Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to be an EMF Superhero!

How to be an EMF Superhero!

Are you ready? Your family needs you. Your community needs you. The world needs you!

EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) pollution can be very scary. It is somewhat invisible, a bit daunting and may seem more complicated than college calculus.

No wonder most people prefer to keep their heads in the sand.

Do not fear though. The following will give you everything you need to be an EMF Superhero. The recommendations and solutions have been vetted by an engineer with more experience in EMF pollution and solutions than he would wish upon anyone.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones

Case Reports in Medicine
Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 354682, 5 pages
Case Report

Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Contact between Their Breasts and Their Cellular Phones

1Breastlink, Department of Surgery, 230 S. Main Street, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868, USA
2Department of Pathology, St. Joseph Hospital, University of California Irvine, 1100 West Stewart Drive, Orange, CA 92868-5600, USA
3Breastlink, Department of Radiology, 230 S. Main Street, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868, USA
4Bay Area Breast Surgeons, Inc., Department of Surgery, 3300 Webster Street, Suite 212, Oakland, CA 94609, USA
5Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rational Therapeutics, University of California Irvine, Long Beach, CA, USA
Received 30 July 2013; Accepted 19 August 2013
Academic Editor: Hans-Joachim Mentzel
Copyright © 2013 John G. West et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Breast cancer occurring in women under the age of 40 is uncommon in the absence of family history or genetic predisposition, and prompts the exploration of other possible exposures or environmental risks. We report a case series of four young women—ages from 21 to 39—with multifocal invasive breast cancer that raises the concern of a possible association with nonionizing radiation of electromagnetic field exposures from cellular phones. All patients regularly carried their smartphones directly against their breasts in their brassieres for up to 10 hours a day, for several years, and developed tumors in areas of their breasts immediately underlying the phones. All patients had no family history of breast cancer, tested negative for BRCA1 and BRCA2, and had no other known breast cancer risks. Their breast imaging is reviewed, showing clustering of multiple tumor foci in the breast directly under the area of phone contact. Pathology of all four cases shows striking similarity; all tumors are hormone-positive, low-intermediate grade, having an extensive intraductal component, and all tumors have near identical morphology. These cases raise awareness to the lack of safety data of prolonged direct contact with cellular phones.

1. Case Reports

1.1. Case 1
A 21-year-old female presented with left spontaneous bloody nipple discharge. Her history was notable for keeping her cellular phone tucked into her bra on the left side for several hours each day. Her mammogram showed extensive pleomorphic calcifications and densities from the retroareolar region to the chest wall spanning a length of 12 cm. A magnetic resonance image (MRI) showed extensive abnormal nonmass enhancement in a segmental distribution corresponding to changes seen on her mammogram (Figures 1(a)1(c)). She was treated with mastectomy and pathology revealed extensive ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) with multifocal microinvasion. Sentinel lymph nodes were negative for metastatic disease.A 21-year-old female presented with a palpable breast mass in the area where her cellular phone was kept in direct contact with her left breast. She had been placing her cellular device in her bra for eight hours a day or longer for the past six years. Breast MRI demonstrated four distinct separate lesions ranging from 15 to 18 mm in diameter involving an extensive area of the upper hemisphere of the left breast. Pathology of her mastectomy showed multifocal invasive cancer with extensive DCIS. Two of nine axillary lymph nodes were positive for metastatic disease. Later studies found metastasis to the bone.

Figure 1: Representative imaging of patient in Case 1. Left mammogram showing clustered calcification corresponding to multiple sites of disease in craniocaudal (a) and mediolateral-oblique (b) projections. MRI showing extensive nonmass enhancement in the lateral hemisphere of the left breast in segmental distribution (c).

1.3. Case 3
A 33-year-old female presented with two palpable masses in the upper outer quadrant of her right breast directly underneath where her cellular phone was placed against her breast in her bra. She had been placing her cellular phone in her bra intermittently for eight years. In the two years prior to diagnosis she would routinely place her phone in her bra while jogging 3-4 times per week. During this time period she would use a global positioning system (GPS) application on her cellular phone to determine her location while jogging. MRI demonstrated at least six suspicious lesions spanning a length of 8 cm in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast. Mastectomy specimen showed extensive DCIS with multifocal invasion. A 5 mm metastasis was found in one sentinel lymph node.
1.4. Case 4
A 39-year-old female presented with three palpable breast masses in the area of cellular phone contact with her right breast. She had been placing her cellular phone in her bra while commuting and using a Bluetooth device to talk for hours each day for the past ten years. MRI demonstrated multiple mass-like and tubular areas of enhancement essentially involving the entire upper right breast from the 11 to 1 o’clock position. Mastectomy showed four separate invasive ductal carcinomas ranging from 1 to 3 cm in size with 10 cm of DCIS. Two of nine lymph nodes were positive for metastatic disease. Pathology of the insitu and invasive ductal carcinomas observed in all four cases shows striking similarity, and the representative histological figures are illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Representative histology of all four cases. There is extensive DCIS with cribriform configuration (arrow). The multiple foci of invasion (arrowhead) occur in between the DCIS (magnification ×100).

2. Discussion

The majority of breast cancer occurs sporadically in postmenopausal women with no family history of the disease. Breast cancer occurring in women in their 20s and 30s is uncommon, accounting for fewer than 5% of all breast cancer cases, and is often associated with a genetic predisposition [1]. These four cases of young women with sporadic, multifocal breast cancer bring forth the possibility of a relationship between prolonged direct skin contact with cellular phones and the development of breast cancer. To date there is insufficient laboratory or clinical evidence to establish a definite relationship between exposures to the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted from cellular devices and the risk of developing cancer. Some studies have suggested that such a relationship exists, but larger and more robust studies have not been confirmatory [26]. Nonetheless, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified radiofrequency waves of the electromagnetic spectrum, the form of EMR that cellular devices emit, as a possible human carcinogen [7].
Cellular phones emit EMR in the microwave spectrum and produce both a thermal and nonthermal effect. The EMR emitted from cellular phones has insufficient energy to ionize molecules and is not capable of producing direct DNA damage as occurs with diagnostic and therapeutic radiation [2]. The primary thermal effect from cellular phones is the heating of tissue, which has controversial clinical significance [2810]. EMR emitted from cellular devices couples with the body to create currents within the tissue, potentially having an effect on cellular microenvironments [9]. A recent study using fluorodeoxyglucose injections and positron emission tomography concluded that exposure to radiofrequency waves within parts of the brain closest to the cellular phone antenna resulted in increased levels of glucosemetabolism, but the clinical significance of these findings is unknown [11].
One of the first clinical reports of a possible carcinogenic effect of exposure to EMR from cellular phones suggested that cellular phone users were at increased risk of developing brain cancers [5]. The largest and longest study of cellular phone use to date is the INTERPHONE study which included data from 13 countries [6]. This retrospective study could not identify a significant increase in risk of gliomas or meningiomas with the use of cellular phones. There were, however, indications of an increased risk of glioma at the highest exposure levels, but biases and error prevent a causal interpretation. The INTERPHONE study concluded that the possible effects of long-term, heavy use of mobile phones require further investigation. A more recent meta-analysis showed an association between gliomas and acoustic neuromas in ipsilateral users (using the phone on one side of the head most often or always) who were also heavy users of cellular phones, compared to nonusers [3]. Moreover, the risk of cancer was found highest in people with longest exposure and exposure that began before the age of 20.
The issue of cellular phone exposure on male fertility has also been reported [12]. Both laboratory and clinical studies have demonstrated alterations in fertility, motility, and morphology in sperm exposed to EMR from cell phones. Similar reports of clinical responses resulting from exposure to cellular phone EMR have been made for changes in the blood brain barrier and cognition, but attempts to confirm these findings have been inconsistent [1315].
The data collected from the majority of the aforementioned cellular phone studies was from the early 2000s. Since that time, cellular phone usage has continued to increase, with over 303 million subscribers to cellular phone service in the United States alone in 2011 and almost six billion subscribers worldwide [16]. This is triple the number of reported users in 2000. Children and young adults are now more likely to be using mobile devices and are among some of the heaviest users [17]. This group is potentially at greatest risk of harm from EMR, as dividing tissue, such as that occurring in prepubertal breast buds, is more prone to the adverse effects of radiation [18].
Current cellular phone safety regulations were established in the United States by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in 1996 [19]. The regulations were based on studies which measured the level of EMR penetrating the plexiglass head of a simulated 200 pound man. The studies were designed to measure the specific absorption rate (SAR) which is a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to cellular phone EMR. The FCC set an exposure limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram of tissue. Any cellular phone functioning below this limit is considered to be safe. The duration of exposure during a SAR test is only 30 minutes and does not reflect the total amount of EMR exposure consumers experience with more prolonged exposure. Furthermore, FCC guidelines do not address the issue of risks associated with direct skin contact with cellularphones. This is a critical issue, as the long-term consequence of the direct thermal effect of EMR on developing breast tissue for extended duration has not been documented. In addition, unlike older cellular devices, smartphones have the ability to regularly transmit information, sending and receiving an intermittent signal even when the user of the device is not actively handling it. The accumulation of this passive exposure to EMR is also not well studied.
Although the FCC has not addressed the issue of skin contact, cellular phone manufacturers typically place a warning in their manuals stating that direct contact with the skin should be avoided. For example, the iPhone 4 user manual advises to keep the phone 1.5 cm or more away from the body [20]. Similarly, the safety manual for the BlackBerry Bold Smartphone recommends using an approved holster to carry the phone and to keep the phone 15 mm away from the body when the device is transmitting [21].
This series of four young women with cellular phone-related breast cancer is noteworthy, but caution must be exercised in drawing any conclusion from our small sample. Millions of women are using cellular devices, and it is predictable that rare events will occur. From this small case series, one cannot infer causality but can only consider association. Additionally, no data is available on the number of women who place their cellular phones in contact with their breast and do not develop breast cancer. Finally, the duration of exposure and the location of placement of the cell phone in direct contact with the breast are subject to recall bias.
However, the unusual pattern of multifocal cancers and extensive DCIS occurring in areas of direct cell phone contact on the breast is noteworthy. Each patient had multifocal cancer, but the tumors were all clustered within the area of breast tissue directly underlying the cellular device, and nowhere else. Furthermore, from a pathological point of view, the morphological features of insitu and invasive ductal carcinomas are interesting. All of the carcinomas exhibited similar, if not identical, histology characterized by a mixture of tubular and solid patterns with identical nuclear morphology and grade. All were estrogen and progesterone positive but Her2 negative, luminal-type carcinomas. The ductal and lobular units away from the areas of cellular phone contact showed no significant histological changes. While the cancers appear to be centralized to the region of the breast exposed to the cellular devices, they still possess the ability to metastasize as evidenced by three patients in this series with lymph node metastasis and one with bone metastasis (Case 2). Although the numbers of reported cases here are too small to have a scientific conclusion, the findings are intriguing and support the notion that direct cellular phone contact may be associated with the development of breast carcinoma.
There are fundamental differences between the available literature on cellular devices associated with cancer development and the four cases presented here. First and foremost, unlike the brain which is protected by the skull as well as a spatial distance from the cellular device, each patient here had direct contact between their device and their breast. The effect of EMR on tissues is directly related to the distance between the body and the source [2]. No study has yet to evaluate this direct effect. Second, the period of exposure was prolonged, over many years. Patients from earlier studies in general had a shorter duration of exposure to cellular EMR compared to those in our series. Lastly, it has been demonstrated that the effect of EMR on children can be several times higher than that of adults [22]. It is possible that the growing, dividing breast tissue that occurs during puberty may be particularly vulnerable to cellular phone EMR, accounting in part for at least two of the cases reported here (Cases 1 and 2).
Cellular phone use continues to expand rapidly, especially among young adults. Until more data becomes available, efforts should be made to encourage cellular phone users to follow the recommendations of mobile device manufacturers and to avoid skin contact. Further research is urgently needed in this area. In our practice, we have started to incorporate frequency of cellular phone use and placement location into part of our routine patient-history documentation. Physicians should document this behavior and also inform their patients that, until sufficient safety data becomes available, prolonged skin contact with cellular devices should be avoided.


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Electrosensitivity EHS

Electrosensitivity EHS

For some decades, our electromagnetic environment has been deeply modified by the growing use of electricity in our industrialised countries. Next to natural sources, terrestrial or cosmic, come artificial sources due to numerous technical advances that use electricity and its properties.
A growing number of people report a variety of non specific symptoms, that they attribute to electricity. The symptoms appear at exposure levels that do not lead to any reaction in the majority of people, at frequencies and intensities to which the population is exposed and far below international recommendations.
By following the animated presentation below, you will obtain data concerning electrosensitivity (Flash player required).
Note: A hardcopy is available in PDF format.
If a question remains unresolved after visiting the pages, please contact us through our form here below.

Research in process in Liege (Belgium)

From September 2012, the PNE team offers a research - action where electrohypersensitive people are supported by a psychologist. This study has several objectives:
  • Improve the quality of life,
  • Reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression,
  • Decrease the intensity and / or duration of pain and other physical symptoms.

If you are willing to give a testimony concerning your electrosensitivity, please feel free to complete the form.

My name:
I think that I am electrosensitive because:
I am particularly sensitive to:
My e-mail address:*

Recommendations related to electrosensitivity

Recommendations have been prepared by the Belgian Superior Health Council.

Bibliographical reference databasis

A list of scientific information is available in the complete PDF file (download - 358 ko).
Further information are available in EMF portal (FEMU databasis).

Other links

UC Berkeley's Joel Moskowitz on Cell Phone Safety

UC Berkeley's Joel Moskowitz on Cell Phone Safety

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WHO Wireless Cancer Hazard on Fox5, Sept 18, 2013

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Frost & Sullivan: Billions of Smart Grid Investment Under Threat

Frost & Sullivan: Billions of Smart Grid Investment Under Threat

Published: September 17, 2013 

Industry concerned as Germany may reject the adoption of smart meters
 — /PRNewswire/ -- Germany, usually at the forefront of energy technology adoption in Europe, has long held reservations over smart metering. Privacy issues have always been a concern among a small, but vocal, minority who are not comfortable with the idea of energy utilities having access to when and how consumers use electricity. However, the assumption in the industry was that Germany would eventually fall into line and accept that smart meters must be deployed. This may not happen though and a potential German rejection of smart meter could pose a threat to $44 (€33) billion of smart grid investment.
Frost & Sullivan Energy Analyst, Neha Vikash explains: "The EU Energy Efficiency Directive mandates for 80 percent of households in Europe to have smart metering by 2020. The exception to the Energy Efficiency Directive is if a country can prove that smart metering would not pass a cost benefit analysis." 
Last August, Germany's Economy Ministry published such as report, carried out by external consultants, rejecting smart meters as too expensive to deliver economic benefits. "The report has shocked the industry and could have major ramifications, although it should be pointed out that the report could still be rejected by the German government," continues Neha.
Germany has 48 million meters and the replacement of them over a 5-7 year period would have generated an estimated $8 (€6) billion revenues for smart meter and communications manufacturers. This amount does not include the estimated $10 (€7.5) billion that would be spent on supporting infrastructure, project management and installation (numbers based on Frost & Sullivan's internal forecasts made for the upcoming Global AMI report to be published in the Autumn). "If Germany instead decides to install smart meters only when existing meters need replacing, this would be a massive blow to the industry," says Neha.  Approximately 90 percent of Germany's meter are electromechanical and these can have a working life of anywhere from 20-40 years.   
The situation for meter manufacturers could worsen if other countries follow Germany's lead. "If a country with the political strength of Germany opts out," adds Ms Vikash. "It could embolden EU countries to follow suit. Prior to the German announcement, the UK government had already announced it would delay its rollout by one year to allow further consultation - could this be scrapped or delayed further?"
Excluding Germany, there are an estimated 180 million residential meters in the EU, and of these approximately a third are either already smart or in countries with smart rollouts that are underway and unlikely to be stopped. This leaves 120 million meters. Assuming 80 percent of the 120 million meters in Europe were to be replaced by 2020, this would mean an estimated 96 million meters being replaced at an estimated $12 (€9) billion, and this does not take into account the support infrastructure and installation costs which would be an estimated $14 (€10.5) billion.
"The German government may reject this report and go ahead with the rollout. Other countries may ignore Germany and install smart meters regardless. But with $44 (€33) billion in the balance, this development has got everyone in the industry concerned," concludes Ms Vikash.
For more information on the European smart meters markets and to know more about Frost & Sullivan upcoming Global AMI study, please contact Chiara Carella, Corporate Communications, at
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  • The Integrated Value Proposition provides support to our clients throughout all phases of their journey to visionary innovation including: research, analysis, strategy, vision, innovation and implementation.
  • The Partnership Infrastructure is entirely unique as it constructs the foundation upon which visionary innovation becomes possible. This includes our 360 degree research, comprehensive industry coverage, career best practices as well as our global footprint of more than 40 offices.
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