Thursday, August 20, 2015

GSMA Has Power and Responsibility. Let Us Remind Its Leader of Its CSR!

GSMA Has Power and Responsibility. Let Us Remind Its Leader of Its CSR!

GSMA Has Power and Responsibility. Let Us Remind Its Leader of Its CSR!
Folkets StrÃ¥levern, the Citizens’ Radiation Protection, Norway, forwards to you a blog post by Einar Flydal. Einar Flydal is a former researcher, strategist and senior adviser at the Telenor ASA Corporate staff, and an adjunct professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is retired since 2011, runs a blog (in Norwegian only) on electromagnetic radiation and health (, and gives lectures on the topic. He is a political scientist (cand.polit.) and a Master of Telecom Strategy and tech. Management (MTS) from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
GSMA is a very important organization within the global ICT business. Together with its member mobile operators, it has the power to change the life of millions, as it has done for years – both to the better – and to the worse in the case of health impact and increased risks. GSMA also has the power to create a change in today's controversy on the radiation standards. It financed its share of the INTERPHONE project. It can also spur a change towards more sustainable communications if it addresses the full gamut of its Social Responsibility.
Telenor, one of the world’s largest mobile phone network operators, has for the last 14 years been headed by Jon Fredrik Baksaas, who just retired. However, he will continue as GSMA's top leader, a position he has held for some years. He has a reputation as a very respectable person, a person willing to be convinced by good arguments and reason, and a fighter, willing to act. However, he might be very poorly informed regarding the EMF issue.
The story on how microwave radiation became accepted as a ubiquitous technological platform has to be told and retold, and that is what the author, himself an employee with the Telenor Corporate Staff for years, does in his essay-like text. - GSMA has the power to create a change, and Mr. Baksaas should use it, Flydal concludes, followed by his views on some other important changes that are within GSMA's and Mr. Baksaas' powers to initiate.
The International EMF Alliance thinks that everywhere Mr. Baksaas shows up, he should be reminded of the ICT business' Social Responsibility concerning electromagnetic radiation's impact on life, and we, the International EMF Alliance, could make that happen by getting such views as Einar Flydal's out in the media.
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