Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Spain incorporates Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) in its International Classification of Diseases

Spain incorporates Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) in its International Classification of Diseases

Spain has recognized Multiple Chemical Sensitivity


Day 09/26/2014 - 3:56 a.m.

Incorporating the health system has been made in accordance
with guidelines approved by WHO and other countries had
already adopted

Spain has officially recognized multiple chemical sensitivity
( MCS ) to incorporate its International Classification of
Diseases or ICD (the system that classifies the Health and
encodes their diagnoses). With this decision, Spain joins the
list of countries that recognize MCS as a disease: Germany
(2000), Austria (2001), Japan (2009), Switzerland (2010) and
Denmark (2012).

The process was carried out through a non-legislative proposal
(PNL) presented by Deputy MarĂ­a del Carmen Quintanilla's
Party;following a request made to it by the Fund for the
Protection of Environmental Health ( Fodesam ), in
collaboration with theInformation Service Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity and Environmental Health ( SISS ).

The SQM radically changes the lives of those who suffer
The recognition was a longstanding demand of those affected by
a disease that turns many common chemicals in everyday life a
torment for those affected by MCS. Detergents, soaps,
colognes, or air fresheners become aggressive to them products
they produce palpitations, vomiting, skin irritation or
recurrent headaches. "MCS changes the lives of those who
suffer and forces, in many cases, to live with many preventive
measures to not contact or in the air, with these products,"
says Carmen Quintanilla. Go outside or into a store can be,
for these people, impossible to perform tasks.

In an administrative limbo
This condition was further added the inappropriate treatment
that many of these patients receive from the health system.
Because it does not appear in the ICD as a disease is in an
administrative "limbo" that involves "a state of complete
helplessness. Something that should end with the recognition
of MCS as a disease.

"The situation of these people is very difficult," says Carlos
Prada,Chairman of Fodesam. His intolerance synthetic
substances frequently used in society often forces them to
live homebound, almost like "bubble people"; wear a mask and
the few times they go out.

MCS affects the central nervous system, but may also cause
malfunctions in other systems such as respiratory,
gastrointestinal or heart. This is an "emerging disease" of
chronic nature and "environmental toxic 'causing a'
physiological response to many agents and chemical compounds"
that can be found in air fresheners, colognes, personal care
products, cleaning supplies, food, water Griffin, clothing,
cosmetics, snuff ... Therefore, although as in other diseases
MCS have degrees and symptoms vary according to the parameters
of health and "chemical" environment of the patient, it is a
problem difficult to handle, further "limited remarkable
quality of life "form, noting the non-legislative proposal.

International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

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