"_5-HT contents change in peripheral blood of workers exposed to microwave and high frequency radiation
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 1989 Jul; 23(4):207-10
The 5-HT contents of in the whole blood were inversely proportional to the power density of microwave and high frequency groups. The incidence of neurasthenic syndrome, unsymmetical skin temperature in both limbs and hypotension was higher in the microwave and high frequency radiation groups that that in the control group. The incidence of bradycardia and some abnormal items of electrocardiagraph in the microwave group was obviously greater.
Note decreased 5-HT levels are associated with decreased serotonin levels and are an indicator of inflammation. 5-HT is the direct source in the body of serotonin. Decreased levels of serotonin are associated with depression or anxiety regardless of the illness that they are associated with, that is decreased serotonin levels are associated with cancer and depression, depression and rheumatic illness, depression and neurological disease, depression and infectious disease._"
From "Would You Stick Your Head In A Microwave Oven?" By Gerald Goldberg
I don't know if there is anything else that would explain the symptoms of anxiety that affect people with CFS. But I am sure some out there will offer alternative explanations. [Of course, depression can be a result of just being sick - but this I would postulate works in conjunction with a decrease in 5-HT and hence seratonin in the brain.] The unexplained anxiety that I felt when I was sick was strongest at peak cell phone usage times here in Japan.
Microwave - and other forms of electromagnetic - radiation are major (but conveniently disregarded, ignored, and overlooked) factors in many modern unexplained disease states. Insomnia, anxiety, vision problems, swollen lymph, headaches, extreme thirst, night sweats, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain, weakened immunity, allergies, heart problems, and intestinal disturbances are all symptoms found in a disease process the Russians described in the 70's as Microwave Sickness.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I have been getting acupuncture treatments for the severe allergic reaction I had from eating AjinoFuckinMoto's chemical poison flavoring. I had developed a horrible ithcy rash all over my body. Anyway, it's been two weeks since then and the acupuncture seems to be working quite well. I am impressed and so are my acupuncturists. I decided to give a few acupuncture places a try. Acupuncture seems to be very cheap here in Japan - I am paying about $15 US per treatment and each treatment is about one hour. Because of this I have also been introduced to a Japanese form of acupuncture which is called Ryodoraku. It is quite interesting and I hope to be able to bring my body into balance with these treatments. Every practitioner (I've seen three so far) seems to do things quite different from the others and I believe that it is all working. Unfortunately, because of the added electrosmog from digital broadcasting I am feeling quite electrosensitive especially when I go out since our apartment is somewhat shielded. Also, I am seriously thinking about trying NAET (Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Technique) - (see http://www.naet.com/subscribers/index.html) to get rid of my allergies for once and for all. Then hopefully I can get on with my life and take care of the other problems, the number one of which is finding a place in this world where I can live with my wife and son away from this debilitating electrosmog.
Today, my wife and I went to speak to the PTA at an elementary school about this problem. I spoke about my personal experience and then my wife, Chihiro, spoke covering most of the bases regarding the hidden dangers of this horrible technology.
On another note, one of our favorite restaurants had changed hands when I came back from our trip and went there. It is a Nepali/Indian restaurant. I ran into the owner on the street the other day and he told me that he had suddenly become sick and couldn't work so they had to sell their restaurants. I had told him before that his cell phone would make him sick but he seems to think rather that someone put an evil spell on him. Oh well! I guess some people can not think beyond certain limitations. What can you do? It is one of the problems with the world we live in. People are just too simple minded.
Anyway, that's all for now. Over and out.