Saturday, November 29, 2014

Toronto: Deferred Indefinitely

UPDATE: The Government Management Committee voted to defer indefinitely the motion brought forward by St. Paul’s Councillor Josh Matlow after hearing from residents worried about the possible health impacts of Wi-Fi operating in public spaces. Please see HERE for more details.
UPDATE: The Government Management Committee meeting of November 18, 2013 has been rescheduled to Thursday, November 21, 2013, at 9:30 a.m., in Committee Room 2, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto. Please see HERE for more details.


On Thursday, November 21, 2013 the Government Management Committee comprising of 6 Toronto councillors will hear from citizens and professionals regarding Councillor Josh Matlow’s recommendation for the Establishment of Free Public Wireless Internet in Toronto's Parks, Civic Squares, Privately-owned Public Spaces and Interested Business Improvement Areas. See agenda HERE. It will then be considered by City Council on December 16, 2013, subject to the actions of the Government Management Committee.
Aside from the massive costs associated with this “free” Wi-Fi recommendation, C4ST and concerned Torontonians believe blanketing Toronto in increased wireless RF radiation when the guideline for cumulative RF exposure to Canadians - Safety Code 6 is the middle of a national controversy, is a bad idea. Complete investigations and analysis need to be made into both the cost and health effects before this recommendation can be considered and understood.

What is Safety Code 6?

Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 is the exposure guidelines for the cumulative limit of wireless/RF radiation exposure to the human body. It governs the emissions from cell phones, cell towers and antenna, WiFi, smart meters, as well as consumer goods such as cordless phones and baby monitors. It was put in place in the 1980’s, based on tests done to a 220lb mannequin on 6 minutes of exposure, does not take into account children, or biological effects at all and is embroiled in a national conflicted controversy unfolding in Ottawa at the moment. It is one of the worst in world today leaving Torontonians and Canadians at the mercy of industry. Learn more HERE.
Let the Government Management Committee know that Health Canada's Safety Code 6 is a blown out safety code: They are putting the fate of all Torontonians in the hands of this 'safety net' while the process to review it is completely corrupt and broken.
Is Wi-Fi included in the IARC/WHO’s 2B classification of RF-EMF?
Yes. In May of 2011, the IARC (International Association for Research on Cancer) declared radio frequency radiation as a possible cause of cancer. Click HERE for official document. Since then Federal, provincial, and municipal health authorities in Canada have made the FALSE claim that the IARC declaration of RF as a possible human carcinogen refers ONLY to mobile phones. This is not and has never been the case. Wi-Fi and all RF-EMF emitting devices are included in this grouping.
Why the confusion?
IARC does not classify devices, they classify exposures. The 2B designation therefore applies to all RF-EMF exposures, regardless of the source. It isn’t the physical source that is being evaluated; it’s the type of emission that exits from any source, that is being evaluated.
Confirmation from IARC
In this video clip (click HERE) Dr. Jonathan M Samet, MD, University of Southern California, Chairman of the Working Group, states at the 3.12 minute mark “the designation of class 2B RF-EMFs is unspecified as to source, class 2B has broad applicability to sources that emit RF-EMFs".
Confirmation from Dr Robert A Baan PhD, Responsible Officer, Monograph 102 on RF-EMF, The IARC Monographs, IARC, Lyon, FRANCE
“Many other devices emit the same type of RF radiation, e.g.,base-station antennas, radio/tv antennas, WiFi stations, smart meters, etc. Therefore, all these fall under the same broad evaluation of “Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields.” Click HERE to read.
In 1999 Toronto Public Health recommended an additional (100-fold) level of protection to Safety Code 6 due to the absence of proof of either safety or harm arising from RF exposures. See HERE. Health Canada did nothing.
We know from other carcinogens, that if studies on adults show strong relationships for malignant cancer in adults, the results for children will be far worse as their cells are dividing much faster. As each cell divides, cell errors triggered by RF radiation have more profound lifetime implications.
Toronto's Medical Officer Of Health Dr. McKeown is on record as campaigning for smoking to be removed from public parks, as have been carcinogenic pesticides. It is in the public's best interest that yet another carcinogen is not allowed in Toronto public spaces.

Do not allow another carcinogen in Toronto's outdoor public spaces!

Councillor Josh Matlow is calling for a staff report on adding free public wireless internet in Toronto’s parks, civic squares, privately owned public spaces and business improvement areas. He wants to see a pilot program in Nathan Phillips Square by the end of 2014, saying the benefits to residents and visitors alike would be enormous. In a letter to the Economic Development Committee dated Aug.30 posted on his website, the Ward 22 Councillor suggests they revisit a 2006 initiative between the City and Toronto Hydro to provide free wireless internet to city parks, squares and civic centres — and privately-owned public spaces.
What Josh Matlow and Toronto Council may not yet realize is that the by-product of a high powered Wi-Fi network such as this is high levels of RF radiation. With regards to the safety of radio-frequency radiation, there is growing evidence of biological harm, so much so that in 2011 the World Health Organization added radio-frequency radiation (which includes wireless) to its list of Possible Human Carcinogens. With a concentration of exponentially high levels of RF radiation already emitting from cellular towers and antenna, smart meters, etc, in Toronto 24/7, it is not wise to increase the radiation levels further.
While the governing guideline for Canadian exposure limits – Safety Code 6 is currently being reviewed, the review process is completely corrupted by corporate influences, and is in fact, broken.

Email to alert the management committee of your opposition to this plan. Costs and health effects need to be examined and analysed.

UPDATE – November 4th, 2013
Toronto Board of Health Rejects Medical Officer of Health’s recommendation to remove Prudent Avoidance. Passes two other recommendations re RF exposure.

Toronto Board of Health Rejected the Removal of PA Recommendation

City Council discontinue the prudent avoidance policy wherein the City requests that radiofrequencies from cellular phone base stations are kept 100 times below Safety Code 6 in areas where the public normally spends time;

Click HERE to read the minutes from the November 4th Toronto Board of Health Meeting

Click HERE to read the Full Recommendation to Toronto Council to Remove PA

Click HERE to read the Toronto Public Health Full Report

Toronto Board of Health Passed These Recommendations

The Board of Health encouraged Industry Canada to:
  1. Conduct regular monitoring for radiofrequencies arising from telecommunications structures in Toronto, and to make this information publicly available and accessible
  2. Ensure that information regarding the locations and estimated emissions of all cellular phone antennas is publicly available and accessible

What is Prudent Avoidance?

Prudent avoidance is a precautionary principle in risk management, stating that reasonable efforts to minimise potential risks should be taken when the actual magnitude of the risks is unknown. In this case it takes the form of wireless radiation (EMR/RF) dictated in a document called Safety Code 6.

Dr Robert Baan from IARC – RF radiation from Smart Meters also 2B Carcinogen

Dr Robert Baan from IARC – RF radiation from Smart Meters also 2B Carcinogen -

Email from Dr Robert Baan, the principal author of the 2011 IARC Monograph on the carcinogenicity of radiofrequency radiation, in which he interprets the 2B classification of RFR as applicable to all form of RFR exposures, including Smart Meters and Wi-Fi:
Subject: EMF Class 2B Classification
Dear Dr Hudson,
Thank you for your message, which was forwarded to me, and to which I would like to respond as follows.  The IARC Working Group classified “Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields” (RF-EMF) as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B).  The information that formed the main basis for this evaluation was found in epidemiological studies on cell-phone use, where a slightly increased risk for glioma (amalignant form of brain cancer) and acoustic neuroma (a non-cancerous type) was reported among heavy users.  There were some indications of increased cancer among radar-maintenance workers(occupational exposure), but no reliable data from studies among, e.g., people living close to base-station antennas, radio/TV towers, etc (environmental exposure).  Although the key information came from mobile telephone use, the Working Group considered that the three types of exposure entail basically the same type of radiation, and decided to make an overall evaluation on RF-EMF, covering the whole radiofrequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum.In support of this, information from studies with experimental animals showed that effects on cancer incidence and cancer latency were seen with exposures to differentf requencies within the RF region.So the classification 2B, possibly carcinogenic, holds for all types of radiation within the radio frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum, including the radiation emitted by base-station antennas, radio/TV towers, radar, Wi-Fi, smart meters, etc.  An important point is the radiation level. The exposure from cellular phones (personal exposure) is substantially higher and much more focused (usually on the brain) thanexposures from radio/tv towers, antennas, or Wi-Fi.  I hope this is useful.  Thank you for your interest in our work.  
Sincerely yours,
Robert A Baan PhDThe IARC MonographsIARC, Lyon, FRANCE
Supplemental Information for the Vermont Senate Finance Committee
The WHO IARC Listing of RFR as a Possible Human Carcinogen and Implications
for Vermont Wireless Utility Meters.

By Cindy Sage, MA, Sage Associates

Expert Testimony to the Committee onJanuary 20 and January 26, 2012.

I am submitting supplemental information to the Committee in response to the testimony by Dr. Chen on the absence of health concerns with respect to wireless electric mete rRFR exposures. It is inexplicable that any health officer who is knowledgeable about the recent classification of RFR as a Possible Human Carcinogen could issue a positiveassertion of safety on wireless electric meters. Such an assertion is clearly not warranted.  Robert Baan, PhD, is the principal author of the 2011 IARC Monograph on thecarcinogenicity of radiofrequency radiation. He provided this interpretation of the May31, 2011 classification by IARC of RFR as a Possible Human Carcinogen (a 2Bclassification).Baan says that the IARC RFR classification as a Possible Human Carcinogen applies toall types of RFR exposures including smart meters.

“So the classification 2B, possibly carcinogenic, holds for all types of radiation within the radiofrequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum, including theradiation emitted by base-station antennas, radio/TV towers, radar, Wi-Fi, smart meters, etc.”

Baan also says that the RFR level matters.

“An important point is the radiation level. The exposure from cellular phones(personal exposure) is substantially higher and much more focused (usually onthe brain) than exposures from radio/tv towers, antennas, or Wi-Fi.”

Since smart meters can produce personal exposures in family homes at or above the FCC public safety limit as determined by FCC OET 65 rules for calculating compliance with those safety limits, the new IARC listing will certainly be applicable for smart meters, depending on their location and manner of operation.  Smart meters at close proximity can produce several hundred microwatts per centimeters quared, and the FCC acknowledged that “where the public cannot be excluded” a duty cycle of 100% should be used to provide a safety margin.  This 100% duty cycle, when used according to the FCC’s own equations, shows that people who have smart meters close to where they spend time in their own homes, can have excessively high RFRexposure levels; and these levels can approach or exceed FCC public safetylimits ( Worse, these RFR exposures are constant;and they expose the entire body to elevated RFR levels during the day and night (not justa small portion of the body). Cindy Sage, MASage Associates

- See more at:

Friday, November 28, 2014

Outstanding RF EMF science and health talk: Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe - Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014

Outstanding RF EMF science and health talk: 

Erica Mallery-Blythe produced an outstanding talk for PHIRE covering the latest on RF EMF research, the known and theorised biological mechanisms, and the various ways in which they are likely to interact with human biology in living systems

Click here for the full news story

Thursday, November 27, 2014

South Korea is threatening to jail selfie stick retailers

South Korea is threatening to jail selfie stick retailers

Not approved for use in South Korea.(Reuters/Larry Downing)

November 22, 2014
The South Korean government is going after sellers of uncertified camera extenders, threatening fines of up to 30 million won ($27,000) or prison time of as long as three years. According to Korea’s Ministry of Science, “selfie sticks” that have bluetooth functionality should be classified as frequency-emitting communications equipment and go through rounds of testing before being approved for commercial sale. On Thursday, the government asked citizens to help “root out” the distribution of these unapproved bluetooth-equipped selfie sticks by reporting on such sales. On Friday, authorities said they would begin doing checks on retailers.

The government appears to be worried about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, also created by mobile phones, though at low levels it is generally not seen as harmful. Under Korea’s “Wireless Telegraphy Act” all devices that give off electromagnetic waves must be certified for national security and civilian use.

But internet users interpreted the crackdown as yet another example of government intervention in their online electronic habits. Camera extender sticks are hugely popular in the country where the term sel ca for “self camera” first became popular in the 1990s, long before smartphones were ubiquitous and the term “selfie” was coined. After decades of authoritarian rule until the 1980s, South Koreans citizens are particularly jittery about heavy handed government regulation and intrusion on their personal lives. In September, news of the government’s “cyber investigation team” led to fears of official snooping into personal messages on the chat app KakaoTalk, and caused users to flock to foreign messaging apps not easily accessed by the government.
This week’s selfie stick announcements raised similar fears. “So customers are subjects of control again?” one blogger wrote (link in Korean) on the South Korean blogging forum, Naver. Bloggers also criticized what they saw as a hit against small retailers selling selfie sticks. One wrote, “Are the big corporations now going to sell selfie sticks? …This money-crazed government.” Another, referring to president Park Geun-Hye’s push for building a “creative economy” based on innovation and entrepreneurship, speculated that the government is seeking new ways to extract fees from retailers, “Creative economy? More like creative taxes.”

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Maryland City Votes Unanimously to Alert Citizens to the Health Risks of Cell Phone/Wireless Radiation and to Oppose Cell Towers on School Grounds

Maryland City Votes Unanimously to Alert Citizens to the Health Risks of Cell Phone/Wireless Radiation and to Oppose Cell Towers on School Grounds

City brochures will highlight manufacturers’ fine print warnings of recommended separation between body and phone and encourage simple safety steps to reduce radiation exposure

Teton Village, WY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 11/26/2014 -- The Greenbelt Maryland City Council voted unanimously on November 24, 2014 to alert citizens about the fine print warnings and possible health risks of cell phones and wireless devices and to send the FCC Chairman a letter encouraging national action on this issue. 

The Greenbelt Council recommended that the City make informational brochures available that 1. Highlight the fine print warnings of the cell phone manufacturer’s recommended separation between body and phone and 2. Encourage simple safety steps citizens can take when using their wireless devices to reduce radiation exposure. 

The Council is sending a letter to Federal Communications Commission's Chairman Tom Wheeler urging the FCC to take steps to protect the public, “Recently the City Council received a petition regarding health and safety concerns related to radiation from cellphones and other wireless devices. Organizations such as the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics have expressed concerns and potential links to cancer. 

The concern is even greater for young children and women who are pregnant. In reviewing the literature from health advocacy groups, there are simple steps that can be taken to reduce exposure including keeping cell phones away from one's body, turning them off when not in use, utilizing hands free devices, etc. Cell phone manufacturers provide safety warnings in their manuals but this information is often located in the fine print of product literature.

In an effort to make these devices as safe as possible, the City encourages the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt radiation standards that will: protect human health and safety, reflect current use patterns, and provide meaningful consumer disclosure of warnings.”

Maryland Resident Theodora Scarato initially petitioned the Greenbelt City Council for a Proclamation on Wireless Radiation on October 27, 2014. Scarato read a letter from Traci Frantz whose 21 year old daughter Tiffany developed breast cancer after storing her cell phone in her bra for seven years. Traci Frantz urged the Council to take action so that people would become aware of the fine print advice currently in cell phone manuals. Tiffany Frantz is one of several young women with unusual tumors in their breasts that arose directly under the antennas of their cell phones. These case reports are documented in a 2013 Case Reports in Medicine publication where the authors conclude that “efforts should be made to encourage cellular phone users to follow the recommendations of mobile device manufacturers and to avoid skin contact.”

In the November 24, 2014 Council meeting, Ms. Scarato shared the story of Florida attorney and former U.S. Marine Corps Officer, Jimmy Gonzalez, who developed glioma, a malignant brain cancer, at age 34 after years of heavy cell phone use. Moreover, he also had an especially unusually tumor in his chest near the breast pocket where he stored his cell phone. His advocacy prompted the City of Pembroke Pines to issue a Resolution expressing the city's urgent concerns about the need to reduce exposures to cell phone radiation on November 20th, 2012.  

Greenbelt Maryland joins the Cities of Boston, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, California, and the Town of Hillsborough, California in voicing concerns about the 18 year old radiofrequency radiation regulations to the FCC. 

EHT President, Dr. Devra Davis wrote the Greenbelt Council a letter in support of their actions stating that, “The right to know is fundamental to our democracy. In its role as protector and promoter of public health and safety, government provides information about ways to prevent bike and car accidents working in partnership with manufacturers to do so. In a similar way, governments can and should assure that citizens are fully informed about product safety information that instructs users to keep phones and other wireless transmitting devices at a distance away from the body to reduce exposures.”

The Council’s action comes on the heels of the November 18, 2014 groundbreaking Berkeley California Council 7-2 vote for a City ordinance whereby Berkeley becomes the first city in the nation to require cell phone retailers to provide an informational fact sheet to purchasers urging them to read the user manual to learn the cell phone’s minimum separation distance from the body.

In the same meeting, the Greenbelt Council also voted unanimously to oppose cell towers on school grounds. The Council described their longstanding opposition to towers in residential areas in the meeting taking a stand against the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association who sent a letter to the Greenbelt Council in opposition to the Council’s proposed actions. S trong community opposition has developed since the Prince George’s County School Board signed a cell tower leasing agreement on 73 school sites 

About Environmental Health Trust 
Environmental Health Trust (EHT) educates individuals, health professionals and communities about controllable environmental health risks and policy changes needed to reduce those risks. Currently EHT is raising health concerns about wireless in schools, recommending safe hardwired internet connection installations and calling for a precautionary approach with children. A lead author of the Intergovernmental panel on climate change awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, EHT President and Founder, Dr. Devra Davis has authored a number of popular books, including National Book Award Finalist, When Smoke Ran Like Water, a National Book Award Finalist, The Secret History of the War on Cancer, and D isconnect - the truth about cell phone radiation, which was awarded the Nautilus silver medal award for investigative reporting. The foundation's website is the go-to place for clear, science-based information to prevent environmentally based disease and promote health, and will have portals for the general public, children and health professionals. 

For more information or to get involved in the numerous special projects spearheaded by EHT, please visit and find EHT on Facebook

Revenue from Smart Meters is Expected to Reach $6.6 Billion Annually by 2023, According to Navigant Research

Revenue from Smart Meters is Expected to Reach $6.6 Billion Annually by 2023, According to Navigant Research

Major deployments continue in China and Japan, report finds

November 26, 2014 

 — A recent report from Navigant Research examines the global market opportunity for smart electric meters, including global market forecasts for smart electric meter shipments and the associated revenue through 2023.
With deployments in North American slowing, the smart electric meter market has shifted emphasis to projects in Europe and Asia Pacific. Business activity is increasing in Western Europe, where projects in Spain, France, and the United Kingdom will account for some 93 million new meters by the end of 2020, and in Asia Pacific, where major deployments continue in both China and Japan. Click to tweet: According to a recent report from Navigant Research, worldwide revenue from smart meters is expected to grow from $5.1 billion annually in 2014 to $6.6 billion in 2023.
“The benefits of smart meters have come more sharply into focus as the market has matured,” says Neil Strother, principal research analyst with Navigant Research. “Utilities are gaining improved operations and reliability, along with reduced labor costs, while customers are becoming more engaged and in control of their energy use.”
Even in North America, where federal stimulus funds are nearly exhausted, steady growth in smart meter deployments is expected. Utilities that have yet to make the shift to smart meters, particularly midsize and smaller ones, are likely to do so amid an improving economy, according to the report. Larger investor-owned utilities are also on track to help fuel deployments over the next few years, as will utilities that are completing partial rollouts.
The report, “Smart Meters,” examines the global market opportunity for smart electric meters, with a focus on four neighborhood area network (NAN) communications technologies: radio frequency (RF) mesh, RF point-to-point, RF public, and power line communications (PLC). The report examines the drivers and barriers shaping the market, along with the major technology issues. Global market forecasts for smart electric meter shipments and the associated revenue, broken out by region, meter type, and NAN technology, extend through 2023. The report also provides key vendor profiles and a discussion of broad metering trends and activities worldwide. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research website.
About Navigant Research
Navigant Research, the dedicated research arm of Navigant, provides market research and benchmarking services for rapidly changing and often highly regulated industries. In the energy sector, Navigant Research focuses on in-depth analysis and reporting about global clean technology markets. The team’s research methodology combines supply-side industry analysis, end-user primary research and demand assessment, and deep examination of technology trends to provide a comprehensive view of the Smart Energy, Smart Utilities, Smart Transportation, and Smart Buildings sectors. Additional information about Navigant Research can be found at
About Navigant
Navigant is a specialized, global expert services firm dedicated to assisting clients in creating and protecting value in the face of critical business risks and opportunities. Through senior level engagement with clients, Navigant professionals provide services that extend from expert and advisory work through implementation and outsourcing. The firm combines deep technical expertise in Disputes and Investigations, Economics, Financial Advisory and Management Consulting, with business pragmatism to address clients’ needs in highly regulated industries including Construction, Energy, Financial Services and Healthcare. More information about Navigant can be found at
* The information contained in this press release concerning the report, “Smart Meters,” is a summary and reflects Navigant Research’s current expectations based on market data and trend analysis. Market predictions and expectations are inherently uncertain and actual results may differ materially from those contained in this press release or the report. Please refer to the full report for a complete understanding of the assumptions underlying the report’s conclusions and the methodologies used to create the report. Neither Navigant Research nor Navigant undertakes any obligation to update any of the information contained in this press release or the report.

Read more here:

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No more wifi and mobile phone signals in public places - Brighton campaigners say

No more wifi and mobile phone signals in public places - Brighton campaigners say

Concerns about the potential dangers of public wi-fi
Concerns about the potential dangers of public wi-fiFirst published  in News 
Last updated 02:15 Thursday 4 December 2014
Campaigners who fear exposure to wifi and mobile phone signals can put children’s health at risk want to reduce its use in public places.
More than 100 people met to discuss the alleged dangers of the technology during a talk by microwave energy expert Barrie Trower at the Patcham Memorial Hall in Old London Road, Brighton, on Saturday.
The physicist, who worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service, led the talk. Claims the signals could affect fertility rates, harm developing foetuses and even lead to autism were made.
Attendees who travelled from across the country for the event want to meet with business leaders and transport bosses who offer free wifi, as well as schools and local authorities, to try to crack down on exposure to people in public places.
Homeopath Stuart Deeks, 63, from Patcham, said: “We would be keen to talk to anyone involved in offering wi-fi in public spaces and we particularly think it’s important to talk to schools about the dangers. The meeting was well attended and all the information, although concerning, was helpful and well received.”

Doctor Karl Cox, a senior lecturer in computing, engineering and mathematics at the University of Brighton, believes exposure can cause brain tumours.

He said: “I’ve spoken to some schools already and they were shocked at the risks. I would be happy to talk to more.
“People cannot lead a healthy lifestyle when they are constantly exposed to these signals. There is a wealth of research on this topic already.”
The 46-year-old father-of-two, who suffers from electro-sensitivity, powers his technology through cable connections. He keeps his mobile phone turned off except when he needs to use it.
Patrick Lowe, chairman of Brighton and Hove Governors’ Association and the chairman of governors at Coldean Primary School, said: “I have not yet been approached by anyone voicing these concerns but would be happy to discuss this and learn more information.”
Martin Harris, managing director of Brighton and Hove Bus Company, which offers free wi-fi on its services, echoed Mr Lowe’s comments but said no evidence to suggest the risks had been presented to the organisation.
Brighton and Hove City Council spokesman said people could petition the council or speak to their councillor or MP to get the topic raised at a meeting.
Concerns about the health risks of technology were brought to a head in Sussex after grandmother Stefanie Russell, from Steyning, spent thousands of pounds wi-fi-proofing her house after suffering electrosensitivity symptoms.

Electro Pollution Explained to Sociology Students, Paul Waddell

Electro Pollution Explained to Sociology Students, Paul Waddell

When people use shock tactics to scare you, it's pretty scary, but when they use devices that measure what's actually around you, it can be even worse and make you want to change something!
EMF/EMR pollution is a silent killer in our society and if it's not addressed there might not be much of a future for long.

View all 2 replies

Great interview! Our overexposure to EMF radiation is a serious issue. See what the experts are describing the BIGGEST health crisis humanity has ever faced at


Thank God for people who BELIEVE the experience of others, and take the time to to do the validating research.
