Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Lena Pu Speaks on WiFi Health Issue in California Board Meeting: June 4th, 2015

Lena Pu Speaks on WiFi Health Issue in California Board Meeting

Mobile phones are ‘cooking’ men’s sperm

Mobile phones are ‘cooking’ men’s sperm

Independent.ie Newsdesk 

Sperm count is impacted by cellular phone usage.
Fertility experts have advised men to avoid keeping their mobile phone in their front pocket or on their lap as it can significantly reduce their sperm count and impact fertility.

New research has found that using a mobile phone in close proximity to the testicles for as little as an hour can have an impact on sperm count.
The study found 47pc of the men tested, who kept their phones in their front pockets for the duration of the day, had significantly lower sperm counts than men who did not.
Professor Martha Dirnfeld, of the Technion University in Haifa, said: "We analysed the amount of active swimming sperm and the quality and found that it had been reduced.
"We think this is being caused by a heating of the sperm from the phone and by electromagnetic activity."
More than 100 men were analysed throughout the course of the study which was carried out in Israel.
Fertility experts advised me to avoid speaking on the phone while it is charging, and to refrain from holding mobiles on their laps.
The study was published in the journal Reproductive BioMedicine, and is part of developing research which suggests that cellular phone use is having a worrisome impact on male sperm counts and quality.
In Western countries, the quality of men’s sperm is continuously decreasing, which is impacting fertility.
Professor Gedis Grudzinskas, a fertility consult ant St George's Hospital London and in Harley Street said: " Men need to think about their well being and try to stop being addicted to their phones.
"If you wear a suit to work put the mobile in your chest pocket instead of close to your testes. It will reduce the risk of your sperm count dropping or dropping so much.
"And do you need to keep the phone right next to you on the bedside table. Some men keep their mobile in their shorts or pyjamas in bed. Is that really necessary?"
Professor Dirnfeld said: "I think this is a warning to men to change their habits to improve their chances of having children. Women generally don't carry their mobiles on them so maybe a mobile phone won't affect their fertility. That's not something we have looked at."
PUBLISHED22/02/2016 | 14:15

Monday, February 29, 2016

Protester Heckles Joe Biden Over Son’s Death From Brain Cancer

Protester Heckles Joe Biden Over Son’s Death From Brain Cancer

The man claimed that Beau Biden died from cell phone radiation.

 02/27/2016 08:51 pm ET

Vice President Joe Biden gave the keynote address at the California Democrats State Convention on Saturday.
A protester interrupted Vice President Joe Biden during a speech Saturday, bringing up the death of his son and attributing it to cell phones.
Beau Biden died of brain cancer in May, at the age of 46. The vice president was incredibly close to his son, who survived a car crash when he was young that killed his mother — Biden’s first wife — and sister. Biden’s other son, Hunter, also survived that accident.
During Biden’s speech Saturday at the California Democrats State Convention in San Jose, a protester started yelling that Beau had died due to cell phone radiation. The crowd booed the heckler.

Biden tried to calm the crowd down.
“It’s OK, it’s all right,” he said. “It’s OK, it’s OK. My son Beau would love that part.”
Biden also congratulated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who’d won the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary that evening, saying he was “proud” of both her and her rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).


Victoria, Australia Smart Meters Health Damages Case Study Published And What To Know To Protect Yourself

Victoria, Australia Smart Meters Health Damages Case Study Published And What To Know To Protect Yourself

Since public utility companies everywhere and states public utility commissions in the USA are behind the times and not up to date with regard to electromagnetic hypersensitivity issues stemming from microwave technologies, perhaps utility customers could email this article to them. Why? Because it documents what happened to residents in the State of Victoria, Australia, after AMI Smart Meters were put into service in 2006.
First and foremost, what needs to be pointed out is what is stated in the Conclusion of a published paper titled “Self-reporting of symptom development from exposure to radiofrequency fields of wireless smart meters in Victoria, Australia: a case series” posted at PubMed, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health:
Interestingly, the vast majority of Victorian cases did not state that they had been sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) prior to exposure to the wireless meters, which points to the possibility that smart meters may have unique characteristics that lower people’s threshold for symptom development. 1
What were the findings of that study? According to the Abstract,
The most frequently reported symptoms from exposure to smart meters were (1) insomnia, (2) headaches, (3) tinnitus, (4) fatigue, (5) cognitive disturbances, (6) dysesthesias (abnormal sensation), and (7) dizziness. The effects of these symptoms on people’s lives were significant. 1
The above study was published at the end of 2014.
I find it rather interesting that The Chattanoogan.com online published an Opinion piece regarding the FTC’s ruling regarding Smart Meters:
The Federal Communication Commission has ruled that smart meters are safe based on their studies of “thermal” exposure. However, smart meters emit “non-thermal” radiation which is much higher in power density and more harmful than thermal emissions. Because of the risks they pose, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine has called for a “…moratorium on smart meter installation until the serious public health issues can be resolved.” 2
Those safe thermal exposure studies, according to my research, were done over 50 years ago! It is now 2016 and if the FTC were smart, they wouldn’t be promoting antiquated information, I offer.
According to a report dated June 29, 2012, and presented to the Michigan Public Service Commission 3, 17,000 customers filed complaints about Smart Meters. The second highest percentage of complaints filed was health concerns—77 percent, while the highest percentage was about Opt-out/Deny Install with 84 percent!
Utility consumers/customers everywhere, just not in Michigan, are complaining about having a technology forced on them and onto their homes, and still Smart Meters are figuratively being shoved down their throats, often with harassment techniques used by utilities, as in Pennsylvania by PECO, an Exelon Company.
In 2011, The New York Times reported,
Researchers from the National Institutes of Health have found that less than an hour of cellphone use can speed up brain activity … raising new questions about the health effects of low levels of radiation emitted from cellphones. 4
Cell phones and Smart Meters operate using microwaves!
The bold-faced truth about Smart Meter microwave emissions—live cell phones, too—is that EMFs are constant: 24/7/365! However, you can’t turn off your Smart Meter like you can your cell phone, plus most people don’t use a cell phone 24/7/365, and you should not wear a “live” cell phone on your body, i.e., in the bra, on the belt or in pants pocket, especially for men.
In the Smart Meter EMF monitoring testing that I witnessed, an AMI Smart Meter emitted very high pulses every 15 seconds, so how often is that in an hour? Four (4) high-spike frequency EMFs/RFs are emitted every minute. Two hundred forty (240) high frequency EMFs/RFs emitted every hour; 5,760 high frequency EMFs/RFs, every 24 hour day; 40,320 high frequency EMFs/RFs, every 7 days or 1 week; 2,102,400 high-spike frequency EMFs/RFs, every 365 days. That goes on year after year, too!
If you want to check out for yourself how to measure the high-spike frequency EMFs/RFs emitting from your Smart Meter, there’s a device you can purchase called the Cornet ED 78S RF/LF Electrosmog Meter (hand held) $139.95 It will measure RF/LF frequencies coming off Smart Meters, cell towers, phones and appliances.
Log your Smart Meter’s high-spike EMF/RF reading numbers/information: date, time and numbers, and send that log to your state utility commission and demand relief, as you are entitled to safe service from your utility company, as most utilities have “providing safe services” as part of their mission statement. 1k+ Hz coming over 60 Hz-designed electric wiring definitely is NOT safe! Don’t forget to keep a copy of that log for your records.
How long do you think your brain and body can stand being zapped without adverse health effects, when those high frequency spikes—also known as “dirty electricity”—are running through the electrical wiring in your home?
“DE [dirty electricity] consists of high frequency “electrical noise” of 1000 Hz (1 kHz) and upwards that has become superimposed on your [60 Hz] wires.” 10
According to EMFs.com:
When AC power has a clean 60 Hz sine wave, it does not emit EMF in the higher frequency bands such as radio frequencies. This is because the frequency is low. But when the normal sine wave is polluted or dirtied by transients and harmonics, you now have a jagged, irregular and altered wave pattern. Instead of a regular 50 or 60 Hz current, your electricity is now a wildly fluctuating current with high-frequency voltage spikes and irregular high-frequency patterns riding on all of the wires in your home. This high frequency noise then causes the wires to radiate high-frequency electromagnetic and radio frequency fields. [….]
Recent evidence suggests that dirty electricity may be carcinogenic and harmful to health. In a 2008 report, Milham and Morgan analyzed the effects of high amounts of dirty electricity in a school. They found that exposure to dirty electricity increased the risk that a teacher would developer cancer by 64%, and “a single year of employment at this school increased a teacher’s cancer risk by 21%. 5,6
What can cause dirty electricity in your home? According to Protect Your Family From EMF Analysis 7
Typical causes of “Dirty Electricity” include:
  • Solar System Inverters (converting DC power to AC power)
  • PLC Smart Meters (sending data over the powerlines by adding additional frequencies) [power line communication for the smart grid]
  • Wireless Smart Meters that add pulsed frequencies to the powerlines
  • CFL Lightbulbs
  • Light Dimmer Switches
  • Electrical devices in your home and on the grid that have a switch-mode power supply (SMPS)
  • Wireless technology (all wireless frequencies conduct along copper wiring to some extent) [CJF emphasis added]
What can parents expect for their children’s health 8,9, since kids are more vulnerable to EMFs/RFs because of their smaller body sizes? Kids routinely are exposed to Wi-Fi in schools. Smart Meters and other ‘smart’ appliances emit EMFs/RFs at home. Check out how much your appliances give off here and, hopefully, with a measuring device in your home.

Natural and Non-Toxic Products. Up to 50% Off – Every Day (Ad)

[1] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25478801
[2] http://www.chattanoogan.com/2012/2/6/218862/Smart-Meters-Are-Part-Of-Agenda-21-,aspx
[3] https://www2.dteenergy.com/wps/wcm/connect/ed3d0a45-263d-4391-82a2-d7c0c115bc47/AMI-MPSC+order+regarding+advanced+metering+program.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
[4] http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/22/cellphone-use-tied-to-changes-in-brain-activity/?_r=0
[5] http://www.emfs.com/article/what-is-dirty-power
[6] A new electromagnetic exposure metric: High frequency voltage transients associated with increased cancer incidence in teachers in a california school –Milham and Morgan, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 51, Issue 8, pages 579–586, August 2008
[7] https://www.emfanalysis.com/what-is-dirty-electricity/
[8] http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/116/2/e303
[9] http://www.emfwise.com/children.php
[10] http://www.emfields-solutions.com/howto/what-to-do-about-dirty-electricity.asp
Opinion Piece: Smart Meters Are Part of Agenda 21
‘Dragnet’ Data Collections by Smart Meters and an ‘Infrastructure of Surveillance”
Scientific Consensus – Smart Meters Harm Our Health!
This article (Victoria, Australia Smart Meters Health Damages Case Study Published and  What to Know to Protect Yourself) can be republished  under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Catherine J. Frompovich and Natural Blaze.com, keeping all links intact.
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.
Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.
Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick(2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)


Scientist Tells Libraries, Schools to Ditch Wi-Fi

Fri., Feb. 26, 2016

Scientist Tells Libraries, Schools to Ditch Wi-Fi

Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D., retired U.S. Government scientist, urges libraries in a special paper to set an example of safe technology by converting to wired devices.
Powell, who has a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University and who lives in Montgomery Village, Md., authored the four-page paper on Aug. 20, 2015. Certain parts are updated in a more recent paper that also applies to schools.
Smart Grid Awareness
His message is that the international biomedical research community is trying to warn people about the dangers of electro-magnetic radiation “but as a society, we are not listening.”
Libraries can protect their users and staffs from dangerous radiation by converting to wired devices which are not only faster but safe, he says.
“Current federal standards for limiting exposure to the radiation “are outdated and overly permissive,” he says. They are based on thermal heating alone.
“The invisible nature of radiofrequency/microwave radiation leaves the public and decision-makers unaware of the radiation around them,” he adds.
“The genuine usefulness of wireless devices promotes denial of the risks. The intense advertising, the economic power, and the political power of profitable wireless industries enables them to dominate the public dialogue and hold sway over government regulators and legislators.”
Ashton Asks Westhampton to Dump Wi-Fi
Dave Ashton, who is petitioning the U.K. government to support those with electro-magnetic sensitivities, has emailed the Westhampton library board asking it to replace Wi-Fi equipment with wired technology.
Dear Westhampton Library Board Members,
I've recently read Jack O'Dwyer's article on wi-fi in your library.

I'm from the UK, and I have nothing to gain by saying this, other than wanting to raise awareness that wi-fi is harmful, that it is not needed, and that by providing wi-fi in your library, you would effectively discriminate against the growing segment of the population which is electrosensitive like me, and also directly harm your employees and visitors.

I note the Special Needs page on your website. Please believe me that no person with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) could tolerate being in a wi-fi environment for more than a few seconds.

In an age when we're all exposed to this radiation in our homes, work, public places, transport and the outside environment, perhaps your library could even make a virtue of being a wi-fi "not spot" - a refuge from the ubiquitous electrosmog found elsewhere.

Wi-fi emits pulsed microwave radiation, currently at frequencies of 2.4 or 5GHz. The biological effects of exposure to this radiation at supposedly "safe", non-thermal levels have been known about for many decades.

Radiofrequency radiation, which includes microwaves, is officially classified as a possible carcinogen. It may promote cancer.

Children, Elderly Vulnerable
Children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those already predisposed to illness are said to be especially vulnerable to the effects of this radiation, although it harms everyone - and this will include library employees. Some of the early warning signs will include headaches, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, cardiovascular problems, gastro-intestinal issues, faintness, and behavioural changes.

Wi-fi is not needed in a library; wired ethernet internet connections will be faster, more secure, and, most importantly, will not emit pulsed microwave radiation.

France bans children of under three from being exposed to wi-fi radiation in nurseries and public meeting places, and which restricts the exposure of older children to this Group 2B carcinogen.

The 2015 International EMF Scientist Appeal, which was sent to the UN, the UN Environmental Programme, all UN member states, and the World Health Organisation, has now been signed by 220 international experts on the biological effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation. They urge these organisations and nations to "address the emerging public health crisis related to cell phones, wireless devices, wireless utility meters and wireless infrastructure in neighborhoods"

Don’t Trust Government or “Authorities”
You will be told by the Government and the authorities that this radiation is safe at current exposure levels.

Rather than take their word for it (and note that the Chairman of the FCC used to head the CTIA - the cellular trade association), you might be interested in a patent application from one telecoms company to reduce the "electrosmog" from wi-fi; technology that has never actually been implemented. In the application, Swisscom says:

"The risk of damage to health through electrosmog has also become better understood as a result of more recent and improved studies.

When, for example, human blood cells are irradiated with electromagnetic fields, clear damage to hereditary material has been demonstrated and there have been indications of an increased cancer risk (Mashevich et al., 2003) … an aneuploidy (=numerical chromosome aberration) - was observed as a function of the SAR, demonstrating that this radiation has a genotoxic effect … These findings indicate that the genotoxic effect of electromagnetic radiation is elicited via a non-thermal pathway. Moreover aneuploidy is to be considered as a known phenomenon in the increase of cancer risk."

We are all taking part in what Dr. Leif Salford called the "largest biological experiment ever" through our exposure to this pulsed microwave radiation.

Please, for the sake of your staff, your visitors, and most especially the young children, pregnant women and the elderly using your facilities, as well as electrosensitive individuals, opt out of this particular experiment.

Kind regards,

Dave Ashton
Category: Healthcare PR

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Decline of Pollinators Poses Threat to World Food Supply, Report Says

Decline of Pollinators Poses Threat to World Food Supply, Report Says

Beekeepers using a smoker to calm colonies before transferring them to another crop near Columbia Falls, Me. Plants that depend on pollination make up 35 percent of global crop production volume with a value of as much as $577 billion a year. CreditAdrees Latif/Reuters

The birds and the bees need help. Also, the butterflies, moths, wasps, beetles and bats. Without an international effort, a new report warns, increasing numbers of species that promote the growth of hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of food each year face extinction.
The first global assessment of the threats to creatures that pollinate the world’s plants was released by a group affiliated with the United Nations on Friday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The summary will be posted onlineMonday.
Pollinators, including some 20,000 species of wild bees, contribute to the growth of fruit, vegetables and many nuts, as well as flowering plants. Plants that depend on pollination make up 35 percent of global crop production volume with a value of as much as $577 billion a year. The agricultural system, for which pollinators play a key role, creates millions of jobs worldwide.
Many pollinator species are threatened with extinction, including some 16 percent of vertebrates like birds and bats, according to the document.Hummingbirds and some 2,000 avian species that feed on nectar spread pollen as they move from flower to flower. Extinction risk for insects is not as well defined, the report notes, but it warned of “high levels of threat” for some bees and butterflies, with at least 9 percent of bee and butterfly species at risk.
The causes of the pressure on these creatures intertwine: aggressive agricultural practices that grow crops on every available acre eliminate patches of wildflowers and cover crops that provide food for pollinators. Farming also exposes the creatures to pesticides, and bees are under attack from parasites and pathogens, as well.


A bee collecting nectar in Bangkok. Pollinators, including some 20,000 species of wild bees, contribute to the growth of fruit, vegetables and many nuts. CreditBarbara Walton/European Pressphoto Agency
Climate change has an effect, as well, especially in the case of bumblebees in North America and Europe, said Sir Robert Watson, vice chairman of the group and director of strategic development at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia.
A warming world changes the territories of plants and pollinators, and changes the plants’ time of flowering, as well, leading to a troubling question, posed by Dr. Watson: “Will the pollinators be there when the flowers need them?”
The group issuing the report, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, is made up of 124 countries, including the United States, and was formed through the United Nations in 2012. It resembles in some ways the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with a focus on providing analysis and policy proposals to promote biodiversity.
The group did not conduct new research, but synthesized current studies and analysis to reach its conclusions.
The assessment, developed with the help of 80 experts, does not take a conclusive position on two issues that environmental activists have focused on intensely.
The report states that the contribution of controversial chemicals known as neonicotinoids “is currently unresolved.” Recent research suggests that even when the pesticides are present at levels that do not have lethal effects on individual insects, concentrations in the hive may have long-term effects on colonies of wild and managed bees.
The passionate opposition to these pesticides from many environmental activists, however, “has almost hijacked the whole question of what’s causing the declines,” said Simon Potts, a co-chairman of the assessment and deputy director of the Centre for Agri-Environmental Research at Reading University. The report lays out many contributing factors beyond insecticides to the pressures on pollinators, and notes that they “can combine in their effects.”
The report also notes that the effects on pollinators of genetically modified organisms, including crops that are resistant to insects or tolerant of insecticides, is not settled. “That’s a very clear knowledge gap,” Dr. Potts said. “We’re brutally honest with the science.”
A scientist at Bayer, a producer of neonicotinoids, applauded the report. Dr. Christian Maus, global pollinator safety manager for the company and one of the experts who contributed to the report, said that it confirmed “the overwhelming majority of the scientific opinion” on pollinator health — “that this is a complex issue affected by many factors.”
Laurie Adams, executive director of the Pollinator Partnership, a group whose officials contributed expertise to the report, called the report a milestone that would “make a practical and effective contribution to finding solutions to pollinators challenges.”
The assessment is not structured to support advocacy, but to give governments, policy makers and organizations a sense of the current state of science and the options to address problems, the authors said.
“The messages here are clear,” Dr. Watson said. “If you want to protect pollinators, this is the suite of options you should consider — or, could consider.”