Saturday, December 05, 2015

Technology is making kids whiney, cranky and disengaged

Technology is making whiney kids, cranky and disengaged


On the flipside, 20pc of Parents Feel That smartphones make parenting Easier
Almost half of the parents in Ireland-have Noted That too much screen time is Causing a negative currency In Their child's behavior.

An Early Childhood Ireland  screen survey  of relatives of relatives found 48pc That has found negative changes In Their child's behavior after-using technology, Describing That behavior in a Range of ways, ranging from angry to emotional, tired, cranky and disengaged.
The survey found 89pc of parents' That-have access to high-speed broadband, 77pc and 92pc-have-have tablet has a smartphone.
DESPITE Saying Technology Makes Their kids cranky and disengaged, around two-Thirds (66pc) Said They believe it is okay for a young child to use technology freely.
In fact, 20pc Feel That Easier smartphones make parenting.

Worrying trends

"There are Some Worrying trends and contradictions coming through from the survey, with the majorité of relatives Citing relaxation have the purpose of allowing children screen time, while Nearly half of em leaflet was negative changes In Their child's behavior post screen time," Said Teresa Heeney, CEO of Early Childhood Ireland.
"Also, the Findings That 66pc of the parents believe it is okay for a young child to use technology freely, with 85pc of under two-year-olds watching TV and DVDs, shows a real disconnect entre les guidelines and the reality of screen use in homes in Ireland.
"We recommend That shoulds relatives-have clear parameters around screen time for young children, Especially at bedtime. That We Would stress monitoring and moderation and doing as you say are all key to getting the balance right for all the family and in Issuing the survey and the guidelines we want to prompt more debate is this, "Heeney said.
Kid with tablet Image  via Shutterstock

Friday, December 04, 2015

Which wireless tech radiation risks are most covered by TV news in the U.S.?

Which wireless tech Radiation Risks Most are covered by TV news in the US?

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, 4 December 2015

Since July, 2014, television stations in the US Were Most Likely to report news stories on cell phone radiation health Risks (31 stories) including seven stories That Focused on Risks to children. The n ext Most common stories Either Discussed Radiation Risks from cell antennas / towers (14 stories) or Wireless S  mart Meters (11 stories). Seven health news stories Addressed Risks from Wi-Fi exposure, and four stories Focused on Risks from wireless devices or wearables.

The a bo ve  results are based upon Google searches for TV news stories about health Wireless Radiation Risks Where t he  video posted online Was; THUS, the actual amount of TV news coverage is Underestimated.

Links to the new TV stories APPEAR below  ....


For the rest of the story - Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Website:     Facebook:   SaferE MR News Releases: jmm716 / Twitter:berkeleyprc


Thursday, December 03, 2015

MINERVA PALOMAR, ELECTROHIPERSENSIBLE “Muchas personas lo padecen y no lo saben”

MINERVA PALOMAR, ELECTROHIPERSENSIBLE "Muchas personas y no lo lo padecen saben"

Lunes 23 de Noviembre 2015

El caso de los Salto Minerva Palomar medios de comunicación y los unos años hace tribunales. Padece of hipersensibilidad electromagnética, pero nadie the hacía caso. Al final, a juez dio the razón. Hoy es presidenta EDS, electro por el Derecho a la Salud. Esta entrevista is publicará Próximamente in la revista "The Ecologist" en el marco a monográfico dedicado a los efectos nocivos of polución electromagnética.

-¿Cómo Empezó todo? ¿Cuándo empezaron los sintomas of you enfermedad?
-Comenzó Generalizado con dolor y año en el extremo Cansancio 1996. acompañado mental confusión, dolor de cabeza, general malestar, dificultades of concentración, tachycardia, problemas de memoria corto plazo has ...
-¿Qué Pasó hasta if you diagnóstico the enfermedad?
-Pues Como pasar olny has mayoría de las personas afectadas of estos síndromes a peregrinate por médicos there especialistas respuestas sin nor tratamientos eficaces. Los tratamientos fueron por este orden llegando: fibromialgia, síndrome de fatiga crónica, sensibilidad química. The mejoría solo llegó con la de lo que significa compresión the sensibilidad química there electromagnética (the mayoría de las personas that tienen una, tienen la otra mayor o menor medida in). Esta mejoría depende mucho lo que pasa en el medio en el that estoy, por lo que puedo pasar 20 minutos de encontrarme aceptablemente has muy mal con todos los sintomas if por ejemplo mid vecino más cercano Enciende knew wifi, habla mucho por el móvil, a utiliza insecticida, etc. LOS Tribunales -¿Cómo llegó you caso a los los medios tribunales are de información? -Después de ganar has a juicio Seguridad Social reconocía todas as set patologías incluida the electrosensibilidad. Esto significa que el juez que las CONSIDERO probado padezco that there problematica de salud that padezco impide yo pueda tener ninguna actividad laboral. -Eres The presidenta of única asociación estatal that defiende los derechos de las personas con esta electrosensibilidad ... Háblanos of entidad ... -A raíz of difundirse mid condición of OPTOELECTRONIC ponerse has comenzó contacto conmigo mucha gente in afectada, para información sobre cómo manejarlo pedirme, cómo hacer las mediciones, cómo apantallar ... También expresaban knew me Agradecimiento a mi valor de los medios in aparecer de comunicación reconociendo that padezco este problema. Normalmente las personas afectadas tienen mucha vergüenza of reconocer públicamente that padecen este problema, debido a que hay mucha sobre todo esto lack of understanding. Muchas personas alrededor has nuestro toman como nuestra intolerancia algo personal, o como un rechazo al desarrollo tecnológico, cuando tiene nada que ver no con todo ello. Es una respuesta single llanamente there biológica ante determinados factores ambientales, absolutamente involuntary. De hecho entre las personas electro that conozco hay también médicos / as, Psicólogos / as, ingenieros / as, informáticos / as the mayoría de nosotros / as somos personas that hasta empezar has padecer el problema utilizábamos the tecnología sin problema, y as in hacer la actualidad intentamos adaptaciones in the medida de lo posible para seguir usándola. Esto implica sobre todo evitar las tecnologías Inalambricas. LOS afectados -¿Cuántas Personas crees que esta en el padecen patología estado español y cuales his problemas más comunes above?  -Are Difícil con saber exactitud Cuántas. Muchas personas y no lo lo padecen saben, porque no lo asocian. Tenemos como referencia Suecia, donde s'han contabilizado todas personas in his elecrosensibles diferentes Grados suponen are between 5 y 10% of población. Desde las personas con muchos e Intensos sintomas, como mi caso y el of mayoría de las personas socias of asociación, hasta sintomas leves dolor de cabeza como, Cansancio it. Los problemas comunes tienen más que ver con wifis there teléfonos inalámbricos of vecinos, no apoyo para tener adaptaciones in puestos de trabajo y los de los mismos pérdida. Enfermedad crónica sin recursos para palliate sus efectos (apantallamientos, acceso a viviendas en condiciones adecuadas) e incluso sin recursos básicos para la vida is that debido has falta de reconocimiento las personas is encuentran enfermas sin posibilidad de trabajar, sin tratamientos adecuados nor ingresos tipo de ningún. Las personas that hemos desarrollado a elevado of grado hipersensibilidad hemos quedado Practicamente excluidas de todos los espacios of socialización dado el nivel de uso de las penetración there tecnologías Inalambricas. Incluso para encontrar tenemos large dificultades espacios este tipo de free contaminación, por lo que con mucha encontramos dificultad espacios donde is alivien nuestros sintomas. Lo que incluye nuestras viviendas. Necesitamos el apoyo y buena voluntad instituciones para buscar las soluciones that permitan nuestra "reincorporación" a la vida social. -¿Por Qué los tribunales of his obstinate discapacidad has reconocer the hipersensibilidad? -Los Sistemas actuales of his baremos y no muy antiguos recogen adecuadamente la situación de las personas cotidiana real afectadas. Además the hipersensibilidad pone in evidencia that todos los sistemas de uso inalámbricos masivo actualmente no son seguros y esto es vivido por la industria como una amenaza knew negocio, por lo que destinan bastantes recursos desacreditar has en los medios de comunicación el fenómeno of hipersensibilidad are Financiar Investigaciones that den resultados "convenientes". Lo que tiene como una gran efecto sobre el problema ignorancia. A hay que esto añadir permanent falta de recursos para la investigación freelance, lo que en el dificulta enormemente Avanzar adecuado conocimiento del fenómeno.



LOS politicos
-¿Con qué os políticos habéis reunido hasta la fecha y qué balance Hacéis?
-Our Hemos reunido con parlamentarios en el Congreso de todos los grupos políticos, there dichas reuniones hemos ido acompañados of científicos expertos in bioelectromagnetismo that tienen largo recorrido in investigación en el campo, that han puesto y al día del conocimiento científico actualizado; sin embargo hemos visto cómo los grupos pertenecientes a los dos mayoritarios han votado a favor nueva Ley de Telecomunicaciones that permite incluso las expropiación azoteas para la instalación de antenas of telefonía móvil por empresas privadas. Y que no tiene una sola mención nor al Principio de Precaución, es más han eliminado y los pocos tímidos elementos of antigua that suponían algún control ley sobre estas instalaciones. Esta ha sido una ley por las compañías dictada of telefonía móvil. Por el contrario podemos decir que el grupo de Izquierda Plural ha Mostrado mucho interés en el tema, hasta el punto that han no Proposiciones elaborado varias de Ley. Por otro lado recientemente ha hecho eco Podemos is in the Europa problematica así como the EHS y las recurring múltiples denuncias por parte de organizaciones no gubernametales europeas the falta de rigor, transparencia e independencia de como el instituciones SCENIRH  -¿Por qué the Administración no hace if cumplan los Protocolos necesarios para protect has población of exposiciones has contaminación electromagnética cuando hay Sospechas obvious to daños has ciudadanía y qué hace vuestra asociación para defender el derecho del ciudadano? - Una buena pregunta that nosotros también our the hacemos permanentemente. Por nuestra experiencia tenemos the Sensación of that situación en los políticos in real de poder tomar decisiones Priman otros intereses, como los apoyar intereses de las industrias implicadas, e totalmente ignorar salud pública de los riesgos. ¿Por qué? ¿Por las puertas de el fenómeno giratorias? ¿Por qué nadie Hara pagar por su responsabilidad los daños if ocasionen? Desgraciadamente parece that muchos políticos No. trabajan para los ciudadanos, esto our parece muy especialmente in serious lo que la salud pública concierne has. Nuestra asociación está integrada in the PECCEM (contra la plataforma estatal contaminación electromagnética) as muchas Agrupa asociaciones (alrededor 250) that defienden la salud y el medio ambiente. Between ellas multitud of asociaciones of vecinos y grupos Ecologistas. Es realmente incomprensible that con la gran preocupación por este tema that exists y las Evidencias científicas actuales su inocuidad no, no se haya una medida tomado nor desde las instituciones competent. Lo mínimo sería the protección has infancia, campañas de información para uso y control responsible reducción y de los niveles of exposición. A nivel europeo hemos denunciado ante The Defensora Del Pueblo Europeo the mala servicios del Committee Económico y Social Europeo (EESC) por conflicto of intereses of extra uno miembros that produjó una significant distortion in el resultado of a sober dictates the hipersensibilidad electromagnética. SOLUCIONES - ¿Qué the dirías a una persona que ahora is encuentra en el estadio primer of enfermedad y que no entiende the ocurre qué? ¿Qué hace por ellos vuestra entidad? - Según nuestra experiencia las personas reconocen if a tiempo y las toman el problema es más fácil medidas adecuadas evitar that evolucione a los más serious estados that suelen cronificarse. Incluso en los casos más leves podrían revertirse. Desde la asociación intentamos difundir las medidas de tomar prevención has. Y cómo actuar in caso de que ya is haya comenzado has Desarrollar el síndrome. Esto implica reducir al máximo el uso y otras contaminaciones tecnologías Inalambricas EMC especialmente las horas Cuidando espacios of sueño y. Recomendamos además incorporar otros Hábitos Saludables, como el uso de productos eliminar Tóxicos comer comida y ecológica. Invitamos has asociarse Creemos the unión hace la fuerza. -¿Cómo Tomar medidas para el resumirías in lo personal / familiar, there protegernos disminuir the exposición has contaminación electromagnética? - Uso de Internet por cable. Prescindir del móvil, de no ser posible reducir al máximo su uso desconectarle: datos, BLUETHOOT, wifi, 3G, GPS, activarlo solamente cuando is beene usando. Sustituir por los teléfonos inalámbricos teléfonos cable. Solo mantener conversaciones largas in estos teléfonos (No. móvil nor por por teléfonos inalámbricos). Sustituir las bombillas of bajo consumo fluorescent incandescent o por led. Nuestra casa protect (sobre todo el dormitorio) de campos electromagnéticos externos: wifi o DECT vecinos, contaminación por antenas of telefonía móvil cercana tensión o alta y de alta tensión Transformadores. -¿Cuáles Son las soluciones? -The Hipersensibilidad es una nueva discapacidad that plantea nuevos retos, pero una discapacidad that requiere una atención y la búsqueda de específica soluciones that garanticen derechos de las personas Master afectadas. Sara B. Peña EL FUTURO MAREANDO THE PERDIZ -¿Cómo ves el futuro? -Dada the evolución del uso estas tecnologías, creo que dentro de unos años indiscutibles serán los efectos are riesgos Negativos la salud, como ha con otros factores ocurrido ambientales como el tabaco o el amianto. Mientras tanto los intereses económicos Implicados en esta industria intentarán interferir in the difusión de las medidas estos riesgos retrasar preventivas preventivas y y. Durante todo ese tiempo y las habrá daños irreversible instituciones a tiempo perdido Cómplices habrán precioso para los Desarrollar políticas preventivas that hubieran evitado. Para el colectivo afectado la situación muy poco halagüeña es, hasta que no llegue ese nivel de conocimiento generalizado conciencia there. Por eso una de las labores de nuestra asociación're the difusión sensibilización y la situación de las personas are afectadas. Más Info ...


Wi-Fi 'Allergy': Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Is Real?

This author is Suggesting That "electromagnetic sensitivity" is not real Because The "studies" show That They Do not always responds with symptoms When exposed to "hidden" wi fi. He (and others) are missing the fact que la symptoms come and go at random due to mere exposure is an Ongoing basis. An electromagnetic sensor is NOT A person METER! They do not "turn on" and "turn off" like a meter Does! Clearly, Those Who Would say There Is no such thing as this sensitivity are NOT understanding how it works!

Wi-Fi 'Allergy': Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Is Real?

Some people Who say the postponement Having EHS symptoms. Are debilitating impact and Their Lives Dramatically Credit: Shutterstock   
For Some Time now, people with unexplained and recurring headaches, dizziness and skin irritation-have-been blaming Their Often severe discomfort is sensitivity to electromagnetic field sources, provided Sometimes called Expired electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), selon the World Health Organization (WHO).    

In a recent case, the family of 15-year-old girl in the United Kingdom Who died by suicide Said the girl HAD Suffered from an allergy to Wi-Fi signals. The signals at her school made ​​her nauseated, gave her blinding headaches and made ​​it difficulty for her to concentrate, the teen's mother Said in a UK court is Nov. 19, selon a news story about the case in the UK newspaper The Daily Mirror .    

Participants in a survey  of people Claiming to be Suffering from EHS Described physical symptoms headache and tiredness Such As That Appeared Whenever They Were close to devices emit electromagnetic signals That, Such As wireless stations, cellphones and computer screens. Removing gold from the insulating Themselves Their signals alleviated symptoms, selon the survey Findings.  

HOWEVER, Scientifically controlled tests in qui people Were exposed to electromagnetic signals intended Were not Told When the signals Were turned it gold off overwhelmingly Showed That study participants Were Unable to determine When the signals Were present, selon a 2009 review of 46 Such studies published in the journal  Bioelectromagnetics.

What about the symptoms?
"People say Who are They Have EHS Clearly ill," Said Dr. James Rubin, a senior lecturer in psychology at King's College London, Who has Researched EHS and author of That Was the review. "Aim the science Suggests That It is not [electromagnetic signaling] That Is Causing the illness," Rubin Told Live Science in an email.

And although the WHO states there website icts That people Suffering from EHS exhibit "a variety of nonspecific symptoms," the agency says aussi That "EHS is not a medical diagnosis."  

"There is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF (electromagnetic frequency) exposure," the WHO says it icts website.

The symptoms of EHS can vary from person to person, usually very purpose are generalized, Meaning They Could Have Many causes. For example, a headache might tell you That you're coming down with a cold, or That you've Had too much caffeine. Dizziness May indicate indication the onset of stomach flu, gold Lack of sleep. While distracting and unpleasant, thesis indicators are not usually helpful in pinpointing what's Causing Them, qui can make it difficulty for doctors to Identify and treat the source of the disorder. [8 Strange Signs You're Having an Allergic Reaction]  

Determining disability
In Some cases, celebrities Who postponement Having EHS say the symptoms are debilitating impact and Dramatically Their Lives. The relatives of one 12-year-old boy filed a lawsuit Recently in Massachusetts contre His private school, Claiming That a new "industrial-capacity Wi-Fi" system at the school led to Their child's health problems, Reported. 

The boy Suffered from headaches, itchy skin and rashes, nose bleeds and Eventually, dizziness and heart palpitations, the following Said, selon Courthousenews. The symptoms, qui Could not doctors diagnosis, M me only During school hours.

School Officials rejected the finding That His Food Branch stemmed from exposure Wi-Fi, and an assessment of the Wi-Fi system found que la levels well Within Were safety parameters Established by the Federal Communications Commission. Aim the boy's relatives Asserted That Were His symptoms of EHS representative and qualified as a disability and, as Such, que la school shoulds be required to take actions to Accommodate it. [9 Weirdest Allergies]

In Reviews another box, in France, a disability settlement Was Awarded to a woman Who Claimed That her severe EHS Was So That She Had to live without electricity in a renovated barn in the mountains to protect herself from electromagnetic signals, selon year Agence France Press report. Purpose while the short Ruled That qualified her as disabling symptoms, it Formally Recognize EHS About did not have a medical condition.  

Testing reactions
In Rubin's 2009 paper, he Looked at studies Analyzing and Investigating triggers symptoms in more than 1,000 people Who Reported Having electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
He Concluded That in the paper "repeated experiments-have beens Unable to replicate this phenomenon under controlled conditions."

It May Be That Wi-Fi is not the culprit, purpose That something else is to blame for people's symptoms, Rubin said. A number of health and environmental conditions differ For Each individual, Could Be Responsible.

Another factor at play Could Be the "nocebo effect," in a person's belief qui That exposure to EMF triggers symptoms Actually the real causes symptoms to APPEAR, Even If No Occur exposure has occurred, he added.

Regardless of whether Wi-Fi "allergies" are real, The Suffering Certainly is, Rubin said.
Follow Mindy Weisberger is  Twitter  and  Google+. Follow uslivescience,  Facebook  &  Google+. Original article we  LiveScience.

Scotland ES-Retreat

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Electrohypersensitivity: a functional impairment due to an inaccessible environment

Electrohypersensitivity a functional impairment due to an unreachable environment

Johansson O. Electrohypersensitivity a functional impairment due to an unreachable environment. Rev Environ Health. 1 December 2015; 30 (4): 311-21. doi:. 10.1515 / 2015-0018-reveh Abstract In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity is reconnu have a functional impairment qui Implies only the environment as the culprit. The Swedish view Provides persons with this impairment has maximum legal protection, it Gives Them the right to get accessibility Measures for free, as well as Governmental Subsidies and municipality economic support, and to Provide Them with special Ombudsmen (at the municipality, the EU, and the UN level, respectivement), the right and economic means clustering to form disability organisms and allow thesis to be share of national and international Counterparts, all with the simple and single aim to allow persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity to live an equal life in is a society based equality. They are not seen as patients, They Do not-have an overriding medical diagnosis, order the 'patient' is only the inferior and Potentially toxic environment. This Does not mean That a subjective symptom of a functionally impaired can not be Treated by a physician, as well as get sick-leave from Their workplace as well as economic compensation, and already in the year 2000 Such symptoms Were APPROBATION in the Internal Code Diagnoses of version 10 (ICD-10 R68.8 / W90 now), and-have-been since. Underlying causes the goal still remains the only environment. Http://


The very first box-have beens May Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856-7 January 1943) Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist, best Known For His contributions to the design of the modern alternating current ( AC) electricity supply system. Descriptions health status de son Closely Resembles what we today Would Have electrohypersensitivity named. A surge of similar case reports seen Were aussi During The amateur radio (DX) years.

In more recent times, as early as in the 1970s, a report from the Soviet Union Described form a "microwave syndrome". The Soviet military reconnu early as possible on the side-effects from radar and radio radiation. Was this microwave syndrome seen in up to a quarter of the staff working with military radio and radar equipment. They Showed symptoms Such As fatigue, dizziness, headaches, problems with memory and concentration, sleep disturbances, and being white hot tempered. The treatment Suggested Was a change of assignments and to keep away from exposure. Rest, physical exercise, and nutritious food Were également offert (8).  

Also in the 1970s the newspaper industry Was one of the first to supply it's employed with personal computers using visual display terminals. Complaints of headaches and visual problems, as well as clusters of birth defects Miscarriages and in children born to female editors and newspaper --other employed, Some publicity generated. In addition, Many People Who Worked in the electronics industry in Sweden, Including an Estimated 12% of the electrical engineers fait que industry, est devenu Electrically sensitive, and Helped form the current Swedish disability organization ...

In the United States, then-Representative Al Gore Held Congressional hearings in 1981 on the health effects of computer screens ....

Today the Most Famous electrohypersensitive person is Gro Harlem Brundtland (20 April 1939), the Prime Minister of Norway train and the train Director General of the UN World Health Organization (WHO).

I and my collaborator, Dr. Shabnam Gangi, in two papers of theoretical in nature (27, 28), put forward a model-have for how mast cells and substances secreted from Them (eg histamine, heparin, and serotonin) Could explain sensitivity to electromagnetic fields ...

When it comes to functional impairments, it is always only Action That speaks, nothing else. To Ensure That everyone acts Within The UN Human Rights Convention is of paramount importance, and That persons with EHS is promptly Given full accessibility is the only acceptable goal, as is proper symptom identification and treatment When possible, aim Only When Asked for by the disabled person Himself / Herself. HOWEVER, the lathing shoulds never be used INSTEAD of the first.

For more studies are EHS: 

- Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Website:     Facebook:            http: // www. SaferE MR News Releases: jmm716 / Twitter:berkeleyprc


Update on International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields & Wireless Technology

Update on International Scientist Appeal is Electromagnetic Fields & Wireless Technology

The  International EMF Scientist Appeal  has-been signed by  222 scientists from 40 nations.  All-have published peer-reviewed research is electromagnetic fields and biology or health. In addition, nine scientists Who-have published  peer-reviewed research is related topics-have signed this petition.

The Appeal calls on the United Nations, the UN member states, and the World Health Organization to adopt more protective exposure guidelines for EMF and wireless technology in the face of evidence of health risks.These Increasing exposures are a form of Rapidly growing worldwide environmental pollution .
Go to  to see qui countries-have The Most Signatories and media coverage in more than two dozen nations.
Recent posts we Electromagnetic Radiation Safety website: International Scientist Appeal is Electromagnetic Fields & Wireless Technology Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising in the US: The Role of Cell Phone & Cordless Phone Use Children are more exposed to cell phone radio-frequency radiation than adults Effects of Teen Cell Phone Use are Effect of Mobile Phones is Sperm Quality Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Government Failure to Address Wireless Radiation Risks Cellphone Industry Product Liability Lawsuit FCC Process Reform Act of 2015 Cell Tower Health Effects 

Wi-Fi in Schools & Other Public Places
Recent Research on Effects WiFi

Wireless Radiation TV News
Secondhand Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation: An Emerging Public Health Problem

- Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Website:     Facebook:   SaferE MR News Releases: jmm716 / Twitter:berkeleyprc


Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Leszczynski in Australia: Part 1 – UNSW and ABC TV

Leszczynski in Australia: Part 1 - UNSW and ABC TV

UNSW-user-login-headerFriday, Nov. 27, 2016 Was a long day. First, a seminar with the group of Professor Rodica Rowing  at the UNSW, Followed by the working lunch. Slides of the presentation are available for download here SYDNEY 27 November 2015. SYDNEY 27 November 2015
In the afternoon There Was a lasting 4 hours interview with the ABC TV science program 'Catalyst'. Program on cell phones Will Be Some Time broadcasted in February / March 2016 and my interview Will Be apart of it.