Thursday, May 02, 2019

Very Important Interview

Curtis Bennett is an electrical engineer and a "Radio Frequency engineer."  Please check out what he has to say.  This is extremely powerful and important.

Full article here


As “an energy professional recognized in British Columbia,” this “professional troubleshooter” is in high demand by other professionals — most notably insurers, medical associations, lawyers, government agencies and other corporations that sense a tsunami of lawsuits rearing off their shores.
“Can the invisible frequencies blanketing our homes, offices and communities affect humans?” they all want to know.

“Yes,” Curtis tells them. “Electrical professionals don’t blast frequencies around like this. Any B.C. Hydro lineman will tell you, you can’t change the frequencies in the grid. You can’t stimulate tissue. It’s illegal.”...

Microwaves heat food by vibrating food so violently its molecular structure shakes apart.
Just like microwaving human DNA with wireless gadgets and grids. “Now you have ‘mechanism’ where you’re doing this through electromagnetic induction,” Bennett explains.
Deluged by lawsuits and complaints, power companies are also waking to the nightmarish realization that the smart meters they’ve rushed into service are acting as antennas.

Water-filled humans also induce electromagnetic energy as internalized electrical current.
Bennett chokes up when he says, “You have 5 girls in school and deprived their families’ rights to reproduce. All girls have [all] their eggs at birth. You guys are irradiating the shit out of their eggs at birth.”
“What’s the genetic mutation, or the right to reproduce worth?” he continues. “9 MHz going through someone’s testicles is going to cause molecular changes.” These cyclic polarity changes whipping human cells back-and-forth–“1.8 billion times a second is not going to heat tissue? Ridiculous! How many times do you want this guy’s nuts irradiated?”...

As they become informed, civil engineers across Canada are increasingly concerned that electrosmog from a plague of wireless smart meter routers has been left out of engineering designs, regulations and discussion. All those interlocking frequencies are “irradiating infrastructure,” Bennett says. “When you get into buildings, it’s a frequency weapon. It’s induction. It’s vibration.”
This could rapidly become a Gigantic Problem because introducing harmonics into structures not designed for them is illegal under both the BC Building Code and the Canada Electrical Code.
“You can’t cause molecular earthquakes in buildings. At 1.8 billion times-a-second you’ll take the legs out from under the building,” Bennett states. Along with bridges. And nuclear power plants.
Even Toronto’s manhole covers are corroding much faster than engineering specs anticipated under a growing onslaught of continuous microwave radiation.
Does anyone seriously think that human organs are immune to energies that so speedily rot iron?

What happens, he asks, when occupancy permits are withdrawn from buildings sprouting dozens of smart meters, as well cellular antenna farms on their roofs?
What is the future of mortgages and insurance for homes compromised by smart meter radiation?
“We work for risk management,” Bennett also says of his profession. “At the end of the day it’s dollars and cents. The frequencies are illegal. You can’t do this. Loss of bees, buildings, infrastructure…” power companies are “going to be bankrupt.”

The peer reviewed science is called electromagnetic induction which is the same mechanism BC Hydro uses for creating electricity...
While Health Canada’s administration and others will be held accountable for their criminal negligence, BC does not want the liability or health costs associated with causing neurological challenges or affecting pollinators.

As an adviser to B.C. municipalities and the Canadian Forces, as well as an expert witness in an ongoing Oregon lawsuit involving smart meters, Curtis Bennett carries clout. And he is not alone in his desire to see B.C.’s Premier and Energy Minister brought to justice.
“These guys need to be arrested and charged with criminal negligence,” he says, mixing genders. “Is it okay for them to hurt somebody’s children? One-hundred percent, no. Does their stupidity and greed absolve them? No.”

When it comes to the effects of pervasive wireless pollution, doctors are asking Curtis Bennett,”What’s going to happen?”
“Extinction,” this EMF expert says succinctly. “This is the biggest threat to mankind.”

Speaking for many, Dr. Vini Khurana, renowned Associate Professor of Neurosurgery in Australia, urges everyone to stop using cell phones immediately.
Smart meters operate on cell phone frequencies. And studies have confirmed that low power levels are extremely dangerous because they more closely mimic — and confuse – the human body’s intercellular communications. 

When it comes to a smart meter’s jagged 2.4 billion hertz pulses overpowering 8 hertz human brains, Bennett predicts that if it is allowed to go ahead, the smart grid will cause “catastrophic electrical failure of the human grid globally.”
Before that happens, we could be looking at entire nations of electromagnetically lobotomised zombies. And before that, an electro-hypersensitivity epidemic could unleash a firestorm of lawsuits against MDs alleging malpractice.
“All medical diagnosis are inaccurate that don’t take into account the electromagnetic environment — misdiagnosis across the board.” Bennett sighs. “What a mess. And that’s the reason we’re not supposed to do it. As professional electrical engineers, we wouldn’t send children to school and electromagnetic induce them and cause neurological problems and then test and grade them — ‘You appear to be a little slow here. Better take this drug.’”

Curtis Bennett’s advice for Hornby Islanders and anyone else facing smart meter-wielding invaders is simple: “Don’t let them come on your property. Recklessly endangering you — that’s a criminal matter. They have no right to be on your property to install and maintain illegal equipment.”
Addressing our trustees, Bennett says that in all their spin-doctoring, BC Hydro left out the mass effects of routers buzzing in a human-inductive grid. “How are you supposed to administer with this info left out? These things are very dangerous. You need to pay attention.”
Heads in the sand leave vulnerable butts to be kicked. Saying “I doubt it” to the weight of scientific evidence, while passing on BC Hydro propaganda unquestioned does not exempt an administrator from criminal negligence, Curtis Bennett adds.
“Authorities are investigating,” he warns. “What’s coming down the road you can’t even imagine. There’s going to be some real hell coming to pay for this.”

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