Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Please support the important work of The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation

Via Catherine Kleiber

Dear All-

Below is information about The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation which seeks to "promote scientific research on the association between the environment and cancer and other chronic diseases."  Specifically, a current priority is "To be able to prevent the increase in disease incidence and sick-leaves, research is needed about the impact of environmental pollutants and radiofrequency radiation on human health."

Dr. Lennart Hardell, one of the founders, has been working tirelessly to make his research findings regarding the link between cancer and cell phone use public.  His analysis of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP)  findings and how they fit with other lab and epidemiological studies was an important part of the reason that the final NTP report did not reflect the industry and governmental pressure to downplay the findings that we saw in the interim between the draft report and the final report.

As part of his work with The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Dr. Hardell has provided similar information to government leaders at many different levels.

This is not the first time Dr. Hardell has provided important information about the link between an environmental pollutant and cancer, as well as other health effects.  His research and testimony was an important part of the evidence that got Agent Orange classified as a Group 1 human carcinogen and resulted in recognition of its other serious health effects.  He also testified at hearings in Washington, DC as an expert about the health impacts of Agent Orange.  The hearings led to compensation of Vietnam vets with Agent Orange exposure and related health conditions.

Given his tremendous knowledge and his demonstrated dedication to using that knowledge for public good, I hope you will consider making a donation to The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation.

Best, Catherine


Invitation to support The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation

The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation wants to promote scientific research on the association between the environment and cancer and other chronic diseases.

Several forms of cancer, chronic diseases such as diabetes, different neurological conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome and psychiatric diagnoses are increasing even at lower ages. Our environment with exposure to different environmental pollutants and to radiofrequency radiation may contribute considerably and be significant factors for illness. Of special concern are new environmental pollutants and the increasing exposure to radiofrequency radiation in the environment. Long-term health effects have not been studied.

To be able to prevent the increase in disease incidence and sick-leaves, research is needed about the impact of environmental pollutants and radiofrequency radiation on human health. We are all exposed in the society today.

The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation needs your contribution, both to perform own research within the Foundation and to support other researchers within this field. It is also of importance to inform the general public about the results from scientific research regarding the impact of environment on different diseases including cancer.

You are welcome to contribute to bank account Swedbank

IBAN SE 80 8000 0845 2569 3323 1091

We thank you for your contribution!

Lennart Hardell, Senior consultant, cancer physician

Mikael Eriksson, Senior consultant, cancer physician

Lena Hedendahl, General practitioner

Michael Carlberg, Statistician
All members of the board of The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Ã–rebro, Sweden

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