Monday, July 29, 2019

The CHIRP Study (finding answers to chronic illness in children)

Via Nick Pineault

Today I wanted to give you a heads up about something called the "CHIRP" study.
I met a LOT of extremely inspiring people at the 2019 Nourish Vermont conference (you can watch my entire keynote here):
- Jason Prall who's raising awareness on ancestral practices that lead to amazing longevity and healthspan + the power of psychedelics
- Dr. Zach Bush who's applying his research on lignans (used in his Restore product, among other things) to help heal and fix conventional agriculture
- Dr. Ted Achacoso who's a real pioneer in a brand new type of preventative medicine
But as a new dad, it's Beth Lambert's keynote that touched me the most (you can watch it here).
As Beth shared in her talk, the reality is that a whopping 50% of all children in the US (similar trends seen in other Western countries) suffer from chronic disease. What the heck?
The vast majority of these conditions simply cannot be blamed on genetics. The truth is that most of them are caused by "environmental factors".
Here's where science is kind of stuck right now -- most studies are trying to find out if ONE factor is THE culprit behind the dramatic increase we're seeing in autism, allergies, autoimmunity and the slew of other conditions ailing our children.
The problem is that kids are not exposed to ONE new environmental factor that could potentially make them sick... but to hundreds of them: GMOs, glyphosate, other pesticides and new unmonitored chemicals, nuclear radiation, vaccination (oh my god I used the V word!), screentime, and you've guessed it already -- EMFs!
Here's where Beth's work comes in, and where YOU can make a huge difference in the world...
Beth is spreading the word about a study she's involved with called CHIRP™, (Child Health Inventory for Resilience and Prevention), which is a private, online survey for parents. The study and research project is under the direction of Principal Investigator and Pediatric Neurologist and Neuroscientist, Dr. Martha Herbert -- who's well aware of EMFs.
As a result, the CHIRP questionnaire includes critical questions about the use of cell phones in children, where their wifi routers is, etc.
In plain English, if enough children fill out this free online survey, a research study led by a Harvard scientist might be able to identify correlations between different chronic diseases and EMF exposure.
Can we, for example, identify that children who use tablets, phones or who have a baby monitor near their head are more likely to be sick? This is critical data that we need to gather.
Here’s how you can help:
A) If you are the parent of a child between the ages of 1 and 15, take the survey! It takes a number of hours to complete, but you don’t have to take it all at once. It’s online, secure and your information is totally private and will be de-identified (personal identifying information is removed). Get started by filling out this form to see if you qualify to take the CHIRP survey!
B) If you do not have a child between the ages of 1 and 15, we need you to help spread the word! Please share with your friends, followers, colleagues and more!
If you are based in the US and have kids between the ages 1 and 15, I hope you'll consider participating in the study!
Together we can all make a difference.

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