Publié par Matthieu
CARTIER le mer, 20/08/2014 - 07:30
Hautes-Alpes: C'est un rendez-vous de
classe mondiale qui se tient du 25 août au 1er septembre prochain. Le
rassemblement internationale de l'association une terre pour les
électrohypersensibles. Il se déroulera dans les gorges du Riou-Froid. Selon Le
Monde, cet endroit « témoigne de la détresse des personnes allergiques aux
ondes électromagnétiques. La liste de leurs symptômes est longue : maux de
tête, douleurs articulaires et musculaires, insomnies, acouphènes, troubles de
la vision, perte de mémoire, nausées, dépression… ». Les Hautes-Alpes ne sont
pas choisies au hasard. A Saint Julien en Beauchêne, le domaine de la
Chartreuse est en effet considérée comme une zone blanche...Deux femmes se sont
réfugiées dès 2011 dans cette grotte haut-alpine...Ecoutez Laure Virgy, qui est
membre de l'association une terre pour les EHS :
Deux femmes se sont réfugiées dès 2011 dans cette grotte
haut-alpine. Après les avoir rencontrées, Michel Rivasi,
députée européenne EELV (Europe-Ecologie-Les-Verts), a décidé de tout mettre en
oeuvre afin de créer une zone blanche, pour elle il y a urgence et pourtant le
rapport de l'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de
l'environnement et du travail ( Anses) sur les radiofréquences et leurs effets
sur la santé publié en octobre 2013, a reporté d'un an le problème des
personnes EHS. Ces 2 femmes se sont réfugiées pour l'hiver ailleurs dans les
Hautes-Alpes. La fille d'une d'entre-elles est venue se rendre sur le site pour
témoigner et donner aussi de leurs nouvelles.
L’Électro-Hyper-Sensibilité (ou E. H. S.) est une
pathologie émergente qui se manifeste par des perturbations physiologiques
provoquées par une exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques qu’émettent la
Téléphonie mobile et son groupe technologique. Michèle RIVASI dénonce par
ailleurs le loby de ces sociétés.
Le plus info D!CI :
Depuis plus de quinze ans, en effet, la population est
soumise à un electrosmog qui s’intensifie de jour en jour en même temps que les
technologies se font de plus en plus diverses et de plus en plus complexes.
Conséquence de cette exposition particulièrement intense, les personnes les
plus fragiles, nommées E. H. S., sont victimes de problèmes de santé de haute
gravité qui, si l’on se réfère à l’état réel des connaissances actuelles, ne
sauraient être associées, comme voudraient le faire accroire certains
scientifiques proches de l’industrie, à des troubles de la personnalité, mais
plus sérieusement (et plus scientifiquement) à une affection d’origine
Bien que l’E. H. S. ne semble concerner pour le moment
qu’une partie infime de la population, le nombre de malades ne peut que
s’accroître. D’ailleurs, le Professeur Dominique Belpomme, docteur en médecine
et président de l’ARTAC, qui a ouvert en septembre 2008 une consultation
spécialisée sur le sujet à l’Hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou, déclare avoir
reçu cinq cents patients en un an, ce qui, compte tenu du manque général
d’information des malades et des médecins, laisse supposer l’existence d’un
nombre assez considérable de personnes affectées en France.
Les personnes victimes de l’E. H. S. ont généralement
perdu leur travail. Privées de toute vie sociale, puisque aussi bien il leur
est à peu près impossible de se rendre dans les lieux publics (mairies, postes,
banques, commissariats de police ou gendarmerie, gares, restaurants et
hôtels…), ces personnes ont également une vie culturelle fort restreinte étant
donné que l’accès aux bibliothèques, librairies, salles de cinéma et de
théâtre… leur est interdit en raison de leur maladie.
Naturellement, il est extrêmement difficile à une
personne E. H. S. de faire partie d’une association.
Les personnes victimes de l’E. H. S. souffrent d’une
pathologie émergente invalidante qui, d’une part, occasionne des souffrances
intolérables et qui, d’autre part, affaiblit considérablement leurs systèmes
physiologiques fondamentaux.
Bien que Mme Roselyne Bachelot, alors ministre de la
Santé et des Sports, ait reconnu, dans deux déclarations publiques au moins,
qu’une assistance était due aux victimes de cette pathologie, celle-ci ne
bénéficie pas, à ce jour, d’une reconnaissance publique effective.
Par conséquent, ces malades doivent non seulement faire face à
une pathologie grave, mais encore elles sont victimes de l’exclusion et de
l’incompréhension qui frappent les personnes souffrant d’une maladie mal
connue. Il est fort regrettable, notamment, que la plupart des médecins ne
soient pas informés de l’existence de cette maladie et des conséquences, tant
sanitaires que sociales, qu’elle implique chez les personnes affectées. Il en
résulte trop souvent un déni médical et administratif fort préjudiciable aux
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Posted by Matthew CARTIER Wed, 08/20/2014 - 7:30
Hautes-Alpes: This is a meeting of world class which runs from 25 August to 1 September. The international gathering of the association land for EHS. It will take place in the gorges of Riou-Froid. According to Le Monde, this place "reflects the plight of people who are allergic to electromagnetic waves. The list of symptoms is long: headache, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, tinnitus, blurred vision, memory loss, nausea, depression ... ". The Hautes-Alpes are not chosen at random. A Saint Julien en Beauchene, the field of Chartreuse is indeed seen as a white area ... Two women fled in 2011 in the high-alpine cave ... Listen Virgy Laure, who is a member of the association land for EHS:
Two women fled in 2011 in the high-alpine cave. After interviewing Michel Rivasi MEP EELV (Europe-Ecologie-Les-Greens), decided to do everything possible to create a white area, for her it is urgent, and yet the report of the National Agency Food Safety for Food, environmental and Work (handles) on radio frequencies and their effects on health published in October 2013, was delayed by a year the problem of people EHS. These two women have taken refuge for the winter elsewhere in the Hautes-Alpes. The daughter of one of them came to visit the site to witness and also give their news.
The Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity (or EHS) is an emerging disease that is manifested by physiological disturbances caused by exposure to mobile telephony emit electromagnetic waves and technology group. Michele RIVASI also denounced the loby of these companies.
More info D IC!:
For over fifteen years, in fact, the population is subjected to electrosmog intensifying day by day along with technology are becoming increasingly diverse and increasingly complex. Therefore this exhibition particularly intense, the most frail, named EHS, suffer health problems high gravity, if one refers to the actual state of knowledge, can not be combined, as would the make believe some scientists around the industry, with personality disorders, but seriously (and scientifically) to a condition caused by environmental factors.
Although E. HS seems to involve currently a small part of the population, the number of patients can only increase. Moreover, Professor Dominique Belpomme, MD, president of the ARTAC, which opened in September 2008 a specialist consultation on the subject at the European Hospital Georges Pompidou, reports having received five hundred patients a year which, given the general lack of information for patients and physicians, suggesting the existence of a considerable number of people affected in France.
The victims of the E. H. S. generally lost their jobs. Banned from public life, as well as it is their almost impossible to go to public places (town halls, post offices, banks, police or gendarmerie stations, restaurants and hotels ...), they also have a life cultural much restricted as access to libraries, bookstores, movie theaters and theater ... they are prohibited because of their illness.
Naturally, it is extremely difficult for a person to be part of EHS association.
The victims of the E. HS with incapacitating emerging disease that, firstly, causes intolerable suffering and, on the other hand, significantly weakens their basic physiological systems.
Although Roselyne Bachelot, Minister of Health and Sports, acknowledged in two public statements at least, that assistance was due to the victims of this disease, it does not enjoy, to date, of effective public recognition.
Therefore, these patients should not only deal with a serious illness, but they are victims of exclusion and misunderstanding against people suffering from a little-known disease. It is most unfortunate, especially that most doctors are not aware of the existence of this disease and the consequences, both medical and social, it involves in persons. The result is often a very damaging to patients medical and administrative denial.
Google Translate
Posted by Matthew CARTIER Wed, 08/20/2014 - 7:30
Hautes-Alpes: This is a meeting of world class which runs from 25 August to 1 September. The international gathering of the association land for EHS. It will take place in the gorges of Riou-Froid. According to Le Monde, this place "reflects the plight of people who are allergic to electromagnetic waves. The list of symptoms is long: headache, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, tinnitus, blurred vision, memory loss, nausea, depression ... ". The Hautes-Alpes are not chosen at random. A Saint Julien en Beauchene, the field of Chartreuse is indeed seen as a white area ... Two women fled in 2011 in the high-alpine cave ... Listen Virgy Laure, who is a member of the association land for EHS:
Two women fled in 2011 in the high-alpine cave. After interviewing Michel Rivasi MEP EELV (Europe-Ecologie-Les-Greens), decided to do everything possible to create a white area, for her it is urgent, and yet the report of the National Agency Food Safety for Food, environmental and Work (handles) on radio frequencies and their effects on health published in October 2013, was delayed by a year the problem of people EHS. These two women have taken refuge for the winter elsewhere in the Hautes-Alpes. The daughter of one of them came to visit the site to witness and also give their news.
The Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity (or EHS) is an emerging disease that is manifested by physiological disturbances caused by exposure to mobile telephony emit electromagnetic waves and technology group. Michele RIVASI also denounced the loby of these companies.
More info D IC!:
For over fifteen years, in fact, the population is subjected to electrosmog intensifying day by day along with technology are becoming increasingly diverse and increasingly complex. Therefore this exhibition particularly intense, the most frail, named EHS, suffer health problems high gravity, if one refers to the actual state of knowledge, can not be combined, as would the make believe some scientists around the industry, with personality disorders, but seriously (and scientifically) to a condition caused by environmental factors.
Although E. HS seems to involve currently a small part of the population, the number of patients can only increase. Moreover, Professor Dominique Belpomme, MD, president of the ARTAC, which opened in September 2008 a specialist consultation on the subject at the European Hospital Georges Pompidou, reports having received five hundred patients a year which, given the general lack of information for patients and physicians, suggesting the existence of a considerable number of people affected in France.
The victims of the E. H. S. generally lost their jobs. Banned from public life, as well as it is their almost impossible to go to public places (town halls, post offices, banks, police or gendarmerie stations, restaurants and hotels ...), they also have a life cultural much restricted as access to libraries, bookstores, movie theaters and theater ... they are prohibited because of their illness.
Naturally, it is extremely difficult for a person to be part of EHS association.
The victims of the E. HS with incapacitating emerging disease that, firstly, causes intolerable suffering and, on the other hand, significantly weakens their basic physiological systems.
Although Roselyne Bachelot, Minister of Health and Sports, acknowledged in two public statements at least, that assistance was due to the victims of this disease, it does not enjoy, to date, of effective public recognition.
Therefore, these patients should not only deal with a serious illness, but they are victims of exclusion and misunderstanding against people suffering from a little-known disease. It is most unfortunate, especially that most doctors are not aware of the existence of this disease and the consequences, both medical and social, it involves in persons. The result is often a very damaging to patients medical and administrative denial.
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