringing The War Home by William Thomas]
Now Hank wants to warn his comrades that they are again at grave risk from radioactive heavy metal particles inhaled form microscopic depleted uranium debris. Be careful around Najaf, he adds, where mustard agents from Desert Storm and Saddam’s post-war repression still linger. Having been there, Hank concurs with historians who concluded that the Shia and Kurdish revolts would have brought down Saddam’s regime if Bush Sr. had not allowed the dictator’s gunships to fly against the uprisings he encouraged.
Hank is still losing friends in Iraq, where front-line soldiers put their current casualty figures from all causes—combat, accidents, psychological crackups and suicides—at 5,000 dead and 22,000 to 30,000 injured.
But these GIs volunteered to extract “payback” against a country many were falsely told was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Iraq’s traumatized children want only to grow up with their families and play with their friends in the suburbs. Hank blames those at the top for hospital counts of upwards of 65,000 children killed since the 2003 invasion.
He is also concerned that innocent Iraqi families and unsuspecting GIs alike are being used as test subjects for a new generation of “psychotronic” weapons using invisible beams across the entire electromagnetic spectrum to selectively alter moods, behavior and bodily processes. “Bottom line,” Hanks says about the poppers, “they are very powerful transmitters, have multi-channel/frequency send/receive multi-task capabilities, are being placed inside the area(s) where people live without their knowing it “
The Air Force and Navy have been working for decades on beam weapons that can just as easily be turned against Americans at home.
“ The ‘poppers’ are capable of using a combo of ULF, VLF, UHF and EHF wavelengths in any combination at the same time, sometimes using one as a carrier wave for the others,” Hank explains, in a process called superheterodyning. The silent frequencies daily sweeping Fallujah and other trouble spots are the same Navy “freqs that drove whales nuts and made them go astray onto beaches.”
The Gulf War veteran observes that occupied Iraq has become a “saturation environment” of electromagnetic radiation. Potentially lethal electromagnetic smog from high-power US military electronics and experimental beam weapons is placing already hard-hit local populations–-particularly children—at even higher risk of experiencing serious illness, suicidal depression, impaired cognitive ability, even death.
American troops constantly exposed “up close” to their own microwave transmitters, battlefield radars and RF weapons are also seeing their health eroded by electromagnetic sickness. It’s common, Hank recalls, for GIs to warm themselves on cold desert nights by basking in the microwaves radiating from their QUEEMS communications and RATT radar rigs
According to Army manual TM 11-5820-890-10-1, SINGARS voice and text messaging radios have a range up to 22 kilometers when mounted on a Humvee. Operating in the microwave bands between 30 MHz to 87.975 MHz, each 2320 channel transceiver radiates electromagnetic energy from base stations employing a pair of antennas placed at least 75-feet apart.
But even this is not enough to defeat the tyranny of distance. As an Army “after action” report revealed after Desert Storm, “With a front of nearly 350 miles and a operating depth of 200-400 miles long range communications became imperative.”
But the AN/VRC 46 SINGARS—essentially a military version of a mobile phone network—did not work well. “Because of the great distances involved teams were not able to maintain communications in order to relay information, request support, or be notified of additional incidents,” the report states. “The operations also saw a total break down in the ability + or all types of Communications Army wide…between the CP [Command Post] and unit teams.” [ARCENT Unit: 22D SUPCOM Box ID: BX005554]
The same communications breakdowns occurred between units during the long drive to Baghdad along “ambush alley”. The solution is to use up to 50 Humvees scattered in line-of-sight across the flat desert sands as “retransmit” stations to relay messages to distant units. Humvee and backpack-mounted SINGARS are also used extensively in Iraq’s urban areas. The result: constant and pervasive electromagnetic pollution that interferes with cellular processes in human brains and bodies.
Constant microwave emissions from ground-sweeping RATT rigs and SINGARS mobile microwave networks are much more powerful than civilian microwave cell phone nets linked in many clinical studies to maladies ranging from asthma, cataracts, headaches, memory loss, early Alzheimer’s, bad dreams and cancer.
Even more powerful US military radars, radios and “jammers” blasting from ground bases and overflying aircraft add to this electromagnetic din.
Like ocean waves “piggy-backing” into rogue giants, harmonic waves from this storm of randomly intersecting frequencies cause unintended power spikes, while creating new wavelengths of woe never before encountered by anyone on Earth.
This is bad enough. But this is also Iraq, Hank says, where ever-present sand acts as miniature quartz reflectors, unpredictably amplifying the ricocheting electronic smog so thick that if it were visible, every vehicle in Baghdad and the surrounding Sunni Triangle would be driving blind with their headlights on.
This is grim news to friend and foe alike—already overloaded by constant adrenal stress, waterborne pollutants, infectious sand fleas, dehydration, pharmaceutical drugs and exposure to radioactive Uranium-238 fired in “hose ‘em down” exuberance by US ground and air cannons and cruise missiles.
As Hank puts it, DU is “the gift that keeps on giving.” For the next four billion years, medical investigators say, large populated expanses of Kosovo, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico and Iraq will remain lethally radioactive from Made In America depleted uranium dust.
What kind of people would do this?
Clinical tests have repeatedly shown how microwaves “rev up” incipient cancer cells several hundred times. Triggered by nuclear radiation, and turned rogue by electromagnetic warfare unleashed by US forces, human cancer cells have been found to continue proliferating wildly—even after the power source is turned off. [Scorched Earth by William Thomas]
Another wild card is radon, Hank reckons. Typically found wherever oil pools underground, pockets of this invisible, odorless and potentially deadly gas tend to concentrate in natural bowls between dunes and other niches out of the desert wind.
Ordered to “dig in”, grunts typically scrape a 300 to 1000-foot diameter position to a depth of five feet, Hank explained. They then spray the ground with diesel fuel, adding to the toxic effects of any radon they’ve just released. Hank claimed that during Desert Storm, his unit’s radon detectors went off even more often than the constant ringing of chemical warfare exposure detectors. [Bringing The War Home by William Thomas]
Just standing around a QUEEMS or RATT rig, “makes you stupid,” this combat veteran added. Which is precisely the intent behind that transmitting dish on Fallujah roofs.
“ It’s basic stun weaponry,” Hank explains during an interview filled with revelations that later check out. The idea behind microwaving Iraq’s more restive cities, he says, is to keep them “so agitated they cannot coalesce into a full force” of resistance fighters.
Overriding subtle bodily processes, selectable frequencies beamed invisibly through neighborhoods can depress the central nervous systems of everyone within a half-mile, “destroying their initiative and making them docile and lethargic.” At least that’s the plan.
Details of various directed energy weapons used by US forces in Iraq to knock out electronics, induce psychological passivity, and possibly even melt people and vehicles remain under tight military wraps. But world media is reporting deployment of portable “directed energy” weapons in neighborhoods as troublesome as any in the USA if foreign troops murdered Americans and destroyed their homes.
Dubbed “active-denial”, this supposedly “non-lethal” mobile microwave weapon was developed through the 1990s at the U S Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland, New Mexico, and the Marine Corps’ Joint Nonlethal Weapons Directorate. [Daily Telegraph Sept 21/04]
Researchers soon found that frying flesh at a distance is not easy. With up to two-thirds of directed microwave energy scattered through transmission, the only way to heat skin painfully enough to encourage its owner to flee the area is to hit her with frequencies much higher than the microwave ovens linked to pathological changes in human blood chemistry. [Journal Franz Weber #19; Electromagnetic Fields by B. Blake Levitt]
A triumph of misdirected talents and treasure, a microwave array mounted on a Humvee can heat water molecules in the skin at a distance. But what makes this microwave weapon so appealing, say its PR-conscious boosters, is that projected agony equivalent to grasping a hot light bulb leaves no visible wounds—and stops instantly when the beam is avoided or removed. [Daily Telegraph Sept 21/04; [India Telegraph Sept 19/04]
Just how enthusiastically the rest of the world greets illegal gadgets wielded during an illegal occupation remains to be seen. International treaties signed by the United States ban directed energy weapons.
Continued <<
Legalities and morality aside, the numbers for the Pentagon’s latest energy weapon are impressive: 95-GHz transmitted energy tuned to penetrate flesh to depth of 1/64 of an inch at an officially admitted range beyond 1,000 yards.
By contrast, cell phones and portable phones have been shown to emit hazardous microwaves at “just” 2 to 6 GHz.
Despite an “earliest estimated” deployment in 2009, “heat ray” prototypes have been rushed to Iraq by a military desperate to improve the images of carnage being beamed into hundreds of millions of Muslim homes by an even more powerful beam weapon: satellite TV.
Hank, whose contacts also extend into Congress and the Pentagon, claims that the Humvee-portable microwave “crowd control” system was unveiled in September 2004 against some 400,000 Americans protesting genocide in Iraq at the Republican National Convention in New York City. It is not known if the microwave weapons were actually used to augment chemical agents dispensed along with beatings by police. [www.veteransforpeace.org; EE Times June 6/01]
That same month, at least four US Army and Marine units received ray gun equipped Humvees, dubbed “Sheriffs”. Each will have to be protected after extending a 10-foot diameter “bulls eye” antenna into an environment bristling with rocket propelled grenades and suicide bombers. [Daily Telegraph Sept 21/04
In a bloodless sequel to the butchery in Somalia mythologized in “Blackhawk Down”, the army hopes their invisible heat beams can disperse crowds enraged over the continuing tortures at Abu Ghraib, and as many as 100,000 civilians killed since the invasion began—without injuring too many
Iraqis permanently. [Reuters Oct 28/04]
Getting microwaved beats getting shot, argues the Pentagon. A 2-second burst from an Active Denial beam heats exposed skin to 130° F.
“ It’s not harmful to internal organs because it doesn’t penetrate the skin beyond 1/64 of an inch,” soothes PR spokesman Conrad Dziewulski, “It will be swept across the battlefield or directed at an individual for a few seconds.”
Dziewulski did not elaborate on the likelihood of frightened young soldiers used to hosing down “threats” with automatic weapons fire similarly holding down the trigger on microwave guns aimed at the same angry crowds. While the army says their jeep-mounted weapon cannot be “dialed up” to higher power levels, US forces are authorized to use continues, steady microwave “fire” to cook snipers.
Highly disciplined US military volunteers confirm after live tests that the pain inflicted by this latest wonder weapon is so intense, the instant and overwhelming reaction is panic. Rich Garcia was subjected to the microwave beam during testing in New Mexico. “It just feels like your skin is on fire,” he said. “When you get out of the path of the beam, or shut off the beam, everything goes back to normal. There’s no residual pain.” [India Telegraph Sept 19/04]
Alan Shaffer, director for plans, pain and programs with the Pentagon's Office of Defense Research and Engineering, believes the new weapon will curb Iraqi resentment by burning and humiliating them instead of killing and maiming them outright. “You get hit with the high-powered microwave, and you run away,” he enthused.
Now a contract employee working for the Army, Ret. Lt. Col. Wesley “Bo” Barbour, says that the non-lethal weapons being used in Iraq “will enable commanders to break the cycle of violence. Instead of shooting them dead and promoting further violence, you modify their behavior.” [www.defesnetech.org; Aug 2002]
But which way? After having their anger further inflamed by a heat ray, Iraqis opposed to an Israeli-style US occupation will most likely return with old-fashioned AK-47s, rocket launchers and improvised bombs.
For protesters who opt for the proven power of nonviolent witnessing, effective countermeasures against this $400 million microwave weapon include wearing thick clothing and carrying a tin trash can lid as a shield or reflector.
According to veteran combat cameraman Patrick Dillon and interview subject Majid al-Ghazali, the first US forces pushing into Baghdad also tested another electromagnetic “super weapon”.
Compelled to serve in the Iraqi National Guard for more than three decades, Majid is intimately acquainted with conventional weaponry. But on April 12th, 2003, Majid was sheltering with his family in their Baghdad home when he saw an odd-looking tank wheel into their street.
Suddenly a blinding stream of “fire and lightning” shot from the tank, engulfing a passenger bus and three cars. The big bus become semi-molten, sagging “like a wet rag” before shrinking to a twisted blob about the size of a VW bug, Majid says. Hundreds of soldiers and civilians were shriveled “to the size of newborn babies” amidst puddles of metal and fibers from melted tires. [Cox News Thursday, Aug 15/02]
Other Electromagnetic Pulse weapons (EMP) and special cruise missiles were also apparently used to knock out Iraq’s phone and electrical grids—with unknown electromagnetic effects on children and other members of the civilian population.
Practicing its own version of active denial, the Pentagon says it doesn’t want to hurt anybody. At least not with its microwave oven gun. The army has spent $4 million testing the device on male volunteers to ensure that their heat rays will not permanently harm big healthy males.
Infants, young children, elders, pregnant women and their fetuses will be tested for the first time in Iraq by being exposed to an invisible energy traveling almost instantaneously for more than a kilometer through concrete, glass and steel.
Experts warn that their still developing nervous and immune systems, and brain-wave activity make children especially vulnerable to deep microwave penetration into their thin skulls and soft brain tissue. Children’s brains are affected for long periods after very short-term exposure to much less powerful cell phones and cell phone towers.
“ Their brain wave patterns are abnormal and stay like that for a long period. This could affect their mood and ability to learn,” says British electromagnetics researcher Dr. Gerard Hyland. [“Dialing Our Cells” by William Thomas]
After acknowledging acute non-thermal dangers from their own electronics in the late 1950s, the US military effectively lobbied against stricter public health limits on electromagnetic exposure. [Scorched Earth by William Thomas]
Today, military officials who censor medically confirmed radiation casualties among families felled by depleted uranium fallout in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico and Iraq also insist that their “crowd-control” microwave weapons are completely “safe” because they do not actually burn skin. This is like saying that smoking is safe if you don’t singe your fingers.
“Perception of skin warming by microwave frequencies in up to 100 GHz is not a reliable mechanism of protection against potentially harmful exposure,” explains doctor John Mercola. Recent studies “are finding significant biological effects at lower and lower power densities.” These effects include short-term memory loss and decreased ability to learn—crucial capabilities for anyone attempting to survive in Iraq. [“Dialing Our Cells”}
Being continuously swept by concealed “poppers”, as well as routine radio and radio transmissions, can trigger a cascade of changes in human cells acutely sensitive to Earth’s subtle electromagnetic field. As researcher Robert Becker points out, even low power microwaves “can interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycle properly timed.”
Human eyes, ovaries and testes are particularly vulnerable to microwave radiation. But the Pentagon says no one will be blinded or sterilized by their Humvee-mounted microwave, unless the probing beam lingers.
Military researchers have published studies claiming that unborn babies can be cooked slightly by microwaves without suffering lasting harm. But despite assurances from experts who have dedicated their lives to hurting complete strangers, radiation emitted by military radars, communications and weapons systems are known to cause learning disabilities in fetuses, as well as damaging fetal immune systems.
Russian researchers call these adverse health effects, “microwave sickness.” As Becker relates in The Body Electric:
“ Its first signs are low blood pressure and slow pulse. The later and most common manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic nervous system [stress syndrome] and high blood pressure. This phase also often includes headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, plus an increased incidence of appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive problems, and cancer. The chronic symptoms are eventually succeeded by crisis of adrenal exhaustion and ischemic heart disease [the blockage of coronary arteries and heart attacks].”
Clinical studies show that the genetic effects of microwave poisoning—including weakened immunity and predisposition to cancer—are passed down through subsequent generations. Excessive exposure can also lead to depression and suicide, as seen among EMF-exposed GIs in Iraq. [Scorched Earth]
The negative health effects of microwave exposure are cumulative and irreversible. A former member of the World Health Organization’s review panel for Radio Frequency research, Professor Stephen Cleary of Virginia lost his funding after demonstrating an altered rate of DNA synthesis from a single exposure to microwave radiation. [Electronics Australia Nov/99]
Electromagnetic pollution has also been found to amplify the carcinogenic properties of chemical and radiological exposure. [Scorched Earth]
While the mobile microwave weapons currently deployed in Iraq may or may not lead to lasting harm, rooftop “poppers” and “domes” left to radiate for days at a time are irradiating unsuspecting families already coping with illness, wounds, hunger and the stress of losing homes and loved ones, whose rotting corpses cannot be buried under the sights of marine snipers.
A preview of what lies in store for long-suffering families in Iraq can be gleaned from Greenham Common, where the British Army reportedly used an electromagnetic weapon against 30,000 women who had camped for nearly two decades around that UK military base to protest the deployment of nuclear-tipped US cruise missiles.
One day in the summer of 1984, more than 2,000 British troops suddenly pulled back, leaving the fence unguarded.
Peace mom Kim Besley recalls that as curious women approached the gate, they “started experiencing odd health effects: swollen tongues, changed heartbeats, immobility, feelings of terror, pains in the upper body.”
Besley found her 30-year-old daughter too ill to stand. Other symptoms typical of electromagnetic exposure included skin burns, severe headaches, drowsiness, post-menopausal menstrual bleeding and menstruation at abnormal times. Besley’s daughter’s cycle changed to 14 days and took a year to return to normal.
Two late-term spontaneous miscarriages, impaired speech, and an apparent circulatory failure prompted the women to begin monitoring for a directed-energy beam, Using an EMR meter, they measured beams sweeping their camp at 100-times normal background levels. [Scorched Earth by William Thomas]
Another harrowing example involves the sudden illness and cancer deaths of US embassy staff in Moscow after being deliberately targeted with very weak pulsed microwaves by Soviet experimenters and fascinated CIA onlookers running “Project Phoenix” in 1962. [Scorched Earth]
Very Low Frequency (VLF) weapons include the dozens of “poppers” currently deployed in Iraq, which can be dialed to or “long wave” frequencies capable of traveling great distances through the ground or intervening structures. As air force Lt Col. Peter L. Hays, Director of the Institute for National Security Studies reveals, “Transmission of long wavelength sound creates biophysical effects; nausea, loss of bowels, disorientation, vomiting, potential internal organ damage or death may occur.”
Hays calls VLF weapons “superior” because their directed energy beams do not lose their hurtful properties when traveling through air to tissue. A French weapon radiating at 7 hertz “made the people in range sick for hours.”
Located at the lower end of the electromagnetic spectrum, symptoms of VLF sickness include “giddiness, nausea or fainting”.
At the upper end of the electromagnetic spectrum, symptoms of microwave sickness include cataracts, headaches, earaches, blurring of vision, short-term memory loss, numbing, tingling, buzzing, fatigue, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer.
[“Dialing Our Cells”]
Like so many other American blunders among the ruins of Babylon, the intended microwave “pacification” of rebellious neighborhoods is having unintended effects. In actual “field-testing” in the Sunni Triangle, Hank has learned that the hidden, dome-shaped devices “are removing inhibitions”. Armed individuals, already highly motivated to kill American forces are reportedly “losing all restraint” when exposed to the electromagnetic beams.
Such variable effects have been known scientifically since 1963, when electromagnetics researchers Dr. Robert Beck found that exposure to certain frequencies sparks riotous behavior, while other frequency beams can cause a sense of well-being—or deep depression. [Scorched Earth]
According to Hank’s buddies in Baghdad, the frequency-shifting “poppers” “are having some remarkable effects on the locals as well as our own people.” But these effects differ. Possibly, Hank surmises, because Americans come from daily domestic and military environments saturated with electromagnetic frequencies, while many Iraqis still live without reliable electricity in places largely free from electromagnetics before the American invasion.
“ Iraq is not really as saturated with EM as it is here,” Hank points out. “The fact that the locals have not been exposed to this type of radiation from birth as we have might mean they have a different reactivity to this stuff.”
According to members of Hank’s former unit, constant exposure to invisible emissions from radar and radio rigs—as well as to their own microwave weapons—is backfiring. “Our people are driven nuts,” Hank says. “It makes them stupid for two or three days.”
The Desert Storm veteran compared the emotional effects of constant exposure to military microwaves to a lingering low-pressure weather system that never goes away. “You feel way down for days at a time,” he emphasizes
As a consequence, AWOL rates among “spaced out” US troops are as high as 15%, Hank reports. For many deserters, it is not cowardice or conscience that is causing them to absent themselves from duty. “They are feeling so depressed,” Hank explains. “They don’t feel good. So they leave.”
According to Hank’s front-line buddies, Iraqis exposed to secret beam weapons “get laid back, confused and mellow, and then blast out in a rage, as opposed to our folks going on what could only be called a ‘bender’, and turning into a mean drunk for a while.”
Once they wander away from direct electromagnetic-fire, startled GIs come to their senses. They return to their units, Hank explains, saying, “What was I thinking?”
The recovery rate among US troops “seems to be about a day or so, where the locals are not getting over it in less than a week or more on average,” Hank has learned
While electromagnetically disoriented GIs are not being court-martialed for inadvertent absence from duty, they remain at heightened risk, with reaction times and brain functions sharply degraded by electromagnetic pollution in a combat environment.
Or their bodies and brains may sicken later, after even more vulnerable women and male GIs return home dosed with microwave-enhanced depleted uranium illness—and are mustered out of a military that is still not counting more than one million civilian corpses since the first American attacks in 1991.
It is Hank’s hope that his revelations will prompt public debate over the secret use of electromagnetic weapons in Iraq. But lost in the arguments over these supposedly “non-lethal” weapons is a much bigger question: What are Americans doing there?
Whether soldier or civilian at home, it is our imperative duty to stop supporting those responsible for ongoing “weapons tests” in Iraq. As electrochemical “beings of light,” the strongest electromagnetic force on Earth is human conscience, acted upon.
Iraq - laser weapons documentary
Monday, July 03, 2006
Ask Your Doctor to Sign the Freiburger Appeal
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
At the end of September, 22 physicians and supporters met in the area of Freiburg with the aim to prepare the now completed FREIBURGER APPEAL.
In the present climate of heated discussion if and to what degree humans could be affected by mobile phone radiation in their vicinity, we as physicians in particular have to take an official stand! We are convinced that it is our duty as physicians not just to support our patients theraputically but also to keep the principle of precaution in mind, in particular when precaution is being sacrificed for political reasons on the alter of socalled progress.
If you agree with our views detailed in the FREIBURGER APPEAL then we would ask you to support this call with your signature
Doctor's stamp
I support the FREIBURGER APPEAL expressly with my
please send me information of the next planned meeting (prospective 28/29.3.2003)
My address:
Name, Firstname, Title:............................................................................................................
Job title:..................................................................................................................................
Tel and Fax:............................................................................................................................................
We have sent the FREIBURGER APPEAL to our representatives, to all Members of the Bundestag, to all health insurance companies, to the protestant and catholic church. We have directed it at trade unions, at environment organizations, Campaign groups and at the press, broadcast, television and
technical periodicals.
We have already been overwhelmed by the response to this appeal, which we released both in Germany and abroad. However the number of signatories achieved so far, who support our view, is not sufficient to make it clear to the decision makers how serious we are about the demands set out in the FREIBURGER APPEAL!
We therefore call on everyone who supports us to spread our message.
We want as many signatures as possible. Both from doctors and physicians as well as from all supporters ( campaign groups and organisations concerned and involved with the subject of Mobile Telephony, vets, nurses, therapists, teachers, archtiects etc) . We want signatures from across Europe so please spread the word.
Therefore we are encouraging the duplication of the Freiburger Appeal. We ask that you fill in clearly the signature page, sign it and either email it to : HYPERLINK "mailto:igumed@gmx.de" igumed@gmx.de or fax to Germany 07761 913491 or send by post to IGUMED Bergseestr.57, 79713 bad Saeckingen
With kind Regards
Translated and copied by , UK
Mast Sanity is organising the collection of the Freiburger Appeal doctors list in Great Britain. Please send your stamped and signed form to 97 Spa Crescent, Little Hulton, Manchester M38 9TU
or fax it to 0161 278 3344. We will forward all responses to the Freiburger Appeal who will approach the EU but we will also collect them to approach our own Government with the response.
Mast Sanity is approaching all Government officials and members of parliament with this appeal. We are also sending it to the heads of the main 2 churches who are accepting mast on their properties (CofE and Roman Catholic). Other national organisations will also be approached. Please also send it to any organisation that you believe will be interested.
The Initial Signatories:
Dr. med. Thomas Allgaier, Allgemeinmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Heitersheim
Dr. med. Christine Aschermann, Nervenärztin, Psychotherapie, Leutkirch
Dr. med. Waltraud Bär, Allgemeinmedizin, Naturheilverfahren, Umweltmedizin, Wiesloch
Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann, Allgemeinmedizin, Homöopathie, Freiburg
Dr. med. H. Bernhardt, Kinderheilkunde, Schauenburg
Dr. med. Klaus Bogner, Allgemeinmedizin, Friedrichshafen
Dr. Karl Braun von Gladiß, Allgemeinmedizin, Ganzheitsmedizin, Teufen
Hans Brüggen, Internist, Lungen- und Bronchialheilkunde, Umweltmedizin, Allergologie, Deggendorf
Dr. med. Christa-Johanna Bub-Jachens, Allgemeinärztin, Naturheilverfahren, Stiefenhofen
Dr. med. Arndt Dohmen, Innere Medizin, Bad Säckingen
Barbara Dohmen, Allgemeinmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Bad Säckingen
Verena Ehret, Ärztin, Kötzting
Dr. med. Joachim Engels, Innere Medizin, Homöopathie, Freiburg
Karl-Rainer Fabig, Praktischer Arzt
Dr. med. Gerhilde Gabriel, Ärztin, München
Dr. med. Karl Geck, Psychotherapie, Murg
Dr. med. Jan Gerhard, Kinderheilkunde, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Ahrensburg
Dr. med. Peter Germann, Arzt, Umweltmedizin, Homöopathie, Worms
Dr. med. Gertrud Grünenthal, Allgemeinmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Bann
Dr. med. Michael Gülich, Arzt, Schopfheim
Julia Günter, Psychotherapie, Korbach
Dr. med. Wolfgang Haas, Innere Medizin, Dreieich
Dr. med. Karl Haberstig, Allgemeinmedizin, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Inner-Urberg
Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht, Spezialist für Streß-, Schlaf-, Chrono- und Raumfahrtmedizin, Berlin
Dr. med. Bettina Hövels, Allgemeinmedizin, Lörrach
Walter Hofmann, Psychotherapie, Singen
Dr. med. Elisabeth Höppel, Naturheilverfahren, Orthopädie, Dorfen
Dr. med. Rolf Janzen, Kinderheilkunde, Waldshut-Tiengen
Dr. med. Peter Jaenecke , Zahnarzt, Ulm
Beate Justi, Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Hannover
Michaela Kammerer, Ärztin, Murg
Karl Kienle, Praktischer Arzt, Homöopathie, Chirotherapie, Naturheilverfahren, Schongau
Dr. med. Monika Kuny, Psychotherapie, Grünwald
Dr. med. Michael Lefknecht, Allgemeinmedizin , Umweltmedizin, Duisburg
Dr. med. Volker zur Linden, Innere Medizin, Bajamar
Dr.med. Martin Lion, Arzt, Homöopathie, Ulm
Dr. med. Dagmar Marten, Ärztin, Ochsenfurt
Dr. Rudolf Meierhöfer, Zahnarzt, Roth
Dr. med. Rudolf Mraz, Psychotherapie, Naturheilverfahren, Stiefenhofen
Dr. med. Otto Pusch, Nuklearmedizin, Bad Wildungen
Dr. med. Josef Rabenbauer, Psychotherapie, Freiburg
Elisabeth Radloff-Geck, Ärztin, Psychotherapie, Homöopathie, Murg
Dr. med. Anton Radlspeck, Praktischer Arzt, Naturheilverfahren, Aholming
Barbara Rautenberg, Allgemeinmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Kötzting
Dr. med. Christof Rautenberg, Internist, Kötzting
Dr. med. Hans-Dieter Reimus, Zahnarzt, Oldenburg
Dr. med. Ursula Reinhardt, Allgemeinmedizin, Bruchköbel
Dr. med. Dietrich Reinhardt, Innere Medizin, Bruchköbel
Dr. med. Andreas Roche, Allgemeinmedizin, Kaiserslautern
Dr. med. Bernd Salfner, Kinderheilkunde, Allergologie, Waldshut-Tiengen
Dr. med. Claus Scheingraber, Zahnarzt, München
Dr. med. Bernd Maria Schlamann, Zahnarzt, Heilpraktiker, Ahaus-Wessum
Dr. med. Hildegard Schuster, Psychotherapie, Lörrach
Norbert Walter, Allgemeinmedizin, Naturheilverfahren, Bad Säckingen
Dr. med. Rosemarie Wedig, Ärztin, Psychotherapie, Homöopathie, Düsseldorf
Dr. med. Günter Theiss, Allgemeinmedizin, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. med. Otmar Wassermann, Toxikologie, Schönkirchen
Prof. Dr. med. H.-J. Wilhelm, Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde, Phoniater, Frankfurt
Dr. med. Barbara Würschnitzer-Hünig, Dermatologie, Allergologie, Umweltmedizin, Kempten
Dr. med. Ingo Frithjof Zürn, Allgemeinmedizin, Phlebologie, Naturheilverfahren, Umweltmedizin, Nordrach
Erste Unterstützerliste des FREIBURGER APPELLS:
Dr. med. Wolfgang Baur, Allgemeinmedizin, Psychotherapie, Umweltmedizin, Vienenburg
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, Physiker, München
Volker Hartenstein, MdL Bayerischer Landtag, Ochsenfurt
Maria und Bruno Hennek, Selbsthilfegr. der Chemikalien- und Holzschutzmittelgeschädigten, Würzburg
Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, Medizinphysiker, Stokelsdorf
Wolfgang Maes, Baubiologie und Umweltanalytik, Neuß
Helmut Merkel, 1.Vorsitzender des Verband Baubiologie, Bonn
Peter Neuhold, Heilpraktiker, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, wissenschaftl. Leiter des Institut für Baubiologie und Ökologie, Neubeuern
Dr. Birgit Stöcker, Vorsitzende des Selbsthilfevereins für Elektrosensible, München
Prof. Dr. Alfred G. Swierk, Mainz
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Biophysik, Biopsychologie, Biomedizin, Saarbrücken
Blatt: -PAGE \* ARABIC2-
IGUMED – Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Umweltmedizin e.V.
Anschrift: Bergseestrasse 57 79713 Bad Säckingen Telefon: 0 77 61-91 34 90 Telefax: 0 77 61-91 34 91
Email: igumed@gmx.de oder dohmen@hrk.hochrheinklinik.de Bankverbindung: Sparkasse Hochrhein BLZ 684 522 90 Konto Nr. 39-00 62 75
Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft
für Umweltmedizin e. V.
IGUMED, Bergseestr. 57, 79713 Bad Säckingen, Tel 07761 913490, Fax 913491 Mail: igumed@gmx.de EMBED Word.Picture.8
Anschrift: Bergseestrasse 57 79713 Bad Säckingen Telefon: 0 77 61-91 34 90 Telefax: 0 77 61-91 34 91
Email: igumed@gmx.de oder dohmen@hrk.hochrheinklinik.de Bankverbindung: Sparkasse Hochrhein BLZ 684 522 90 Konto Nr. 39-00 62 75
At the end of September, 22 physicians and supporters met in the area of Freiburg with the aim to prepare the now completed FREIBURGER APPEAL.
In the present climate of heated discussion if and to what degree humans could be affected by mobile phone radiation in their vicinity, we as physicians in particular have to take an official stand! We are convinced that it is our duty as physicians not just to support our patients theraputically but also to keep the principle of precaution in mind, in particular when precaution is being sacrificed for political reasons on the alter of socalled progress.
If you agree with our views detailed in the FREIBURGER APPEAL then we would ask you to support this call with your signature
Doctor's stamp
I support the FREIBURGER APPEAL expressly with my
please send me information of the next planned meeting (prospective 28/29.3.2003)
My address:
Name, Firstname, Title:............................................................................................................
Job title:..................................................................................................................................
Tel and Fax:............................................................................................................................................
We have sent the FREIBURGER APPEAL to our representatives, to all Members of the Bundestag, to all health insurance companies, to the protestant and catholic church. We have directed it at trade unions, at environment organizations, Campaign groups and at the press, broadcast, television and
technical periodicals.
We have already been overwhelmed by the response to this appeal, which we released both in Germany and abroad. However the number of signatories achieved so far, who support our view, is not sufficient to make it clear to the decision makers how serious we are about the demands set out in the FREIBURGER APPEAL!
We therefore call on everyone who supports us to spread our message.
We want as many signatures as possible. Both from doctors and physicians as well as from all supporters ( campaign groups and organisations concerned and involved with the subject of Mobile Telephony, vets, nurses, therapists, teachers, archtiects etc) . We want signatures from across Europe so please spread the word.
Therefore we are encouraging the duplication of the Freiburger Appeal. We ask that you fill in clearly the signature page, sign it and either email it to : HYPERLINK "mailto:igumed@gmx.de" igumed@gmx.de or fax to Germany 07761 913491 or send by post to IGUMED Bergseestr.57, 79713 bad Saeckingen
With kind Regards
Translated and copied by , UK
Mast Sanity is organising the collection of the Freiburger Appeal doctors list in Great Britain. Please send your stamped and signed form to 97 Spa Crescent, Little Hulton, Manchester M38 9TU
or fax it to 0161 278 3344. We will forward all responses to the Freiburger Appeal who will approach the EU but we will also collect them to approach our own Government with the response.
Mast Sanity is approaching all Government officials and members of parliament with this appeal. We are also sending it to the heads of the main 2 churches who are accepting mast on their properties (CofE and Roman Catholic). Other national organisations will also be approached. Please also send it to any organisation that you believe will be interested.
The Initial Signatories:
Dr. med. Thomas Allgaier, Allgemeinmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Heitersheim
Dr. med. Christine Aschermann, Nervenärztin, Psychotherapie, Leutkirch
Dr. med. Waltraud Bär, Allgemeinmedizin, Naturheilverfahren, Umweltmedizin, Wiesloch
Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann, Allgemeinmedizin, Homöopathie, Freiburg
Dr. med. H. Bernhardt, Kinderheilkunde, Schauenburg
Dr. med. Klaus Bogner, Allgemeinmedizin, Friedrichshafen
Dr. Karl Braun von Gladiß, Allgemeinmedizin, Ganzheitsmedizin, Teufen
Hans Brüggen, Internist, Lungen- und Bronchialheilkunde, Umweltmedizin, Allergologie, Deggendorf
Dr. med. Christa-Johanna Bub-Jachens, Allgemeinärztin, Naturheilverfahren, Stiefenhofen
Dr. med. Arndt Dohmen, Innere Medizin, Bad Säckingen
Barbara Dohmen, Allgemeinmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Bad Säckingen
Verena Ehret, Ärztin, Kötzting
Dr. med. Joachim Engels, Innere Medizin, Homöopathie, Freiburg
Karl-Rainer Fabig, Praktischer Arzt
Dr. med. Gerhilde Gabriel, Ärztin, München
Dr. med. Karl Geck, Psychotherapie, Murg
Dr. med. Jan Gerhard, Kinderheilkunde, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Ahrensburg
Dr. med. Peter Germann, Arzt, Umweltmedizin, Homöopathie, Worms
Dr. med. Gertrud Grünenthal, Allgemeinmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Bann
Dr. med. Michael Gülich, Arzt, Schopfheim
Julia Günter, Psychotherapie, Korbach
Dr. med. Wolfgang Haas, Innere Medizin, Dreieich
Dr. med. Karl Haberstig, Allgemeinmedizin, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Inner-Urberg
Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht, Spezialist für Streß-, Schlaf-, Chrono- und Raumfahrtmedizin, Berlin
Dr. med. Bettina Hövels, Allgemeinmedizin, Lörrach
Walter Hofmann, Psychotherapie, Singen
Dr. med. Elisabeth Höppel, Naturheilverfahren, Orthopädie, Dorfen
Dr. med. Rolf Janzen, Kinderheilkunde, Waldshut-Tiengen
Dr. med. Peter Jaenecke , Zahnarzt, Ulm
Beate Justi, Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Hannover
Michaela Kammerer, Ärztin, Murg
Karl Kienle, Praktischer Arzt, Homöopathie, Chirotherapie, Naturheilverfahren, Schongau
Dr. med. Monika Kuny, Psychotherapie, Grünwald
Dr. med. Michael Lefknecht, Allgemeinmedizin , Umweltmedizin, Duisburg
Dr. med. Volker zur Linden, Innere Medizin, Bajamar
Dr.med. Martin Lion, Arzt, Homöopathie, Ulm
Dr. med. Dagmar Marten, Ärztin, Ochsenfurt
Dr. Rudolf Meierhöfer, Zahnarzt, Roth
Dr. med. Rudolf Mraz, Psychotherapie, Naturheilverfahren, Stiefenhofen
Dr. med. Otto Pusch, Nuklearmedizin, Bad Wildungen
Dr. med. Josef Rabenbauer, Psychotherapie, Freiburg
Elisabeth Radloff-Geck, Ärztin, Psychotherapie, Homöopathie, Murg
Dr. med. Anton Radlspeck, Praktischer Arzt, Naturheilverfahren, Aholming
Barbara Rautenberg, Allgemeinmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Kötzting
Dr. med. Christof Rautenberg, Internist, Kötzting
Dr. med. Hans-Dieter Reimus, Zahnarzt, Oldenburg
Dr. med. Ursula Reinhardt, Allgemeinmedizin, Bruchköbel
Dr. med. Dietrich Reinhardt, Innere Medizin, Bruchköbel
Dr. med. Andreas Roche, Allgemeinmedizin, Kaiserslautern
Dr. med. Bernd Salfner, Kinderheilkunde, Allergologie, Waldshut-Tiengen
Dr. med. Claus Scheingraber, Zahnarzt, München
Dr. med. Bernd Maria Schlamann, Zahnarzt, Heilpraktiker, Ahaus-Wessum
Dr. med. Hildegard Schuster, Psychotherapie, Lörrach
Norbert Walter, Allgemeinmedizin, Naturheilverfahren, Bad Säckingen
Dr. med. Rosemarie Wedig, Ärztin, Psychotherapie, Homöopathie, Düsseldorf
Dr. med. Günter Theiss, Allgemeinmedizin, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. med. Otmar Wassermann, Toxikologie, Schönkirchen
Prof. Dr. med. H.-J. Wilhelm, Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde, Phoniater, Frankfurt
Dr. med. Barbara Würschnitzer-Hünig, Dermatologie, Allergologie, Umweltmedizin, Kempten
Dr. med. Ingo Frithjof Zürn, Allgemeinmedizin, Phlebologie, Naturheilverfahren, Umweltmedizin, Nordrach
Erste Unterstützerliste des FREIBURGER APPELLS:
Dr. med. Wolfgang Baur, Allgemeinmedizin, Psychotherapie, Umweltmedizin, Vienenburg
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, Physiker, München
Volker Hartenstein, MdL Bayerischer Landtag, Ochsenfurt
Maria und Bruno Hennek, Selbsthilfegr. der Chemikalien- und Holzschutzmittelgeschädigten, Würzburg
Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, Medizinphysiker, Stokelsdorf
Wolfgang Maes, Baubiologie und Umweltanalytik, Neuß
Helmut Merkel, 1.Vorsitzender des Verband Baubiologie, Bonn
Peter Neuhold, Heilpraktiker, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, wissenschaftl. Leiter des Institut für Baubiologie und Ökologie, Neubeuern
Dr. Birgit Stöcker, Vorsitzende des Selbsthilfevereins für Elektrosensible, München
Prof. Dr. Alfred G. Swierk, Mainz
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Biophysik, Biopsychologie, Biomedizin, Saarbrücken
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IGUMED – Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Umweltmedizin e.V.
Anschrift: Bergseestrasse 57 79713 Bad Säckingen Telefon: 0 77 61-91 34 90 Telefax: 0 77 61-91 34 91
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Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft
für Umweltmedizin e. V.
IGUMED, Bergseestr. 57, 79713 Bad Säckingen, Tel 07761 913490, Fax 913491 Mail: igumed@gmx.de EMBED Word.Picture.8
Anschrift: Bergseestrasse 57 79713 Bad Säckingen Telefon: 0 77 61-91 34 90 Telefax: 0 77 61-91 34 91
Email: igumed@gmx.de oder dohmen@hrk.hochrheinklinik.de Bankverbindung: Sparkasse Hochrhein BLZ 684 522 90 Konto Nr. 39-00 62 75
Microwaves and Oxidative Damage - and NIDS
From "Would You Stick Your Head In A Microwave Oven" by Gerald Goldberg
Oxidative Damage
Increased oxidative damage or for that matter burn damage can result in a shorter life span. Consistently in the scientific literature has been noted that animals and humans subjected to microwave radiation show decreased levels of SOD, catalase, glutathione, CoQ10 along with evidence of increased byproducts of oxidative stress to cell membranes, MDA. Depletion of anti-oxidants has been shown to be an independent risk factor in the development of cancer and other illnesses associated with aging.
SOD, catalase, glutathione and CoQ10 are substances that the body
produces to protect itself. These substances are considered anti-oxidants. The body is continuously producing energy. Energy production produces heat and causes free electrons to be generated. The challenge that the cell had to overcome was how to cook within itself. Overcooking would cause the cell to literally cook itself. The difficulty issue for the cell is that is you burn down your own house, then you simply cannot continue to cook (produce energy).
In a simple manner anti-oxidants act much like insulation that one would have around the kitchen. It is desirable to have an oven or a furnace. However, it is not desirable to burn down the house. This is the equivalent role of anti-oxidants. If there is excessive damage to a cell, than this will be reflected in lower anti-oxidant levels. The anti-oxidants are getting used up faster than they can be produced or replaced. The level of anti-oxidants thus become a measure that the body or cell is overheating.
The body is continuously involved in a balancing act. The balance is the ability to generate energy and the ability to cope with burn damage. Anti-oxidants protect the structural parts of a cell from damage; these include cell membranes, structural proteins, and the genetic material of the cell. If the anti-oxidents are deficient than the cell will literally age or degrade at a very rapid rate. Sustaining adequate levels of anti-oxidants is a critical part of the diet. The level of anti-oxidants in the body play a critical role in determining the amount of work an individual can do. The levels of anti-oxidants in the body have been shown to be the most sensitive indicators in stress, aging, infections, and various other disease states. They are considered the most sensitive markers of aging used by investigatory science. Refer to the references at the end of the chapter for more complete references on this matter and the role of anti-oxidant substances in conferring protection to the cell.
Catalase is critical in reducing hydrogen peroxide to plain water. The prevents the buildup of too much H2O2 which can damage cell membranes. Notably this is critical in the perixosome, nucleus and the mitochondria. Decreased catalase levels have been found to be an independent marker of cell aging. Decreased levels of catalase in the mitochondria (cell furnace) have been found to be one of the most accurate predictive markers of accelerated aging and premature death in multiple animal models.
Microwave radiation has been shown to produce marked disruptions in energy production in cells. This has been noted as well as decreased ATP and creatinine phosphate production. ATP is considered to be the most important molecule that allows for the transfer of energy in the body. It is kind of like a miniature biological battery within the cell. If you do not have enough batteries than the cell stops working. Simple enough. The studies which are mentioned at the end of this section repeatedly found that microwave radiation decreased the ATP content of the brains of the animals that [they] studied. A brain that looses the ability to generate energy (ATP) ceases to work efficiently at all. The end result is that one can become neurologically or behaviorally impaired. This is what one finds in a child who is autistic, has ADD or other behavioral problems where the issue is impaired concentration. The same findings are also seen in individuals with psychiatric diseases, extremes of anxiety or depression as well as in dementia or Alzheimer's disease. These findings have been consistently found in all tissues examined. The scientific literature reflects that the damage can be attenuated or slowed down by the use of certain anti-oxidants (refer to the last section) and herbal products. Ultimately the body must rely on its diet to replace nutrients; it really has no other choice. Central to this point is that maintaining an adequate level of anti-oxidants in the diet, refer to the last section, will confer some degree of protection to the individual from continous exposure to microwave radiation as well as other factors.
Oxidative Damage
Increased oxidative damage or for that matter burn damage can result in a shorter life span. Consistently in the scientific literature has been noted that animals and humans subjected to microwave radiation show decreased levels of SOD, catalase, glutathione, CoQ10 along with evidence of increased byproducts of oxidative stress to cell membranes, MDA. Depletion of anti-oxidants has been shown to be an independent risk factor in the development of cancer and other illnesses associated with aging.
SOD, catalase, glutathione and CoQ10 are substances that the body
produces to protect itself. These substances are considered anti-oxidants. The body is continuously producing energy. Energy production produces heat and causes free electrons to be generated. The challenge that the cell had to overcome was how to cook within itself. Overcooking would cause the cell to literally cook itself. The difficulty issue for the cell is that is you burn down your own house, then you simply cannot continue to cook (produce energy).
In a simple manner anti-oxidants act much like insulation that one would have around the kitchen. It is desirable to have an oven or a furnace. However, it is not desirable to burn down the house. This is the equivalent role of anti-oxidants. If there is excessive damage to a cell, than this will be reflected in lower anti-oxidant levels. The anti-oxidants are getting used up faster than they can be produced or replaced. The level of anti-oxidants thus become a measure that the body or cell is overheating.
The body is continuously involved in a balancing act. The balance is the ability to generate energy and the ability to cope with burn damage. Anti-oxidants protect the structural parts of a cell from damage; these include cell membranes, structural proteins, and the genetic material of the cell. If the anti-oxidents are deficient than the cell will literally age or degrade at a very rapid rate. Sustaining adequate levels of anti-oxidants is a critical part of the diet. The level of anti-oxidants in the body play a critical role in determining the amount of work an individual can do. The levels of anti-oxidants in the body have been shown to be the most sensitive indicators in stress, aging, infections, and various other disease states. They are considered the most sensitive markers of aging used by investigatory science. Refer to the references at the end of the chapter for more complete references on this matter and the role of anti-oxidant substances in conferring protection to the cell.
Catalase is critical in reducing hydrogen peroxide to plain water. The prevents the buildup of too much H2O2 which can damage cell membranes. Notably this is critical in the perixosome, nucleus and the mitochondria. Decreased catalase levels have been found to be an independent marker of cell aging. Decreased levels of catalase in the mitochondria (cell furnace) have been found to be one of the most accurate predictive markers of accelerated aging and premature death in multiple animal models.
Microwave radiation has been shown to produce marked disruptions in energy production in cells. This has been noted as well as decreased ATP and creatinine phosphate production. ATP is considered to be the most important molecule that allows for the transfer of energy in the body. It is kind of like a miniature biological battery within the cell. If you do not have enough batteries than the cell stops working. Simple enough. The studies which are mentioned at the end of this section repeatedly found that microwave radiation decreased the ATP content of the brains of the animals that [they] studied. A brain that looses the ability to generate energy (ATP) ceases to work efficiently at all. The end result is that one can become neurologically or behaviorally impaired. This is what one finds in a child who is autistic, has ADD or other behavioral problems where the issue is impaired concentration. The same findings are also seen in individuals with psychiatric diseases, extremes of anxiety or depression as well as in dementia or Alzheimer's disease. These findings have been consistently found in all tissues examined. The scientific literature reflects that the damage can be attenuated or slowed down by the use of certain anti-oxidants (refer to the last section) and herbal products. Ultimately the body must rely on its diet to replace nutrients; it really has no other choice. Central to this point is that maintaining an adequate level of anti-oxidants in the diet, refer to the last section, will confer some degree of protection to the individual from continous exposure to microwave radiation as well as other factors.
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