Hello All,
You may already be aware of this, but I'm forwarding to you just in case.
I'm being asked by Ellie Marks of the California Brain Tumor Association to urge everyone to write letters to Gavin Newsom and send them to her by Wednesday, April 24, 2019. She personally knows Governor Gavin Newsom and is in touch with his Staff, relaying that she is preparing a follow up letter which will include a collaboration of possible things Governor Newsom can do to stop 4G/5G in California residential neighborhoods. Our group, East Bay Neighborhoods for Responsible Technology, has been a part of this collaboration.
Ellie, who's husband fought brain cancer which was determined to be a result of his cell phone usage, has worked at the State level lobbying for safety measures surrounding cell phones and wireless technology as well as helping to stop AB 649 (Wireless streamlining legislation) and has personally worked with Gavin Newsom during his mayoral time in San Francisco. As well, she worked with the City of Berkeley to get their Right-to-Know Ordinance that requires wireless retailers to warn customers of possible radiation exposure when purchasing cell phones. She has been interviewed for documentaries, national talk shows and news casts and she has been fighting the wireless industry for over 10 years!
Please include in you letter how this technology has or will affect your community and you personally! I hope you will take the time to write a letter and forward it to her AND forward this information to all of those people that are in your group, you friends, anyone who you think might want to act on this! It's that easy!
Let me know if you have any questions.
Jodi Nelson
East Bay Neighborhoods for Responsible Technologyebnrt.info@gmail.com
East Bay Neighborhoods For Responsible Technology Facebook
East Bay Neighborhoods for Responsible Technologyebnrt.info@gmail.com
East Bay Neighborhoods For Responsible Technology Facebook
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