Saturday, June 29, 2013

Understanding The Dangers of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Understanding The Dangers of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

You see them in every grocery store and home center – those funny-looking curly compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) that are rapidly replacing the old round bulbs. And pretty soon, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 kicks in, requiring bulbs to be 25 to 30 percent more efficient by 2012 to 2014, and 70 percent more efficient by 2020, effectively phasing out traditional incandescent bulbs as a way to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The energy efficiency of CFLs may be significant, but unlike traditional light bulbs, there is a hidden danger sealed inside each little bulb that requires special handling and disposal.
Mercury – a potent, developmental neurotoxin that can damage the brain, liver, kidneys and central nervous system. Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to mercury’s toxic effects. Even at low levels, mercury is capable of causing a number of health problems including impair motor functioning, cognitive ability and emotional problems. Higher or prolonged exposure can result in much more serious health problems.
CFLs are marketed as “safe” and don’t pose any health risks as long as the glass remains intact. The danger comes if the bulbs are cracked, broken or not disposed of properly. Although it sounds like a miniscule amount – 4 to 5 milligrams – there is enough mercury in just one fluorescent light bulb to contaminate 6,000 gallons of water.
So what does that mean if a CFL is cracked or breaks in our homes, releasing mercury vapors in an enclosed area?
Consumers – especially those with young children –need to know what to do when a CFL breaks and the proper way to dispose of used bulbs. It’s no longer as easy as changing a light bulb.

Mercury Warning:

Compact fluorescent light-bulbs contain very small amounts of mercury and care must be taken in disposing of them or when they break.
The EPA suggests the following:
o People and pets should immediately leave the room.
o Open a window and/or door and Air out the room for 5 to 10 minutes.
o Turn off the central forced air heating/air-conditioning system.
o Thoroughly collect broken glass and visible powder using wet cloths. Never use vacuum cleaners or brooms.
o Put all debris and cleanup materials in a sealable container and put outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly. Do not leaving bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors.
o If practical, continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the heating/air conditioning system shut off for several hours.

Also check out these frequently asked questions about CFLs below

All of this needs to be done to protect people from the tiny amount of mercury in one fluorescent light bulb. Which begs the question, are these lights really safe and are the risks worth it?
Another equally important concern is what happens to the environment – the air, soil and water – when tons of discarded bulbs, along with the mercury, are dumped into local landfills?
The threat posed by billions of broken CFLs lying in landfills has resulted in some communities requiring their citizens to discard used and broken CFLs in designated recycling centers or in a hazardous-waste collection facility.
Given the known deleterious effects caused by mercury, it would seem logical to assume there will be some unintended consequences resulting from the switch to compact fluorescent lights.
Only time will tell how significant those consequences will be.
If you are concerned about the possible health risks associated with CFLs, LED or halogen lights are good alternatives. Both cost a little more but are as efficient as CFLs and can be recycled easily.
For more information about mercury and compact fluorescent light bulbs go to
For information about your communities recycling program go to
Compact Fluorescent Lamps are designed to fit standard light sockets as an energy-saving alternative to traditional incandescent bulbs. CFLs have spiraling or elongated U-shaped tubes known as a single-envelope unit; the double-envelope or encapsulated bulbs have the tubes inside a glass bulb. Consumers should be aware of dangers associated with CFL bulbs before bringing the units into the home, school or workplace.

Mercury Content

  • Although CFLs are considered extremely energy efficient, each bulb contains about 5mg “elemental mercury,” says U.S. Army-Ft. Wood. General Electric, a manufacturer of CFL bulbs, notes the amount equivalent to the tip of a ballpoint pen. GE further claims the mercury is an “essential, irreplaceable element” that allows the bulb to perform as an efficient light source, posing no danger during regular use. Elemental mercury is a bioaccumulative neurotoxin that effects multiple neurological responses. High exposures may affect the kidneys, lead to respiratory failure and death. In addition, mercury accumulates in the environment, vaporizing into the air and leaching into water supplies.

Radiation Emissions

  • CFL bulbs are subject to scrutiny by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as electronic products that emit ultraviolet radiation. However, as of May 2011, the FDA did not have “specific standards or annual reporting requirements” for manufacturers because the bulbs are considered of little concern, having insignificant levels of radiation. CFLs emit a small amount of UVA, UVB and infrared radiation, according to the FDA. The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency tested CFLs from various manufacturers. With the exception of people with photosensitive medical conditions, such as lupus, ARPANSA noted that CFLs are suitable for use at distances beyond 10 inches. However, when using desktop and other close lamps, it’s advisable to utilize double-envelope or encapsulated bulbs.

Electrical Sensitivity

  • Electrical sensitivity, also known as electrical hypersensitivity and electromagnet hypersensitivity, is a recognized disability with chronic and systematic reactions to electromagnet fields given off by wiring, electrical equipment, transformers and florescent lighting — including CFLs. Approximately 8 million Americans experience electrical sensitivities, according to the Research & Training Center on Independent Living. It causes nervous system symptoms such as headache, fatigue, stress and sleep disturbances; skin symptoms including prickling, burning sensations and rashes, and pain and ache to muscles, as well as many other health problems. CFLs contribute to electrical sensitivity by emitting electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic Radiation

  • Electromagnet radiation, also known as electromagnetic frequencies — EMF — is a naturally occurring energy. Technological advances such as CFL bulbs have increased the EMF in modern environments. The electromagnet radiation bundle includes dirty electricity — sometimes called dirty power — electrical pollution and radio waves. Most of the EMF fields experienced every day and emitted from CFL bulbs are non-ionizing radiation and considered safe. However, for people with electrical sensitivity, CFL bulbs have significant accumulative dangers, according to ElectroSensitivity UK News.
Source -

New system uses low-power Wi-Fi signal to track moving humans — even behind walls

New system uses low-power Wi-Fi signal to track moving humans — even behind walls

‘Wi-Vi’ is based on a concept similar to radar and sonar imaging.

Update: Cell Phone and Breast Cancer

Update: Cell Phone and Breast Cancer

In the previous article on cell phone to breast contact and the risk of developing breast cancer, I described a 21 year old girl who started placing her cell phone in her bra at age 17. She stated that the phone was in contact with her breast for an average of 12 hours a day. She also stated that she sent more than 100 text messages a day. At age 21 she noted a lump in the center of her breast directly below where she stored her cell phone in her bra. An ultrasound of the breast was suspicious. An MRI showed multiple tumors distributed in roughly the area in which her cell phone was placed in contact with her breast. She required a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation, but is now doing very well.
Since the last article, we have identified two women ages 21 and 34 who developed multiple small breast cancers directly below where their cell phones were placed in direct contact with their breasts. We now have a total of four patients under 40 years of age with multiple breast cancers in that area where their cell phones were in contact with their breasts. None of these patients had a family history of breast cancer or any other known risk factors for developing breast cancer.
Although these findings are of concern, there is no way to prove that exposure to the radiation emitted by the cell phones caused these cancers. There is, however, growing concern that there may be a relationship between cell phone exposure and the risk of developing cancer. For example, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded in 2011 that radio frequency fields (RF), such as those from cell phones, may cause cancer but more research is needed before this can be confirmed. In July 2012 the Government Accountability Office (GAO) noted that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) energy exposure limits may not reflect the latest research.2 The report also notes that current measures do not address the issue of direct contact with the skin, and warn that prolonged skin contact could result in RF energy exposure higher than the FCC limit.
Although safety data on skin contact with cell phones is lacking, cell phone manuals recommend that skin contact with cell phones be avoided. For example, the iPhone 4 Product Information Guide states that when carrying the iPhone, keep it 1.5 cm (5/8 inch) or more away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the maximum levels. The user manual for the BlackBerry 9620 Smartphone states that…. “when you wear the BlackBerry device close to your body, use a RIM approved holster with an integrated belt clip or maintain distance of 0.98 in. (25 mm) between your BlackBerry device and your body while the BlackBerry device is transmitting.” The manual also states that the long-term effects of exceeding RF exposure standards might present a risk of serious harm.
Hopefully the FCC will address this issue in the near future, but until more becomes available, skin contact with cell phones must be avoided. This may be particularly true for young women with developing breasts. Previous studies have clearly demonstrated that higher frequency radiation, as occurs with diagnostic x-rays (for example chest X-rays), is a proven risk factor for developing breast cancers. It took decades to prove that exposing young women to chest X-rays increased their risk of developing breast cancer. If a similar risk exists for placing cell phones in contact with the breast, the number of women at risk could be enormous. There are more than 6 billion cell phones currently in use, and the number of users is growing rapidly. It is unknown how many women place their cell phone in their bras, but according to one of our patients, all of her friends were placing their cell phones in their bras before she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Until more data becomes available, efforts should be made to encourage the public to follow the guidelines of the cell phone manufacturers and avoid any form of skin contact.
If you have questions or comments, you can contact me at: Ask The Doctor or Contact Us.

Experts: Cellphones pose threat to children’s brains

Experts: Cellphones pose threat to children’s brains

Posted: Friday, June 28, 2013 11:30 pm | Updated: 12:00 am, Sat Jun 29, 2013.

STONINGTON — According to a panel of scientists, radiation from cellphones and wireless Internet can negatively affect the brains of children, causing problems with perception, memory and sleep, among other vital functions.
That was the message the scientists brought to the La Grua Center on Friday, hoping to educate the public on what they say is a grave public health danger that is being obscured by corporate interests. Although there are still questions about the effects of cellphones, the scientists felt there was a strong enough correlation that people need to be warned.
Hugh Taylor, a Yale University obstetrician and gynecologist, doesn’t study cellphones, but he studies their effect on developing fetuses. Initially, his interest was to see how cellphone radiation affects the fertility of mice that were exposed to cellphone radiation in utero.
He devised a study where half the mice were exposed to cellphones that were powered on, and half to phones that were turned off. But instead of finding fertility effects, he found behavioral effects. The mice that gestated in these conditions were found as adults to be hyperactive, had diminished memory and they weren’t anxious, causing them to act impulsively. In human terms, they had the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
“The fetus is very vulnerable,” Taylor said. “It’s at a very delicate age.”
Their brain cells also behaved differently, on a molecular level, than the control mice.
The cellphone communicates with the tower all of the time, unless it’s turned off, so humans don’t need to be on the phone all of the time to receive constant exposure, Taylor said. He advises pregnant women not to carry a cellphone on their belt or in their pocket, or keep a phone by their beds at night.
Martin Blank, a researcher in bioelectromagnetics at Columbia University, said the reason these electromagnetic fields are dangerous is because they can damage DNA, the genetic material that dictates how cells grow. Even at the lowest energy levels, from radiation generated by the electricity used to power lightbulbs and televisions, radiation can affect children, he said. He cited studies that showed that growing up near high-tension power lines correlates with an increase in leukemia, neurological diseases and cancers. He also cited a study that showed children who grew up near a radio tower have higher rates of cancer, which increased the closer they lived to the tower. Blank had other data showing that rates of salivary gland cancer increased with cellphone use.
Damage to DNA can cause errors, which in turn can cause cancer, years after the error occurs, he said.
David Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health and Environment at the University of Albany, cautioned that children are receiving too much exposure to radiation and electromagnetic fields. Microwaves are everywhere, he explained, and not just in your kitchen. They come from cell towers, cellphones, radar and wireless Internet in homes, businesses and schools.
“Cellphones are everywhere,” he said. “People just can’t seem to get along without them.”
However, he noted, United States standards for microwave exposure are based on the amount of microwaves it would take to cook your body like a baked potato, and not on correlation to cancer and behavioral issues like irritability, depression and an inability to concentrate. Standards in Eastern Bloc countries are 1,000 times lower, he said.
Like the first three speakers, Devra Lee Davis said there are strong correlations of the effect of cellphones on children’s brains, but not direct evidence.
“We don’t have a lot of clear information,” she said, “and if we’re really smart, we’re not going to wait for it.”
Davis, who founded the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh, agreed with others that male fertility can be affected by microwaves, and much more than female fertility. Female reproductive organs are more protected than males’, and males continue to manufacture reproductive cells throughout their lives, while women are born with all of theirs.
“When you guys put that cellphone in your pocket, think about it,” she said to the men in the room.
The panelists had advice for the roughly 50 people who attended the presentation. Turn your cellphones off when they’re not using them. Keep them as far away from your bodies as possible, and keep them as far away from your head as possible when you talk on them. Cellphones should not be kept near the abdomen of pregnant women, and young children should only use them in an emergency. Don’t sleep with your phone. And men who would like to be fathers some day should keep their phones out of their pockets.

Gro Harlem Brundtland: No Longer Electrosensitive

Gro Harlem Brundtland: No Longer Electrosensitive

Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, the former head of the WHO,
is now using a cell phone and surfing the Internet,
according to a story in this morning's Aftenbladet, a
Norwegian daily newspaper.

Though she rarely discussed her condition in public,
Brundtland has long been the word's best known

Read the whole story in our latest Short Take:

Louis Slesin

Suspicions raised on cancer, cell phone link

Suspicions raised on cancer, cell phone link

BlackBerry, Droid, Razr emit most radiation

Posted: Friday, June 28, 2013 9:16 pm
Although there is yet to be any hard evidence or research done on the subject, many news organizations are warning of the risks of carrying cell phones on or near the skin. This comes after hearing the story of Tiffany Franz, a Strasburg resident who was diagnosed with breast cancer at 21, despite no family history or participation in risks that usually cause cancer.
 Franz, according to the Be Aware Foundation that focuses on breast cancer prevention, carried her phone in her bra for 12 hours a day for six years, and later noticed a lump in the exact spot she carried her phone.
Because there have only been three cases of women reporting breast cancer after carrying their phones in their bras, findings are inconclusive and real research is rare. One such instance of research was done by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in a 2011 study that suggested radio frequency fields (RF), such as those from cell phones, may cause cancer but more research was needed before that could be confirmed.
 Even cell phone companies like Apple and the makers of Blackberry phones warn in their user’s manuals that skin contact with cell phones be avoided. The iPhone 4 Product Information Guide states that when carrying the iPhone, keep it .62 inches or more away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the maximum levels. The user manual for the BlackBerry 9620 Smartphone states that, “When you wear the BlackBerry device close to your body, use a RIM approved holster with an integrated belt clip or maintain distance of 0.98 inches between your BlackBerry device and your body while the BlackBerry device is transmitting.” The manual also states that the long-term effects of exceeding RF exposure standards might present a risk of serious harm.
 With more than 300 million cell phone users in the U.S and growing, the risk of radiation exposure by cell phones is growing. Until proper research is done either proving or disproving the risks, it is better to be safe than sorry when carrying your cell phone.

Top 10 cell phones that emit the highest levels of radiation

Rank Model SAR (digital) Carrier
1 RIM BlackBerry Curve 9310 1.58 Boost Mobile
2 Motorola Razr HD 1.56 Verizon Wireless
3 Motorola Droid Razr Maxx HD 1.56 Verizon Wireless
4 Nokia Astound 1.53 T-Mobile
5 RIM BlackBerry Curve 9350 1.5 Sprint Nextel
6 Nokia Lumia 900 1.49 AT&T
7 Motorola Defy XT 1.48 U.S. Cellular
8 HTC Trophy 1.48 Verizon Wireless
9 Motorola Atrix 4G 1.47 AT&T
10 RIM BlackBerry Curve 9360 1.47 T-Mobile

Source: CNET Guide to cell phone radiation levels

Friday, June 28, 2013



 30 JUNE 2012

by Kirill MatveevMedpulse

Getting rid of the plug and swapping landlines for cell phones, representatives of the Generation Digital will soon feel that they paid for the mobility with their own health. As the growing industry of mobile devices develops, the list of diseases that are typical for members of the “digital” generation is growing.

This is openly discussed by a Nobel laureate Dr. Devra Davis in her book titled “The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family.”

A well-known toxicologist says that the harm caused to the health by high-frequency radiation from mobile phones is still considered unproven only because of counter-productive efforts of manufacturers of mobile devices that choose to conceal and manipulate the facts in order to protect their business estimated at $3 trillion but not 4.6 billion potential users.

In particular, scientific experiments have clearly shown that only after two hours of exposure of laboratory rats to a “mobile” range, the DNA of brain cells of the animals changes, and the modified cells become identical to tumor cells. In humans changes caused by mobile phone radiation are not that dramatic, but it makes you think. For example, children who regularly use a mobile phone do not have visible changes of the brain, but suffer from memory loss and decreased learning ability.

The professor notes that manufacturers of smartphones indirectly recognize the harm that can be done by a cell phone, but put it in fine print on the very bottom of the operating manual.

In particular, the manufacturer of the latest model of BlackBerry (the Torch) does not recommend bringing it to the body closer than 2.5 cm This applies in the first place to the abdomen of pregnant women and groin of adolescents. Apple recommends that iPhone users do not hold the device closer than 1.5 cm from the surface of the body.

The radiation from mobile phones is not the only curse of the “digital” age.

As the industry of mobile devices grows, a list of diseases typical for members of the “digital” generation is beginning to form. Depending on the specifics of the device various organs and body parts are targeted.

Staring at a computer monitor for hours, you may be compromising your vision. A scientific study showed that at least 20% of people who regularly use a computer often have headaches and a half of them have eye issues, and 25% cannot focus their eyes on one point. Regular breaks at work can help prevent it.

Since mobile players like iPod entered the market, the number of people with hearing issues has been growing. Young people increase the volume of the headphones to the maximum, which adversely affects both the hearing of the music fans, and the occasional fellow travelers on public transport.

The fans of decibels must be reminded that any noise above 85 decibels leads to irreversible hearing damage. An alarming symptom is ringing in the ears after listening to music.

Dermatologists increasingly note the appearance of symptoms in humans known as “mobile dermatitis,” which manifests as an allergic reaction to nickel-plated surface of a mobile phone. It is believed that women are most susceptible to this disease as they have more frequent contact with nickel-plated jewelry.

Gamers prefer virtual reality to the real one because they cannot always boast good shape and good health.

In the case of the Nintendo Wii game console the users are forced to simulate the movement of athletes when playing golf, tennis, or boxing. They complain of pains in the shoulders and elbows caused by electronic gymnastics. Doctors advise to do warm up exercises before a play session to stretch muscles and joints.

A computer mouse is guilty of frequent pain in the wrist of office workers who spend long hours at the computer.

Excessive text messaging often causes users of mobile phones numbness of fingers.

Passion for computer games and watching TV does not contribute to a good posture. Avid gamers have every chance to develop spine issues. In addition, due to prolonged stay in one position, degeneration of the abdominal muscles and back can be observed. Constant tension of the neck muscles may permanently damage them.

The regular use of a laptop on your lap may cause skin burns. Burns and changes in skin pigmentation are not the biggest payoff for compactness and portability of the computer. Doctors point out that frequent use of a laptop on one’s lap may reduces the ability of men to conceive.


SCIENCE: Increasing incidence of burnout due to magnetic and electromagnetic fields of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies

SCIENCE: Increasing incidence of burnout due to magnetic and electromagnetic fields of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies

[Editorial Note: This paper had the letters "ti" deleted throughout. Although I have tried to replace "ti" wherever it was needed, you may find some puzzling words such as: acvon = activation, dysfuncon = dysfunction, magnec = magnetic, radiaon = radiation, im = time, and so on. Apologies.]
Ulrich Warnke and Peter Hensinger

Burnout syndrome (BOS) is a psychosomatic stress disorder. Exogenous stress leads to oxidative cellular stress, the formation of excessive reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, and reaction products (ROS/RNS). This then leads to mitochondrial metabolic dysfunction, which results in a lack of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and subsequently in a diminished performance of cells. Lack of ATP is a crucial factor in BOS, as well as in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). A crucial element in the multisystem disease BOS is inflammation as a consequence of nitrosative and oxidative stress, as well as the acquired mitochondriopathy. Weak ambient magnetic fields (e.g. from transformers in devices) and various radio-frequency resonances increase the level of free radicals and their reaction products that have toxic effects.
The nonionizing radiation of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies (cell towers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, etc.) also leads to cell stress. There is a correlation between the stress trigger due to living conditions, magnetic fields, and RF radiation of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies. The affected person will suffer from functional impairment and diseases; and if these are hereditary, they will be passed on to the next generation as a pre-existing defect, as is the case with e.g. “acquired energy dyssymbiosis syndrome” (AEDS).

Keywords: burnout, electromagnetic fields, mobile telephony, RF radiation, stress, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), chronic inflammation, chronic multisystem illness (CMI), acquired energy dyssymbiosis syndrome (AEDS) Translati on: By Katharina Gustavs and authorized by the author and publisher.

Original publica on: WARNKE U; HENSINGER P (2013): Steigende „Burn-out“-Inzidenz durch technisch erzeugte magne sche und elektromagne sche Felder des Mobil- und Kommunika onsfunks; umwelt-medizin-gesellscha6, 26(1): 31-38.

———————— Increase in chronic multisystem diseases
In medical history, the definiti on of general fati gue, depressiveness, and avoli on as a pathological conditi on is discussed against the backdrop of societal developments; in the past, they were referred to as melancholia, vapors, neurasthenia, and depression (EHRENBURG 2009) and today as burnout syndrome. Stress always plays a central role in these conditi ons.
Benkert offers a mely defini tion: “The burnout syndrome is a specific result of conti nuous stress.” (BENKERT 2009) Burnout belongs to the chronic disorders (GEUENICH & HAGEMANN 2012) with increasing prevalence within the group of the so-called chronic mutil system illnesses (CMI) (see Fig. 1). Condi tions with diffuse symptomatology include:

• MCS (mul ple chemical sensi vity),
• CFS (chronic fa gue syndrome),
• BOS (burnout syndrome),
• PTSD (post-trauma c stress disorder),
• Fibromyalgia syndrome.

umwelt·medizin·gesellschaft | 26 | 1/2013
The prevalence of chronic mul system illnesses is esti mated to comprise at least 25% of the populati on in western industrial countries – with an increasing trend. For CFS alone, a prevalence of 522 cases per 100,000 in females and 291 per 100,000 in males is given for the U.S. (AACFS 2003).
According to a study of the University of Chicago, the prevalence of CFS thus easily exceeds those of HIV infecti ons (125/100,000), lung cancer (43/100,000), or breast cancer (26/100.000)(JASON et al. 1999).

The pathogenesis of CMI syndromes and all other CMI associated illnesses involves free radicals and inflammatory events of the immune system.

——– Special focus: oxidative stress
The crucial role of oxida ve stress is generally known and scienti fically acknowledged:

“Cell processes require redox homeostasis, which must be maintained by a mul titude of an increasing incidence of burnout due to magnetic and electromagnetic fields of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies  oxidant enzymes… When the organism’s homeostatic increasing incidence of burnout due to magnetic and electromagnetic fields of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies balance is ti pped in favor of oxidati ve processes, we speak of oxidati ve stress. Oxidati ve stress is associated, among others, with the aging of cells.

Furthermore, a severe accumulati on of reacti ve oxygen species (ROS) with a simultaneous decrease in the level of the body’s own an oxidant glutathione is considered a known cause of acute and chronic degenerati ve diseases such as stroke, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease” (HELMHOLTZ ZENTRUM 2008). The Robert Koch Ins tute confirmed these rela onships (RKI 2008).
In persons with burnout syndrome, changes can be observed in the following cell func ons, among others (BAUR 2012, BIEGER 2012, MÜLLER 2012, VON BAEHR 2012):

• Oxidati ve cell stress (ROS), chronic inflammati on, and nitric oxide formati on result in an increased formati on of peroxynitrite;
• Lower levels of the body’s own an oxidants, especially superoxide dismutase (SOD2);
• Decrease in ATP producti on and diminished energy supply through mitochondria;
• Disrup on of the neuroendocrine stress axis, slowing down of the catabolism of catecholamines, and modula ng effects on the neuroendocrine immune system. Beside mental stress, environmental stressors, including EMF (electromagne c fields, see Fig. 2), are discussed as triggers.
Both mental stress as well as environmental stressors lead to cell stress (= oxida ve stress); the interac ons provide a model to explain the increasing incidence of burnout.
Zusammenfassung Steigende „Burn-out“-Inzidenz durch technisch erzeugte
magne sche und elektromagne sche Felder des Mobil-und Kommunika onsfunks
Das Burn-Out-Syndrom (BOS) ist eine psychosoma sche Stresserkrankung. Exogener Stress führt zu Oxida vem Zellstress, einer übermäßigen Entstehung von Freien Sauerstoff
-Radikalen, S ckstoff-Radikalen und Folgeprodukten (ROS /RNS). Dadurch entstehen mitochondriale Stoffwechselstörungen, die zu einem Mangel an ATP (Adenosintriphosphat) und in der Folge zur verminderten Leistungsfä-higkeit der Zellen führen. ATP-Mangel ist ein wesentlicher Faktor beim BOS als auch beim Chronic Fa gue Syndrom(CFS). Ein zentrales Element der Mul systemerkrankung BOS sind die Entzündung (Inflamma on) als Folge von nitrosa vem und oxida vem Stress so wie die erworbene Mitochondropathie.

Aus der Umgebung stammende schwache MagneRelder (z.B. Gerätetransformatoren) und diverse Hochfrequenzschwingungen erhöhen die Ausbeute von Freien Radikalen
und toxisch wirkenden Folgeprodukten. Die nich onisierende Strahlung der Mobil- und Kommunika onsfunktechnologie (Mobilfunkmasten, Handys, WLAN u.a.) führt ebenso zu
Zellstress. Es besteht eine Wechselwirkung zwischen der Stressauslösung durch Lebensumstände, MagneRelder und Mobil- und Kommunika onsfunkstrahlung. Der Mensch
leidet an Funk onsstörungen und Krankheiten und – soweit sie vererbbar sind – gibt er sie als Vorschädigungen an dienächsten Genera onen weiter, wie z.B. beim ,Aquired Energy Dyssymbiosis Syndrom’ (AEDS). Schlüsselwörter: Burn-out, Elektromagne sche Felder, Mobilfunk, Stress, Chronic Fa gue Syndrome (CFS), chronische Entzündung, chronische Mul systemerkrankung (CMI), Acquired Energy Dyssymbiosis Syndrom (AEDS)
Fig.1: Burnout: the number of diagnoses rises rapidly (WIDO 2012, AOK = General German health insurance)
umwelt·medizin·gesellschaft | 26 | 1/2013
———— Parallels between biological stress symptoms and adverse
biological effects of RF radiation
Why do we need to worry that these phenomena of general
loss of performance also may have a causal rela onship,
among others, with the ubiquitous cell phone and wireless
networks? The “digiti zati on of our world” means that, since
ca. 1998, our cells have been exposed to a conti nually increasing level of nonionizing radiati on to which they have not adapted. There is a relati onship between triggers of stress due to living conditi ons and RF radiati on. Research results regarding the effects of nonionizing radiati on on cells show similar effect mechanisms as the burnout research in environmental medicine (see Fig. 3).
Radio-frequency electromagne c fields (RF-EMF) interfere
with cell processes:
• RF-EMFs produce excessive cell-damaging free radicals and strongly reacti ve oxygen and nitrogen species, which in turn can damage the DNA (see below).
• The body’s own defense in the form of endogenous
radical scavengers (anti oxidants) is weakened by RFEMFs (see below).
• The repair of DNA damage is impaired (BELYAEV et al.
• RF-EMFs interfere with the center of our metabolism,
the mitochondria, and thus interfere with our energy
produc on: ATP produc on is inhibited (SANDERS et
al. 1980, 1984, 1985).
• The decrease in ATP produc on debilitates the enti re
• The exposure to RF radia on triggers a downward
spiral of disease. RF-EMFs accelerate toxic cascades.
“The clinical picture of AEDS or acquired energy dyssymbiosis
syndrome … describes a deficiency in cell energy with a simultaneous deteriora on of the cell milieu. This leads to mitochondriopathy. Energy producti on is blocked; the power plants of the cell are transformed into efficient sources of free radicals.” (WARNKE 2007)
———— Unnatural environment and
little protection
All living organisms, especially those living in the atmosphere, are immersed in ever-growing layers of radiofrequency radia on as well as electric and magne c fields.
Satellites show that the highest level of radiati on of technical
origin is found across Europe; the U.S. and China are somewhat less exposed (LIGHT et al. 2001).
The statements by those in power (poli cians, network providers, “experts“) have remained the same for years:
“According to the current body of scien fic knowledge, there
is no risk to human health below the exposure guidelines.” In
Germany, the exposure limits of the 26th Ordinance Implemen ng the Federal Immission Control Act apply. And the authori ties keep repea ng the same statements, assuring the public that, based on current knowledge, cell phone radiati on is safe. Those findings that do show effects would not be
reproducible. People who refer to themselves as electrosensiti ve are labeled as experiencing a nocebo response or suffering from a mental illness. And the spurious argument that there is no effect mechanism that would explain a risk also keeps coming up. The quantum energy of the radiati on, it is said, is far too low; it is several orders of magnitude below the thermal noise level, which is why it would not have the power to impair or damage living organisms.
Normally one would expect that the biological response to
weak and very weak magneti c fields and RF radiati on of cell
phone and other wireless communica on technologies
would be masked by the – stronger quantum -thermal noise
inside the human body. Because at temperatures between
20 °C and 40 °C, as occur in the human body, molecules and
their components are in constant random moti on. A signal
with lower energy then that cannot change this moti on in
any meaningful way. Adverse effects could therefore not
exist as long as the allegedly damaging fields are lost in this
random noise and an increase in temperature can be prevented. And this is what current exposure limits guarantee, and all worldwide experts in politi cs and industry adopt this argumentati on from one another.
Yet disastrously, it is exactly this central point of their placati ng argument that is false. There is not only a conceivable but even a completely plausible effect mechanism, which is able to explain DNA damage and all other described symptoms for such low-energy, nonthermal fields, and this completely independent of an increase in temperature. It is the
Fig.2: Pathogenesis of inflammati on, mitochondriopathy,
and nitrosa ve stress as a result of the exposure to trigger
factors (VON BAEHR 2012)
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produc on of free radicals through nonionizing radia on of
wireless networks, which provokes the destruc on of body
cells and genes.
Then what is the ra tionale for how electromagneti c fields of
cell phone and other wireless communica on technologies
generate disease?
Fact #1: Never before has the Earth’s atmosphere been saturated with so many electric and magne c fields and nonstop
electromagneti c radiati on of technical origin, and this radia-
on exposure con ntiues to increase.
Fact #2: Inflammati on triggered by oxidati ve stress and its
resulti ng cardiovascular diseases (e.g. infarct, arteriosclerosis, etc.) are the number one cause of death in industrial countries, closely followed by tumors (see Fig. 4). Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), among others, show an increasing
Questi on: Does a causal rela onship beyond the presently
known risk factors exist?
Numerous consistent scien fic findings show that the radiati on of cell phone and other wireless communica on technologies can produce addi tional ROS/RNS in living organisms;
this can occur in the presence of both ELF magneti c fields as
well as RF electromagneti c fields. The energy of these fields
that can trigger effects is several orders of magnitude below
the average thermal noise level (FRIEDMAN et al. 2007).
———— RF-radiation-induced increase
in free radicals: nitric oxide (NO)
and reactive nitrogen species (RNS)
Cell phone radiati on at 900 MHz induced increased nitric
oxide or NO levels in rat brains. Malondialdehyde (MDA)
levels, xanthine oxidase (XO) ac vity, und adenosine deaminase (ADA) ac vity were also increased. At the same ti me,
superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase
(GSH-Px) ac vi es decreased in the brain. These unfavorable
changes could be prevented through appropriate doses of
ginkgo biloba extract as an an oxidant (ILHAN et al. 2004; for
similar results also see OZGÜNER et al. 2005, 2006, PAREDI et
al. 2001, YARIKTAS et al. 2005).
——— RF-radiation-induced increase
in reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Numerous single studies demonstrate the produc on of oxida ve stress through nonionizing radia on. The study by
MOUSTAFA et al. 2001 showed that cell phone radia on at
900 MHz produces oxida ve stress by increasing lipid peroxida on and interfering with an oxidase ac vi es. This already occurred in adult male volunteers while the cell phone was sti ll in standby mode in their coat pocket. Plasma lipid peroxide levels increased significantly a6er 1, 2, and 4 hours in standby mode. The ac vity of the radical scavengers SOD
and GSH-Px in human erythrocytes had decreased. It says in
the abstract:
“These results indicate that acute exposure to radiofrequency
fields of commercially available cellular phones may modulate the oxidati ve stress of free radicals by enhancing lipid
peroxidati on and reducing the acti vati on of superoxide dismutase and total glutathione peroxidase, which are free radical scavengers. Therefore, these results support the interacti on of radiofrequency fields of cellular phones with biological systems.” (MOUSTAFA et al. 2001, summary EMF-Portal).
A human blood platelet suspension was exposed to 900 MHz
cell phone radia on for 1, 3, 5, and 7 minutes. A6er 1, 5, and
7 minutes, the malonaldehyde (MDA) level increased and at
the same time the SOD ac vity decreased. At 3 minutes, the
ac vity levels were temporarily reversed (STOPCZYK et al.
2002). The 930 MHz cell phone radia on only increased the
reacti ve oxygen species (ROS) level in rat lymphocytes when
the cells were treated with iron ions (ZMYSLONY et al. 2004).
A study by the Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences, USA, found that melatonin levels – an
effec ve an tioxidant – decreased considerably with cell
phone calls of longer than 25 minutes (BURCH et al. 2002).
The cell phone radiati on increased the malondialdehyde
(MDA) concentrati on in rat brains, but not phospholipids and
p53 immune reac ons (DASDAG et al. 2004, 2009).
RF radiati on at 1800 MHz causes damage to the mtDNA. This
research project was financed by the Chinese government. In
this project, DNA damage in mitochondria of rat corti cal neuFig.3: Summary of effects on the cellular level caused by
electromagne c fields (GYE & PARK 2012)
EMF: electromagne c field; N: nucleus; ER: endoplasma c
re culum; M: mitochondria
umwelt·medizin·gesellschaft | 26 | 1/2013
rons was demonstrated, which had been induced by cell
phone radia on with a pulse of 217 Hz. The 1800 MHz RF
radia on caused the oxida ve damage through the forma on of reac ve oxygen species (ROS), which are implicated in various nervous system diseases (XU et al. 2009).
Addtii onal research findings confirm that RF-EMF causes oxida ve stress, and that at power density levels well below the exposure limits (ATASOY et al. 2012, AYATA et al. 2004, AYDIN & AKAR 2011, CAMPISI et al. 2010, CEYHAN et al. 2012, ELHAG et al. 2007, ESKEMAYA et al. 2011, GULER et al. 2010, GUMRAL et al. 2009, GUNEY et al. 2007, KESARI et al. 2010,
2011, 2012, KIHRAZOVA et al. 2012, KOYU et al 2005, LU et
al. 2012, OKTEM et al. 2005, OZGUR et al. 2010, SOKOLOVIC
et al. 2008, YAO et al. 2008, YUREKLI et al. 2006). See also the
summary paper by Desai et al., in which a detailed effect
mechanism is outlined (DESAI et al. 2009).
—— Effects on the endocrine system
An increasing number of research findings demonstrate the
effect of cell phone radiati on on the stress hormone axis.
Several studies indicate effects on the endocrine system
(AUGNER et al. 2010, BUCHNER & EGER 2011, DJERIDANE et
al. 2008, ESME-KAYA et al. 2010, MEO et al. 2010, MISA
AGUSTINO et al. 2012, SAROOKHANI et al. 2011, SEYEDNOUR
& CHEKANIAZAR 2011, VANGELOVA & ISRAEL 2005). A systema c review of this topic is s ll missing.
———— Electron transport enzymes
are magnetosensitive
The sti mulati on of free radicals including NO by physical
fields and radiati on has been reliably validated by science.
This alone, however, does not prove the existence of damage
as along as the primary effect mechanism is not known. A
connecti ng link that explains the adverse effect was shown
by Friedman et al.. The enzyme NADH oxidase shows a high -
and enti rely reproducible – sensi vity to magne c and electromagne c fields of cell phones. Friedman et al. found that exposing rat cells to RF-EMF caused an immediate acti vati on of the enzyme NADH oxidase, which resulted in an increased producti on of free radicals. And the study also offers an
effect mechanism: “This study delineates a detailed molecular mechanism by which electromagntie c fields at mobile phone frequency induces short-term MAPK ac va on and thereby transcrip on and other cellular processes. … The first step is mediated in the plasma membrane by NADH oxidase,
which rapidly generates reacti ve oxygen species.” (FRIEDMAN
et al. 2007, according to EMF-Portal)
NADH oxidase is quite important in another respect. It is also
found in the cell nucleus where – depending on the redox
system – it can regulate gene expression, but also damage
genes (USHIO-FUKAI 2006).
Severe pathological deteriora on manifests itself when,
due to magneti c field and radio-frequency radiati on exposure, additi onal reacti ve oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide are produced that combine with the also increasingly produced NO to form the highly toxic peroxynitrite, which in turn reacts with hydrogen to form even more hydrogen peroxide (see Fig.4).
The agreement between the cascade triggered by magne tic
field and RF radiati on exposures and the findings of the burnout research is obvious. Müller writes in his ar cle Fa gtiue from the Perspec tive of Clinical Environmental Medicine:
“The situati on becomes especially criti cal when, under the
influence of environmental toxic agents and / or an increased
formati on of peroxynitrite, the functi oning of the mitochondria is impaired. They have the task of making the energy carrier molecules adenine triphosphate (ATP).There is much to suggest that the functi onal impairment of the mitochondria is equivalent to the disease pa:ern called burnout, whereas the prolonged damage to mitochondrial DNA induces chronic fa gue.” (MÜLLER 2012)
As early as 1985, the study by Sanders and colleagues
showed a decrease in ATP producti on due to weak RF radia-
on exposure (nonthermal effect): “Since brain temperature
did not increase, the microwave-induced increase in NADH
and decrease in ATP and CP concentrati ons was not due to
hyperthermia. This suggests a direct interacti on mechanism.
It is consistent with the hypothesis of microwave inhibiti on of
mitochondrial electron transport chain functi on of ATP produc tion.” (SANDERS et al. 1985, according to EMF-Portal).
Both approaches (cell phone research, burnout research)
suggest that the mitochondrial dysfuncti on is a result of damage to the mitochondrial functi on complexes caused by ROS/
RNS: “Mitochondriopathies lead to progressive inacti vati on of
the respiratory chain and other mitochondrial functi ons, and
in turn to severe neuropathies, encephalopathies, cardio-/
myopathies, and endocrinopathies.” (BIEGER 2012).
Fig.4: Graph of possible combina on effects, which can result in addi ve and synergis c DNA damage, also including
electromagne c fields (WITTE 2012)
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——————— Extending the lifetime
of free radicals
This pathological cascade is enhanced by EMFs because even
rather low magneti c field intensi es affect chemical reac ons
and extend the life me of free radicals (BROCKLEHURST &
MCLAUCHLAN 1996, NEITZKE 2012, WARNKE 2009). The
model of Scaiano et al. demonstrates that in the presence of
a magne c field the radical concentra on increases. The halflife of free radicals is extended (SCAIANO et al. 1994). The
possibili es for radical reac ons to occur have thus increased. Within a magne c field, the life me of free radicals
is extended in such a way that the electron transfer within
the DNA can be affected, which in turn also changes the protein induc on (MOHTAT et al.1998). Magne c fields extend
the life me of free radicals by impairing the intersystem
crossing in triplet radicals (CHIGNELL & SIK 1995, WARNKE
Regarding the ques on of health problems and risks
The effect mechanism documented by Friedman et al. (2007)
is of such utmost importance because it shows that there is a
well-explained biological basis for the subjec ve symptoms
many people suffer from. By studying the cascades listed
below, it is easier to understand why electrosmog is dangerous.
—————— Functional impairments
and disease patterns
EMF-induced excessive ROS/RNS s mula on can be divided
into three areas of effects, which are run through one a6er
• Sti mulati on of free radicals,
• Sti mulati on of highly toxic peroxynitrite,
•  Sti mulati on of highly toxic peroxide radical.
The consequences of these processes are serious: cell components are destroyed; anti oxidants taken up with food and
the electron-rich substances manufactured by the body are
used up; the damaging cholesterol increases. Such a person
feels red, tense, fights various inflammati ons and a broad
range of associated illnesses, which show similari es to the
burnout syndrome.
————————— Acquired energy
dyssymbiosis syndrome (AEDS)
The clinical picture of AEDS or acquired energy dyssymbiosis
syndrome describes a deficiency in cell energy with a simultaneous deteriora on of the cell milieu. This leads to mitochondriopathy. Energy produc on (ATP) is blocked; the power plants of the cell are transformed into efficient sources of free radicals. These changes have serious consequences:
Inflammatory processes spread and release additi onal substances that have adverse effects (tumor necroti c factor TNFa and again nitric oxide) at excessive levels. We should always bear in mind that in our industrial society inflammati on-based illnesses continue to increase and that arteriosclerosis such as myocardial infarcti on – the number one cause of
death – is basically one of them. Today this view has gained acceptance among the scien sts of the medical community.
Aerobic glycolysis (glycolysis despite the presence of oxygen)
is ac vated as an emergency power generator, which in turn
is associated with:
• Si mulati on of proto-oncogenes (precursors of oncogenes)
• Increased release of superoxide radicals
• Lactate acidosis (hyperacidosis).
Eventually the genome of the mitochondria will mutate. But
exactly this pathological change can also be inherited from
the mother. The offspring will have to carry the burden, and
the change becomes integrated into the gene c material of
genera tions to come.
This is the disease state of a growing number of people within our polluted environment. It can manifest itself as burnout syndrome or electromagne c hypersensi vity. This pathological cascade reveals that the nonionizing radia on of wireless communica on technologies does not directly cause damage to cells like ionizing radia on does, but it triggers many diseases based on oxida ve stress through an indirect pathway by producing free radicals, and thus can cause burnout syndrome or exacerbate it.
H.-P. Neitzke (ECOLOG-Ins tut) states: “With the current and
soon to be available technology, it will not be possible to realize the AACC visions of “Anyti me, Anywhere Communicati on
and Computi ng” in a manner that is compa ble with human
health.” (NEITZKE 2010, EMF-Monitor 6/2010)
(Note: A comprehensive version of this ar cle is published in
German as a research report by the Kompetenzini a ve e.V.
and Diagnose-Funk e.V.. Available as a free download at:
www.kompetenzini a &
Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Warnke
Ins tut Technische Biologie & Bionik
c/o Interna onales Bionikzentrum
Science Park 2 an Universität des Saarlandes
66123 Saarbrücken
Peter Hensinger, Diagnose-Funk e.V.
Umwelt- und Verbraucherorganisa on
zum Schutz vor elektromagne scher Strahlung
Bismarckstr. 63
70197 Stu_gart | www.mobilfunkstudien.deELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS
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